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This is the gayest shit I've ever seen
You can smell the poo in this webm
Too high T for you, huh?
If you think that's gay, wait till you hear about this board called /tv/
The Rape Squad
Too homosexual to rape women
Who said anything about women
>Indian men are wea----
It's pretty awesome actually and I'm not even a brown street shitting retard named Rajesh
t. flexless pecs
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>see man
>start thinking about male on male anal sex
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>Mention gays
>Automatically thinks about gay butt sex without it even being mentioned
male on male sexual activity is what homosexuality is, yes. But aside from that fact, could you explain to me how going "NO UR GAY AKSHUALLY" makes you any less of a faggot for thinking of male on male anal sex when seeing the male body?
>only kino Indians can produce is homoerotic
I can flex my pecs but I'm fat
They're jeets not men, beasts of legendary debauchery
you should check Zach Schneider's flickography
I read some where that bodybuilders actually aren't that strong despite their appearance
I know competitive body-building and weightlifting are completely different but are all the huge bodybuilders really just regular tier strength or not that high up??? Assuming no roids or at most as small a dosage as possible, all natural muscle, are bodybuilders not actually as strong as they look. Could they really be out muscled by some other guy that looks less defined or not as "huge"
What are you talking about, it's really cool intimidation tactic. I do it all the time, if I want to cut in line, if some guy looking at my girl, if I have the unfortunate need to walk pass a black neighborhood etc
This is what jeets think is cool.
No, they’re strong. But they typically get the exact shape they want by exercises that isolate muscles. Hence movements that require the coordination of several muscle groups may stump body builders, either because they have not developed the limiting factor for that movement (because it’s unaesthetic) or because they just haven’t practiced that movement.

There’s the further consideration that when they’re in competition shape they’re at their weakest, because they’re turbo dehydrated in order to get their skin tight over their muscles.

In general, the “they’re not strong” is a gay cross fit cope. To be clear, body builders are ugly fags with serious and girly body dysphoria problems and are pretty useless in real sports, but that doesn’t mean they’re weak.
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how can I look like that?
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these, to failure
Swing heavy club
Eat jasmine rice
Shit on any street you can, not just designated ones
thank you saars, i will redeem the big muscle
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honestly, pretty based
I would be mirin these subhuman jeets. I should work out more
they're strong, just not as strong as a pro boulder carrying guy or other less defined strongman that seeks high scores not aesthetics
both types are strong enough to tear people limb from limb though
the saars do a program based on swinging giant ass clubs and maces, and there's a trainer named Mark Wildman who does combat conditioning and choreography for actors in movies. His programs are based around swinging metal versions of those pajeet clubs, check it out if you're serious.
Your body can only handle a certain % of muscle. If you want to build more then you need to put on fat too. Hence why strongmen/sumos aren't extremely cut
the big difference is that on comp day the bodybuilders are honestly on death's door from dehydration, but during the off season they are basically indistinguishable from a strongman
Sounds super bad for your joints. Why not kettlebell weights?
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are those bruises? what the fuck
So you're flexing your boobs
It's basically kettlebell but in the yaw axis instead of pitch axis. It is good for your joints and opens them up similar to a dead hang, farmers walk or YTWL drill. We evolved from arboreal creatures and are the best throwers in the animal kingdom, the shoulder joint is great in traction, it doesn't handle compression so well. (Ideally do both clubs and kettlebell).
It's grease. The pajeets and Iranians have two schools of how they do it. One where the club or whatever doesn't touch your body and one where it does/where you rest it on your shoulder and you use the fulcrum as a lever. The latter lets you use more weight, but it can be considered cheating like some consider straps on a diddly or a squat suit. The "don't touch your body" school has been developed a way to discourage body contact in the form of a medieval torture device known as a "nail jori."
The pec flexing is a metaphor for aids. See the way it spreads around the room until it even infects our hero.
>It is good for your joints
Maybe I got confused. Was thinking you were saying they did some kind of tire hammer thing. Hitting shit with heavy shit degrades the weakest part of your body (joints)
yeah no it's free swinging stuff, example
Is the protagonist natty?
gay indians don't need lube
these guys are going to be untouchable when they have grandsons
It's literally poo.

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