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ONE LAST RUN edition

>Season 2 ""episodes"" are TRASH, watch them for free here:

>Stream Links
Official: https://www.fishtank.live/
Restream: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njYlTOaFsbU
Kick: https://kick.com/fishtanklive


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Previous Thread: >>201642165
Seriously how does the game work, can you see hows winning?
Haley Hitlerites are standing back and standing by, ready to gas these bitches.
yeah the rose leaderboard
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POV: You are Sensei Potbelly
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>saves you from nontent
Jet this is seriously fucking gay
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disgusting OP pic
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Trixie mogs
>jimmycord broken by chris lynch of all people
you have to keep track of shadow points yourself, currently ben is in the lead.
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gentle sex with summy
Abi is so awkward lmao
claire is killin it!
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Post you Abi's
Finally some real content tonight
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bubble time
It's just Mephisto and he's mad that Chris Lynch called him out directly in a twitter space
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who has the most chris points?
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content queen
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Missing Kay's thighs
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Is Bex a good mom to the bitches?
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no the dance game
And tonight was the night I did a challenge
Cos it’s challenge time
It’s time to do a challenge
Challenge time is right now
You don’t know how this challenge could go down
Anything could happen
Who could tell what could possibly go down
And if it did go down the way I want it to, I’ll stand by the results of the following challenge
kek she slammed her face right into her knee
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Reminder that Tayleigh had a crush on Sam in season 2 and thought she was going to get with him after the show. She admitted this on stream. This was a big reason she hated Trish, because Sam liked her.

Reminder that jimmy was sent to an expensive instituion in Utah by his parents in order to avoid juvenile penitentiary for assaulting his sisters friend with scissors, while there his deranged mind concoted the story of it being a cult torture chamber to save his already fragile mind from further harm.
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cnc with summer
malnourised ukranian peasant phenotype
Cringe ass slav
it's not about points it's about having fun you stupid fucking nigger
jet cant even cover windows without breaking them
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Cope, Mormon scum.
lol based chris lynch
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i've been a ScottSullivanMMA fan since 2017
this was the last straw
Scott, you claim to be a man of faith but your actions say otherwise.
I'll be looking for other MMA content creators to follow now.
I hope you get the help you need for your beaner pussy addiction.
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Missing this nigga
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so autistic I love it
I forgot how much those pissed me off in S2 lol. Somebody would do something crazy and only get 100 points, then later somebody would do something totally insignificant for Chris and get like 10,000 points.
The Human Moment
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Lol really?
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Me too, I think it's perfect for an interim season
i didnt know bro chill

Damn, this is natural beauty
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a TTS came through earlier saying "welcome to the halo morning show" so in addition to feeling bad about the drunk stuff she's probably assuming we know everything about her and that everyone in her life is now seeing this shit.
The Chris points saga was the absolute worst time in fishtank history
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Eternal damnation for this adulterer
she would go put makeup on every time she heard he was coming. she is retarded
rare tay pic
It was Brian she found Sam creepy as per her 5 am chats with summer
delete this
giving him that amount of control was funny in concept but I've rarely felt such dread and fury while watching something

How did Claire go from being a nice Catholic girl to this?
claire is killing herself after the tank btw
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The show needs him Jet. Make the call.
6 months in the gym on a cut and she'd be perfect
she’s killing herself on her bday in the tank which is Thursday or Friday. Tune in!
juliana is the only one who's any good at this
yep. she is going to blame sam and jet and no one will ever work with them again. it will be so chemo
Faust is blacklisted, i don't think i even need to explain why at this point
It really proved how little they care about the show
you left the subject blank you dumb fucking retard
elimination confirmed
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Summy is going to be so jealous
>no blacksmith's wife in bitch tank
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Charon is who we really need
why are you watching boring girls when you can watch jet put in a hard days work of taking tape off of windows?
fak me man i fxcking suck aaa
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That was when she was putting on a character, retard. She admitted on stream she had a crush on sam
LMAO, no wonder cleh wants to suicide herself
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Scott always inspired me with the way he overcame adversity, such as continuing to fight despite the adversity of losing almost every single time. I believe that with his hard working attitude he will overcome this hardship and atone for his sins. I still believe in Scott Sullivan MMA. The man I looked up to for years.
I honestly don’t think they expected Chris to be THAT bad at math lol
wake me up when kalei's sweatpants fall down
how's she gonna find the opportunity to do that when she'll be too busy riding my dick???
>t. Mormon rapist

can you guys fuck off with the internet stalking?
because jet is the most unlikable faggot on earth
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The show is done when she leaves. I hope the Jimcord faggots are ready to acknowledge this fact.
whoa mama
ollie dollars had some moments though
>TTS convinces TJ to rip sleeping Greg's blanket off to reveal his boner
>oliver offers 500 ollie dollars
>he tries like 4 times to get the blanket off
>greg keeps waking up like an NPC that was mildly alerted
>finally rips the blanket fully off
>greg wakes up actually pissed
>TJ sprints across the house and hides
>greg lumbers around the entire house looking for him
>goes in the bathroom
>TJ is hiding behind the door
>hey.... uhhhh.... what's up greg?
she never directly said who she had a crush on, just that it would never happen (because Sam is a rice burner).
Claire's mom status?
>personal information (doxx)
She's been nontent tho. The fuck are you on about
true, but they also didn't give a shit
She really thought she could be Sam's next baby mama with the trad act? Didn't she know he exclusively guys for 18 year old arthoe asian girls?
I sincerely hope none of you are actually watching this.
I want to fight Claire
She heavily implied it was sam. Who else would it be? Jet? She said it wasn't Ben
filing a missing persons report as we speak. some poor detective is going to find out about fishtank because of it
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Nifty Jr is trying her best
Filed a missing persons report and worried about my daughter on her birthday
currently filing a lawsuit and police report against jet and the fishtank for rape kidnapping and human trafficking
whoever found this video is actually a creep
Claire was built for ryona
and when TJ was like "I feel as though oliver dollars have led me down the wrong path" or whatever
I'd rather watch the crew clean The Cell than girl talk
is this a viewer sissification ritual?
ok haley
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Oliver Gay and the insomnia zombie arc was kino
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foul freak
scorned savage
ugly usurer
incestuous inyenzi
hateful hack
deceptive defiler
>public profile, tied to her government name
Retard, thats not doxxing
based Claire confessional
seethe tts and roses say otherwise
claire of the red bull
How big is Abigail's ass?
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I can't imagine watching that shit. I'd rather post kwableigh pics
>claire is pro life
I was there you simpleton, she didnt mention sam and never imply anything ever

She made her laugh but thats it, Sam is repulsive looking as has a tiny penis and is gay
i like how juliana's into it the most
Currently filing a lawsuit against you for lack of punctuation.
i hope not. she's pretty young she could turn shit around still.
Girl rankings, let's go:

Claire (drunk)
Shadi, Abi
>Shit tier
The rest
Juliana is an ugly nontent kiwitroon but I find weird rat faced girls kinda cute
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>No contact with the outside to let your loved ones know you're ok.
>Oh here's an Android phone so you can go on Instagram live and read the chat. Enjoy!
there are equal numbers watching jet clean compared to the front facing bitchtank cam
Claire in hell now
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>Anon, do you Gundam?
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This must be Jordan or Tayleigh lmao.
In denial, cockbuddy? How were the grindr dates
>I didn’t literally hack her device when I leaked her info so it’s not doxxing!
where do you think we are
very underrated
she's super into it, i Love her
several people have found it independently it wasn't hard
Yeah we get it. All you do is talk about Tayleigh every waking hour of your life in these threads.
Maybe >/bant/ yourself
kek i genuinely feel bad for the seethers that get filtered
he's top 3 funniest fish. him, jimmy, letty
Schizo meltdown in the closet
>Claire hates EVERYONE
She was Love and Life all along...
Doesn't make it any less weird
u talk like a fag and ur shits all retarded
evil demonic saturn worshipping blood addicted baby killer
Claire needs to be choked and slapped hard during sex or she can't cum
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Imagine high school Cleh trying to flirt with this nigga
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i don't think i want to see a live death but i do want to be a part of advancing culture
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claire kinda looks like victoria cohen
schnozzer and eyes
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gregs npc patrol cycles were hilarious
I don't like him THAT much but I agree that he was funny as fuck. But to most of these fags you only like him if it's because he's heckin wholesome
why is claire claire sad sad :(
Claire losing it
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Forever a Fishtank legend
this but to avoid meltdowns
some say nigga is still awake
>took a full week
>wasn’t hard
you people are literally brain broken
she said she is probably homeless after the show. she had $5 dollars in her bank account, so all he has is $500 from that 1 challenge
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Now you're being weird. Finding this shit is fine but this is just weird, not from a moral perspective but from a wtf are you doing nigger perspective
get oddbod in there stat
What was she talking about
Can you kill yourself you pathetic little faggot?
>drug addict
>her family HATES her
>regrests missing out on being a teen whore
>oddbodd hates her
>life already over at 22
Make your pick
Wait is Oddbod actually gone?
In a meeting and can't watch rn, can someone give me a recap of the Claire Confessional when she's done?
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>We're practically twins
>But doctor, I am Paggliaci
Yeah, I remember now that she said they were production too. So not Brian. Definitely Sam.
>someone is talking in a confessional
>paypigs send aislop gay bullshit so we cant hear them talk
kys faggot
literally killing herself. It's kino
yeah keep jerking off to cleh's sister. IM the pathetic one.
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Sometimes I Think that I am......................... Creature
Who are you quoting you illiterate nigger?
Keep crying faggot
The moment Dave said he wouldn't come inside her broke her forever.
>internet stalking Claire
>internet stalking methleigh
Abi claires :)
Im definitely monitoring the threads
>decided on a whim today to search for upskirts in /tv/
>find webms of a girl who looked striking like a cutie i used to work closely with flashing per panties
>dug more deeper to verify it wasnt actually her
>now monitoring this thread waiting for anything and everything Claire
I dont know what reality streaming nonsense this is, but its reminding me of my early 20s when my friends and i did the same shit (especially with how slutty drunk girls get). More girls need to wear dresses/skirts and be fed alcohol on camera
Can't hear anything because these dogshit mics
>abi comforting claire
actually cute
yeah but tayleigh deserves it THO
you guys are so fucking dramatic about claire
she got shitfaced and was funny. that's it
"I had a rough upbringing" AKA my Stacey sister mogged me and everyone at the Catholic school was like "YOU are Stacey's sister? But she's a cheerleader and you're a loser!" and the guys from the varsity football team would come over and I would hide in my room
my favorite part is how we can't hear shit. goranian chemo
based love and life abi
someone just needs to tell her to chill the fuck out and that getting drunk and saying dumb stuff isn't a big deal.
shut up you whiny faggots
>erm this is like le NOT heckin wholesome!!!!!
claire is cool, we like her
make out session inbound
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>I am... forgotten...
abi is a sweetheart
Claire is 100% killing herself after this. No outs now.
Abi W rizz
never quit your job to be on fishtank

that's a big summy move right there
>San Andreas radio accompanying the confessional
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nice and firm
paypig status?
i call those dudes faggots too. keep the internet stalking to bant.
coomer to fishtank pipeline
explains a lot
not if some brave soul fucks her into a coma (me)
no paypigs?
How? her name isn't even attached
She has to finish the story.
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Abi you are not helping
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Yes. SgtPen sends his regards.
abi is making it like 10x worse lmao
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>Nice Jewish girl from a middle class family
>gets pumped and dumped by the soccer chad
>ridiculed for being a slut
>falls into depression and then a bad crowd, addicted by senior year
>Female SS officer taking Anne Frank into custody
not really
doxschzios sending her mom clips in 3...2..1
Proper of Greg now.
her autism is adorable
PLEASE go outside
Either everyone gets fucked with or no one gets fucked with, besides everybody LOVES Claire, stop having a meltdown over a nothingburger
True and real, also checked, but it's a big nothingburger no one will do anything to her post fishtank maybe one freak will stalk her but that's about it
based mona lisa claire, patrician's choice
I've seen that one
shes trying her best
"you're worried they're gonna see clips of you?"
"worried that they're gonna see clips of you online flashing your underwear?"
"Also you SHOULD leave the show"
I just said it's nothing to do with moralfagging, it's just weird to imagine two highschoolers you don't know flirting, you freak
>my life is over
>i'm so embarrased
>i'm having tons of fun though
what is it bitch
Abi giving Claire the same exact talk TJ gave Abi when she was debating leaving kek
abi is trying to get cleh out. KILL ABI NOW
>jimmycord broken by chris lynch of all people
quick rundown?
Snake Abi trying to convince Claire to leave
I'm Brazilian btw if that matters
She is still cute
12,000 IQ Claire lmao
claire is the artist guys choice
>she’s trying to trick me
Kek based schizo
>"Also you SHOULD leave the show"
abi taking notes from tj lmfao this is the exact advice tj gave her just before she left the show
cant tell if Abi is secretly trying to get Claire to leave the show or if she just has no clue how to comfort someone
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Oh don't wanna get cyberstalked by /bant/ schizos? Don't go on Fishtank Live then.
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Claire saw right through it, truly the best since Cole
Shadi is the best, most natural dancer weirdly enough
claire is retarded, abi has nothing to gain by tricking her. she's just autistic and doesn't know how to pep-talk
he’s a pedo, let’s call it like it is
this is true
i like how abi means well but it comes across as manipulative. pure autism.
cleh was bored so rape clan saved the day
Where's Claire?
Oh, off sulking again..?
twitter space not long after jimmy was eliminated had chris lynch telling jimmy that his orbiters are trying to turn him into a lolcow while his orbiters were in the call
idk if anything else happened but after s2 he went on a twitterspace with jimmy and his faggot discord friends and told him he shouldn’t associate with them
new xaiver kino dropped
i swear to got if angry incels get the only funny girl to leave i'm gonna take josie hostage
I think its just the parted curly hairstyle desu
the latter
was just thinking about this lol they both just come off as indifferent
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Creature needs a handsome and kind husband (me)
its so funny how her just existing and not knowing how to communicate mindbreaks people so hard
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take the gerbil pill
Brutal mogging
>I'm done with alcohol

>the other bitches gossiping her outside
sickening femoids
>"Are you worried about your parents seeing your pany clips" She says on camera to signal to the viewers to do exactly that
>Means well and doesn't know what she's doing
>im done with alcohol

nontent, get her out of there neptroon. were not watching for friendtank faggotry
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We Run The Fishtankverse.
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>can you guys fuck off with the internet stalking?

Someone needs to find the names of the chad soccer players and TTS Claire pretending to be them
claire tweaking hard
nah she clearly cares about her and there's no real benefit to getting one of her biggest allies kicked when she gets so much hate already
DSPesque kino
she has almost more than both bitchtank cameras combined. she is the show right now. we are watching this bitch spiral out of control in real time.
do they know eminem is a gay fag
holy shit you're an autist. claire said she was embarrassed about it and abi was asking if that's why she's tweaking right now
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>mfw when /bant/ trannies start posting claire pics from elementary school
love Claire
protect Claire
cherish Claire
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Quick rundown on whats happening with Claire? What did she do when she was drunk? It has anything to do with that weirdo Dave asking her to show her panties?
>Abi tries to save Claire from further degrading herself
>She's trying to trick me
Haley and Juliana's whispering should get them kicked fuck them
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Your response?
love how committed he gets for his characters
basically begged oddbod for cock
>i want you to fuck me in the hole oddbod
what do people get out of orbiting lolcows like jimmy
are they convincing him to do shit to laugh about it with each other?
are they genuinely obsessed with him like a cult leader?
>flyover state fags consider that a stacy
cleh might actually be a psychopath.
like wtf could Abi possibly be trying to do to trick her? she's literally just a retard
why are brown girls peak?
BASED... production is NOT gonna like this lmao
go after haley or something you faggots
Do you think she'll live under the same bridge as methleigh once she goes homeless?
Without sounding mad?
alliterative ape
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Such is life for autists
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who will be the first one to flash?
Better be S-Ranking those missions, boy
>Cell being cleaned up

it's ending isn't it, the world of kino will fall.
Claire is leaving tonight!
Lowest rung of a ladder climber. They can't help it. They're like goats, they just HAVE to climb.
sending tributes to cleh
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They are just cleaning up for Daves arrival
Literally just generic wasted person shit lol. Embarrassing but nothing life ruining.
fagtank starts in 48 hours
xavier doesn't miss. he was so done with the show after the maid bit
They want to get on fishtank and do weird gags
Anyone sending panty shots to Claire’s sisters insta yet?
Rapetank starts in 30 minutes
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Cock or cum?
thanks goron this bitchtank shit is already stale
Kek good job anon
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I just now realized that the silly dance video game allows other cast members to have private conversations
Was this planned? Good move if it was
whos gonna take your place? isnt sam doing shows soon
Xavier Ravenblood has been a character since he and Sodaman were in community college together (as confirmed by Sodaman). Earliest confirmed year is 2016, since a Tumblr owned by him has been found dating back to then.
jimmys list of funny bits to do on season 2 was incredible
it was all shit like
>tell everyone i have a pet cat named javier
>spill a bunch of forks on the floor on purpose
>randomly start talking in chinese
dude is reddit incarnate
it's crazy, at night once the alcohol removes all inhibition, her power grows from humiliation. then the next day it weakens her til it reaches a tipping point where she drinks and it empowers her once more. when she abandons shame she is an endless well.
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>3 out of 6 girls gaming for donos
>Jet has finally turned fishtank into the twitch e-girl streamer house.
Are you not impressed
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bros I don't think Xavier is coming back
Qrd? What did he do?
wow these cunts are just gossiping with no way for us to hear them. whispering is always the absolute worst part of this gay show, I can't believe they still haven't cracked down on it. Even when they did the whisper tax they barely ever did it
is there a chance that Xavier is NOT Jan at all
You figured out alcoholism. well done.
He learned from master of random access humor Chris-chan
Apparently warning her about what she assumes goes on outside is tricking
kys pedo
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abi also kept telling claire not to leave the room last night. if she wanted her out, she would just let her walk
I kind of want to breed the beautiful C.K with evil kevin to see what comes out.
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>sam still hasnt shown after the girls talked shit about him
to be fair she kept getting more and more specific "are you upset your family might see things"
"that your family would see you drunk?"
"that they would see clips of you flashing your panties?"
then told her to quit the show.
it really comes off as her trying to get cleh to feel bad and leave
One of the lamest people to ever live
literally the addiction cycle
Seethe more production faggot
What are the socials of the new hot chick?
Should be easy to figure out if Jan was in college during those years
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it's jet's fault. there is no other rooms to have private conversations in.
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Based... get the 4 remaining taytriots on
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Sam is already in Paraguay bro, IRS agents are showing up today to take Jet
When is Ronnie gonna start making inspirational vlogs on YouTube?
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>>spill a bunch of forks on the floor on purpose
even better if he just threw them down and screamed
I look like that and say that
grow up
Nah she knows humiliating her is the way to cheer that mess up
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>Dox her socials, my lettybugs.
>Not fun allowed
shadi looks like a giant baby playing this game
DRUGS ARE GAY and NOT BASED anons i'm going through a similar vibe due to getting wrecked on coke this weekend. Embrace LIFE and LOVE and stay away from the devil temptations
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@kalei_cats on twitter
If your were Claires friend would you not be trying to get her to leave?
well at least we still have goran
i see potential in here
>dumb white girls
you can always tell who's a faggot by them specifying "white" like its an own
Does anyone think that Claire has legitimate grounds to sue production for the whole Dave panties thing? Or will it take killing herself after multiple threats to actually get them in hot water
This is Jet's way to own the goonposters. People wanted a house of girls and this is the reality: a daycare. even jet's done with it already.
i need to save claire from the end of the world
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That Xavier video sounds likes he's angry with production... I hope he comes back
its reddit anti white humor, jan sucks
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>You rang?
if i was her friend i probably wouldn't be her friend anymore because she is a homeless drug addict
He's definitely not jan. Surprised people here haven't pieced it together
abi is an alien
Production niggers are so embarrassing lol
Not at all, they told her multiple times she doesn't have to drink and she could have just left at any point to not flash her panties.
She'd hate you for saving her
anti-white racism > anti-women sexism
you are correct!
rape time already?
Are friends not supposed to help each other when they’re clearly going down an insane path of self destruction?
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he's not wrong
>life got boring after he showed up
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no chance
Why does production think it's ok to withhold payment from Xavier? Just because he usually works at renaissance fairs doesn't mean he's not owed his worth
she just started playing with her hair mid-convo it was crazy. instead of a hug she'll do shit like this or blow bubbles
You gotta give props to Claire that even without makeup and her hair all fucked she still looks cute, which is something that 95% of the girls can't do.
The video just says he wants to get production to do more LARPing because all he cares about is LARPing, which production have told him they can't afford to do anymore. If they LARP again, he'll be there, but they probably won't.
Was Xavier joking with that video or is he actually mad at production?
Xavier isn't Jan but Ronnie is
Imagine Abi shoving Claire's face in her hairy muff
She is very symmetrical it’s just that every one of her feature is 4/10 on their own
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that would cheer her up
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Do you think they could get in any trouble for the cuts she got while cleaning? Could she actually get HIV or Hep B after all those homeless crackheads spit and walked around in there?
kek claire can not stop hitting curbs with the bike
probably a half bit and testing the waters of actually attempting test the waters of streaming / get donations
Earthly currency isn't enough anon. Jet just doesn't have anything worth enough value for Xavier's excellency.
i am bpd but i dont think it would happen but even so i will not falter i really dont see her lasting another ten years
No, and the amount of cost and effort that would go into that lawsuit for an absolutely minimal reward would not be worth it at all
That’s his character you dumbass. He likes Asian chicks. Imagine getting fooled by jan again kek
Wait, WHAT?! When?
>she still looks cute

take it easy dude
i liked xaviers bits 2.5 it was funny when he was blatantly mean to them in character and they had no idea how to respond
and he's completely correct, this show and the girls are retarded and there's nothing for him to really do that works
but you can tell irl he's an annoying bitch
Thanks anon
Yes. Ignore the gaslighting chuds. She is literally a human trafficking victim who was brutally raped by Daddy Dave while blackout drunk. This is NOT ok.
starting to think that costume wasnt a joke
Xavier carries the show, i'm sure Sam is being a cheap fag.
literally never seen any posts about jan like this until he posts a video shit-talking production. you production fags are so fucking embarrassing
Who the fuck is Jan?
please send something that makes claire happy
Jake Adelstein quit because he can't talk to women lmaoooooo
That’s the character
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>shut the fuck up, pussy.
She would chew you up and spit you out.
Careful anon
I said the same thing when he made the same joke the other day
I Intented xav quitting just use the archives
kek nobody cares about Tay anymore, KWABOTY
its the sam anon that spammed that xavier is anti white because he shit talked the white girls before. its a mentally ill pol newfag
xavier ravenblood/jace connors/thehumanmoment/the only watchable moments of season 2.5
he's probably tapping out but i don't think he's actually mad at production
holy based
Why pay for xavier when Scott come on the show for free and brings the content?
yeah so quit posting about her you faggot
i was traveling during the last couple of weeks so missed a lot, including that lol. thank fuck. i kinda hate it when they give fatty any form of power.
No he would
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I never liked Xavier
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Not a joke I was just manifesting
wigger tank
Claire needs a guy in the tank that is romantically interested in her to teach all these fags what she would actually do to you for being nice to her.

She’s too far gone to be saved.
cope tayjeet
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it's a cool shirt, you can wear it out to bars and we had these hand printed and like

please buy the shirts
It's Sebastian's time
Scott should’ve let Xavier handle it
It was an actual nightmare
Why? you don't think so?
I mean xavier making anti white jokes, stop inserting yourself pathetic faggot
This is so fucking boring, but as soon as I stop watching something will happen, I can feel it
What video?
>people already falling for Jan’s bait
I’d expect it on twitter but not here kek
those are all completely different people, are you retarded? next you're gonna tell me that Ben and Chip are the same person
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I invented Xavier fatigue
It's pretty funny that if an actually attractive girl comes on the show /ftl/ attack her because she's unattainable in the head canon of these simps
See: Becky, Minion, Kaylei
stop fucking calling me production you pseuds that doesn't even make sense why would they care
if you've been watching since day 1 of 2.5 his bit has been making jokes about production to break the 4th wall you spergs
how dare anyone criticize Jan!!! you fucking cucks
Taylor is a faggot she likes men
girls just really Love to yap don't they
>i am bpd
>i really dont see her lasting another ten years
Because you'd kill her since male BPDs all become angry psychopaths like Sam
every relationship ive been in has been with abusive women and my whole entire family is neurotic, im used to it.
there are no more tayjeets, you pathetic nigger. I don't like her either, but you fags obsessively posting about her when nobody gives a shit is just as bad at the jeets
not a real person
super mid
To be fair, Xavier doesn't really work for low effort Bitchtank shit, Bloodgames is his place.
my bad
niggas been falling for the bait for about a decade
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Yeah, Xavier was taking up screen time when we could have had more Scott Sullivan MMA content
anti white women isn't anti white faggot, criticising white women for worshipping niggers and nigger culture is pro-white.
not every person with a personality disorder is the same, i have a lot of empathy and can see glimpses of myself in claire.
That's how this gay show gets you
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She needs a strong dominant man that will not put up with her shit and instill discipline into her, I can be that man
Xavier and Ronnie (@TheHumanMoment) are both great but if you think they're the same person as this "Jan" fellow, you are frankly retarded
Haley and the rat girl yapped for like 8 hours last night.
>not realizing that Xavier is Jan’s new character that will live outside of fishtank
He’s doing something like this so it feels like he’s naturally breaking away from it with a fake bit where he calls out jet
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Claire looks sad and I feel sad.
bitch tank contestants are scott sullivan property.
except he didn't do that, he attributed normal women behavior solely to white women because he's anti white scum, he wasnt talking about nigger culture dumb pol faggot
>kinos your show
Can you refresh my memory, who were becky and minion?
>i can be that man

come on bro you have a fupa
Literally re-read this back to yourself and then try to say that you're not the faggot in this situation
Is every woman a manic schizo like Cleh? I think Trish is the only remotely mentally stable woman to ever be involved in fishtank
Look at that potbelly
>i have a lot of empathy and can see glimpses of myself in claire
It’s literally a white pill to women how easy it is to be attractive to guys if you aren’t some vapid clout chaser like Kaylei. Personality matters
becky isnt a person and minion is an ugly model
Sylvia seems pretty normal

She was a 10 before she bogged herself.
Trish has always been based
Yeah. Can't wait for summer to end. Newfags don't know who Xavier is kek
i didnt call myself an empath
if claire is not on season 3
watching on flowstream
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Fellas lets tell Jet to implement Scott Points, imagine the things it would entail
i know alcoholism is destructive and bad, but this quality of it feels pure and free. like it's fucked up what it does to your life and body, but something about it feels good for the soul.
>normal women behavior
do you think women all over the world are obsessed with rap music and staring at their phones all day?
holy shit you are legitimately brain-dead. The anti-white women thing is because his character likes asian girls. How fucking dumb can you possibly be??
you're right but kaylei is not in the same class as minion a literal professional model
kaylei is a trashy mid normie with hairdresser face and is definitely attainable
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come to the cell cam
relax your mind from all the bitches yapping
tranquility awaits
Yes and thats not even what he said, he made fun of them for liking knitting and talking too much
Minion is fucking repulsive
Yeah we someone says "white women" they are classifying a certain kind of women.
Starbucks, boss girl, leggings, astrology, affirmations, "self-care", uggs, sports adjacent or anime nerd, etc.
Can't expect terminally online people to not realize it's a race based insult
hi jan
>the way she just drops her hand on her head
has betty killed herself yet?
addiction is the opposite of freedom. if you don't have a drink (or drug) on schedule then your body begins to melt down whether you like it or not.
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thats literally what he was doing
This is the "Get Naked" challenge

Letty can participate in this one
Yes. Not with rap especifically but the lowest common denominator genre of their place
This is how bottoms talk
you are gay
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Xavier has 100% read and agreed with my critiques, I dont hate you Jan, I just want wats best for the Tank
I'm gonna cum
can a kiwitroon dox this faggot. if he continues to be on the show he deserves life ruination
theyre both ugly
Spiritually and socially she has. She’s a walking Betty blacked bam ba lam shell at this point
After all these years, I finally get the joke behind that line
this is a deranged brain so convoluted with internet garbage
anon, you need to get a hobby and start taking walks
She looks a troon it certainly would make her hotter
Xavier is right, he only thrives in an environment of larping, not trying to make a bunch of boring dumb holes interesting.
We need Xavier to stream. I'm tired of bitchtank.
watching cleh try and drive and hitting every wall possible fills me with dread
Xavier, real name Jake Adelstein, is literally ITT seething that he's not the center of attention anymore kek. Go back to working at Amazon bro
Yes kaylei and claire are definitely in the same league
Scott is undoxable due to his genius stratagem of living in his car in preparation for this very scenario. 3D chess.
you have a decade of deagle nation parkourdude91 streams
they are
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They brought him back just to let Sam “mog” him the entire time. It was retarded and I bet he is annoyed with them lol
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You've posted this twice, do you actually think his name is Jake Adelstein? It's literally a Tokyo Vice reference
I might be overthinking a bit but I feel like Claire low key hate abi or just thinks she is somewhat annoying.
I was agreeing I missed a "not" in there whtvr Xavier did nothing wrong
i don't have strong feelings about either and they certainly are
Hi jet
He thrives on doxing as per the ancient custom of Dojo busting
oh wow
it doesn't need to be xavier, it can be tons of different characters because he is more talented than anyone in production. he is the only 1 ive noticed actually does prep work and research about anything he does
jesus this thread is hopeless. you people are scum
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i was raped my entire life
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Cleh + Jimbo or Abi + Jimbo

im asking cause he is 100 returning
What triggered you this time, you-people-kun?

Mommy bex always provides
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>people ITT see a girl with platinum blonde hair that costs $200 per appointment and think she's an untouchable goddess
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please be nice. hurtful comments like this aren't welcome here
right. i have purpose, i see it in claire. i will pull her out from the haze just as i did with myself.
claire is convinced that abi was just trying to get her to quit.
I'm fucking sick of Haley and Juliana silently gossiping
Neither, not because of Jimbo but because neither of these women are entertaining.
Clembo, I need to see what happens
Jan has a habit of steam rolling things which is fine when there is a plot or specific goal for a certain conversation. It doesn’t work as much when it’s just girls idle talking in a room.
I just want fucking Dave back bros

Wherever he is I hope he's happy and playing with fire
Tj won
He does raise a interesting point. As much as I want him on the show, what is there for him to do exactly?
Ben saw this post lol
i hope his car flips over on the way over
>Mommy bex always provides
she cant provide any milk
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Josie thread
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angelgang :)
Kill yourself.
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Feel like pure shit just want her back so bad bros
what did xavier say to trigger him?
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Nothing, the xavier character should've stayed in bloodgames and thats it, even the twitter account and yt channel/video is too much
heckin chungus fake homeless dave will be back to beg for balls don't worry homo
Shut the fuck up, pussy
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Feel like pure shit just want him back so bad bros
He’s coming back, they’re turning the cell into the Dave Cave
Claire and Jimmy interacted already. Production was stupid and told Jimmy that Cleh was a Jimmy fan and that it was Jimmy’s goal to get that information out of her
stop trying so hard, newfag
Now that's kino
kino podcast night 2 nights in a row!
i was drinking with my gf the other day and she says to me

>can you try to understand where im coming from as a cis white male

took all i had to just say yup
What is all this coddling
Even BB is more brutal than this bitchtank
how do they talk so long? I can barely keep a convo going for a minute
ok xavier
well shes taken by a gay methhead and is never going to be the same
claire mogging in viewers right now
haley really is tayleigh 2.0
look at those mannerisms
Jooliana lowkey mogs the other bitches frfr
he should just do Ronnie it was funnier in this setting.
imagine having a gf like that lmao
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Xavier should have never crossed tayleigh. You come at the fishtank Queen, you best not miss.

Now he quit. Hahaha.
>you aren't from kansas i know that much.
he already schizo'd her
OK which one of you tj fans sent that tts? Lol
If claire hit the gym she could easily be a 8/10, she has such nice natural features.
>cis white male

Stop calling these people girlfriends. You can fuck em but stop giving them these titles
Is this what these cunts were whispering about? Literally nothing?
>Haley and Julianna confirmed for Hate and Death
gym makes women look worse
what TTS?
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i havent watched since 2.5 ended. Has anyone come along to replace the traitorous snake yet?
We need Xavier and Ronnie in the same room having a conversation.
she's cool when sober. retarded while drunk.
why isn't she taking any missions
she just runs aimlessly around the map
are women retarded?
Cleh needs to eat more. Her head is huge compared to her body.
It was me :)
probably. same shit they were doing in the cell last night.
Please post more about the girl manifesting A.I cluster, Maybe we could pool together and finally make it reality.

Also bonus points if our consciousness can be uploaded into the network.

It was in the cell with Hayley and Julay and it said
Jordan stop posting your meth whore.
>Jimmyfags bitches are hate and death
who wouldve guessed
whos we you loxist freak
poet this idea on his YouTube video
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there's a reality where he actually did the 10 minute talk videos and had a nice following outside of the tank. makes me sad
I knew I should've just stopped watching
Cleh is not a gamer
you're posting on the hate and death website, newfag
She doesn’t understand how maps work.
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Does Abi like Deftones?
yeah its a modern phenomenon, women don't really need to gym
I know I'm not talking about the addiction part, I'm talking about the part of the psyche that drives someone to alcohol in the first place. for a show that features humiliation so much i just found it an interesting subject.
i basically just took the idea from some dostoyevsky story and applied it to claire. he wrote a lot about humiliation. i could see him taking it up the ass i suppose
me and probably 10+ guys that will all reply to this post FOR SURE.
she’s having a breakdown and just using this as a distraction
tbf that's the more fun part of gta games, not the missions
she thinks the mission is to cover all 100 spray tags
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>you're posting on the hate and death website, newfag
Shut your fucking dumb mouth jimmytranny
She already has a good body if anything brings her down it's her head
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anyway thanks
i think the poverty crt cant show it
every 5 minutes she has to stop and ask for directions
i've had left leaning gfs but that is beyond normalcy
usually the mindwarp lib stuff is just a facade for mixed company so if she's saying that just between the two of you she might actually suck and you should break up with her

Hey look blockhead Joe wrote on article on Jan
Xavier is funny and I want to see him more
here's your story arc jet, make it happen.
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>tfw we never got the urban exploration videos
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>tfw julay is mogging us again
Bring Cole back to fill the Oddbod role in Bitchtank, except instead of every girl finding him funny and charming they are all put off by him because he has autism and doesn't have an accent
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Any porn videos with girls that look similar to abby?
kek cleh spending money on food in game getting CJ fat because she doesn't know what else to do
what cult is she with
>taylor swift probably hates my guts now
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>eastern time


so funny he deep down wants to be a cool alt city boy like Ella. Punk ass quitter
gold clan.
nothing happened we need fagtank desperately bitchtank as a concept IS fine but in practice these bitches simply can't carry a reality show by themselves.
Shes a girl that knows all your favorite man memes
>posting 4chan screenshots from 14 years ago you got off knowyourmeme
you dont fucking fit in here you stupid newfag cunt. slit your fucking throat.

the tranny section of any porn site
It depends, i'm not saying she should be buff, I'm just saying that she could lose a little bit of weight and tone her body.
nigga had to clock back in, remember all the BS he said about getting a bitch on his stream and having fans?
I guess Alex Tanner is the closest looking
>temple OS
why do women ruin everything?
production hates bitchtank too lol
Claire is an agent of chaos
sending the girls to a cell with just cole would be hysterical
gym just makes womens bodys look weird most of the time even when theyre not trying to be muscly
newfag rage
haha no wonder why he quit he legit was hurt
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>Cleh survived the night
Fuck yeah
they need to throw in a manly man and have them fight over him. I'm busy or I'd volunteer.
Oddbod gone frfr?
This why Claire is depressed af?
I agree, I'm just saying that her body still has a lot of potential.
Yeah she wanted him to fuck her in the hole
being in a harem is heaven for women
fuck off
no shes depressed because she thinks her life is over after this and is planning her suicide
Cole? Crybaby quitter who was the worst part of S2. /thread
Too bad she's going home tonight :o
reminder he won
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she needs me
Why. She should stick it out and embrace it like Letty did
where'd the love/life hate/death meme originate
girls be like *has a midlife crisis because she's about to turn 22*
Joe Bernstein won, he writes for the NYT and Sam doesn't have a TV show. Love and Life won.
that'd be gay and nontent
its a based schizo meme he says the funny pol words top kek rip terry
dumb prod faggot
won't happen. sam will veto anyone who mogs him or he tihnks is manlier than him
migrate soon
wrong. i wont let her. i i will send roses.
mein kampf
It is a meme. If it wasn't you'd be posting on this website using it no?
Men be like "my life is over because my hairline's changed half an inch"
Is there a clip of her saying that? I've seen you referencing it a lot through the thread, not sure if you're trolling or she actually said that when she was drunk.
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Xavier got BTFO by Tayleigh ahahaha. LARPing creep.... now you quit. (:
Taylor schils
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Hey Cole, how does it feel to know that JC was immensely more attracted to your rival, the tall guy Brian, than you? I bet that feels pretty bad, huh Cole?
Yeah realizing you won’t experience young love fucks with women’s heads especially
I don't have the clip but she actually said it
She also said she would rather be raped than bored
she doesn't have the forgiving parents of letty. her family life sounds awful and she doesn't want to face them.
obviously she is blowing it out of proportion but she is a dumb girl.
jet should honeslty just tell her what she did is not a big deal and to stop stressing
Tayleigh, just stop fucking posting.
Forced taylorgram maymay
He did tho, remember how sam made letty cuck him out of his last scene?
The attic initiative group in s2
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It's clear who she really wanted
Letty tried to kill herself after s1
Dontarious whispered it into the cam in b2 s1
zoomers when they hit 16*
>she doesn't have the forgiving parents of letty
you literally don't know shit about this people. parasocial freak
That's crazy, oddbodd can't stop winning.
It's crazy how every girl except Tayleigh wanted Teej's horsecock.
Just shows you how fucked up and backwards she is
She literally did though
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>JC pretending to be drunk like everyone else
She pretty clearly did, anon
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>sour soda
Jesus fucking Christ
will keep watching the /bant/ threads for your cock anon
>If it wasn't you'd be posting on this website using it no?
No, because TempleOS has no networking support. God doesn't want his Temple contaminated with botspam and interracial cuck porn
JC was trying to steal chips. She was a Chinese bitcoin mugger
No what happenend?
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>Chinese bitcoin mugger
When will they learn?
she dates beaners and the lead singer is a beaner so probably
thank you anon
why is everything pro white this anti white that with you people
touch grass
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if shadi lost 50lbs she would be the most plappable on this show probably
nvm just read her weight, i mean 90lbs

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