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Was Vic Mackey the most alpha pitbull manlet in TV history? What other short dude mogged like him?
>pitbull manlet
An aggressive yet alpha manlet
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So like a woman?
What was the worst thing Mackey did?
>and your wife's pussy tastes like sweet butter
How do you respond without sounding mad?
The Shield was too based for this faggot world, we'll never see something as honest as the "SPOOK STREET! REPPIN THAT SPOOK STREETH MY NIG!" scene ever again. Today they'd all be white suburbanite gangs getting arrested by trans cops from Africa.
How come its never on any stations as re runs? A bunch of shit shows get re runs but not the shield?
>Today they'd all be white suburbanite gangs getting arrested by trans cops from Africa.
Name 5 shows.
Too controversial, especially after the knee felt around the world.

I can name 5 guys who nut in your mom's ass for $5, and they're all named Tyrese.
Prob murder that snitch cop. About as first degree as it gets. Idc I’m just saying the other shit doesn’t compare much. Robbing and selling drugs, providing protection, helping criminals escape ect
Fucking Ronnie Over
Turn on and try to kill Shane for doing exactly what Vic would have done a week too late, ultimately resulting in Ronnie's condemnation as well, all so Vic could keep lying to himself about it.
Enjoy the summer while it lasts little Timmy.
man that last scene when ronnie is getting taken away in cuffs screaming
pretty crazy that he did his worst crime in the first episode
How was Billings so based?
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watch the Elite Squad movies
where do you even begin?
I still remember the first time I saw the first episode it aired around when I was in 7th or 8th grade and I was a big fan of cop and crime movies and TV. Went into I thinking it was just some amped up Pacific Blue type bullshit and was in shock when he executed him. What a great pilot
He PISSED all over an Internal Affairs investigation
Terry obviously. Why couldn’t they just set him up and get some jobber One-Niner to kill him?
Why was Dutch a bitch? Why was Billings alpha
k i n o
it always irked me that vic murders a cop in cold blood because he was a snitch, when there were like 50 ways to deal with that that were not capital murder
but then throughout the season he goes out of his way not to kill some random gangbangers or do any really "bad" things
as if he was growing more ethical over the years when i think it should have been the opposite
Ate pussy
Didn’t Shane’s gf kill that other cop with a toaster or some shit too
I don't think they fully understood Vic's character in the beginning. It is extreme for him to do that when you compare to how he acted later in the show.
fuck off Cavanaugh, enjoy your golden showers in prison
tayvon was a tough nigga, he didnt die
He was racist.
Terry was supposed to die at the end of S1, they killed him in the pilot because they didn't know if they were gonna get picked up or not.
Fucking Ronnie over at the end, easy. Dude was the ultimate bro who stuck with him through everything including getting his face burned off, and was the only one to never fuck up and put the team in hot water. And he turns on him in the end because despite all Vic's "GIMME MUH KIDS" talk he threw Ronnie under the bus so that he wouldn't have sole custody and have to raise them himself.
Honorable mention to mindbreaking Shane into murder-suiciding his family
even better
sad af
I love the fact that Shane doesn't look at the tv and just look at Vic the entire time, already in the state of accepting his fate
Watched it recently and yeah the Terry thing nagged at me the entire time, since the more characters got fleshed out it was clear Vic would NEVER have done that. It would've been easy to just chalk it up to "Pilots gonna Pilot" which you have to do sometimes for shows, but they never distanced themselves from it and kept bringing it back up until the final episode
That’s the only issue I have with the show
>when the spic bigwig was forced to suck crackhead beaner cock on video
he didn't wanna fuck over Ronnie but he had reached this point where it seemed like there was no way to save Ronnie, but yeah it bothers me more than killing terry or lem thats for sure
Billings is /OURGUY/
Despite being a pretty good detective, Dutch was insecure as hell. Billings didn’t give a fuck and did whatever he wanted
based vending machine scammer
I rarely see anyone mention that billings had a cameo on always sunny.
>Vic murders one team member, gets another murdered, leads another to suicide, sends the final one to jail for life
>rewarded with cushy desk job
>Aceveda constantly interferes with investigations either to get ahead or hide that he loves to suck dicks, leading to dozens of deaths (including cops) and millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars being wasted
>probably the president right now in Shield timeline
the ultimate badguyswinlol show
Billings got cucked


>Cries like a faggot so many times in the show.
>Fucks the same chick only and gets emotionally involved instead of rotating multiple chicks
>Breaks the bro code for saving his own ass instead of going to prison like a real man

Sure he is an alpha.
This is not a legitimate criticism. When people do bad things like murdering people, 99% of the time it's out of line with how they normally would act, but that doesn't matter, because they did do it and made that choice to cross that line.
Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher
>Cries like a faggot so many times in the show.
Like you don’t cry for the smallest shit, faggot.
>Fucks the same chick only and gets emotionally involved instead of rotating multiple chicks
He doesn’t? Are you talking about his wife?
>Breaks the bro code for saving his own ass instead of going to prison like a real man
It was for his family, retard.
And they cast him as The Thing in fantastic 4 LAAAWL
My favorite thing about this show that no one talks about is how the dialogue can go from standard cheesy TV one-liners to the most realistic dialogue I've ever seen, and it still works. This scene is exactly how people actually argue in real life

I didn't say I was an alpha male did I? I am refuting that Vic is an alpha. He is a sleazy beta male with no values.

Alphas don't cry or break down time after time even during arguments with the friend. Only woman have such loud shouting matches and start crying in between.

His wife & the lady he cheated with and I think one more cunt he got after dumping the cop. Point being, alphas fuck a lot and don't get emotionally involved unlike Vic who clearly is a beta here and keeps fucking the same puss till the cunt gets tired of him.

Family? Yeah sure buddy. That's what all the manipulating sleazy betas say. I am sure you admire Walter White also for doing meth "for family". These guys project their own insecurity and fear in name of family or some reason. If Vic really was an alphas he'd be a ride or die guy for his bros and would have gone down to jail like a true warrior.

Alpha males are not some sleazy manipulating trash but are much simpler and more awesome. Ancient warriors who died fighting get their praises sung not stupid politicians of the court who lie and deceive.
ur a bitch lmao
Shut up faggot.

Come here and kiss me on the lips, bro.
I had already been spoiled on the ending of the show before I watched, the whole reason I wanted to watch it was because I saw scenes on youtube like this one, and the Shane/Vic argument in S6, the Ronnie arrest, and a couple others. I think it was better that way desu, seeing the way everything lead up to the ending
That's not true at all, like not even remotely. It's not true for the low IQ low self-control apes who go ooga booga all the time and it's not true for the sociopaths who keep thinking about murdering all the time, act on it and almost always say they would do it again
Its true he was a massive faggot his entire run on the show.
No it's correct. When you do the worst thing you've ever done, you're at your lowest point, that's why it's the worst thing you've done. People are fallible and make mistakes and fuck ups because of their flaws. That's how life works.
You headcanon can't compete with actual facts and statistics, sorry bud.
If you watched The Shield you'd know that Vic is capable of murder.
>rewarded with cushy desk job
Uh... not sure about this one kek, Vic looked like he was about to blow his brains out in that glorified storage closet of an "office".
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No, not like a woman.
He meant tough guys that Joe Pesci portrayed in Casino, Raging Bull or Goodfellows. Small but fierce little forces of nature that had to compensate their size with violence and presence.
I don't watch that slop but just pick 5 police/legal dramas out of a hat and they'll all have it
The villains often win in life, yeah
So you can’t think of anything. Good job.
If you'd watched The Shield you'd know it's completely out of character and literally just a device at the end of a pilot to shock and hook people in
>I have no idea what rationalization or what overcompensating is
That's incorrect. Vic was drunk on power at the time and made a choice to do something evil in a situation where it was convenient and easy
Guy was a total piece of shit, I think you are the one who did not watch the show.
Murder was perfectly inline with his character.
>none of those are killed by Vic except 2 guys from the mafia trying to kill Vic's family
It's like you want to prove me right
would u have sucked the cock or took the bullet?
I would've never been in that position in the first place
How not mr politician
>ok, don't touch my lawn though
he saw all the dei hires in leadership roles and knew the game was rigged
>would u have sucked the cock or took the bullet?
Sucked the cock 100%. And so would everyone else, btw People are weak and fallible, they wouldn't act in the ways they view as ideologically righteous, they'd take the easy way out. And that's what I would do, because I am just as fallible as anyone else, I'm no better than anyone, and I would most likely just do whatever is most convenient to preserve my own personal sense of comfort.
The murder was off character desu. He doesnt do anything near that rest of the show, he almost turned goody two shoes compared to episode 1 Mac
First episode dude
just started season 3. when does PREVIOUSLY ON THE SHIELD and GODDAMIT DUTCH and FAGGOT NIGGER SON happen?
A lot of people aren’t weak most are
Source: Trust me bro
He kills a bunch of people and covers up murder and considered killing Shane's children
Season 4
I wish they didn't have any of the main characters' family drama shit. There is like three bitch wife characters at certain points of the show (Vic, Aceveda, Shane's wives) and they make season 1 breaking bad skylar look reasonable. It adds nothing to the show other than feeling like a very artificial stress factor, wives don't feel like real people at all, I've seen some faggots online defend those characters but I will never understand how or why
Previously on the shield theme is so good but goes to 10/10 to 0/10 when that faggy piano keys start playing, makes it sound like some cheap telenovella bullshit. I love when Lem announces PREVIOUSLY ON THE SHIELD for a couple of episodes before his death, he really makes it feel like he in some deep shit and the actor sells it really really well
It’s important to remember that Vic is someone who is a master at compartmentalisation.

He is able to pretend that what he does is for the greater good of his job when he constantly separates all the evil shit that he does from the rest of his work in his mind
> fucks the same chick over and over again

Did we watch the same show? Vic (albeit unrealistically) pulls a wide array of ass.
>We Killed... A Cop
I’d bite.
siring an autistic child

I’ve been trying so hard to find that fucking theme on its own, but I keep getting the just another day theme instead.

Can you help me out desu?
what are your favorite scenes bros
He's at piss now. Can you say the same?
And so forth
Yes it was totally unrealistic, far too risky and out of character but it was the greatest tv hook evar.
Was the hero we deserved.
pushing Shane to kill his wife and kids. bar none.
>he couldn't have known what Shane would do
doesn't matter.
shane is batshit, no way he should've done that, and no way vic would know he would, its shanes fault
>the wire written by jew
yo we be like pawns in chess and shit he was a good boy he dindu nuffin
>the shield written by goy
fuck niggers and fuck faggots too violence is the only option
If I were to attempt to rate the hottest chicks in the show he probably banged the top 3 (that K9 dog trainer (EASY #1) > that chick who runs the battered wives home > his lawyer during Kavanaugh stuff)
I remember wondering how he managed it and then I saw Chiklis as producer on the credits
you forgot the dancer shane fucks, easily the hottest on the show
Be a hypocrite, and that's the worst part
Stealing Dutch's ding dongs.
shooting the cop, dont care if hes a snitch. Mackey snitches at the end too
As someone said here, Billings was the only one (and rightfully so) who didn't tool his job seriously. This city is a shithole and it's always gonna be, you can't change it.
>violence and presence.
Oh no anon you're under 5'6 aren't you?
I don't mean this as an insult just reality:
No one has ever been intimidated by anything joe pesci has ever done that was over 5' in height.
this >>201618350
He tried to defraud the city !!
Billings is the best bro. He doesn't give a shit about work, plus he'll get you vending machine snacks and Tina's nudes.
>under 5'6
nigga, more like 5'10 lmao
my 13yo cousin is 6'2 imagine being a shitsmall subhuman in this day and age id kys myself lmao
The cop murder in episode 1, easy. Everyone else he killed did bad enough shit to warrant it even if Mackey's reason at the time was selfish.
>especially after the knee felt around the world.
Wouldn't that make the show less controversial since it's all about cops being shitheads?
I dont forgive him for cheating on his wife since before the show even started. How can he be a family man and commit extreme adultery (also started a second family).
>bragging about being under 6'
Anon you somehow managed to make it worse... Please stop.
Anyhow point remains no person that short has ever been intimidating ever. It just isn't a thing.
I read they were planning on making Dutch a serial killer in secret, but dropped it pretty early on. Dutch really got screwed over in the writing. He doesn't really change or grow or have any real story arcs despite getting so much screen time.
I like to pretend Dutch in SoA is just what they wanted Dutch to be, which was a serial stalker with a badge
Yeah they went from him being a killer to him being a permafaggot who never gets to grow really but gets HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS of tv time focused on him. What the fuck were they thinking?
yea that cat strangling thing was weird and never went anywhere
Billings cucked him hard lmao
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I want to see a Mackey/Herc crossover spinoff
I loved seeing Shane on the run in the end. It was like, "Yeah, Vick's awesome, but here's how this would go in real life if someone without Vick's plot armor tried to do this shit." Shane just got shit on over and over again.
Billings ruled they should've done a show focusing on him being a cop in chicago or baltimore or something kek
By not acting like Rambo and going into an unsecured building alone with nothing but a pistol and without knowing if anyone is on the way while I've done nothing but sit behind a desk the past ten years.
Man, dropping that autism vaccine lawsuit was the smartest decision the writers made the entire show.
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I still can't believe American Dad made a recurring character based on Kavanaugh and it's the best thing I've ever seen.
on first watch I just hated Shane cause I didnt get the show but after recently rewatching it I realize Shane is just Vick but without plot armor yeah. Vick would've killed Lem too if he knew Lem was backing out of going to Mexico
I saw the american dad version of Kavanaugh before I watched the shield so I thought his mannerisms were just completely exaggerated until I watched the shield, lost my shit
>randomly start dancing and hollering as a hivemind
do African Americans really?
Enjoying your coffee?
kek I forgot how much of a sperg he was in the shield.
It wasn't supposed to go anywhere, he did it because he was frustrated that he couldn't help Cuddlerapist and didn't understand 'that thing' he talked about that made him do it. He wanted to see the light leave something's eyes to try to unlock that secret and maybe better understand the "killer's psyche" on a personal level but just immediately regretted it and realized what a horrible mistake he made, hence the adoption of the blind runt kitten at the end of the season.
Killing kitties is sad :(
Michel Chickless is like 5'10"
More like Michael Dickless, amirite? Just like Jeremy Renner.
He's probably closer to 5'8 but anything under 6' is short so whatever. Also in jew world thats "tall" kek
Holy based i need to watch this
>bragging about being under 7’
You’re not even trying
the shield is one of the last shows to actually have black gangs act like black gangs and not noble gangsters
Holy mother of incel cringe
I never bragged about my height I'm a manlet next to andre the giant its true... :(
feel free to give any examples of “noble gangster”

Hard mode: shows you actually watched
Not him, but I'm on season 2 of The Wire right now, and that show fits that to a T. Omar is basically the archetypal 'noble gangster' so far.
>feel free to give any examples of “noble gangster”
pretty much every single show where the gangsters are the protagonists
He was fully prepared to kill pregnant Mara and would’ve done it if she hadn’t seen him, that’s easily the worst
Mayans MC had a lot of "we're better because we're not white and we're in gangs because we're not white. Why did white people do this to us?"
I just watched American Gangster where Denzel Washington portrayed black robin hood when the wikipedia article has a historical accuracy section longer than the plot of the film
Who’s the biggest piece of shit on the show and why is it Aceveda?
Underrated scene was when Dutch got btfo'd by the serial killer
>goes on to strangle a cat
>when the wikipedia article has a historical accuracy section longer than the plot of the film
surprised that hasn't been edited down
Reminds me of that movie about the super smart black women who did all the math for those stupid yt boiz so we could get to the moon.
I was about the same age when it premiered, and also a big fan of cop shows. Me and my dad always watched The Shield and NYPD Blue, the other cop show that was considered groundbreaking at the time.

Sounds like we were two pretty based young dudes, no? What the fuck went wrong...
You sound like a geek and your father should've beat you.
Billings was based as fuck. Wasn’t obsessed with the job and actually had a life and family outside the Barn, unlike most of the psychos who worked there. Him basically just quiet quitting after losing the interim captain job was hilarious
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dutch boy
Checked. He’s literally me
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>Be Billings
>Be a high IQ genius mastermind who is ten steps ahead of one of the departments best book worm detectives
>Is able to trick one of the best detectives into getting ambush cucked
>Puts in the minimum of work despite being able to clear cases easily
>Hates pedophiles
>Respects The Strike Team and is willing to help them despite all they have done
>When in a position of power just allows people to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't bite him in the ass
>Quiet quits his job on a daily basis just to dick around all day
>Diverts department resources into buying personal items
>Rips off the greedy incompetent department through a vending machine scam
>Has a fun sense of humor
>Refers to his lawyer as “bitch dyke lawyer”
>Is a gifted expert in the art of seducing women
>Secretly talks and shows pictures of the hot new rookie with boys

Everyone says that they're Dutch but for me it's Billings
They did, Two-Time killed him
I don't understand this "the wire has shakespearean negroes" meme. I know we're all le ebin racists here but if you've ever seen a single episode of the wire you'll know that the drug dealers are not portrayed as good guys.
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Who took his Ding Dongs?
It's because of Vic's hubris. He thought it would be easy to kill him and pin it on some gangbanger. He didn't realize the moral and mental ramifications that would have on him and the team. Most of the problems came from Vic trying to grab control over the pandora's box that he opened. It created this domino effect that ruined him all the way to the end. Every bad thing that happened can be traced to this one moment. Vic got so wrapped up in his ego thinking about how easy it was to break the law and get away with it.
Yeah, it was weird. I couldn’t picture later season Vic having another cop killed, even if he was a snitch. Even Shane didn’t go on his kill list until he tried to kill him and Ronnie first.
The shield is the most unhinged show I have ever seen
Yeah Vic taking Dutch’s Ding Dongs went way too far
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I absolutely love how fucking desperate and futile the tone gets in the final 6 episodes.

You see it on all the characters faces. You see Ronnie and Vic and Shane desperately trying to escape the fate they made for themselves. You feel the absolute desperation from them.
He had to suck dick to get to that point
>go in expecting comfy cop kino
>get Shakespearen tragedy
Pretty sure he’d still take it over getting a back full of shiv and ass full of cum courtesy of Antwon Mitchell’s goons
Never. It's extremely over exaggerated
His last scene is literally about how he's grown from a pussy who can't get laid to a guy with game. His last scene is clearly showing how he's grown. Of course it's not a crazy big change but that's the point. Just like life we only change very little over time.
The only thing he did I don't agree with was the attempted insurance fraud. He was way too trigger happy with that and needed to wait until a better opportunity came up or set it up better.
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Not even close to the worst thing he's done but pic related is my favorite "jesus Vic what the fuck" moment when he's out on the street
I'm watching it now, on season 2. They're portrayed as victims of their circumstances more than anything. Omar is basically set up as a villain protagonist, but then they forgot to actually make him do anything bad in season 2, so they had to bring in the nigger with a library card for him to shoot once.
The shield was full of stuff like that, because they wanted to keep it realistic. Julian goes from being gay, to being gay in denial, and there's no resolution, he just keeps living in denial happily and eventually it isn't brought up anymore.
>almost all the criminals are nogs or spics, none of them are sympathetic, Farmington as a whole is portrayed as a ghetto shitpile that can’t be saved
Couldn’t be made today
I think the money train actually did more. Shooting Terry was bad, but only Shane was really sure Vick did it. And even then, well he was a snitch, he was gonna fuck the team over, he was a liar, so you could still kind of wiggle out of it. The money train was just objectively doing a crime for personal gain without even the veneer of law. And the whole team was forced to be in on it.
I don’t have a moral problem with the money train robbery because it was literally just stealing money from criminals, but it was such a dumb fucking idea that was clearly more trouble than it was worth even before they did it
Omar is the writers' pet but Stringer and Barksdale are morally grey at best, and the main gang boss in later seasons is a straight up sociopath.
Anon the show is about a group of white criminals running around with badges showing you that the people who say they are there to help are just exploiting the poor and powerless too from the top down. Look deeper.
So basically the zogbots and gangster shitheads deserve each other? I agree
>and the main gang boss in later seasons is a straight up sociopath.
The Greek or a guy I haven't met yet? The Greek is white, so that answers that. Otherwise, I'll have to take your word for it. But Stringer is going to college and it feels like both him and Barksdale are trying to play the game 'clean' so it's easy to see them as noble. Hell, they basically did nothing evil in season 2 other than Stringer ordering D killed. They framed the DOC cop, but he was an asshole and they tried reasoning with him first, and even then they just gave him a drug charge instead of shanking him or whatever. The blacks in The Wire are a million times less niggerish than The Shield.
How did he get away with it?
literally me
She should have fixed the damn door
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To say nothing of the fact that they could've got a ton of mileage out of building up to Terry's demise (if they even killed him anyway) and that it in itself could've been a hge recurring plot point (trying to frame other people for it, etc.).

lol in reality a corrupt police squad that suspected it had been infiltrated would've just given the guy busywork and shit, or let him go point like Serpico and just let fate take its course

This is in reality a really poorly written show, but that's obscured by a great concept and great performances. The Nation of Islam episode and the drop weapon episode are the best examples of this. Just fucking nonsense but Americans are too stupid to concentrate beyond a one-minute raid scene scored by Kid Rock so they never grasp any of it, that and there were always B and C stories every episode to act as distractions.
based alert
based man of honor fuck all these faggots
you've barely started it. wait till you get to marlo
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Which in reality means 5'7", since it's self-reporting in Hollywood.
there are these two jealous black guys who keep fighting over a fat white girl in the early seasons a couple of times. its always julian and danni checking on them
its played for comedy and then at some point there is a just a 10 second ending scene where they get called to a random house and one of them is dead
Which in reality is under 6' so he might as well be 5'.
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You're right, he is 5'7".
Vic is so cool im going to buy those sunglasses and dress like him when i go outside perhaps that will help me get some women
How many of them did he fuck?
kek what did everyone involved in this mean by this?
t. science truster
dont forget your 10th booster
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Also the shows creator is a bald manlet and Vic is clearly his self insert
I am also a bald(ing) manlet who spends too much time at the gym. What do I have to do to be drowning in pussy like Vic and Shane?
Be a cop and then gain the confidence and swagger (of a black teenager) that comes with beating up punk niggers and being untouchable for years.
Wear a wedding ring.
Dutch getting to slap the cuffs on Gardaki right in front of Vic’s fat manlet face was the sweetest revenge
Toppest kino on Le Shield
There were quite a few things like that that got set up and I was like "god dammit I don't want to watch a season of this storyline" and then it was like the writers heard me and nipped it in the bud an episode later. The most notable I think was Kavanaugh planting evidence and having that CI lie - I was not looking forward to the rest of the season being the bullshit fallout from that. But then Kavanaugh was just like "okay you got me, I faked it all. I tried to be Mackey for 5 minutes and it destroyed me"
But I'd say the smartest decision by far was completely ignoring Julian's personal life after the 3rd or 4th season or whenever it happened. Dude's gayness and then struggling to have a baby plots were the worst part of the show
I wouldn't have minded one or two more Julian episodes at the end to give him some closure or a finale, but I agree with you almost entirely, yeah.
The Shield was written almost entirely on the fly, yet it managed to not only be good but have one of the best endings in TV. I think it worked because there were never any "myth arcs" or mystery boxes. It's just characters colliding with each other to increasingly catastrophic results.
obviously killing Terry is the worst thing he did
Hard disagree on Kavanaugh, the resolution of his character was anticlimactic as hell and my least favorite part about the show
I am 6'1 and I hate women, at least get your stereotypes right. I am a misogynist, not a Napoleon.
Almost forgot, you should read about the characters that were portrayed by Pesci such as Tony the Ant Spilotro and Thomas DeSimone. They were notoriously short (lol) so they compensated with ultraviolence. I can tell you have never been in jail or a fight in your life.
When does shit get fucked past the point of them being able to fix it? I think everything gets out of hand really fast after Lem’s death
My favourite scene by far is Claudette being five minutes too late to nail Mackey. She just watches through the glass as Vic confesses to everything, and storms out to have a panic attack. The last few seconds of the scene, she looks totally lost, it's really good acting.
>that little shuck and jive before he gets pushed into the police car
I kek every time
The money train ruined everything. Split up the team, destroyed their friendship with Lem who was the moral compass of the team, and it brought tons of heat down on everyone.
Lem getting killed is definitely the point of no return. It just opens up another can of worms. Shane stupidly thought the whole thing would go away with Lem. How he didn't think Vic would go on a rampage and cause even more problems just goes to show Shane wasn't much of a forward thinker.
I hated her so much, but not because I am a chud (I am) or her niggerdom.
She was such a good actress that I felt actual contempt for her sanctimonious bullshit. She was a needed force in the show.
generally agree with this analysis. I went ambivalent and entertained to contemptuous of him near the end
you have to admit fucking Kavanaugh's wife was based though
>didn’t even get to nail Tina or Dani once
World is a fuck
sure maybe the odd kid gets roped into a gang and shoots a shop clerk during a bad robbery and tumbles headfirst into moral dereliction but more likely it's going to be the shithead that's been robbing and assaulting people for years that will pull that trigger and for them it's just another smooth step down
They clearly just wanted him to be a season villain, but since he wasn't a drug dealer, they couldn't just get him arrested or kill him off, so they had to come up with something quick because Forest Whitaker was too expensive for many more episodes.
very funny clip
>goes on to strangle a cat
killed the Dutch character for me. goes from based to cringe in seconds. apparently it was a setup for some retarded Dutch crime spree arc which they axed
this has always been a Billings board
What about the last scene? He constantly chases department tail with sofer and Hanlon but then ultimately scores a lawyer instead.

The most ironic thing about that is that he barely had to make a move on her or an attempt.
it manages to never fly to close to the sun with it though.
it's rollercoaster pace reminds me of Breaking Bad but much more tasteful and less goofy
Shane was always a fucking idiot. Why exactly did vic keep him around for so long?
>The blacks in The Wire are a million times less niggerish than The Shield.
which one has the brutal scene with the young kids killing their friend as he pleads with them?
>To say nothing of the fact that they could've got a ton of mileage out of building up to Terry's demise
I really liked the pilot. I like many others assumed it was a mediocre generic copslop drama and the pilot slapped me out of that mindframe. If S1 was just a slow burn I doubt i would have finished it
because he was a loyal follower who did what he was told. Shane literally explains that in his suicide letter.
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Dutch killing that cat is worse than anything the strike team did
yep. great character. Peggy Hill energy.
>To say nothing of the fact that they could've got a ton of mileage out of building up to Terry's demise
the entire point of the pilot was to immediately establish the main storyline that would carry the series. Dragging out Terry's death would have negated that. You'd get scene after scene of teasing Terry might die this time but oh no he's fine. That shit would have sucked the life out of the show and there's no chance it would have been as popular as it was.
>no no midgets are violent retards so people are scared of them
No we laugh at them. They aren't "feared" for being midgets. They are mocked for lashing out.
>I can tell you have never been in jail-
Imagine thinking something like this is something to be proud of. You must be deeply brown.
They made it seem like he had his pick of them at the end, AND he cured the bitch dyke lawyer of her lesbianism. He didn't even have to use the gangrape method to do it like that korean brother used on his sister
>Peggy Hill energy
the difference being that Peggy was wrong 95% of the time and Claudette was right 95% of the time
true, neglected to add that
All he had to do was be himself
>gets hired because he's not like Vic
>fucks Tina
>does nothing else of note
>gets fired because he's not like Vic
She was one of the best by-the-rules cops on the show
Is it just me or is Dani’s actress kinda shit? She sounds like she belongs on a news station or something
his boss was a diversity hire
For being Vic's baby mama she always felt weirdly underutilized, that might be why
they really should've just wrote her out when they had the chance, writing her back in when she had nothing to do kind of ruins her character
>packs up to leave forever because Vic is being overbearing asshole guy
>comes back 20 minutes later
With all the high stakes shit going down the final season really threw in some really dumb family drama stuff that just abruptly stopped. There was also that whole thing with the daughter suddenly being a druggie and just straight up bitch trying to get her dad thrown in jail, but an episode later she was super loving daughter again
she was just being a woman
you like it don't you, kav
Shane did not deserve to go out like that
yeah he did
OG Shane was cool but he became such a weasel like halfway through the show.
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be shorter than his daughter
I bet she tastes like sweet butter
If this post receives 100 upvotes I'll go dickless for Michael Chiklis literally this afternoon.
I was dying earlier watching this >>201636730
Been awhile since I watched the shield. good memories.
Mackey fucking his wife was probably the most absurd thing they ever did on the show.
So how does it end?
Does he really just sit there and do his desk job?
Or does he run out and miss filing a report and go to jail?
Or does he pull off some big bust and somehow get back to the streets?
Nah that was rather realistic, a guy fucking another guy's woman just to hurt someone. Usually its a woman doing it but men can be just as petty.
He kinda did. Like 99% of the Strike Team's problems were caused by him thinking "I can be like Vic too!" and failing miserably
the wife had mental problems as well
>Does he really just sit there and do his desk job?
he clearly doesn't
>Or does he run out and miss filing a report and go to jail?
that's not his style
>Or does he pull off some big bust and somehow get back to the streets?
even for The Shield with its asspull deal to have Vic escape legal consequences, that would be absurd

I think he just ran away, never to be seen again
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>an entire season about black people complaining about crime and then complaining that the police are mean for dealing with crime
Give it up. Women will always think you're a shrimp and never be sexually attracted to you.
I don't know, I don't see him abandoning his family
As soon as he exited his cubicle with his gun he was arrested for violating their terms since the Fed chick said to keep it boxed up and was looking for ANY way to end him, and now he's in jail getting railed by Antwon with Ronnie laughing from a distance. Ronnie was still very much an afterthought side character in the Antwon times so he forgot he existed and thus avoided the rapetrain
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>Aceveda tells his wife and his cousin (or something) that he got raped and they both ask him why he didn't just let the guy kill him
He starts dealing drugs/doing protection work for criminals and gets caught by crackheads in a house and is forced to suck dick on camera.
Vic Mackey in Falling Down II
i love shield threads

you sound jewish or black
I unironically think he starts freelancing nights as a vigilante because he can’t go 10 seconds without using excessive force on some gangbanger. He probably gets caught eventually and commits suicide to avoid prison
Aceveda’s wife’s lack of empathy over that whole ordeal is astounding, what a fucking cunt
>yeah yeah I know you got raped blah blah get over it just FUCK me loser
She's wearing heels
He never bothered to think about how him getting raped would affect her.
she also has two X chromosomes, manlet
>"I'm the nigger with the faggot nigger son?"
and it's not racist because they have an episode where the koreans do it too
About the same time good colonies shows up
>I just wanna raise the baby on my own and not have you pay child support
????? I get he was a corrupt adrenaline-junkie but still that’s so unrealistic
>nooooo my sister is a lesbian
>I will pay a 50 year old fat white man thousands of dollars to kidnap and rape her into straightness
I mean, it worked so I guess I can't knock it
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coming home from work and watching season 5 back in 2006 was so kino. i got my first legit good money making job, i met my short chubby cute italian wife with green eyes. Fuck i want to go back bros i hate my life right so much right now
I know everyone hates Kavanaugh and you’re supposed to hate him, but it’s really interesting seeing a character that knows everything the audience knows but can’t prove it in universe so he’s just desperate. Love that shit. Like he has the knowledge of God but is still human with flaws
I like him because he's a fucking sperg moon cricket who can't into reality.
I liked Kavanaugh. He was a bit unsettling but that’s just part of his charm
Said the n-word
Terry. It's what kick-started his evil arc
This feels so fucking real, like this exact thing has probably happened in LA several times
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no never ever
I don't recall Julian ever giving him a pass
He got it from his former partner or whatever Apollo Creed
damn, cassidy looks like THIS?
I miss the early 2000s
The pilot when they killed a cop working for IA. Once they start looking at you like that they will throw the kitchen sink and eventually get you on shitty paperwork, perjury, tax evasion etc.
Have you ever known crims? They always minimise their actions and blame everyone and everything under the sun for what they do.
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Coolest villain?
but vic is the hero, he saved the lives of countless civilians
Nah thats Billings.
They made such a big deal about that mexican girl he raped not talking because of her family. What about Kristen Bell? She flat out told them as much in interrogation and they just never brought her up again
because she was a whore who chose to associate with mexican gangbangers
the mexican girl was a minor who did nothing wrong
Wish he had a bigger impact. When they burned his face it seemed like a huge deal, but I don’t think it even mattered that much. Also why was his older brother a Chicano cholo while he was a narco guy? It’s just inconsistent
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