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HOH: Angela
POV: Lisa [/spoiler
NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo

Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Deepfake HoH)
Downgraded: Chelsea, Cedric

previously on /bb/: >>201607941
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>when leah flirting with quinn
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Sorry for fucking up the spoilers. I was racing to make a new thread. Here’s some Leah
so is quin grodner's nephew or something?
they look oddly similar
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Quinn is based but I mostly did it for Christie in the background
>cedric ghosting his pre-season fuckbuddy
think Tucker would appreciate my Sopranos impressions for hours?
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Which houseguests do you realistically think you would be friends with in real life?

I think it’s probably Tucker, Joseph, and Quinn for me
this shit needed to stay in the oven and cook longer my boy
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i'm scared...
leah finna get the deep dick from cam
Only big mak
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>Who is most likely to win, about to draft in a bb pool, won last season by pure racism and getting the turban, this season I feel like it will be rigged for that zoomer nig cedric. If you had to pick two people that will make it the farthest who would you pick.
please respond this is for $200 and I am defending champ. I truly believe just picking the people that would appease the woke agenda (casually, not the psychos) the most is the strategy.
leah is legit getting horny about cam eating taco bell
>shrieking over mutual love of goyslop
tuck turning leah on about getting bloated
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Happy birthday to Kenney's kid, just go join her already.
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>Leah horny over Taco Bell talk
I think Leah probably annoys the shit out of most of the other women in the house, especially Chelsie. The constant talking and her talking about how rich she is was tacky
it's fine
I don't think he's gonna get any action inside the house
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I can barely stand her and I'm attracted to her.
just talk about fast food and you can get in leah's pants
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If someone screencaps Chelsie’s ass at all tonight I’ll suck your dick. She doesn’t wear stuff like this very often
we just keep winning fatfuckbros
Tucker Des Lauriers
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shes barely ever on cam though
quinns gonna be bragging about gaining weight within a week
Is T’Kor super religious or something? I noticed she always says “heck” and when asked about her celebrity crush she opted to say “women who empower her” instead. Probably the only houseguest that gets fully dressed in the shower too
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i was going to try for you anon but i think that stair scene you were talking about was during a pluto break for me. sowwie
she has lesbian parents so doubtful but maybe, crazier things in the world
She’s been on it quite a bit tonight
>two moms
I'm not a betting man but...
She might be a lesbian herself and/or just a hardcore feminist. She stresses she wants a women alliance and it’s important that a woman wins
i dont get why mak is so low on jokers. shes a boss bitch and she won a comp. is because her association with matt? lean is way more annoying and she is #4 and has been 1 and 2
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Kenney getting grilled by Cam and Kimo about his food truck was kino as fuck. Using his undercover cop skills to make believable shit up (except how much money he makes in a day, that was ridiculous)
leah seems a lot more sociable than kensey
idk why chemo is so high
Association with Matt and she comes off rude to people pretty often
/bb/ always picks their guys super early. Here's a recap since the inception of 4chan threads
14: Ian/Frank
15: Amanda
16: Devin/Beast Mode Cowboy
17: John
18: Victor/Frank/Bridgette
19: Cody
20: Brett
21: Michie
22: Ian
23: no one
24: Kyle, then Terrance
25: Luke
26: Tucker
Rubina is technically a midget
She does not give me those vibes at all. I think she's just socially awkward, & like Meme, has never really been among white people & other ethnicities before.
T’Kor is so clueless. She said she thinks Matt might be safe because Angela and Lisa will vote for him to stay.
>I think I need to talk to more people because I’m getting the opposite vibe
lol 23 was travis hundo p. and 14 was frank until ian mentioned 4chan

pretty sure 17 was jace too
24 was loma
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we were /777/chads after zombie week last year
You’re probably right. She mentioned she’s a hardcore introvert, which makes sense if she literally just crochets for a living. Not sure why they’d pick her to be on the show though

I’m listening to her now and her accent has completely disappeared talking to Chelsie kek

but yeah for the most part its always some douchey meathead self insert
lisa cooked next week and the melt down is going to be seethe/10
Kimo thought Matt for sure had the votes to stay too. They're really out of the loop.
OTT was Shelbers
Someone 100% saw her Kelly Clarkson Show shit or bought her stuff online & thought she had a helluva story. And it is a great story, but it may not translate well to this game & how it's portrayed.
Damn Joseph is really out of the loop too. It’s hilarious to hear T’Kor and him tell each other what they think is going on
The shape of Chelsie’s tummy and ass here make me feral
i think a matt / kimo noms thursday will provide the most chaos. force more people to show who they riding with
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nice to see a woman this season who isn't a fucking plank
T’Kor is actually right about Makensy having the power. Did not expect that
Makensy has told nobody right? Hers is way shittier than Quinns though.
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When Chelsie stands up here it’ll be perfect time for caps
My gf is a bit larger but roughly has the same type of build. You either have that type of ass or you don't. You can workout & get a toned ass & shit but you gotta be born with the right hips & pelvis to get something like that.
she told matt and leah but tkor stumbled her way to the right answer kek
who will be the first to laugh at the BS alliance and call it BS
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>20: Brett
brett was cool but it was Mistman and the Puppetmaster
I'm Canadian, so I don't know the extent of it, but in my mind there has always been a stereotype of some black Christian religion where they sing in church a lot, and the priests have like 10 kids and are married even though priests shouldn't, and they even welcome gays and shit. No idea where I got this impression, but if you told me that some weird ass American black girl with lesbo parents was religious, I wouldn't even be surprised as an outsider.
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>23: no one
Nothing worse than a fat girl with no ass. Fat and no tits is pretty sad too.
Something's up since we basically found out her name is fucking Dina today & T'Kor is her middle name.
He was gay and fat, only gay person we like is Jason from 17/oot, also I didn't watch 23 because n-bombs
With Aura as a based sidecharacter
>only gay person we like is Jason from 17/oot
Maybe he was liked in 17 but deeply hated in OTT
>T'kor finally learns how to speak only once she's one on one with another black woman
She clearly is built exclusively for playing a cookout game. She wants nothing to do with these crazy whites.
I hated that midget with a passion, made me want to leave the threads when you spammed him anon. He gave me the impression through the screen if he ever touched me, I would have to wash that area with sanatizer, and he was also the worst kind of gay wearing speedos, and he's bald, and a midget. I hate him so much. Mistman was cool.
how was paul's chess game when he entered the house on bb18? was he already a player or did he learn that in house too? lets see what tuckers chess game is like here
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stop trying to fit in tourist
>the WBRB cut
This is not the "based" clip you think it is, its obvious he was upset by the Haleigh's comments and just wanted to offend her out of manlet rage. Then he tried to play it cool, but he knew what he was doing. If he said "cheese room nigga" then he would be cool, but he's gay and a midget.
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nah he's a based midget
She seemed very against trusting Kenney and I was confused by that. He doesn’t really do much scheming
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forgetting someone?
is josephs jacket cool or cringe?
I like how much T’Kor likes Joseph. I think she knows he’s kind of a dork like her.
watch the n-bombs bro
that little look he gives bayleigh before dropping it
She knows he was involved in the floyd arrest
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Chelsie has a wagon
>tkor: mmhmm

what did she mean by this???
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>favorite hg is cirie
T’Kor is actually playing the game a bit tonight. Maybe she’s just a late bloomer
1. Shelby
2. Scott
3. Shrimp
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lemme ask the sages
everyone but cam, kenney, and rubina did some gaming today
I would beg for a non current event podcast instead of an album at this point of my life. Nothing that could fuck with the game, just something fun and to pass the time.
leah is annoying and talks alot but she does a good job of asking the other HGs about themselves and listening. it goes a long way even if its disingenuous
Kenney made up with Angela so that was at least something. At least I won’t really feel bad if Kenney goes home because he kinda wants it
In his defense, she did say midget. Nigger says midget, midget says nigga, that's fair in my eyes.
JC was a based Gay midget and the second best player of BB20. He hates woke faggots with a passion.
Yeah sometimes she will go off on tangents and houseguests not really included definitely pick up on how annoying she is though. She seems to talk over people a lot too
I like that Chelsie likes Kenney and is down to hype him up this week to actually compete against Matt
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>It was reported today from the Big Brother house, that Cedrics boxer briefs have appeared to have gone missing. Reports of a hooded man seen near the premise
if the midgets and the niggers could get together... now that's what the white man fears
Is it just me or did a flip switch in T’Kor where she is actually trying to play the game and is laughing and having fun with people now? This all happened within a span of like six hours too
her melty is going to be something
everyone shes talked to today said she needs to start playing and talk game with people
leah has been all over cam tonight

quinn getting cucked
Multiple people told her she needs to start actually talking game to people earlier today.
Leah has been flirting hardcore with Cam lately. With Makensy moving away too Matt must be in shambles
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Honestly it’ll probably be weirdly hot and give me a boner
bbc bros were right this is terrorism
After seeing all the revelations of Angela on various other TV programs, I'm now convince she's an actual psychopath.
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all because he failed to mention gorging on food earlier than cam
she's the nightmare karen from hell
I mean look at Quinn, he was the most obvious dude to get cucked in the history of the show. Still don't see Leah getting with Cam though, she picks a different guy every night and laughs at everything he says.
She is not a psychopath, she is a sociopath
blacks are in an alliance with quinn called "the pentagon"
That's just the average middle aged white woman. If she wasn't here she'd be terrorizing Nextdoor or her local HOA.
why would you tell another HG to get their head in the game unless you wanted to exploit them
There are plenty of fame whores who apply for any TV show they can think of, it's just that she's the right amount of entertaining non-dangerous crazy to actually get on.
Why does he want it
How the fuck does that shit about her husband not talking to her daughter for 5 years even work? There is no way that was even true, that had to be a grift.
if he's pussywhipped by her it's not that hard to imagine
He says it’s been a gloomy week for him and that he really misses his family. I don’t think he really vibes with anyone in the cast either. The closest was Matt, who will probably get voted out and he can’t even tell him about his true life

He’s stopped trying really. He had a chance to play a game with everyone just now and just walked off
Is matt or kenny the target? I’d rather Matt go he does have crazy eyes.
MAK NOO. stop hanging out with him alone
The bathroom conversation is comfykino right now. Joseph is getting gassed up by everyone
How long has Angela lived in Utah? She's originally from the LA area. I can totally see her as the type who regularly attends tapings of game and talk shows.
Chelsie saying Leah is funny because she’s always laughing at her own jokes before she even tells them
if he wins the arena, kenney
>leah and cam still playing around
quinncucks... it ain't lookin good
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She gonna get schmeated. Her insides are going to be plastered all over those plastic rocks by morning.
Angela is running this house she’s the cirie of this season.
is everyone putting angela up next week? if she does go up, does she leverage knowing quinns power?
wtf is going on
tucker wont put her up and quinn doesnt either because she knows his power
having fun except for matt and kenney
Their games are over whichever one stays is gone next week. Queen Angela btfoed them so bad.
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>put up there by matt
>brought down by quinn
she's gonna run through those men like fine wine this season if she stays
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quinn looking dark as hell these days
cam 1 bug brother
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I think Chelsie is pretty based and playing the game pretty well so far even with a disadvantage
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lisa and leah meditating on energy and surroundings with the bee
chelsie talking about how gen z is illiterate and how shit is fucked and people just trying to survive paycheck to paycheck
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Angela is so condescending. I wouldn’t be able to put up with her.
chelsie talking nigger politics
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Leah and Lisa are the two dumb bitches that just repeat Yassssssss to each other
Oh, fuck off. If you actually listened it would make sense that maybe you should try to teach kids how to be good with money and that they don’t have to be doomed to live in shitholes their entire lives
I want to pollinate Leah's puffy pussy.
have not feast
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No offense but maybe thats what woke people want you to think blacks are like... the black community at large doesnt fuck with gays and certainly not religious blacks
Leah is probably getting horny watching these boys stuff their faces
tucker is really going to work
Kimo can’t even talk from how happy he is eating real food, it’s fucking hilarious. Tucker and Quinn are tapping away and he’s just locked in chowing down
this isn't 2010 son
black are definitely more homophobic in general than any non fundamentalist whites but I'd say it's more 50/50 anymore whereas even ten years ago it'd be 80/20 against
and in real life people are often contradictory messes as opposed to doctrinaire online personas
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>i already have to shit but im not leaving here
he definitely was the hardest hit by being a havenot kek, hopefully he gets some pep in his step
it will be interesting to see how these HN's games will change after tonight
Tucker basically telling Lisa to fuck off when she’s trying to add glitter to his spaghetti was hilarious
lisa devouring mama brooks slop
who's the dumbshit who decided on that ridiculous island
completely fucks up the visual space and makes no sense traffic wise
the funniest part of that beef is that tucker is one of the few people who doesn't shit on lisa's cooking necessarily, but shits on everything else about her and shit like that
This shit is making me hungry

Also the threads are kind of lame so far. Nobody capping shit
lmao leah grandstanding during the hn feast
desu the feeds suck quality wise so until they fix it i'm barely watching
there is a reason for this
tbf matt does have crazy eyes
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I get webms but capping live is easy enough
Tough to get good caps if you cant pause the stream
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i had some apple pie and nilla ice cream so im pretty good. but yeah, the spaghetti is looking tasty
the bbviewer dude is still cooking so hopefully that'll be out soon
if this holds
he's got a minute rewind ability working so it won't be blink and you miss necessarily
He’s had a bacon egg and cheese, a plate full of spaghetti with a salad, and now he’s going in on pizza. I think Kimo tapped out already

Glad you caught him eating spaghetti like that
that's now leah, chelsea, brooklyn, quinn, and angela I think for camtalks so far?
a hell of a lot more than last season that's for sure
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i like what his hair is doing right now
i swear to god i thought that cunt was gonna inhale the whole plate for a second
his mouth is insane
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Tucker was genius casting. I don’t think the show only people will ever be able to appreciate him as much though
Very suspect woo from Joseph.
capping live requires you to have foreknowledge of what is about to come. if you really want to get the right cap some kind of ability to go back is essential. even the 2 min rewind and delay on pluto is not enough. cbs and paramount are actively seeking disengagement. its literally over
has he pooped yet??
leah was talking the entire time the feeds were out
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>button boy letting her yap her head off giving the others time to relax and eat, all without us needing to endure it either
based and delightfully devilish
she has no idea they arent showing her. ouch
He said he had to take a shit like three bites into his bacon egg and cheese but said he was holding it until after he ate everything
Angela is going to schizo out with the serious vibeshift today, they're no longer kowtowing to her because they had to
she's camtalking but they keep cutting from her kek
leah's diatribe in the unicorn
why does cedric wear the hat?
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I can’t believe they’re all still eating. I think Tucker might throw up
Protects his hair in his sleep
Nobody listens or laughs at Kenny’s jokes and it makes me sad
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he's just like me
Matt: I’m about to be POKING these girls
>feed immediately cuts out
He was probably so excited before coming on the show. Told all his coworkers to tune in and everything
tonight has been the first week reset happening
I want Chelsie to roast me
What’s that mean? Like everyone is gonna be in better spirits now?
kenney and angela really should just go to bed, awkwardly sitting there isn't helping them and the rest would do them good, yet the young kids enjoy the night. dud and cirie were smart in that regard
it was the first have not feast. butyeah, they could shuffle off to bed
angela asking quinn if he told anyone about the power
weird first impressions and alliances form in the first couple days and then after a week when people start to know each other better the dynamics change. there an awkward stage when this happens and it was today
I knew she would schizo out from how on the outs she was at dinner
she just asked him if the joseph cedric alliance is still a thing. quinn scrambling
Once the camera zoomed in on Angela in the kitchen just zoning out I knew she had this sort of shit planned
Angela keeps saying her “nice self” is going to return eventually. How could she possibly improve when she’s been this insane while being HOH?
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>I have altered the deal, pray I do not alter it further
>i know who has the second power
>but im not going to tell you yet
>that wouldnt be good for my game
>but its not because i dont trust you
shes got quinn by the balls. he cant even do anything but placate her
Cam wants Angela to leave him the fuck alone
yep, single worst decision made in the house that wasn't outright schizoing
he either has to waste it getting her out or is bound to follow her whims until he uses it
Kek Angela is accusing Cam of making T’Kor go up on the block instead of Matt and absolutely not buying that Cam is denying it. He’s not doing a great job denying it either

She thinks she’s a genius and Cam is just convincing her that she might be right because he can’t defend himself well
schizo angela is out and about right now
Cam wanted to call T’Kor over to show that Angela is a schizo and it’s not true and Angela refused to let him. I’m fucking seething
tkor mmhmm game is too fucking strong
Finally Angela got BTFO about Cam and T’Kor
Angela treating these two like fast food workers in her hometown
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>when they forgot you told them no onions on your burger
>When the Chick-fil a worker forgets to say "my pleasure"
Cam is so chill and handling this so well for how much of a schizo Angela is. You can tell T’Kor knows it at least
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tkor hasnt made any sudden movements.
This shit is fucking hilarious. Just let them leave Angela
>everyone now giving angela hugs out of fear of her schizo wrath
I like when Lisa wears glasses and has her hair down. Looks like a different person entirely
tucker kimo angela in HOH
how is there this much drama post pov ceremony
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this house is one of the craziest in years
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Angela Status:
damn i wanna stick in my face in cedrics big ol booty
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bee status: rescued
why does tucker talk in a never ending, continuous bit
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kek. tuck laying it on
What did he say
eek tucker dont bring up kimos dead brother so casually and this often..
he said kensey told him earlier that she loves matt and matt loves her but they cant do a showmance because of the game.
wasnt exactly what mack was telling him earlier
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whathcu gonna do about it pussy? tucker is cheese room certified nigga
tuck might be a bit schizo too
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tuck needs a ciggy to complete the fit
angela back to hating lisa
I expect that confrontation to be legendary
tucks kill order
this is a good convo for kimo to be eaves dropping in on. i wonder if he is picking up on anything
I think the problem is whether he takes them seriously, like he never told tkor about the nomination nonsense because he thought it was bullshit
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Kimo should get in the hugging action too
tucker talking too much. the food has clouded his brain
mother, son, and the foreign exchange student
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finally getting some
kimo just wants to enjoy his time off slop and they got right back into yapping again, poor bastard
this is going to get messy
tucker basically proposing a house alliance against kenny lisa kensey after matt is gone
oof. matt comes out and sits down, everyone leaves because 'its 2am'
What’s the reason for Kenney? Isn’t he the easiest person to scoop up in an alliance once Matt is gone? Like how is he different from T’Kor?
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He's got the stink yo
i think tucker is floating kenney more because kenney himself has aligned himself with matt and the whole house would be ok with him going.
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oh dang. quinn now in the HoH. kimo called to DR
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>Boys Next Door
this is going to turn into an alliance name on the show
Quinn Tucker Cam Chelsie final four would be kino
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Tucker breaks everyone’s balls and isn’t afraid to be gross in front of the women and it’s hilarious
Fucking KEK and none of the girls laughed or said anything after seeing it. I’m almost scared they’ll wanna vote him out next after seeing that
Tucker makes up for losing Luke last season
How would anyone have the confidence to do this in front of people they met only a week ago? I didn’t even like showing my girlfriend of five years how fucked up my toes look
Post toes.
Nah, last time anons asked they said I needed to get checked for Marfan syndrome
Quinn absolutely respecting Tucker’s game of refusing alliances at first is based
why is everyone jealous of matt?
You’re good anon, they did the same shit for me. I was late to it and they immediately went to commercial
Dunno if many are jealous. Some just genuinely dislike him or see him as the most obvious threat
I obviously posted them before and only got negative reactions. I laugh at my feet every night so I’m not worried. It’s just predictable now
Let Ainsley in the house!
you laugh every night? like a ritual? how about you pray for better feet instead
this dude is begging for feet pics
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we're all girls
Shut up and post yours too so the other one doesn't feel too bad about his.
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Good morning ladies
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Morning Hogg
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Good morning ladies
Morning Hogg, thoughts on Leah? She's a cutie!
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stop it. get some help.
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mornin boss
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Mornin Boss Hogg
Unpopular opinion but I don't like Tucker
He seems like such a skeezy, phony mf
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morning cliff
mj matt tucker cam quinn kendawg cedric
My first target would be whoever snores the loudest
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morning cliffs
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how many cliffs are there?!
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people like thumbnail cliff get jealous of the (You)s, I assume, and want in on the action. I would be frustrated about it but I, in turn, got the idea from Whistlenut poster years ago. At the end of the day, as long as the thread gets to share a good morning with Cliff, my job is done.
Twin twist!
I knew it! It's Holly!
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Tucker is definetly jealous Matt mogs him into oblivion
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Mornin Mr. Fart
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>play it cool cliffy boy
watch the m-bombs
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he is tkors sister, must run in the family

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