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HOH: Angela
POV: Lisa
NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo

Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Deepfake HoH)
Downgraded: Chelsea, Cedric

previously on /bb/: >>201575366
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best girl
What bomb did Matt drop on Lisa?
He told her the whole house thinks she is working with Angela
cybersex with ainsey
and that the whole house thinks she has one of the powers
kek cedric a retard

>im a software chip
Live feeds chads, we're on season 2 of straight up good eatin.
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this season would be god-tier with izzy
she would control the whole house, but I dunno if she could tard wrangle angela.
Adding Hisam and Izzy to this cast would be incredible
I miss being a bachelor and being able to watch feeds 24/7, hamming it up with my /bb/ros.
I’m able to watch a bit here and there at least. But its not the same.
Always thought all I wanted is to get married and have kids. Now I have that and all I want is to go back to gooning and watching feeds.
Maybe I just need therapy.
The thread got bombarded by only show watchers last night and they were all pricks
wtf casting was good...
Someone needs to get Kenney on board to vote Matt out because as of right now he’s guaranteed voting for Kimo
maybe you could abandon your family and rejoin us again
>be me
>single and have to sit through the slop of bb22, 23, 24…
>find a relationship and miss most of feeds for 25 and 26 which are actually kino

Lisa is making me laugh rn at least
“Dont fuck with my game!!!”
If Matt leaves we legit might get a season where nobody fucks
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wtf did quinn tell angie he about his power what a retard
he also told kimo
he's a fucking idiot
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You know the answer to your problem.

Get in there and show them why you’re heavyweight champion of the world.
Lol thanks anon
I would honestly never watch the show again if feeds were gone. I don't like the cornball shit they do on there & sound effects. It's honestly the only reality type show I watch.
Kek based
Trying to build strong bonds. Kimo knowing won’t matter but I guarantee he regrets telling Angela
>Matt: What does Angela get out of putting me up?

Gee, I wonder why someone would want a tall, athletic man they aren't aligned with out of the house
Does anyone in the house think Lisa is lying about her age? What recent season was it when someone was lying about their age but everyone saw through it? Might've been BBCAN.
I agree. I get whiplash from watching the show after a week of feeds. Not sure how anons only watch the show and genuinely enjoy it
Bowie Jane last season claimed she was in her thirties but was 45 in reality kek
Other men are able to have secret second families. Get a secret apartment and a laptop, tell the senpai you're working late when you're really hanging with us.
Is it confirmed she's lying about her age? Her skin looks rough but it could just be way too much tanning
Lisa keeps referring to people as humans. Confirmed alien, or maybe it's just a Jew thing.
Oh yeah, that was probably it.
I don't think she is lying but I wouldn't be surprised if the other houseguests thought she did. She looks rough gor her age.
Kids are a meme sorry you got suckered into that
>matt: can i bank on yalls vote if i dont win
>tucker: fuck yea!
Angie schizo cam
She’s been doing that all week in the HOH room
Lmao true enough

Society told me it would be fulfilling though

Anyways enjoy feeds yall
Lisa threatening Matt kek
Basically telling him to fuck off at the end of the convo too

She’s annoying but pretty based at times
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matt is a complete retard
2 retarded matts in a row
In the storage room, Angela confirmed she remembers Quinn's power. There was speculation she had forgotten.
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he who runs the kitchen runs the house
What did Matt do to Lisa, exactly?
love these schizos
Did someone mention they played Animal Crossing? I thought I heard it in the other room
Leah and Joe were talking about it
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Shirtless Joseph just staring at Leah when she keeps talking about wanting chubby guys
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Thanks anon. Both are now based
thats probably why she feels so confident. she has quinn in the back pocket with a super HoH power. If he doesnt use it like she wants, she can just blow it up
Leah isn’t like the other girls. She pretends to like fat guys as her main form of attention
>you need to see that authentically
How dare you use the veto to get off the block after they blindsided you with the nomination?
I still can't believe Quinn told Angela about the power. What a dumb fucking move. I don't think telling Kimo about it matters as much because he's too autistic to spill the beans.
Lisa is getting so upset she just blue screened for 5 seconds
Honestly Matt is smooth brained Lisa is just going to gossip about this convo to the rest of the house, bad juju
She wishes to be fat but also does not want to be fat until she is married
tbf he told her before she went full blown schizo
yeah but why would you tell ANYONE that you have a secret HoH power day what? fucking 2? thats insane
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he told her when she was still acting normal, which is still way too fucking early
That's why you don't tell people things when you've known them for an hour kek
leah is a twitter retard
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the real crime is she's a fake blond
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It’s weird to actually see Tucker around Leah. He said yesterday that he hasn’t talked to her at all yet
T’Kor not digging Leah’s jokes about British accents
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sugardaddy seeking temptress
yeah, probably because tkor cant do a good one
probably just worried that she would put him otb
Kenny and parker are going to run as a duo angela will be their other and the floaters and other players will get caught up in it flip flopping and floating
these two are retards. must be nice for the others to get away from them for hours like this.
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lisa has not said anything new in the past like 15 minutes, just paraphrasing in hardly different ways
how? that's a talent
>turn feeds on
>matt is talking in circles about how great of a person he is
getting tired of this episode
The more I hear TKor talk it really just sounds like a speech impediment
if his power were like MJ's then it would've been okayish but the whole point of the deepfake hoh is ruined by blabbing to everyone you're the one doing it
I don't think I've seen T'Kor smile once.
She's hoarding the speechcraft level up spot. Speedrun strat is to grab the one going home and practice your big brother dialectics.
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she went to the detective dud school of interrogation, just be blunt as fuck and babble a ton
It is a manipulation technique used to gather information and implant thoughts into the victim.
>generate a conversation
>present the same conversation on repeat
>make minor adjustments to the script each cycle
>provide no new information or ideas in a 1
>victim reveals his thoughts while getting hypnotized into thinking the script that is fed is the truth
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Lmao Matt is saying Angela is so crazy she should quit for her mentals
hyper sanity is the only way to function in the world these days
Matt talking to the cam by himself and button boy cut away, lame
i wonder if she is a boogie2488 fan
Matt thinks he's in a good spot
He's talking to Mak now
Pretty sure by fat she means dadbod and not jabba the hutt tier.

Captcha: 48YAY
She is laughing a lot around Kimo
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lmao Lisa is fucking insane
??? Leah heard someone talking in the backyard about her and she went to confront them
She's biting their heads off
It's about them doubting her job
casting deserves an across the board raise this season
this entire house is fucking nuts lmao
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not even them doubting her job. just assigning a fake job to everyone other than their real job
She will lose her shit probably more than Angela
just think lisa was all set to go home before winning veto
and that veto win turned her up to 100 on a scale of 10
>"""""""queen of vibes"""""""" is actually a crazy controlling bitch
just cant believe it
How does Quinn's power work?
That gay Jew that replaced Robyn as casting director is good. BBOTT, last season, and this season are all his casts.
>Quinn will strip the HoH of all of their power, secretly controlling their nominations.
>Ainsley will create a deepfake avatar of the HoH that will look and sound identical to the real HoH but it will be Quinn who controls what it says.
>Quinn can use that to spread misinformation and rumours.
>The power can be used once in the next four weeks.
>The HoH will remain safe
Has there been any official confirmation that the Reindeer Games competition designer(s) are back for this season? Or are we just assuming they are because of the production values?
Lisa still wants to talk at Matt? She kicked Kenney out
he has to give ainsley an orgasm and if he fails, he goes up as a nominee
iced oatmeal cookies sound pretty good
so the one week that the hoh is forced to give all their noms thru a tv screen will make it pretty obvious when the power was used huh
i can see quinn be a good lover
The girls are gossiping about Lisa confronting them
It was Lisa, not Leah. Someone made a joke that she was a doctor and not a chef and she lost her shit
this years comps look the same as past years. but i didnt watch the xmas shit
Yes, and it's a WAY better power than America's veto. It's the inverse of KC and Sam's week 1 punishments in BB20
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whole house is talking about lisa going schizo mode
the ability of this cast to lose it while everyone else thinks it's just joking around is glorious
i just dont understand how they can make the deepfake believable
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>BB26 is the first season in BB history that only men will be facing eviction week one
Matt is the most Danny Zuko hg in bb history
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love that little pancake booty
thats cody
t'kor looks different today
if I had to bet on it, I'd say they'll make the HOH record a video of them nominating whoever Quinn wants and t hen act shocked when it happens and that'll be the "deepfake"
Button boy needs to stop cutting away from the other people talking. Lisa is just repeating herself
Mak's retells of this around the house later tonight are going to be good
nah, that's cody california
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>Big Mack's long legs
I want them wrapped around me
that could have worked if they had been doing the video noms from day 1 but now it will just be obvious a power was used
wtf how did meema get in the house???
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she's lost her shit over vague allegations of rumors about the upgrade and her job, imagine if she found out the shit tucker has been spewing
Lisa thinks she can keep this private
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we made guacamole and laughed
these are actual crazy people. they have no problem talking in circles for hours at a time
>that is crazy that that is even existing
This cast is pretty cuckoo bananas
pentagon meeting incoming
im begging for comfy feeds
manifesting a Lisa HOH win
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What happened?
Due to the dynamic nature of this operation, we have those daily on how to weaponize the movements of the BB cast
an Angela v Lisa blow up would be kino
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that'd be good good fun
stress eating already... remember she said she was 180lbs at some point
Lisa talking to matt for hours parker is in the vents
cedric breaking perfume bottles and just running away
>lisa: i can assure you, that the most genuine person in here, is me
I'm sure Leah loves that Matt is running around telling everyone they're working together
Leah probably can't even chew gum and walk in a straight line
at this point im fine with matt leaving just because im tired of his retarded convos taking up half the feeds all the time
Matt is so fucked. Chelsie and Cam talking about nobody being able to trust him and that he threw Tucker under the bus

Who did Cam say has a hard time picking up social cues?
Is pentagon just the brown people alliance and quinn
They just said they're keeping him because he's bad at social cues
they were trying to have an alliance meeting but he's just oblivious
kek angela and kenny getting into to it now over kenny professing that matt is his boy
Angela and Kenny going at it
Angela messing with kenny
i dont have the energy for these endless schizo feeds. im gonna watch a movie or something
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>It's a game, it's not my life
Angela destroying cuck Kenney
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like 4 fights in under a week
this woman is a certified lolcow
angela is the biggest hothead since ______
Joseph was right in just avoiding her altogether
what the fuck is happening in this house
angela just wakes up and picks fights. she has to be a terror to live with
god I love Angela
um sir you cannot question angela's decisions
urry1 exploding
One of those contestants who barely passed the psych eval
chelsea pretending to clean
Kenney is going to get his ass booted if he’s not careful
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im starting to think they only cast people who fail the psych test
Angela 4 Slop
wanna see her further break
angela delivering one of the top 10 best hoh reigns in terms of entertainment
her on slop and otb she might self-evict
Why is she doing this in front of the house
Kenney should just be quiet and let her look crazy
>officer k says matt is his boi
>this enrages angela to the point of a spastic tantrum
best villain since paulie
quinn's face as he watches the woman he told about his power lose it on yet another hg LMAO
It's a range just below a fail on the typical psych eval range
The angry plate wiping
I hope Julie destroys Kenney if he's the one evicted
house is going to get tired of angela by next week
julie has been replaced by ainsley
I'm pretty sure they're sick of her now
they're tired of her now, she has no real allies kek
the only reason she might survive the next two weeks is the amount of insanity coursing through that house leading to endless targets, lisa for instance is hated as well
scenes when kenny sabotages him and kemo's chances at the AI arena so that matt wins
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Quinn is shitting himself again trying to calm down Angela
best season ever to just hang in the background and chill
the regret on his and joseph's part for trying to ally with her is palpable
huge targets like cam and cedric are gonna coast through to jury and comp out thanks to matt, lisa, and angela
Lmao finally T’Kor finds out about the putting her up on the block drama
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Angela just keeps talking at people
Monologues galore
why do they put the fucking feeds disclaimer up so often when you just switch cams. its so annoying. it should be shown once when you start a session and thats it
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>lisa trying to make herself feel better by assuring kenny hes a good dad
>kenny cuts her off because he doesnt need that shit
>she wont stop talking because she has to self congratulate
this is an asylum
I dunno how she avoids the block next week. No way someone would be dumb enough to try and drag her to the end as a goat, you'd go insane.
leah in a new bikini alert
it would take balls of steel to attempt to drag that suicide bomber to final 2
I swear Cam has a hidden door he takes to hang out with production half the day because I never see him
leah is not hot enough to talk as much as she does
cam and parker hang out in the vents where they have meetings on how to psyop the house
>Cedric confusing Mary Jane with Gwen Stacy

what a fucking loser
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She's in a ho
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Glad I pay $60 a month for this piece of shit
Kenney implying he will throw the competition so Matt wins it is not going to go over well in the house. He should have just kept his mouth shut
normies don't care about specifics
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>$60 a month
he was already pretty fucked so if anything I'm glad he'll let us get another week of schizokino
Why is Angela talking at TKor now. She just keeps blinking her eyes like she's over it
The Pluto feeds don't need a VPN, if that's why you pay that much.
Kimo is boring, but I have nothing but contempt for players like Kenney who throw their game away for someone else.
>T'kor getting a crash course in Angela schizo time
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Hope T'Kor confirms info with Tucker.
We wear diapers instead of using piss jugs in current year
>Am I ok talking to you about this?
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>inb4 every evictee in jury phase threatens to not vote in F2 for whoever sends Angela to the jury house
at least he's throwing his game for someone that will keep the house going crazy

Quinn just casually lurking to make sure she doesn't schizo out in private kek
the only way to win angelas game is to stay completely silent
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I found the reason, my VPN is enabled (even though split-tunneling is on)
Quinn realizes he's gonna have to babysit Angela to prevent her from blowing his game up
tucker my man what the fuck
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Poor autist, Angela isn't even talking to him but he's like frozen there for some reason
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T'kor is just there to be black and nothing more
Tucker crying? What the fuck
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tucker having a breakdown
10s frame is money
half this fucking house has already been reduced to tears at least once and we haven't even had the first eviction
tucker is having a psychotic break on the balcony. he may end up jumping off head first
>it hurts to win and i love it
bro this house is actually an asylum lmao
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A quick meeting with the headmates
she is used to yapping all day to her deaf sugar daddies
tucker about to get called into the DR for some of the meds they gave sam from bb20
i cant believe they got rid of the foosball table. guess i blame bb25 since they only tried to play it that one night
>I love you
>thank you...
TKor is so sick of Angela lmao
>angela: i love youuuu i think you're greattt
>tkor:....thank you....mmmm
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Thank fucking god they keep showing Tucker going full melt down for three seconds at a time before they swap from him back to the same room all the other cameras are on!
big brother stealing the HELLHOUSE from fishtank except an actual hellhouse
they pulled 16 hobos off the street and told them to act like whoever the fuck they wanted for a chance at 3 months living inside a house
T’Kor might actually just be an actual normal sane person which is why she seems so fucking boring
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Probably true
cute Leah butt
If Tucker has a real melty they want to control the narrative
someone needs to tell rubina to go comfort tuck because dude's having a genuine breakdown
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>why wont she go away i havent said a word in 20 minutes
Grodner has the food drugged
>damn thats crazy x60
lel quinn left them
imagine if you could pick any cam you want at any given time with no cuts. or be able to pay money and send a TTS message to your favorite houseguests. what an upgrade that would be to this show
Quinn has finally escaped but now TKor is too awkward to leave
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I love Leah
>*and I promise I'm not a crazy woman*
Lisa is on her fact finding mission
Did I miss some kino?
letting viewers send messages to hgs is maybe the most retarded idea ever placed in the universe
I haven't seen kimo on the streams for a bit
Yes. Lots happened within an hour
So insane lol. He’s angry crying talking about how he swears on his family - cut to a literal empty room.
Genuininity? Did I hear that right?
keep matt
have him target angela

simple as
jfc i cannot avoid lisa feeds shes fucking everywhere. GO AWAY BITCH
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>Leah sthowed me the tattoo under her right tit, iths veryyyyyyy sthexyyyy
his family probably didn't sign a waiver, then
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I'm fat, do you think I have a chance bros?
i just had to get that out. im good now
Kimo was hiding upstairs
maybe if you go climb the walls and get in there right now
lisa cornering kimo and demanding answers as to why people dont like her
Lisa found him and grilling him now lmao
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She’s a complete psycho and I love it
top kek cam is the only person elusive enough to avoid the schizos
"fuck my life"
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>quinn cornered on cams 1/2
>kimo cornered on cams 3/4
Kimo is trying to tell lisa to stop being insane and she doesn't want to hear it
I think we need a house meeting
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im dieing
based gay guy doesnt know that telling a woman to stop being crazy is the worst possible thing to say
Lisa asking multiple questions about if people said anything about her cooking kek
>Ahhhhh I went on the lying game show and everybody is lying wtf
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This is fucking insane considering we haven’t seen one houseguest get evicted yet. I don’t even know if they’ll show half of it on the show
did she just say "scotch free"?
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>cooking is so bad people think you're lying about your job
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she did. what? you thought the saying was scott free?
Tucker is running this house
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>scott free
there are more landmines in this house than ever before. if you get up to get a drink of water you have to dodge like 7 different people or youre stuck for hours
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its scot free
jesus christ lisa
>my ideal scenario is you and kenny on the block and i vote to save you
Is this the new meta? Is derrick's impact finally over? I'd be happy if it is.
Quinn camera time
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wish we couldve had loma in that room
Quinn you’re good right now man quit bugging
>Quinn - If I can shut up-
Cut to Lisa talking at Kimo
why do they keep cutting away from cam talks
He tied his game temporarily to Angela by unveiling his power.
Quinn gets heartburn watching any of the public fights.
i would have a hard time not going crazy with all these schizos talking thru me all day
>big mack has been sunbathing this whole time
Angela was on Dr. Phil for being a manipulative mother LOL
Is Cam over at the Trader Joe's next to the studio lot picking up groceries or something?
Wtf is that really her? It tracks though
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>chemo's first real move was telling lisa that tucker is out to get her

man this dude can go
Oh yeah I forgot about that, that was a really stupid move.
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>Angela schizo lore
confirmed studio plant ?
WTF ???
She was also on The Price is Right
Casting needs an Emmy for this season
Lol wtf? CBS plant Angela
don't care if angela is a production pet, she's bringing good entertainment
I suspect she is just voracious about applying to shit.
is wayne brady is gonna have to choke a bitch?
Start digging, we need more Angela lore
Why are they muting Kimo and Lisa? And not showing the backyard convo on video
kenney being sensitive. he might be one of them homo cops
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Pretty sure he had a bunch of swinger tiktoks get exposed.
lisa telling kimo that if its kimo and matt on the block she doesnt know what she going to do
>lisa telling kimo she doesn't know if she'll save him if it's against matt to kimo's face
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bro sweet kenny k better win that comp and force this house to keep matt.
id think itd be better for everyone if matt and angela were still in the house together at each other throats
lisa straight stonewalling tuck and leah in the unicorn room
Tucker is back from his melty
Lisa seeing tucker clown around after finding out he's been talking shit about her LMAO

pittsbros = feedsbros

footfags = showfags
my mack babygirl
What is the full episode called? :[

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