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They keep trying to allude to the fact that super powers are the equivalent to money but it just doesn't add up considering the west is a meritocracy. Supes are GIVEN their powers as opposed to our world where everything is earned.
>our world where everything is earned
Yeah, I EARNED that small loan of a million dollars from my father.
>the west is a meritocracy
nice bait
anyway soldier boy should have killed that little twerp
Liberals don't believe anything is a meritocracy. Your hipster barista legitimately believes that you could put them in any C-suite position and they would do just as well because nobody in those roles is any more competent than the average worker.
The keyword being LOANED which means it needed to be paid back.
Is there any proof it was paid back? And the keyword was SMALL, which illustrates the scale that societal leeches are able to operate at from the get go.
>the west is a meritocracy
Look man I can suspend disbelief so far
We're talking about hotel chains not pizza huts, a million dollars IS considered quite small. And yeah, loan literally means you need to pay it back.
A million was not small at the time in question. And again, no proof of repayment. You're not doing so well.
You have to know the absolute minimum about finance to keep the borrowed ball rolling with a 1 mil seed.
>It's a meritocracy!
>but don't touch my inheritance! I EARNED it by being born!
why should the government get to touch inheritance, they've already double and triple taxed every dollar that went into it
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>the west is a meritocracy
you realize Kamila Harris is only running for president because she was vice president. And she was only vice president because she's an ethically ambiguous woman who could secure female and brown votes for Joe Biden. And the only reason Joe Biden was president was because he was vice president for Obama to help secure white votes. None of these people have done anything with their careers. None of them merit their positions of power. They were selected based on their race and gender.
and she only has a career because she fucked willie brown and he gave her quid pro quo appointments
>meritocracy language flies out of the window, starts whining about taxation that happened to someone else that isn't them
Every time lol
It’s because she sucks jewish dicks just like trump
>everything is earned
are you 12 years old
nice bait
no, an ambitious political climber in her twenties was just having an affair with a 60 year old politician out of love
>money is earned
They are basically saying that money in its extreme disparities are NOT earned but are contrivances as engineered as superhero juice. It's the juice, OP. Now please walk into a Synagogue and scream "IT'S THE JUICE!"
Damn juice gives the feds these evil dark black tentacles, oi.
>still watching this cringe fucking show after they went full on laziest "allegory"
Homelander is a ebil Christian conservative and he fucks a literal nazi because they are literal fascists lol I R a smart writer.
>In NO WAY did my father's name, notoriety, business connections, or secret society memberships influence the outcome of my life. I am a self-made man!
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>some people start out with a huge advantage due to the circumstances surrounding their birth
>i dont see how this relates to money tho
What is being disabled like
Superpowers are far more, the normie can not fathom nor imagine what superpowers are or could do in our world, the normie refuses to admit or consider, which is why it's difficult to analogize with 'real world' things.
>taxation that happened to someone else that isn't them
it happened to the person leaving the inheritance, you're not entitled to choose what someone does with their possessions you populist little worm
You're correct but I am entitled to inform you that the recipient of such an inheritance objectively did not earn it and that meritocracy has no place in that discussion (as you attempted).
It's like living in a rural area like the south or the midwest or a poorfaggot county in western NY.
This is why they have social engineer sociologists and are scientific managerial socialists. When money is stolen, stealing money with impunity becomes a super power above kings and armies.
>hipster barista
You're 40
Inheriting money does not negate all future merit.
Mild mannered Clark Kent owning the Daily Planet...I mean uh typing away in the background obsequiously
no cap, she ate fr my skibidi sigma gyatt
>fuck you mom I choose my own birthday
All? Of course not. Most? Definitely. There are an exceptional few people that are capable of building up on their own, and most trustfund babies that try to make it on their own or experiment with building wealth from scratch as an experiment fail terribly. This isn't a discussion of opinions - every statistic you can find would support just how big a deal it is to get a huge headstart.
>could AW Jones defeat Superman with prep time?
whiny baby pinko outlook

i suppose it helps you rationalize your failure
It’s called inheritance you shallow minded twat
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>captain america vs iron man
>batman vs superman
>punisher's extra punisher plus judeo-atheist venom vs superman last son of science
Fucking kino, Bruv
explain how I was born to a family with money and don't even work a day of my life
>superman last son of science and CEO of BASED AND REDPILLED head of the SEX DEPARTMENT
>Rips apart gay spiderman for breakfast
Uh Purely genetic factors
Gentlemen we are witnessing Kino of the highest order
Hey uh you should let the DNC know that she would win my vote if she started an onlyfans
You're ing sarcastic bht nost millionaires in America are self made.
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>It's like living in a rural area like the south or the midwest or a poorfaggot county in western NY.
Why are Midwest chuds so stupid, bros?
Uh purely economic factors
you shouldnt take capeshit seriously. a hollywood show is badly written? no shit

anyone halfway competent can earn 1 mil in the usa easily. much more difficult is turning that into several billion. but i bet you cant even do the first part. as always poor people can only talk shit, otherwise they wouldnt be poor
it's superficial crappy writing. don't overthink think. Look at this loser: >>201648793. moving goal posts as usual, making it all about one individual. Ignoring the ones in his own camp that pull the exact same shit.
Don't waste time with them. Watch them, and be aware that a functional adult can compartmentalize politics, life, and fiction. Don't be a rotbrain like them.
> societal leeches
how are they any more leaches than the likes of you? I'd have you BOTH hanged.
people lose small fortunes all the time. I'm so sorry you've never accomplished anything in your life that feel inheritance is such a big negative for society.
only people with inheritance make it? Besides, what about YOUR oligarchs? The ones voting D? Does are fine huh?
If you feel the need to say how your opponent is performing in a debate, you're definitely losing. Also go suck a cock
but you defend said systems!! every time banking and especially central banking is discussed you froth from your mouths about how anti semitc that is.
>X for thee Y for me
I love this thread. Even a fucking spic like, born in a shitty country in the middle of nowhere, managed to study, get good grades, move to the US and establish a small sized business that eventually made me enough for this lifetime and for my kids.
>i..i don't believe you!!!
skill issue. everyone can make it in america. even you, if you weren't miserable pieces of shit that all they want is to loot from others.
another Boys thread? okay!
kek, tell them there are still correlations between iq and education results, violent crime, etc. The evidence is so fucking strong, all they could do was give up and say "no, IQ isn't real!!!"
It’s so funny that this show has evangelical Christians (you know, the hyper schizos that don’t trust any authority at all, accuse every new politician and billionaire of being the antichrist, and even distrust organised religion to the point of having tens of thousands of tiny disconnected churches) as the ones who would hero worship capes and support Homelander rather than immediately going to accuse them of being nephilim, demon possessed, the antichrist, etc
>the west is a meritocracy
At no point has burgerland been a meritocracy.
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Transactions are taxed, not money. It doesn't even make sense to say "money should only be taxed once".
Pic related
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My mom thinks my family is like this but my pappy hates blue collar work and only respects white collar work. Since I was a kid he would throw a fit if I touched a tool
He would scream at me if he saw me with the slightest bit of grease or oil or dirt on me. He demanded that if we even so much as needed to change a light bulb that some middle aged licensed and bonded professional, preferably near retirement, total industry veteran best in the business come here and do it hours or days or weeks later. I am a mathematician and financial speculator. The whole "Jews weren't allowed to work ordinary jobs!" applied to me because I could not physically escape the confines of my ethnic enclave.
NTA but I don't know man. I'm literally signing for a new car tomorrow, moved to a 49th floor in the city late last year. Life is good. I really don't know what to tell you people. Stay here, in reddit, or twitter, and be miserable with each other lol.
>the west is a meritocracy
poor hands typed this
>ah the industrious poor and the leisurely luxurious aristocrats
you fucks consider anything making 2 bucks more than you "aristocrats". Actually it's hilarious how in a matter of a decade you were trained to hate millionaires only when they aren't on your camp. The ones that declare for your team, you keep sucking their cock. There is not a single bone of class consciousness left in you people. Your only ideology left is that one of jealousy and negativity.
He's making a list!
He's checking it twice!
Gonna find out who's naughty or nicea
Satan's claws are...
good luck : )

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