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Why are critics turning on superhero movies?

Deadpool and Wolverine is literally doing worse than The Flash, and only slightly better than The Marvels
too many whites in movies

that's the truth. people won't admit this here.
Whites and straights.
Critics want those DEI points so they have to pan anything without sufficient LAME and GAY points.
Name 3 whites in the marvels
Deadpool worked before every superhero franchise started doing meta humor, now it's just kinda sad
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Hollywood is losing money so bribe money is running out.
>based Ezra killed capeshit forever

we owe them a lot for saving cinema
Holly's boyfriend from the office? idk I don't watch cape slop
Which one of them?
Concession accepted
I want Deadpool & Wolverine to creampie my pussy throat and ass until I die of of semen overdose.
the movie still got 62% on RT despite being of the worst movies of the year

DEI is real
The RT % works differently from Metacritic
particularly now.

Now, I believe the critics gave the Marvels a thumbs up.
It was the audience that told them to fuck off.
To verify, go back to the November reviews and look at the November ticket sales.
Don't bother with latecomers.
Now watch Joker 2 hit a billion.
>Deadpool 65 metascore
>Deadpool 2 66 metascore
>Deadpool and Wolverine 54 metascore

What went wrong?
Critics didn't it scored even worse than Deadpool and wolverine is doing
All of (((them))).
The current group of (((them))) is undoing 80+ years of hard work.

I used to think that as long as capeshit eventually died cinema could be saved. I was that naive. I thought once the trend died out movies could go back to being good. Now i know it won´t happen, that regardless of when and how trends change Hollywood will just keep doubling down on shallow social commentary.
Turns out "remember this cunt from that shit movie 20 years ago?" doesn't make a good film
Twisters just came out last week and made 100 milly
It became fashionable to bash superhero movies, there were a bunch of poorly phoned-in ones, won't stop Deadpool/Wolverine from breaking Joker's record tho.
the marvels has 50 on metacritic
still dei
I compared it to Ghostbusters Frozen Empire, same qualiy, but the movie has 46 on metacritic because of lack of DEI
I don't think 45-50 range is substantially different?
I didn't watch Frozen Empire, Ghostbusters died for me with the first sequel.
>I didn't watch Frozen Empire, Ghostbusters died for me with the first sequel.

Afterlife is really very good for the first 2 acts, then the 3rd act is nonstop key jingling and memberberries and it is unbelievably stupid.

Frozen Empire is just a Marvel movie for redditor Ghostbusters fans. If you liked Ghostbusters for what made it a great movie, it's agony to sit through.
combined with the most retarded nonsense excuse of a plot I've ever seen. You can't even imagine how moronic the "story" is
Sorry chuds, this one is already a big winner.
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>remakeslop just came out last week and made 100 milly
Wokepool and Wokeverine won't get close to it
It's not a remake it's all new characters
$200m opening weekend says otherwise chuddy
It's going to make a shit ton of money anyway, the thing is that if people will get it to a billion or if it will drop like MoM dropped
Oh wow, I see now that they added an s to the end. I bet it's a hell of a film.
It's the perfect summer blockbuster, see for yourself
You know Reynolds and Jackedman?
That's the thing. It should make a billion but Marvel is very front loaded at the best of times. If this is just ok it might fall short
based Disney bootlicker. I hope you and the wifey have fun on your yearly trip to Disneyland!
From what I saw, it was around 70% in favor from the critics. At least back in November.
Once the Disney bribe money fell off it tanked to where it is now.
Gay sure, but not LAME and GAY.
You have to go full monty for the DEI money.
I guess Disney ran out of money for this one.
They must have spent it all on the Inside Out 2 reviews.
So I expected if it was disappointing it would be for a similar reason as Multiverse of Madness or No Way Home - an interesting concept with all the talent required to make a great movie, but dulled by the toothless, generic MCU formula. Am I right?
It's deserved, people want to move on from supes in general with the casualization versions. It's why stuff like The Boys is keeping people's attention when it had a mostly bad 4th season
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oh dear
ESG money dried out
>an interesting concept with all the talent required to make a great movie
you're wrong
The movie is generic slop
They're shifting the trend to moviegame right now. Watch how they will rate arcane s2 and other vidya adaptation high, just like what they did with capeslop in late 2010s
Please stop defending this modern slop cash grabs.
Let the faggots that identity with it and have their fun and consume the content they so desire
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I feel like we're getting another mario bros movie situation, where the critics were waiting for a traditional movie structure, and they just got a crowdpleaser without substance, plus, from what it's been leaked on the other threads, apparently the events of the movie are completely inconsequential to the mcu as a whole, so you could technically skip it and it wouldn't matter really.
Marvel is so dominant that 79% on RT is considered "bad". Marvel will stay winning while /tv/ stays SEETHING.
There is nothing you can do about it. You are powerless
Woah he looks stupid
Are you 2 fucking retarded? It has an 85% on rotten tomatoes
This movie is generic slop
The movie is generic slop.
Nothing to seethe over.
Retards will consume retarded shit.
It’s doesn’t upset me.
I enjoy calling them retards for watching generic slop.
i get off on it
A certified fresh rating and ten bucks will get you a cup of coffee in California
79 now
Let's be honest the MCU was only really a super popular thing for that single year period with Infinity War and Endgame, then once more in the year with Wandavision, Loki, and No Way Home. Literally no one ever treated any of this shit like an event outside of these things.
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The movie looks just terrible, I mean, look at this
From what I’ve heard so far and seen in the leaks it’s just not a clever movie. Seems to have taken the worst aspects of the MCU. The TVA and Void should have never been in it. Deadpool should have 100% stayed a standalone thing. Ironically DC of all franchises understood this with The Joker and The Batman. Obviously Feige was pretty desperate to capitalize off of Deadpool’s success where his own works failed but it sort of ended up being a drowning man dragging down another person thing.
Poor Henry. Everything he appears in gets bad reviews. He must think is his fault.
It is. He's a shit actor
Man you know a movie is bad when Reddit is on damage control mode. Just go to r/movies and r/boxoffice and look in the respective threads. I’ve seen it all too well.
Not sure if it is Le Reddit or if it is Disney Shills or a mixture of that plus a couple of actual fans who desperately want it to not suck.
Seem like it is desperate enough to be all three trying to counteract the bad reviews before it takes hold in the normie zeitgeist.

Still just waiting for Daphne pics...
>The film itself confirms what the tiresome promotional material had long threatened. Deadpool & Wolverine, the first Marvel Cinematic Universe flick to get an R certificate in the US, is, despite that supposed confirmation of mature content, the most relentlessly juvenile entry in a sequence that has rarely been confused with Ingmar Bergman’s Faith trilogy.
>As in the first two Deadpool films (not officially MCU product), Ryan Reynolds’s titular thug cusses and disses like an eight-year-old trying to shock a prim babysitter. This time he has a new joke. From the start, we are made aware that Deadpool will be bravely poking fun at Marvel’s corporate overlords. “Pegging is not new to me, but it is to Disney,” he says with an actual twinkle. (You must look elsewhere for an explanation of the sexual practice here referenced.) There are jokes about Disney’s corporate takeover of Fox. There is even an apparent acknowledgment that this might not be the best time to join the MCU.
>It’s as if the studio is enduring one of those awful comedy roasts, once unavoidable on American cable TV, that allowed celebrities the opportunity to prove they were “good sports”. Of course, such extended comic attention, playing on a biography treated as public legend, actually counts as the most transparent form of deflected flattery. (If I were Deadpool I’d make a joke about noses muffled in rear ends. But I’m not. So I won’t.)
It's got 79%. It's good. You faggots are the ones in denial
It’s copium plain and simple. The phrases are all too familiar.
>It's got 79%
Which is disastrous for Marvel standards. Fans expected to be to be a 90+% classic but instead it’s the lowest rated DP film. There isn’t a single MCU movie below 80% that was considered good.
Most of life is copium. The question is why.
If it is Le Reddit or Disney, the best option is to just ignore and move on. They thrive on attention.

If it is fans in desperate prayer, then I can feel sympathy and just fuck around, play nice, and bump for Daphne pics so they can mourn.
Shawn Levy is incapable of making anything but trash
Fanboys going nuclear that the movie that looked like shit from trailer 1 is actually shit.
>“Pegging is not new to me, but it is to Disney,” he says with an actual twinkle.
If you pay money to see this shit, you are an actual faggot.
How long until a proper camrip is out?
You know you're typing all this while browsing a board where with dozens of tranny Jazz Jenning and Hunter Schafer threads every week.
Eat shit, loser. It's fucking Deadpool
>Birds of Prey (TV show)
>Cheaper by the Dozen
>The Pink Panther
>Night at the Museum trilogy
>Real Steel
>Free Guy
8/10, but great cinematography
>Stranger Thing latest season

Had no idea he was such a kino machine
no forced messages so they don't get the same review treatment. this is hilarious, since both deadpool 1 and 2 are fantastic films, im sure this one will be great too, but there's not enough black men to allow for a good score.
the pre-bought ticket sales tell me this will hit nearly 2 bill on word of mouth alone no matter what review sites and twitter will say
C O P E. It's going to be a huge hit and bury that Joker shit you DCfags desperately cling to
Then you need say nothing?
>tell me this will hit nearly 2 bill on word of mouth alone
No. The trend for MCU films is that they make over a third of their final box office on opening weekend. Word of Mouth won't change much because at this point you know if you like Marvel or not
No, shitface. I can say what I please. Where do you think we are?
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A place to mock your idiocy?
>7/10 comedy with the standards of classic Family Guy is shit
You just have terrible taste
What idiocy? I made a predictive observation. Kill yourself, broccoli-haired faggot.
Yeah. Endgame did make over a third of its final box office opening weekend.
An observation that you claim need no proof or actual logic to obtain.
Shit pulled out your ass, has no value.
The fact that you think otherwise shows you are merely a faggot of low quality.

So I mock you, without regret.
No? It literally did. It made 357mil opening and 858mil total. I can comfortably call it now. If Deadpool opens at 200mil its final domestic box office will be 500mil.
At least I can form an opinion of my own, you dumbshit emaciated child.
They should install dildos in every paid seat for this movie so Millennial soi boys can truly get their fill.
>reddit: the character
Just wait, anon. Nice trips, btw
I had no idea Hardcore Henry was in this movie! I better go tell the r/SoThatHappened guys!
Opinions, assholes, a faggot exalts in them both.
Keep painting the picture, princess.
We are all laughing at you.
>”just turn your brain off”
>”it’s a Deadpool movie it’s supposed to be stupid duh”
>”critics shouldn’t be trusted anyway”
It has begun
>critics shouldn’t be trusted anyway
This but unironically.
From what I heard the only thing saving this movie is the cameos and a couple of well placed jokes, the rest of it is pure garbage
HH isn't even a character, the whole "bit" of the movie is he is a self insert for the viewer.
modern "filmmaking" is disgusting
I wouldn't know. I haven't seen the movie. You can fuck off back to shiddit, though
Screen cap me dude. I'm disgusted with myself about it but I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this shit
It's after endgame so who gives a shit about it really.
The third part is literally the general consensus here lol
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It is
Literally all of those are reality. It's a movie, not a book. Fuck off, nigger. Stick to your gay A24 films and stop trying to shove your stick up my ass just because it's reaching your mouth these days
ok, you got me.
>defends the pegging movie
>with anal sex metaphors
Just transition and get it over with.
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>Tyrone can have my girl, who cares, she was never really into pegging me anyway
>slop slop slop
We get it, you eat shit and want others to think about it. Sorry, anon, I don't like street curry.
Who are you quoting? Kek is this what you're thinking right now?
It's the dream scenario for a quirky redditor Deadpool fan.
If your idea of Deadpool is lolrandom chimichangas, sad to say anon but you're the redditor. Read a comic, sometime.
The cat is out of the bag that capeshit has run its course, studios just have nothing to replace it with.
How many of the current "critics" who reviewed it are Jewish, black, and/or trans?
>Read a comic, sometime.
Nah, pretty sure my life will be vastly better if I don't.
Then what are you doing seething for 20 posts in a capshit thread for? It eats up your life regardless, obviously. May as well turn it into something enjoyable, instead of being an insufferablly miserable faggot.
Disaster movies and animated kid movies and video game movies are already replacing comic book movies
I liked Wolverine and Hulk comics when I was a kid. Now the comics and the movies have become so relentlessly gay that it turned me off of it completely. I also love movies so I'm pissed off about what they've become. Everything is shot digitally with a green screen, the writing and acting is lazy, everyone is phoning it in for a franchise paycheck. I'm not just bitching either. I live in Hollywood and write scripts for films that I want to make. I have skin in the game, so yeah it pisses me off that hundreds of millions are being dedicated to such an embarrassing piece of trash, in lieu of paying for 10 other projects that have something original and interesting to say.
The only faggot is you, you literal cocksucker lol.
Comics are for children.
This site is for adults.
You’re a a manchild bitch LMAO
Now squeal for me you fat ass loser.
You probably play DnD and are a fat fucking bitch
>My dad is Bill Gates
So who was Lady Deadpool?
>Gen X'ers try not to project their faggotry with random gay porn jokes for 5 seconds on a board filled with blacked posters and lolicons challenge
Damn. Nice spergout, zoomie. Keep up the cynicism and enjoy nothing so you can drive yourself the point of suicide, for me. You're so cool being a loveless, petulant faggot 24/7. What happened to all of you avatarfagging as Patrick Bateman, by the way? Is it cringe frfr no cap now?
Yeah. Maybe Deadpo should've said "Hawk tuah on that thang!" Would've been so based and redpilled
I don't think he's a zoomie. Zoomers grew up on these kind of movies. I think he's probably Millennial or Gen X. Most people here on this website are still millennial aged even though more and more zoomers are visiting every year now that they're getting older.
Checked. You're probably right. Still obnoxious as all Hell, though.
Millennials are at least computer literate. Zoom Zooms fear things like torrenting and uncensored forum discussion more than anything.
This isn't a thing no one cares. You are nobody
>won't stop Deadpool/Wolverine from breaking Joker's record
Yeah after 4 years of joeflation
>Hawk tuah
I've never seen anyone besides old boomers on Facebook hype her up.
ESL of the day
That thing won a golden lion, mouseyboi. Know your place, sit down, be humble
I browse the instagram cesspool. Plenty of zoomers love it
Zamn! Is that Kendrick Lamar reference?! #RELATABLE
Real restraint by Reynolds not to include a reference to that, maybe he is growing
I'm breaking character to be grounded with you when I say this. I'm actually pretty impressed with Ryan Reynolds as a person these days. No matter what I think of his acting skills he's a genuine guy and I value that in people more than anything else. Watching him get emotional in interviews over this movie lights a spark in me.
>inb4 "faggot"
Get it out of your system I don't care. I'll die on this hill.
>still mindbroken
Lmao why is the jokester so powerful bros?
I love Joker. You can enjoy multiple things at once instead of being a console warring poser
Yeah, especially given that they were definitely still filming the movie six weeks ago when she said it.
>getting emotional over being paid $20m to play a homosexual superhero
>inspires legions of manchildren to be gay too
This is everything wrong with western civilization right now.
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Carrotid artery. Partial hanging. That's your quickest, most painless way out. Just do it already.
>im breaking character here so I can shill for a millionaire who’s getting emotional about the fact he’s been playing pretend really well
Don't the other Deadpool films have the same rating? What's the reason for the difference?
It's about the fact that he cares about the stories and uplifting Wolverine as a character, not because "he plays pretend really well." He's an insecure loser who can't spend 5 minutes without self-depricating. You're scraping the barrel
Nothing. They're upset because this making moneg gets in the way of Tikkun Olam
He’s an actor who plays an insecure loser. In reality he’s a businessman who’s been milking that persona to secure roles, and establish multiple other revenue streams for years now. Self deprecating humour is part of his brand.
If it helps you feel like a big boy yourself, believing your favourite movie character is showing growth, then I guess you’ll go on believing it anyway though.
More like Ryan Renolyds plays the same two chactacters in every movie. He's either van wilder or that dude from Smokin Aces.
You tried way too hard to fit in, redditor this last post was the icing on top go back to /r/greentext you’re too emotional and try hard edgy you stick out like a sore thumb. You’re in your early to mid 30’s lean left, and most likely bought the book “The Art of Not Giving A Fuck” and own at least one toy/funkopop/action figure whatever you call it. You have marvel posters in your house and own a Nintendo switch. You also have an overweight partner. How well did I do?
Pure Goyslop for retards
No way this guy has a partner. Unless he’s the financial support and she’s sleeping around.
Make more ben stiller/ Owen Wilson/ Judd Apatow slop, tinsel town faggot. This is what we want
I’m a zoomie. Bullying millinials genuinely makes me happy, especially at work but when I’m off, this website scratches the itch. I enjoy tormenting you, socially and emotionally, it’s what I enjoy, why can’t you let people enjoy what they want?
>ITT: miserable drains on society look down on people enjoying their lives while being too chickenshit to go through with suicide, in an endless mental gymnastic effort convince themselves they're worth anything remotely valuable
they're shit. even nigger loving jewish critics dont want to see Glen Powell become Captain America 3 or whatever
Just hand me my McGriddle, kiddo.
Critics aren't people, they're paid shills.
I thought critics were based for shitting on Le Marvel Slop? Which is it?
Why more Ben Stiller
Can’t even give me my (you) pathetic faggot. I’m glad someone is making money of the neutered masses like you my only gripe is it affects the production of art from studios I used to enjoy, but that’s business I guess we will have to make our own kinos. Make sure to get the limited edition Deadpool clip controller product! It looks like a butt! Teehee! You are totally the original target demographic, definitely not 14 year olds! Kek we can sell you anything.
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>begging for (You)s
Trust fund finance bro, actually
He’s a good writer and has the perfect

…”satirical” sense of humor he thinks he’s not funny or relatable to the current generation but it’s quite the opposite. Just the all around “vibe” and humor.
I take you wanted to reply to this disneyshill right?>>201660096
Daytrading memecoins from subreddit trends isn't a finance job. You have a gambling addiction.
NTA. Jesus Christ you're insecure
No I have a securities license and don’t touch the meme coins. Wouldn’t be able to get my house that way. How’s your house? Oh you don’t have one? Shame
>Twisters just came out last week and made 100 milly

They should let the classics die with dignity instead of corrupting the characters with aging and attitudes from the current social atmosphere.
Hit a little too close to home? Tell me what I got right, be a good sport
>it’s a tremendous faggot with delusions of grandeur makes a thread shilling his favourite comic book movie thread
>he gets called out multiple times by anons and resorts to whataboutism because he is genuinely low-IQ enough to think he’s making a good counter argument
>stops replying to people as soon as he realises he’s lost the argument
On top of all this, the numerous projections about suicide are particularly revealing. I’m not edgy enough to wish death on someone because they like comic book movies, but you should get help bro. You’re clearly not comfortable in your own skin, and if watching this slop helps get you through the day then that’s what it does. You need to learn you’re going to get opinions without the mainstream filter here though, and your movie will get shit on. If you’re not emotionally ready to deal with that, don’t post about it.
What? Do you know what NTA means?
Yeah, post your address for proof. I don't believe you.
Yeah the suicide insecure jokes were very Anthony Bourdain esque, how he jokes about it non stop and dies the exact way he joked about it. Life is a tragedy to some and a comedy to others. Ha-ha!
>It's another delusional summerfag who thinks everyone in a thread with over a hundred replies is the same person as long as they disagree with him
>Afraid of suicide
Do it! Do it! Post it to /gif/ in your favorite BLACKED thread.
We can tell when you samefag, newfag. You also wouldn’t make it past the first gate even if I did.
Either gay or samefag. Stop kissing his ass and marry him already
Get help, stop watching porn.
I'd like to brutall kill both sides here. Like gouge out your eyes and break your teeth in brutal.
I’m not afraid of suicide. I just said I don’t wish it upon you. I’d rather people got to live fulfilling and productive lives.
Your posting format and content is very clear across dozens of posts, and you know full well how many you’ve made.
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Waiting on that address
They're paid shills.
No, retard. NTA means NTA. Desperate to prove something to a random person. I don't know who you are and I don't care about your argument. I looked at the thread and you type like an insecure nigger who makes tiktoks with white voice and obvious Atlanta ghetto accent like XXXTentacion.
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Every showing near me is almost completely empty except for a couple people. This is really looking like a flop.
screenshotting for future reference
Deadpool is reddit personified the character and Ryan Reynolds is reddit personified irl.
>Why are critics turning on superhero movies?
to watch them?
what kind of question is this? are you dumb?
How’s the weather in Idaho
Nice try. I live in Zimbabwe.
get better taste
people know the next stage is nigger Captain America
mom was fucking catastrophic that was the beginning of the end for numcu
papi is so hot
he did actually get pegged in the first movie
Pretty comic-accurate, it looks cheap but its still miles nicer than shitty changes everywhere
wtf i had no idea no way home was that big
Meanwhile the turd called Anyone But You gets 9's and 10's. They're just trying to persuade everyone to watch Twisters because how dare Reynolds for having some control over the content of his movie rather than spread "the message".
blake lively
based bong
this thread is full of normie critical drinker fans
Its Rhodesia you fucking nigger
where is this camrip please?
Are you willing to send me money for a link?
Are you willing to suck my cock and balls?
Ok no rip for you which sucks since it's such great quality lmao :)
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>outpacing all recent MCU movies
You can outpace that by selling juice in a lemonade stand these days
Cause the plot leak makes it certain that it is mid af and just a crowd pleaser cringe fest full of cameos
the choker ezra for me that was staying with that mom and her kid for a week until he tried to convert them
Shut it, munt
I'm not watching Twisters, Maxxxine, or Longlegs
By "convert them" do you mean when he saved them from an angry, beligerent, repeat-criminal nigger?
i just saw it and holy hell is it shit
its basically Rick and Morty infinite timeline nonsense to an insane degree, the amount of 4th wall jabs number in the millions, its peak 'millenial writing' and is honestly the one time where I was tempted to leave the theater (besides Rise of Skywalker)
>events of the movie are completely inconsequential
nothing in the mcu has actual consequences, its all one big theme park
You sound like a redditor. Go back.
Has there ever been a movie that made fun of critics blindly associating sadness with artistic merit or maturity?
If this post ends in repeating numbers, Deadpool & Wolverine will make less than a billion dollars.
Yeah. Hell they hate whites are the reason people go watch movies and they hate they need whites to make some money
Two white male leads, can't have that.
>Plus cavill
(((They))) are seething
Not s single character from Twister appears in Twisters
Cavill is box office poison, Reynolds should have stayed far away from him
Previous Deadpool movies were just poo poo pee pee comedies, it's not high cinema or something.
And yet
Who knows, maybe jokes were even worse.
>the events of the movie are completely inconsequential to the mcu as a whole, so you could technically skip it and it wouldn't matter really.
It would be surprising if this wasn't the case since it's r-rated and they still want to market the mcu to kids
>studios just have nothing to replace it with.
Live-action anime and vidya is the new capeshit.
Is a torrent up?
It's a movie where one of it's merch tie-ins is a pair of controllers with their butts moulded on the back. In other words you grab their ass while you play. This is flopping for the same reason as Furiosa: people are wise to faggotry and they're tired of it. And yes, capeshit is dead.

I hope Twisters does well. I want more movies like that and less movies where the two leads act all gay, irony-quipping themselves into a frothy climax while pretending it's all just a joke up to, but not including the moment you tell them to knock it off. At which point you're le homophbiac in the eyes of the distributor not because of any actual beliefs, but because it gives them an avenue of excuses.
> P-people aren't seeing this because they are le homophobes!

In 3.. 2..

Basically this movie looks really cringe.
Reynolds' humor has always been campy, sassy. Jackedman always got made fun if for his older wife
I saw this faggot Canadian Jew earlier today. His profile basically is just him constantly whining about Elon & Trump.
How does this compare to recent Marvel films?
This is easily better than them. Apart from maybe Guardians 3.
Did you pass 4th grade English? Jesus...
Freddy Got Fingered. Unironically.
Cavill's last leading film made 800 million dollars. Cope.
>I'm a zoomie
>Born in 1994

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