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kino line
a drunk driver killed my older sister years back and I've developed an urge to murder all alcoholics, drink yourself to death in your house, but every drunk piece of shit goes for a drive, every single one, sooner or later, that prick got off with not even 10 years, if you're drinking alcohol right now in excess, kill yourself, just skip all the organ failure and kill yourself right now please
your sister should've dodged better
>things inside me I need to kill
AIDS, Charlie?
was she hot? post a pic
So? She was gonna die anyway lol
Somebody needs a drink!
I'm sorry for your loss anon
how do you expect me to get my car home, sounds like you have main character syndrome chuddy
I've been gone for a while. Does /tv/ like meeeeen yet?
>drunk driver kills his sister
>blames drinkers instead of drivers
Oh I'm sorry, was it the bottle that ran over your sister, or the CAR? Typical.
your sister was a weak individidual and Darwin laughs at her ability to adapt.
Thanks, Anon. It means a lot to me.
self driving car numb nuts just yell 'home' at your car
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>hey alan i have sex and you don't
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kek what a bitch
She needed to work on her parry timings
>that prick got off with not even 10 years

You can still murder him.
Yeah just make sure you're drunk first and you'll get less than ten years
alcohol saved my life
without it i would prob have killed myself already
>feel anxious and awkward all my life
>it goes away for the first time and I can actually talk to people
hell yeah dude welcome to your new life
You drink because you have emotional problems and hate yourself so much that alcohol is the only way to tolerate being alive.

I drink because it's fun and it makes me laugh at everything and I enjoy the flavor.

We are not the same.
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what a life!
just slammed some cold brewskis and now im gonna take a lil joyride
Keep us updated as you drive
Way of the road, bud.
As an alcoholic trying to quit...I am very sorry for your loss. RIP.
sounds like failure to me, either you quit or you don't.
while this is a sad story, hating something or someone won't bring her back.
Cleanse the hatred in your hear and may you find peace, anon.
just hit some woman lol
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You couldve killed the guy who killed your sister, or at least put him in a wheelchair for life, and gotten a lightened sentence due to it being a crime of passion. Now it's too late and would be considered premeditated.
Probably related more to her womanly driving than my drunk driving.
I think he'd be a lot closer to finding peace if the scumbag who murdered his sister weren't a free man. I say he murders the guy then he can seek peace.
you better do something to him or she will never be avenged
You absolute dumbass lol
Hey man that's how justice worked for most human societies for most of human history. He owes a blood debt, he can pay that first then we'll worry about "rehabilitation".
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Charlie Sheen has sex with whores then eats breakfast with a retarded fat kid is such a weird premise for such a kino series.
>hangs with his brother and nephew all day
>bangs hot girls
>shows what a nagging bitch of a wife does (to both his brother and the guy from Who's Line)
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>didnt just dodge the drunk driver
she wasnt gonna make it and neither are you, pussy
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>In 2010, Jones became the highest paid child star in television at the age of 17 when his new contract with Two and a Half Men guaranteed him US$7.8 million over the next two seasons, amounting to US$300,000 for each of the 26 episodes.
>In October 2012, Jones described his path to a newfound religious faith in detail during an interview with a Seventh-day Adventist–sponsored Voice of Prophecy radio program.
>In November 2012, Jones said that he had been baptized and no longer wanted to appear on Two and a Half Men, calling the show "filth" and saying it conflicted with his religious views.

>In 2016, Jones joined the management team of Tonite, a multimedia and event production company started by Justin Combs (Puff Daddy) and Kene Orjioke.
>In 2016, Jones stated he was no longer a member of faith-based "business-model" organizations, and expressed an interest in returning to acting
lol I bet that fake pastor fleeced him good.
this, her spirit is probably cursed to wander the earth forevermore until she is avenged. your violent fantasies are her influencing your thoughts from beyond. you have to kill her killer in a car crash whilst driving drunk to sate her spirit
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based, I commend your bloodlust.
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Anon, what you said doesn't justify telling people to kill themselves. What's wrong with you?
Charlie Sheens net worth is less than 10 episodes of 3.5 men.
I'll kill myself when I'm good and ready
Fuck that, do you know how much a taxi costs these days?
>harming or killing some poor dude that's done his time over a woman
let's not go crazy here. he made a mistake and some broad was killed. a tragedy yeah but it's not the end of the world. 10 years is enough.
bro think he yoda
If you were home fucking your sister this would not have happened
Well I just went to the AIDS store and they are running out of you! Im going to kill myself mocking Sheen's AIDS first itt was the sole reason i get up in the morning.
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based. drugs are cool and intoxicated driving is nigger behavior. death penalty.
Is she ok?
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What will blow your mind is something like 90% of all car crashes are caused by sober people
went drink driving one time and killed some chick, her brother was mad as fuck but I just laughed at the trial and got out after a couple of years

thought about pouring one out for her, but i think I'll just drink it instead lol
Are you a nigger by chance?
Unless 10% of the people driving a car at any given time are drunk, that means that drunk drivers account for a hugely disproportionate rate of car crashes.
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It's ma'aaaaam
So you're saying drunks and niggers are the problem? Okay then!
There will never be real statistics on this. Even the made up statistics don't claim alcohol caused the accidents or that they were actually drunk at all.
If you want to be honest about it, statistically more accidents are caused by non-drunk drivers so if everyone were drunk there would be fewer accidents.

Drunk driving is almost entirely a late night thing meaning nobody at home with their families is affected.
The damage from killing social interaction is far more nefarious.
No he can't. Murder is unjustified killing.
I'd like to fondle your sister's tiddies
Did you ever rub one out to her?
Religious fervor can be contagious. I grew up in youth groups for Baptist churches, and while I'm actually thankful for a lot of the stuff I was taught that's taught me how to navigate everyday life, realizing that a place that forced men to wear pants, even when playing basketball cause on an obscure verse
>it is good for a woman not to see a man's thigh
and weird shit like that it's a wonder I didn't turn out more weird. I'm betting they took quite a bit of his money telling him it was
>for the cause
I'm usually an asshole, but u r right. My great gramp used to drink too much, there were times he ended up chained by his own family.
Why is he resting his head on a toilet, it doesn't even look like the seat is down. gross as fuck
He mean't his jewish nigger soul for watching his own slop show.
Just for that, I'm going on a drive to buy more alcohol and drink it in the parking lot. I hope I hit some anon's hot sister too
based post tbqh
Holy based, kill all addicts, fucking weak piece of shits
sorry pal but what if I need to go to the store to get more? not my problem
Now that's the spirit! Now this snivelling nonsense he posted in the first place.
I fucking love drunk driving, bros. It makes me feel alive. I drink drive every day, the only days I don't are the ones I'm passed out. My parole officer molested a little girl and I've got the photos so now he never reports anything I do and even gives me booze money. Fuck this, I'm gonna go drink drive right now.
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>this thread
yes Mr Jhon fbi, I'll go on a killing spree, thank you for the idea
Don't be mad
It's all a part of God's plan
God wanted your sister dead, otherwise he would have kept her alive so don't worry
It was meant to happen
Actually, I heard from a reliable source that the FBI no longer investigates 4channel forum posts.
All the guy can do is the time he was sentenced to by the state. You, on the other hand, have the capacity to forgive.
most based post i've seen on this gay board in months
I've driven drunk more times than I can count and never hurt a single soul. Why should I be punished because someone else fucked up?
About drunk drive in your honor
>Want to be a good person so quit a hollywood tv show
>End up joining a p diddy organization instead
Life and it's ironies
Rules exist for a reason.
>they just DO ok!?
It was just a prank bro
Boo hoo nigga!
alcohol doesn't kill AIDS
If she drank more alcohol her body would have been more limp and she would have survived the impact.
Big school shooter vibes.
It's LA. that place is a grifters paradise
This but with black people.
black people killed your older sister? thats messed up
kek you won't do shit

in fact because you're such a onions magnet I'm going to buy my first bottle in years and go on a reckless drunken tear up and down the school zones between 8am-9am
Post Candy webms
>character is in their early 20s
>gets a bad hangover that causes them to puke
Absolute fiction.
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>alcoholism is when you don't completely abstain from alcohol
>in excess
learn to read faggot
Why are christfags always mentally ill?
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This the thead then aye?
>yo slim
Women shouldn't be allowed in traffic. Or outside, period.
he made the show funny
if you disagree and cant even agree on that, then youre just a contrarian faggot
whose the troon ?
lmao based
it's not 10%
it's at least 25%
Based as fuck tbqh
why do stories about sisters dying make me sadder than brothers or cousins dying
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Hey, Al
I just had sex with your mom
Then I got drunk, went for a drive and ran over some fat bitch
So hows your day been?
Anon, stop larping and actually commit to your crusade. No one cares about alcoholics. Kill them.
It was me
I'm sorry anon. I hope you can find peace.
he didn't drive so good
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my mom is your mom and you hate her
did you fuck her just to give her aids
Blame having a car centric country, drunk accidents is so common in the US because you can't get anywhere without a car. If it was like Europe you could have lots of options but in the US you HAVE to drive your car.
shut up reddit
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That show had so many good looking women, it is completely impossible nowadays.
is this show any good?
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Unironically a good line.
it's been proven that you're actually a better driver when you drink a little
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answer me
Not really.
>hey alan get out of my house!
gets old pretty quick.
The best part of the show was the maid who would take the piss out of Charlie. That actress is dead now.
The only sad thing about this is that it was your sister that got killed instead of you, faggot.
>That actress is dead now.
Well yeah, she was like 70 and morbidly obese 20 years ago
a lot of edge lords dogpiling someone who's clearly still grieving
The guy who played the son became a born again Christian and disowned the show, calling it "filth" lmao
based based based based based
i accidentally drove drunk once (studying with friends, sipping casually, must have had more than i intended) and it was one of the scariest, most harrowing experiences of my life. I HATE not feeling in control and it took a long time to get used to alcohol's effects, driving while drunk made me feel like i was drunk for the first time all over again.

It's been almost 15 years since and i've never once done that again
You have 10 years to plan his downfall anon. Get started. I have done it to my bully, you can too.
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I need to start on the drive home from work to get the timing just right
>Puff Daddy
Dude either got raped or got told he had to fuck a nigger or get out. Whole thing was a racket to fleece in young boys to get fucked.
Can't believe they literally dropped a piano on Charlie Sheen's character (Not played by Sheen) in the finale.
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i bet sheen and many others lubed him up like ole corey
atheists support trannies and immigration. The only retard here is you.
Maybe she was drunk jaywalking.
It sounds like the poor guy wanted out of Hollywood and got caught in the dichotomy between satanic Hollywood and fake Christian grifters.
Funny how prior to getting a bigger role she had like 2 apperances before in the show.

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