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Remember when he was funny?
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Not really
Never was
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Tim owned him and is actually funny
Tim was right. Sam was never funny.
all the above posts are by the same guy
remember when Sam's shills mass reported a tweet that was getting huge traction to put a sensitive label on it to censor it? Is this the REAL reason why Sam went on his anti-free speech rant?
Why care so much about something that doesnt matter and who cares if it was "legal"?
"The Jew [Sam] is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, [tranny fucker, even Jew!] it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a ̶J̶e̶w̶Pedo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".”
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forgot pic
>Is this the REAL reason why Sam went on his anti-free speech rant?
You know it is. He's scared shitless of all his skeletons coming out. That's why he never addresses any of the fucked up rumors about him directly.
Sam Hyde is a fairly talented guy who has had basically a perfect life compared to most other people on the planet and he has spent a lot if not most of it being an entitled, obnoxious, mean, egotistical, degenerate shitheel. He isn't that intelligent, he isn't wise, he doesn't have strong moral fiber. He's a kike asshole who doesn't give a damn about anyone but himself. He's immature, ugly, perpetually bitter, spoiled and mean. Fuck Sam Hyde.
I'm white so no.
LITERALLY the only time hes been funny was the ted talk
idk, it didn't age that well, i don't think he's ever been genuinely funny, it was always just him trying to do original shit while stealing ideas from the places he frequents and the people he follows
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Wham City were the better Adult Swim comedy group.
The only people that ever liked this guy are racist Mexicans who were in high school in the early 2010s.
I don't remember last weekend, no
I remember Kiev
Did you get bullied by Mexicans in highschool?
tranny word
I like charles more but as a whole MDE is funny
That Goebbels speech/quote is a prime propaganda example.

>call someone what they are with an offensive attitude, as if they are genetically predestined to have a bad trait. If they are dumbfounded, because this opens up a whole other conversation where they either have to negotiate factors out of their control or don't see how they can reason against that with you, that means you won
No, I’m a Mexican who went to high school in the early 2010s so I know what I’m talking about.
I don't think the "slept" part is what's disturbing in that collage
in 2006?
He was never funny. Declaring him the shooter during every single event used to be funny.
Best comment was yesterday in the /ckg/ where we were trying to figure out how to set up the new rankings and an anon opened his reply with "well, I'm not from the usa so I don't speak spanish, but..."
He has body dysmorphia, daddy issues and yellow fever
a fatal combination
(and just like me)
also reminds me of that time Sam went off on some angry weird loli free speech rant
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I remember when he didn't sell out (also when I didn't know he was a tranny fucker). I've been watching Check it Out and got some good belly laughs from that. Somehow heidecker won. idubbbz is a faggot but he had a point.
There’s a handful of funny shit Sam’s done, like Moms or the Restyle skit, but its all ancient. Ever since MDE imploded it’s been over. He lost whatever he had.
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>it's ok when we do it
The only time I actually thought he was funny was when he reviewed those shitty kickstarters. Haven't been able to find that shit tho
Theatre of the Aire was done after MDE
also the idubbbz interview but that's not a sketch, still funny nonetheless
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The best part is he sourced all his jokes from his own fans for that specific TED talk, literally. Sam is like a modern day Timothy Dexter, an absolute retard who stumbled violently into riches by complete accident and once rich just does a bunch of insanely retarded shit. The only time he tried to create something was his shitty book and it was a blatant rip off of someone who just read Infinite Jest.
>john carmack
Why the fuck would he care
No, I've kind of always thought he was retarded and full of himself and you guys gave him a ton of money for no reason. Ill never understand it and even the boomer news thinks the "lol sam did it" meme is cringe.
He had a talented team of screenwriters and producers prior to 2016, but then he wasted it all. Now he's just a soulless husk of himself, who also somehow has managed to lose the rights to MDE.
he was never funny
except when Edie facefucked him with his massive cock, that was funny.
Mde is the comedy for me now lets play a beat *beatboxing
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Kek beat me to it
Like 10% of his output is funny which is fine because that's the only stuff I end up watching because I'm not some fag that subscribes to his patreon and keeps track of everything he puts out. His self help grift is annoying though. He really shouldn't be giving advice to anyone about anything and the streams are wack.
you now remember the time when Sam Hyde still had hair and bleached it like any other cookie cutter MKUltra+ faggot
Check out On Cinema, it’s Tim’s opus.
Why did he write this cringe rant at a libertarian that has spoken out against SJWs in the past and is disliked by leftists?

It's almost like Sam is a fucking idiot
he was a youtuber prankster like kassem g or those bradberry dudes from a million years ago, his TED talk was funny. then he got a tv show because back then internet dudes got tv shows if they got enough traction, and much like a joe rogan, because he had a tv show once people feel slightly more legitimized watching him, despite not having much talent at all.
hes a shitposter that thinks he's an artist and his art is ugly and bad.
he surrounds himself with cave dwelling goblins to appeal to his demographic of loners who think they can be friends with him someday.
sam hyde shit is gay and stupid and sad
Sam's the only "real" "alpha" zionist libertarian. SAY HE'S THE ONLY REAL ALPHA ZIONIST LIBERTARIAN!
tren and tranny cock rotted his brain to mush, but it's the world sam wanted
I'm still waiting for the sketch where Sam builds a time machine (with Charls, why not) and travels back to Early December 2012 to stop himself from getting EDIEROCKED
Tim > Sam > Joe Bernstein

Tim deadpan dunked on Sam by getting him fired and then gaslighting Sam into thinking he had nothing to do with it. It's the funniest thing Tim has done.
I'm just wondering how his selfie videos that he probably just came up with on the spot are a thousand times more funny and have aged better than the new elaborate shit which he spends thousands of dollars on that he's doing now which is not funny at all. Is the joke that it's so lame that it's supposed to be funny?
>Is the joke that it's so lame that it's supposed to be funny?
only as a fallback when the joke doesn't land (most of the time)
Sam Hyde was mouthraped in the chilly winter of 2012
>suicHYDE watch
I remember when he was funny, his last actual good project was WP, everything after that is basically just grifting and appealing to the nu MDE fanbase, he has no loyalty to older fans or interest in making actual funny shit because he makes bank off being mildly /pol/ adjacent, can't really say I blame him, got genuinely rich off it.

I think what I hate more than Sam is the absolute parasites he keeps around, and the parasites he attracts. Old MDE crowd was art school weirdos at worst, new MDE crowd is irony poisoned meek zoomers, simps, and people sit on Twitter 24/7 telling themselves they accomplished something because they are into "esoteric" shit that nobody else knows about, because nobody else cares. You can't really criticize Sam anymore either, especially around here, because you get clumped in with that one schizo.

Dunno just a reminder all good things come to an end honestly.
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He has Roger Stone's seal of approval
This. And how long ago was that now? Like 8 years or more? Crazy what steroids and conservativism does to a person. He hasn't been funny in years and he looks incredibly ugly, like a hemorrhoid about to burst. I don't know what people see in this fuckin loser. Probably like looking in a mirror to them.
lol I would never think I would see roger stone and sam hyde in the same picture. what the fuck is he doing hanging out with roger stone? does roger stone even know who he is?
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do you mind?
Tim Heidecker never had gay sex with a tranny

Sam Hyde had gay sex with a tranny

Tim Heidecker never had sex with an underage girl

Sam Hyde had sex with a 16 year old when he was 29

Tim Heidecker has white children with his white wife

Sam Hyde spouses about saving the white race but is childless and single at 39

Who's the hero of the alt right again? Is it the one sucking tranny cocks and grooming children or is it the married family man?
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>childless and single at 39
and if he does have kids he's a yellow fever racemixer lul
I'll never get over Sam shit talking Lloyd Kaufman/Troma and saying not to watch their films because they'll "rot your brain," meanwhile he produces garbage like Fishtank and acts like it isn't worse. At least Troma are self aware their films are low budget trash.
Roger Stone was outed as a "swinger" before most of you were born. What this really means in that epoch was "gay."
Roger Stone used to get fucked by the Nixon-Rebozo-Cohn crowd while roiding and spray tanning.
We are now in 2024 and I hope you're okay with God when these faggots start jailing you for mocking them (indisposible part of the masonic magnum opus, just like woman hate informed by gay rage)
There is exponetially less proof of Sam Hyde's children than there is of Sam Hyde sucking off Edie and raping a 15 year old Marky, I have always found this strange.
The compilation I saw of him bringing 20 indians on some guys podcast was funny.
He got better at hiding shit in his personal life
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Feels like after clawing his way back to relevancy that Sam has been on yet another self destructive streak. Hasn't help that WP2 seems to be in the bag already as of 2023 and still hasn't been released (won't now for a while because the name change to all the graphics)
no he hasn't, which is why the children don't exist and why the same four year old pic of a hapa boy holding a pregnancy test gets posted for four years
i've seen how psychotic the orbiters are, someone would have pulled it up when they got their superchat censored or whatever
yeah, he is too angry and preachy now
These are the screechings of a deeply unhappy person, lol. It’s like he took Tim Pool’s podcast and tried to do the same crappy schtick Pool does after mainlining a bunch of bad coke. This is what the annoying “politics” kid in high school writes after drinking 2 shots of jagermeister for the first time.
>sam REALLY has children guys, and channing doesn't go after them because uh, she's morally superior and they're off limits even if she'll go humiliate their gay dad at his shows
it's also weirdly asking you to find this scenario realistic
because it is schizo headcanon
Holy Seethe. You can just smell the HRT from these posts. Are you guys mad because Sam said to get off 4chan if your past 30?
>sam REALLY HAS CHILDREN guys with a couple BPD psychos who hate him but also don't gouge his supposedly infinite money for infinite child support uh, because reasons
>You can just smell the HRT
It's coming from your room
heidecker is super unfunny now too
Wigger hands typed this post
whats the best vertical video
make sure you report the OP for hurting your feelings too
remember when his head was half the size before the HRT bloat?

love those guys, shame they disbanded the group.
where's the thread
>at least self aware
i know you learned to repeat this from drama channels (e.g. at least x is self aware unlike bert kreischer) 'cause you're a cryptospic like most zoomers but being self aware only makes the situation worse. hyde is just showcasing retards, so fishtank's quality is acceptable even if 99% of it is unwatchably boring. you can't make the same excuse for a 90 min movie. also, their movies often have a 'message' whose infantile presentation is justified by going 'dude gore lmao'. the troma gore (which is pretty shit in its own right) isn't the point of the movie, it's just an excuse lloyd uses to convince himself he could make an intellectual statement if he wasn't committed to making trash. a sad pseud, really.
now wiseau (who sam also trashed) is a genuine retard, so it's still worth watching the room at least once in your life, no matter how overly-memed it's become.
uh oh the mde janny is passed out from all the gay party drugs he abuses while terminally onlind again
to be fair his dad has the same mutant skull, i think its just genetics
bakers are sleeping
I'll post it in 100 seconds
I think he's very talented, but I think all the time online (plus losing AS) has rotted his brain.
cringe sperg out wall of text
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trips dont lie
all of you need to get a skill.
I've never watched anything by him, but he and his fans come across as obnoxious tools.
he was never funny. and i tried, really. my best frriend liked his stuff. i have never found him funny, not once. women can't be funny too.
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ur not fooling anyone Luna
>Roger Stone
who are these people and what do they have to do with Sam Hyde
Two are homosexuals Sam bottomed for
One is Sam Hyde's 15 year old rape victim
>Sam bottomed for
stone's a bottom though. he has that nixon tattoo on his back because roy cohn wanted to fantasize about his crush while fucking him.
Stone is a switch, ask Sam
Yes. I remember when he started making Hydewars and posted them for free on youtube. I would watch them over and over again. There was something very good about them, like a perfect mixture of interesting facts/takes on things and humour. Sadly they quickly started decaying and right around the time when crush500 ep. 2 was released I felt that the magic was gone. He has made some pretty funny stuff after that but its mostly tiresome and repetative
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Remember when Charls won?
How could I ever forget?
Charls is in it for the long game.
What happened to eceleb boxing? why doesn't he box anymore? is it because he won a totally fake fight?
Imagine being more schizo than MDE fans
Go crack another whippet, wigger
how is it schizo to point out he never competed in a real boxing match? weird.
Exhibition fights aren’t real fights
Sam doesn't want to lose
Sam doesn't want to lose to a real boxer
Sam doesn't want to lose to a real boxer by gassing out in the first minute
And he pays men to fuck him! Fucking nerd!
Exactly when that happened?
Because no one has ever pretended it was a real boxing match. It's an exhibition, a play fight between two out of shape youtubers for entertainment purposes. It's like pointing out wwe isn't real wresting. No shit retard.
Sam doesn't want a bunch of new unsanctioned reaction images of him getting mauled in the face by an actual fighter
>Because no one has ever pretended it was a real boxing match.
This is untrue, your discord did plenty of pretending about it on 4chan. Please refrain from being a faggot in the future. Thanks in advance.
ok schizo
uncreative gay buzz words. try again
forgive me for safely ignoring the opinion of the terminally online discord orbiter
>Remember when he was funny?
what a crybaby faggot
Sam lost his mystique when he began streaming every day and posting on insta/twitter regularly as well as being on everyone's podcast every other week along with his own. Too much exposure. Now hes just a semi-regular ''influencer'' and eceleb just with a certain niche. I get that it's how you play the game these days to monetize but it really does take away from the aura sam and MDE had pre-world peace. They no longer feel like a rouge anti-establishment comedy group. They're just e-celebs who stream twice per week.
>um AKSHUALLY sam isn't a crybaby faggot and ur a tranny for saying so
yeah, it was like 2 weeks ago when he was riding a dirtbike dressed as the babbadook making fun of autists
back 2 r3ddit
true, he's still funny but not as consistently as redbar
sup Jet. "big brother but for retarded zoomers" isn't advancing the culture, big dawg!
laughing at retards never gets old, just like laughing at fats, so there's no need for any advancements. - jet
>thread up almost 10 hours
>sam's personal tranny janny hasn't removed it yet
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No it's gregs
He's still funny he's either just lazy or is using lazy content to make easy money for better projects(I hope).
Pic related was the funniest book I've ever read I hope he comes back to scifi
He never was. he's doing a good job scamming /pol/tards with his unfunny shows tho
>he's doing a good job scamming /pol/tards with his unfunny shows tho
those are all jewish failsons of the Sam Bankman-Fried phenotype if you ever take a close look
>thread gets deleted quickly
>"lmao Sam pays off jannies to delete threads that make him look bad"
>thread stays up
"lmao Sam pays the janny to keep his off topic threads up"
Which one is it, schizo?
nothing funny about committing multiple happenings while the media covers your ass
since there's high comorbidity of trannyism and jannyism i'm assuming sam paid via blowjob
He is unironically helping a lot of zoomers and gen alpha finding their way of life. I pay the subscription of his stream and he is based
9/10 bait
yeah yeah yeah, sam is a tranny blowing leftoid and zionist irl not fooling anyone on /tv/
Sam got the show canceled because he thought he was invincible and kept running his mouth. he blames Tim because he can't accept responsibility for the fact that he ruined everyone's career for no good reason.
spot on, its all just whatever now
and I really dont understand why is he so desperate to sell out, he is already super loaded, its not making him more relevant it makes the whole project feel super washed out
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tranny chasing aside, and besides his fishtank/housing/whatever shyster scam, from what I understand he's just a creepy old dude with his dick out and dishing out bullshit life lessons from his eugenics bait ass, what a disgusting goblin
His funniest stuff is him and his friend talking about their car selling days.
because he believes that he needs to make as much money as possible while he still can, it's those jew genes in him
Sam fucks guys. Sam lets other guys fuck him.
+MDE is nothing without Andrew Ruse
all of you are very boring. why do you insist on posting? who are you entertaining? surely not yourselves.
Still better than fishtank
i'm not defending fishtank here. i just periodically remember this site exists but when i read the posts i can't believe some niggas come here everyday. aren't you exhausted and repulsed by the mediocrity of this here 'humor' and 'bants'? this is what i imagine messican day laborers sound like when they hang out. even the most propagandist hollywood movie written by unhinged 'leftists' is more entertaining than this.
Yeah the site and boards fluctuate in quality and are a shell of what they once were but we’re both older now and jaded too. And the internet is shit now. Shitposting about movies to pass the time
>"The Jew [Sam] is immunized against all dangers: One may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, [tranny fucker, even Jew!] it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a ̶J̶e̶w̶Pedo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: "I’ve been found out".”
Nick was always the funniest. Nick Rochefort and Nick Mullen gotta be the funniest people on earth.
no i dont, the two and a half funny memes about him are absolutely unrelated to the "comedian" himself.
>Constantly mocks every race
>gets butthurt when someone makes fun of white faggots
>can't make a single joke about fat basement dwellers /pol/fags because he knows its his core fanbase and paypigs
genuinely embarrassing
sam has no right to call anyone else ugly with that HGH watermelon head of his
>WP2 sketch where Sam & Charls build a Rick & Morty portal gun and travel to a universe where Sam honored and respected his father
also if you're going to be that much of a fag to Dr. Fred then double down and ironically dedicate wp2 to him
I think the dude's funny and I enjoy most of his stuff but he seems like he'd be an insufferable prick to actually try and hang out with. And he's in extreme denial about growing up basically a rich kid by most of the world's standards and having so many head starts above those he seems to look down upon.
>uh hey Sam, I'm 40 years old, long time fan, trying to reconciled with my elderly father before he passes but, um, just can't get over my childhood trauma of growing up wealthy. Any advice?
Wasn't it lalready ast summer now with the clips of them sucking and fucking in the park for wrapping world peace 2? Whats going on big guy
Maybe it bombed at Skankfest, maybe it didn't, but Joe Rogan would not watch it and Peter Thiel knew it needed serious retooling.
He has no right to call Rage a bad game when his shitty unfunny adult swim show flopped
>wp1 ushers in an era of Trump where anything can happen
>wp2 ushers in gay libertarian zionism and Treasury Secretary Larry Fink, if it ever releases
Christmas example creager
damn I usually get tagged in your chimpouts but didn't this time, what gives?
This whole retarded post reeks
>Hello my fellow /pol/acks xD
>something because they are into "esoteric" shit that nobody else knows about, because nobody else cares

You nailed it. These people are insufferable and i know why. Its the same wigger attraction, tattoo, shounen fan bullshit. These people are terminally online and grasping for anything that makes them look special
to the idiot box
You don’t blend in.
How does one "remember" the present?
That jet faggot has a puncheable face
He is explicitly anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic
lmao base level /pol/brain. hope this artschool dork sticks to "quirky irony is good if it's also dogwhistling" """"humor""" instead of cringe essays
>esl mad that he doesn’t like his medicine
You just grew out of his edgy humour and have become wiser than a entertainer (probably not lol)

Remember that this guy is probably 60% actor.

He might even have a handler
Probably this guy Nick
Ever wonder how a car salesman has a big house and is more intelligent
Definitely gives glowie vibes

Really makes you think
i'm a white american but i've never fucking said "kek" in my life i can tell you that much good lord
Only his syndicated show was funny. His own stuff wasn't.
Ecstasy of Car was his last funny project and that was 5 years ago.
/tv/ was never good
He's known Nick for close to 20 years, Nick isn't his handler. Is Sam connected to glowie thinktank culture war money? Without a doubt. He's probably on some sort of Thiel payroll.

This is not remotely true
He felt betrayed by John carmack.
What's the correlation between bleached hair and mkultra?
This ugly faggot is 40 years old btw
90% of the posters here are bots now man this site is unironically over it happened when /pol/ helped Trump win with their memes and then 4chan was selected for demolition via a slow but steady stream of bots “that gradually make the website less interesting for its users”
And I make threads hoping for real discussion occasionally, I’ve noticed literally just posting a picture of Sam Hyde or nice Mullen or even Zach Handel isn’t result in huge flood of posts, seemingly saying the same thing, every time. I thinks just bots now
Yeah, these threads are among the worst on /tv/ every time. You can't have an honest discussion about this guy.
hair bleaching/head shaving is an almost foolproof indication of a broken subject, ESPECIALLY in the world of celebrity/pseudocelebrity
Sam keeps playing gay chicken with the occult on his stream, I wonder why he doesn't teach this part
I shit on him for spamming his ads here then discovered his product was very negative and very jewish
Jesus Christ....MDE is just another fucking part of the psy op isnt it? Just more controlled opposition.
KSTV was the only funny and insightful thing Sam ever did.

Even then, it was just a long-form version of IMG_0612.

I'd suggest going into the wayback machine and digging up the old incarnations of the MDE website. They had their own cute manifesto and everything.
Peter Thiel won

chuds lost, get a job
He killed it on Legion of Skanks

He's still got it.
the thing that really got me down on sam and his cynicism is seeing clips of his livestreams where he's trying to talk shit about somebody by selecting random bits from their youtube videos and not even letting it play for 20 seconds straight before cutting to another random bit. that's the sort of brain-fried behavior that he supposedly likes to rally against. he wasn't doing shit like that on kstv. lazy ass motherfucker, but hey he's making more money than ever before.
i will always love the creative powerhouse that was mde before they broke apart. the strength of that crew at their best, with trapped and ruse and pelech and brian ellis and kurush and all those guys, was something to behold. nobody on the comedy circuit had editing skills on their level, even tim & eric were behind because they just hid behind an alienating veil of pure irony, but those lads managed to pierce it every once in a while. it's a real shame that they haven't managed to pick that momentum up back again. if i need an mde fix, i'll just watch ideas man and tissue box. zero hope for world peace 2 being good.
john carmack should've replied back with "u mad?"
>outing yourself as a reddit tourist
He dunked hard on resident pencil neck John Carmack.
It should be "get off 4chan if you are under 30".
>i'm a white american
No you aren’t.
He blocked me on all socials because I kept sending him smug heidecker faces
he's just a fragile closeted jewish boy give him a break
He's just been really fucking bitter since WP got shitcanned and all all he does is bitch about jews and how you're an irredeemable failure if you aren't making 6 figures by the time you're 20. His beef with idubbbz was kinda fun but he's back to being boring again.

Charls is also washed and should have stuck with construction, he's too schizophrenic now.

Nick is OK but the real estate streams got stale after a while

Fishtank was good for one season but just turned into a really boring and gay fan meetup from season 2 onward.

I want to be proven wrong and for wp season 2 (or whatever they call it) to be really good but without Andrew Ruse and Brian Ellis I really doubt it'll be that good
he was?
>another year passes
>no wp2
twink death is the fire in which mde burns
Can you tell me more about this? I first heard of bleached hair brainwashing thing 10 years ago. It made me afraid of ever bleaching my hair.
Charles was the funny one
mdekino time?
tried finding the kissing booth one but it may be lost to time
>shoots at Trump

come on, that was funny prank
>kissing booth
the one where sam makes out with an ftm tranny?
Can someone explain the Peter thiel connection? Isn't he a big important guy? Why would he associate with Sam?
He's advancing the culture
they're both boylovers
post physique
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Sam and MDE are high ranking Freemasons.
He just projected what he is in his first paragraph. He hates the left because he is the left that he criticizes.
anymore info on him being a freemason besides his pantleg being rolled up? what is this about his handshake.
>high ranking Freemasons.
Little League of the Synarchy
Peter Thiel is cia and funds Sam who might be recruiting influencers for them.
it's just fags blowbanging each other all the way down, welcome to your zionist future
Yeah, Sam talking about past master was pretty weird...
uh based murderous jewish faggot being investigated by another jewish faggot who murdered his husband???????????
2024 lmao we're almost 216 years from the jewish messiah deadline (it wasn't schneerson lmfao) 216=6x6x6 and Sam Hyde is a little basic bitch cocksucking zionist FAGGOT
Trans is 4chan culture
Trans is Sam Hyde culture
muh rebis, muh rebis
I never was.
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Nick and Charls were always funnier.
Decade later and Heidecker still lives rent free in his head.
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Sam is unusually nice to trannies yes.
Anyone have an explanation for why anything he said here is bad or is it just seething
He was only funny when he was handsome. His fat rabbi phase is bitter...
it's an unhinged rant aimed at a libertarian guy that has never employed leftist tactics to cancel anyone, he's spoken out against it, which is why he's speaking out against it now with the trump thing, just so happens that this time its the right trying to cancel.
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>if you aren't making 6 figures by the time you're 20.
AKA if you missed your last chance to escape boomer housing crisis
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So what?
Bros how do I come out to my parents as Jewish?
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Thinking 16 year olds are hot is normal for someone in their early 20s. Going out of your way to have sex with them is not normal especially when you are as old as he was. Idk what your age is but when you're 30+ 16 year olds look like babies. When I see a guy aggressively trying to fuck high schoolers I would assume this guy would also fuck a 12 year old given the chance. There is no excuse man. and don't hit me with the "muh Middle Ages" and "b..b..but men used to marry 9 year olds not too long ago!" as an excuse. There WAS an age of consent in the Middle Ages and we don't live on the Oregon Trail. Stop trying to excuse your sick, coom brained fetish as something natural because its not.
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Tell them you have been saving up.
Can't dunk on left wing degeneracy while being a degenerate yourself. The only difference between him and the tranny he fucked is that tranny at least doesn't pretend to be trad conquistador, bringer of family values. He's the same postmodern subversive degeneracy force, just from different angle.
invite them to your bris
>The only difference between him and the tranny he fucked is that tranny at least doesn't pretend to be trad conquistador, bringer of family values.
BUT, what if Edie was? Truly the hero(ine?) we deserve?
legality is not the same as morality
Morality is subjective
> When I see a guy aggressively trying to fuck high schoolers I would assume this guy would also fuck a 12 year old given the chance
People say this if you were to date an 18-20 year old. 18 or 16 isn’t anywhere near 12
this is not the gotcha you think it is
unironically who?
Everyone and every country has different morality. You spouting “legality doesn’t equal morality” is lazy and not an argument
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Actually sweaty men who bleach their hair tend to do it when they're balding to hide it.
what about 15
I just can't believe that any comedian would take any of this shit seriously, unless they were paid to. It's so embarrassing. Politics for 14 year olds.
the idubbz documentary was pretty funny ngl
its when he still have some love in his heart
even as a complete sell out satanist, sam still had a glimmer of hope
now him, nick and charls are all fully on board with the government and abrahamist play of the bible
Who the fuck cares? You want tranny story hour in schools faggot.
Q predicted this...retard.
Nick Mullen is not funny.
>tall as fuck, 6'6 or something
>(was) relatively handsome
>very wealthy family

He won the lottery of life and threw it all away becoming a hideous ogre with no friends. All in the name of le memes.
>t. Adam friedland
Sam's funniest bit was when he cried to Tim and Tim spent the whole time clowning on him and doing what a comedian does, be funny.
c'mon, anon
he's a manlet
he fucked his own career up multiple times
he's obviously a depressive little wiener
but the dude is very funny
>tall as fuck, 6'6
sam is 6'2 larping as 6'4"
I unironically laughed at his video game stream where he did a ching chong voice and the other one where he did a black guy saying IMMA GIT-CHO ASS over and over
mentioned on fishtank at the beginning of post-season than WP2 is actually /not/ finished and that hes been in too deep of a rut to finish it. the need to change its name may still have a lot to do with it all
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Kinda unrelated but I was watching back his streams and I, for the life of me , can't figure out why Sam was so energetic and funny during Fallout streams. Does anyone know what he was on during those streams?
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bootleg chinese hormones
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>career in Hollywood and my own TV show?
>Nah I want to be called based on 4chan instead
>>201619881 When was it?
Never knew what you retards saw in this dude. Seems like the most forced meme since milhouse
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No, that evil scumbag was never funny
>Uhhhh leave Nick alone, HE is allowed to smoke weed! He had a show on Adultswim! I'm not a hypocrite! So what if he has a little daughter! He and his wife enjoy their daily marijuana intake with fiscal responsibility!!!
I don't think you know the meaning of the word. Sam Hyde has no base at all. He has no convictions or morals, all he cares about is the thrill of scamming, lying, cheating and getting away with it. He's a hollow shell of greed and lust, and shame at his homosexual tendencies. You could say he's the opposite of based, he's de-based.
This evil piece of shit has a daughter? That's horrible, he clearly abuses her. He's a smoker, smokers all abuse children. CPS are fucking useless
Can both of y'all agree that it's weird for a 29 year old to fuck a 16 year old? If yes, then y'all don't have anything to really debate, if not then damn one of y'all should've fucked more in high school
One day people will understand that men who go all in on displaying a macho bravdo alpha male vibe are almost always deeply closeted to some degree. It's like a tv/movie trope from how common of a thing it is lol. Just because Sam's a 4chan origin guy doesn't exclude him from common human tropes.
Dont forget he and his wife are swingers lol
Sam hate I get but what's with Nick being a seinger/bad person? We have sauce on pedo allegations for Sam. What's the sauce for Nick?
Man that is gross.
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that's just a hand-wavy way to say cucking
so the core MDE enterprise is made up of
-a pedo kike
-a cuck car salesman
-a schizo race traitor
and their underlings are drug addicted zoomer wiggers
why are these people applauded here?
>why are these people applauded here?
because they are Freemasons and linked to CIA
How do you know?
Why do leftists keep giving him attention?
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2 felonies my man. you cant transport someone inter-state with the intention of subverting their home states age of consent laws (felony number 1) and you DEFINITELY cant take pictures and make videos of the sexual encounter (felony 2)
No, I don't.
I doubt it but it's true that MDE is a cult
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Glad to see some other anons ITT recognize the brilliance that is Charls. Everyone on the internet knows Sam now, but real ones follow Charls
They don't. Not even Hasan really gives a shit about him because he knows Sam just wants to use him for clout like he did with idubbz.
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for ten minutes they attempted this over and over again
What, like 10 years ago?
Even I knew better than to hand my girl the controller to portal
Nick is a manifestly smarmy annoying millennial faggot, who cares
they're advancing the culture
unironically the biggest blackpill on women
Been a fan since cell phone days. His recent takes are just shit. Like he's become so remote. And the perpetual crew of wiggers he keeps is mad bizarre to me. I get he's a controlling type dude but to keep a cadre of braindead obedient wiggers is just so strange to me. I still watch his shit out of habit, but yeah, shit takes on pretty much everything. Especially how he's become a hyper-materialist, all into fashion items and watches and shit like that. He's always had money so it's not like he got rich and lost his scope or anything. I dunno man. I fuck with him pretty much out of spite and habit but I wish he was still as funny as he used to be.
I like Charls but he's quite the tough egg to crack desu. It's difficult to see if his pseudo-spiritual grifting shit is a self-aware act of greed or if he really does believe himself to be enlightened when he really just skims through a bunch of semi-esoteric stuff and struggles with the same curse of inaction that you find within most of this website's NEETs. On good days, I lean towards him having a good heart but not really being able to keep his mind/body together, but sometimes I just don't know. This latest palace thing hasn't been too great. I do wish him the best nevertheless, that guy made me laugh a lot.
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You're a full of shit narcissist. That's all you are fag. Guys are supposed to be attracted and fuck younger girls like 16. Girls at 16 do not look like fucking babies all the time
You having the experiences you do and thinking that's just the way it is is so fucking damn annoying. you are so fuckin far up your own asshole
It's not excusing anything. Absolutely no one gives a fuck about what your morals are.
If I argued with you that you need to stop eating animals you wouldn't give a fuck. I fucking know you wouldn't.
A guy fucking some 10 year old is pedo shit. you hear a story of some 7 year old girl who was molested or went on a date with some 40 year old, that's pedo shit
any guys being attracted and fucking girls who are like 14 and above and look hot as shit isn't pedo shit at all

Stop thinking like a fucking girl and learn how to be a real person.
16 is legal in other places and it doesn't matter if you are 70 fucking years old. it's normal to be attracted and wanna fuck her and if she says yes then great
Sam thinks men dating asians are pedos >>201628309
Sam would probably call you a pedo too
cole won
strawberry fields forever
Just announce a twerk contest after shilling shots or something, Jet. Save this damn night.
He should invite Scott's Brazilian wife without telling him and see if she knows about Haley or not
he never was
That would be truly Neptunian.
only reasons for a grown man to fuck a 16 year old is if they're too shit of a person for women with fully developed minds to like them, or if they get off on the power imbalance/being the "man" by default due to age. It's really not rocket science to understand why it's lame as fuck.
He brings it up on stream brah
He’s a money grubbing jew who doesn’t even care to have a family and would rather fuck rando women
yeah i've always felt that mde as a crew didn't make the best comedy, but their editing skills, sound and video were top notch
It’s cause they’re tech savvy zoomers that all you faggots cry about
You are Jewish.
>The truth transcends Judeo-Christian theology
>Let me talk about the Bible and Jewish mysticism exclusively
y is charlz like this dewds, i love the guy but so many ppl do this n it PurpLexus me?
Ask him about Big PurpLexus

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