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>Film takes place in Melbourne
>White skinheads are attacking the VIETNAMESE
>Sudanese and Afghans and other nonwhite groups that actually cause trouble in Melbourne are not even mentioned

Has the director of this movie ever even visited Melbourne? This is some deeply dishonest filmmaking.

The film was made in 1991.

Immigrant landscape was vastly different back then, which the film accurately portrays.
I doubt that the fundamental demographics of a place can just suddenly change in a few decades.
They can, actually. If new people fly in, then the demographics change. The only problem Australia used to have was Asians, and now there's Blacks, Muslims, Indians.
Only the first is winning, but they're all there.
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The scene where he reads Mein Kampf to that slag is kino.
No Ivan talking about immigration and demographics isn't /tv related.
No Ivan this won't make me a nazi either.
Ywnbaw doe
In Melbourne? Come on, man. My place in the far South East suburbs has turned so fucking Indian in the past 5 years it's insane.
Agreed on it being funny that viets are a threat, though. But springvale aka chingvale exists, and they've taken over sunshine pretty heavily so who knows.
Lemme tell ya about a little place called Canada...
A place can become super dark real quick. This is America, but it doesn't make the information worthless.
What happens is non-whites fly in, and any already there have children. That's how the white percentage drops.
I get why. I was in Melbourne last year, seemed like the whole fucking city was Asian...
Yeah, exactly. Did you go to the city? Every second restaurant is Asian.
Realistically would skinheads focus their hate on the Vietnamese of all people? The few that I personally know seem pretty chill
They would, if Vietnamese were the only non-whites in hating distance. The skinheads were right, and it's everyone disagreeing that led to the current amount of diversity.
Australia had a massive vietnamese immigration wave after the Vietnam war. They also had a bit of a gang presence (a Vietnamese gangster assassinated a NSW politician). Sudanese and Afghans didn't start coming enmass till the late 90s/00s.
Then you need to educate yourself on that topic and resolve your doubt.
Prior to the 2000s, the amount of niggers in Australia was practically nil. I personally did not see a black person until I was 7 or 8, excluding abbos.

Nobody can look at Melbourne today and say that Hando wasn't right. Areas like Springvale, Dandenong, etc etc are just completely full of foreigners. Everything that was warned about in the 1990s has occurred in the 2020s.

>Australia had a massive vietnamese immigration wave after the Vietnam war. They also had a bit of a gang presence (a Vietnamese gangster assassinated a NSW politician).

The Vietnamese that flew the coup after the Commies took over were the ones that were involved in the drug trade. Heroin.

The current influx of wogs is all about illegal tobacoo. They'll start up a tyre import shop or something and it'll be a front to funnel cash.
What's funny to me is that politicians don't care, as they're not personally affected. They're just low IQ trash who can't see that diversity reaches everywhere eventually. One day they'll be living with them, and not just poor people. That's the only silver lining of this bullshit.
I remember walking to a train station in an affluent suburb, and there was a black guy sitting there. Why is he there? The rich will get what they deserve eventually. If not them, then their kids.

It's a concerted effort by them to boost the GDP. Abbot considered cutting immigration in like 2013 and the argument put forward to him was that for every 100,000 immigrants that settle here there's a 0.5% increase in GDP or something.

Also, Harry "High Rise" Trigguboff has the liberal party by the balls and he WILL NOT STOP.

We can make as many economic arguments for 0% immigration as we like but the simple fact of the matter is 20% of the country is non-Australian now, only mass deportations could right this ship to where we were in the 1980s.
>20% of the country is non-Australian now

It won't stay at 20% either. Even if no new people arrive, they'll be having kids. I don't think the government care at all. It's fine, because I'll care even less when I'm dead.

The rich have the benefit of capital and with this capital they can fuck off to another part of the country or another country altogether.
Oh, they're going to fuck off to the White Ethnostate that doesn't exist? Great plan. I hope it works out for them. It's like me trying to avoid diversity on 4chan. I'll do it right now.
oh sweet summer child

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