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did the murders really happen or was it all in his head?
dunno, never seen it
You see the murders happen on screen.
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It's a female writer's depiction of her histrionic and irrational fear of le wall street finance bros, which continues to live on in Hollywood (webm related).
Checked but both of these works have male writers.
I haven't seen it coz it's made by a woman.
watch it its good
They happened but everyone is so self absorbed and concerned with their own profits they either dont notice to the obvious psychopath in their midst or they turn a blind eye to sell gore soaked apartments. Pat Bateman is unremarkable in a world that is thoroughly morally bankrupt and demonic, being a mass murderer doesn't even register in the world of yuppies and real estate agents.
It was all in his head. Some people think he really did murder the homeless guy, but I don't. Bateman is not the type of guy to actually get his hands dirty despite fantasizing about it constantly, I think thats pretty evident when seeing him interact with people in the "real world". Many examples, but just think when he orders a drink at the club:
>fantasizes about telling her that he wants to stab her to death and play around with her blood
>instead smiles and does nothing
It's like he tells Eveyln: he wants to fit in. Ultimately, he's too much of a conformist to be a serial killer for real.
I think it's like The Exorcist where the ambiguity is part of the point. That's what makes it interesting.
All of them except the one where he goes on a killing spree in the last part, that's just him going insane.
The entire point was to keep the ending open to interpretation. It is what you think it is. So a consensus is completely pointless.
It was a fantasy created to compensate for the vapid, soul-crushing nature of his professional and social life. He wanted to fit in, but felt resentment for the culture he wanted to blend into. His violent fantasies were a cathartic expression of his bitterness towards the superficial, societal pressure that made him feel like he had to suppress his emotions and desire for genuine connection.

I think. I dunno
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The sequel confirmed the deaths
the book is the funniest thing youll ever read and at times oddly profound
i had the fortune of not knowing this before seeing it, very surprising cause its hardly anti man and the male perspective is well done
You really think he had the time and resources to kill 6 million people and then cremate their bodies with no evidence left behind in just 5 short years? Get real, OP.
It a fable
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The sex was real, yes but he was having gay sex with hobos. Homo hobos.
this is the guy from the sigma edits no?
no they don't
american psycho script was written by a lesbian
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You're not supposed to know. You're supposed to feel gaslighted.
they did, nobody gave a shit
Yes. The revelation at the end is that he thinks he's such a special snpwflake who's better than his contemporaries because he gets away with murder, but the open truth is they're all like that, pulling the same shit, so no one cares. They just sweep it under the rug.
If he didn't kill anybody then what he's just some guy? I guess makes sense he wants so baldly to fit in but not really because he shit talks all these people. Needs to be different. Comes up with the killer persona in his mind.

I'm on the fence myself but I've also read the book and it's kind of hard to separate. It's also not fresh for me but writing now I'm thinking the ATM might be a way to judge. Does he kill anyone before it starts displaying goofy messages? He uses it normally but then later it's saying feed me a cat. In the book there's more like it says shoot the president.

Oh minor but the woman in the street he sees when it's pretty late and you can tell she's uncomfortable but Patrick is being pretty normal, is that the real estate lady later in the movie? All she says is hello in the street.
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>>201645928 It's optional. You choose whatever pleases you more. Yeah, the movie is that good.

I choose the murders being real and nobody giving a fuck about it. It makes the movie funnier, and it seems that no people other than the director and Bale himself understood that the movie is actually a dark comedy. Not even IMDb got it.
If anons were to witness this happen, what would you do?
I believe the murders are real in the book, but agree with >>201648317
Also, Tim Price was my favorite character. It feels like there’s something more to him.
the movie is satire, the book is genuinely disturbing. Chuck Palahniuk made an entire career out of it's style.
Batman is schizofrenic.
A little from column A, a little from column B.
The author of the book has said that he left it ambiguous. He also said that he didn't like how the movie only tried to make it ambiguous towards the very end.
Anyone else find it hard to imagine what Patrick Bateman would be if the book/film were set in the modern era? I think it’s because Patrick is supposed to be the exemplar of male success with an internal loathing covered by the desire of conformity leading to violent outbursts seeking attention that never comes.

In the modern era, there is no dominant ideal of success for men to look towards and loathing isn’t unique with the prevalence of so-called “irony poisoning”. He certainly wouldn’t be a crypto-bro or a basement dweller. Being a Tate-like character wouldn’t work either because he’s supposed to follow the mainstream.
How about a Mr Beast type?
fr fr check’em
I didn’t like the comparison at first, but the more I think about it some big production/charity social media activist actually does work really well. You get the popularity and status while being a bland nobody in the crowd. You have the financial success without hard work and endless chasing of high end trends. The tame politics toeing the line for only the most centrist views. Plus, being a streamer/youtuber is currently the most desired job for adolescents. If I saw Mr. Jimmy Beastington on the street and not in some thumbnail, I probably wouldn’t recognize him and couldn’t pick him out of a lineup for stabbing a homeless man in the street.
would be somebody who gets cofused with someone else. an Ezra Miller type getting confused with that morbius guy.
>because he gets away with murder, but the open truth is they're all like that
No because they are not all murderers.
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>In the modern era, there is no dominant ideal of success for men to look towards
Yes there is. You just need to speed more time away from the internet.

>Main Findings 2021
>Women said the most attractive job in a partner was “doctor,” while men preferred “nurse.”
>The 25 most attractive jobs according to women respondents have an average pay of $74,154.
>Meanwhile, the 25 most attractive jobs according to male respondents only pay $56,129 on average.
>Men showed profoundly more fondness for jobs known for appearance, including dancers and actors.
exactly how i feel about price
>I believe the murders are real in the book
how do you explain him murdering tons of people and leaving the bodies in the apartment, and yet the landlord is just annoyed and kicks him out instead of calling the cops?
Yes they happened and no one cared that was the point
great book chapters left out of the movie
>the zoo scene with the dead kid
>the U2 concert
>tom cruise elevator scene
>dinner with his brother
>visiting his mom at old folks home
and my favorite
>kosher deli
I really liked the detail of the Patty Winters TV show getting more unhinged as Bateman’s psychotic episodes continue, going from Aspirin and Autism to Juggling Nazis, Girls Trading Sex for Drugs, Midget Throwing, and Home Abortion Kits
join in!
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>He thinks an ATM wants to be fed a stray cat
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Yes, he committed the murders. That's the whole fucking point of either work: this murderer is in fact less vile than the rest of us, his witnesses and enablers who ignore his disintegration and its consequences, being too distracted by our self-obsessions, like wanting a table at Dorsia or a better business card.

But there's also dozens of other material clues it happened: the lawyer he confesses to doesn't laugh about it at the bar because it didn't happen, but because he thinks Bateman is too much of a pussy to have done it. Then there's the scene at the laundry with the bloody sheets where both the launderers as well as an acquaintance are alarmed. The most significant one is the realtor who threatens to call the police. For what? Visiting an open house? What's the worst that could happen? A ticket for trespassing? She's suggesting she knows what he did. There's also clues in other books that he did it. In Glamorama, he's described as having a puzzling stain on his tux while glaring menacingly at a model, to say nothing of being a suspect in the disappearances and murders in Lunar Park (although it's more of a meta version of Patrick).

Only pseud dipshits think it's heady to doubt the veracity of Bateman's claims. The source of it all is some fag at the NYT found an inconsistency in the description of a tie and thought he'd look edgy if he peddled the theory of muh unreliable narrator. It's how stupid people try to sound smart.

What would the fucking point of it be, then? In what way is it satire of American greed and vanity if it's just some gay imagining he commits murder? It's then just a dumb story about mental illness. Ellis is himself too polite to insult his readers and viewers by noting they're too stupid to understand it, and it also generates contorversy which generates sales.
I really like some of the other moments that seemingly imply it’s real
>Stabs an Asian delivery guy
>After realizing he was Japanese and not Chinese, curses himself for getting the wrong one
>Grabs a blood covered fortune cookie and gives it to Evelyn
>She is disturbed by what it’s covered in
>Plays it off as Sweet and Sour sauce
>Gets in a taxi cab
>The cabbie mentions that the police have a picture of him downtown and that he’s wanted for murder
>Decides the best course of action is to take him to the police to claim the reward
>Patrick jumps out of the cab, leaving behind some of his belongings
It would lower the resale value of the place if a bunch of whores died there, she covered it up
I'm going with he killed these people. At least most. In the book he checks on a decomposing body he has in a warehouse. He mentions something about his maid finding something I think. Seems like a lot of detail for a fantasy.
>dude...the 80s was....le bad, because.....it just is
Bret is a hack and Bale carried this movie
the murders did not really happen because its just a movie
>I choose the murders being real and nobody giving a fuck about it.
I choose to believe it doesn't fucking matter either way. It could alll be in his head or it could all be real, no one in the setting gives a shit. Its only Patrick who might begin to slightly give a shit.
Cram it, fundie!
I think it was in his head considering how the killings become more dreamlike as the film goes on.
Did you know there was a Broadway musical version? Pretty different from the book and the movie, but I like it.

There's a couple of full bootlegs of it on YouTube. Sadly the show was a pretty big failure, and closed after only a month, but that sort of thing happens a lot on broadway.
he's also way more autistic in the book.
>Being a Tate-like character wouldn’t work either because he’s supposed to follow the mainstream.
Probably some normie-esque tiktok/instagram influencer. If it was mid-2010s, he would be constantly going on about how he travels to "festivals" like ibiza.

Also being a wall-street bigwig wasn't "mainstream", but i guess it wasn't "anti-mainstream" like Tate is.
>Original author Ellis said, "American Psycho was a book I didn't think needed to be turned into a movie", as "the medium of film demands answers", which would make the book "infinitely less interesting".[57] He also said that while the book attempted to add ambiguity to the events and to Bateman's reliability as a narrator, the film appeared to make them completely literal before confusing the issue at the very end.[58] On a 2014 appearance on the WTF with Marc Maron podcast, Ellis indicated that his feelings towards the film were more mixed than negative; he reiterated his opinion that his conception of Bateman as an unreliable narrator did not make an entirely successful transition from page to screen, adding that Bateman's narration was so unreliable that even he, as the author of the book, didn't know if Bateman was honestly describing events that actually happened or if he was lying or even hallucinating. Ellis appreciated that the film clarified the humor for audiences who mistook the novel's violence for blatant misogyny as opposed to the deliberately exaggerated satire he'd intended, and liked that it gave his novel "a second life" in introducing it to new readers. Ultimately, Ellis said "the movie was okay, the movie was fine. I just didn't think it needed to be made".[59]
I don't think they happened and i also think Bateman isn't even real, he's just an amalgamation of the different yuppies in the office, a Simulacra of their boredom-induced psychosis.
All the times he gets confused for someone else. The fact that his father "practically owns the company" but is never mentioned again. The fact that we never see him actually doing his job. Him leaving the voicemail at Paul Allen's but nobody noticing it wasn't Paul's voice on the line. The sameness of the business cards and the suits and the Rolexes and the yearning for Dorsia because it was mentioned in the Times.
Even Carruthers became part of the formless blob of Yuppie at P&P
He truly was Not There
>his opinion that his conception of Bateman as an unreliable narrator did not make an entirely successful transition from page to screen, adding that Bateman's narration was so unreliable that even he, as the author of the book, didn't know if Bateman was honestly describing events that actually happened or if he was lying or even hallucinating.
>didn't know if Bateman was honestly describing events that actually happened or if he was lying or even hallucinating.
>adding that Bateman's narration was so unreliable
gee that almost sounds like an unreliable narrator, what a retard
The business card song still occasionally pops into my head when I’m working on graphic design.
I also really like the more uptempo Killing Time version floating around.
>irrational fear
No it's entirely justified.
Nurses are complete sluts and utterly insane.
this movie sucked
No it didn't
oh okay
This is the first time you guys were actually able to discuss the movie!
holy fuck i hate musicals
I love this movie because it's been pushed so hard over years on dysgenic pedo boards, I'm not able to NOT dislike it despite its jewish subversion.
>no pilots on the list
the mom of the creator of this list got fucked by a pilot

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