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HOH: Angela
POV: Lisa
NOMS: Matt, Kenney, Kimo

Upgraded: Makensy (America's Veto), Quinn (Deepfake HoH)
Downgraded: Chelsea, Cedric

previously on /bb/: >>201649456
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first for queen
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angelas downfall in real time
talking to herself in hoh cocooned up
angela talking to herself
We missed a big melty. Hate these cocksuckers. The ass pics don't cover cost of admission.
im so pissed they cucked us out of a fight
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she was out loud manifesting winning veto next week then HoH
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>missed a fight
>get an angela nap and leah bragging about going to drake's birthday party and knowing the lyrics to his songs
hope tomorrow is wacky wednesday, paranoia rampant, which has been the norm in past seasons
this house has been wacky week 1, we've gotten some shitflinging or other every day kek
I'm sure after this latest melty shit will be spicy yet again
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>hope tomorrow is wacky wednesday, paranoia rampant
for sure bro
lisa still fuming
maybe. this season's odd as in no one is really working together and are just waiting for the opportunity to be opportunistic.
she just a dropped a "I know my truth" line, classic
>the way chelsea ran though the hoh room
desperately trying to avoid comrade angela
Quinn was crying
>it's a lot to receive a lot of someone else's actions
>whatever happened affected quinn, hurt quinn or made him question lisa
>I wanted to convey "hey, I'm gonna distance myself, this doesn't work for me"
>leah told lisa something in the bathroom about quinn before it came out publicly
quinn power revealed?
wtf happened?
unbothered. in my lane. moisturized. etc.
what the fuck is going on right now
based kenney
angela has been schizoing that lisa has the power and quinn was lying when he told her he had it so maybe that?
>personal game
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if quinn transitions within 5 years i wouldn't be surprised
so it sounds like a "house meeting" happened
multiple people involved
the kitchen is downright cursed this season
almost every single fight has been there kek
alright satellitebros where you at, let's see this fight
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based kenny doesn't give a fuck about this
Alright who is the glowbunny this season? my vote is bog
kenney is wishing he was back undercover with the aryan brotherhood. less crazy people
Lisa has to be one of those daily affirmation types. Explains away bad behaviors with positive feelings. True LA transplant, I wonder where she grew up.
>I didn't like you being cheery at the veto meeting
kek wtf quinn, she was getting herself off the block what a weird thing to bitch about especially when she's so fucked literally everywhere else
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this man is going to float into jury with the way people are knee capping themselves
The bio said her hometown is LA lol.
they'll show the dispute on Thursday's show, right?
look i can see them trying to go easy on the younger HGs cause young people say and do stupid things but this old lady is 52yo and can own what she does
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yeah, sure thing quinn. i'll act nice and somber next time i save myself from a sure death
How has the first week been?
Worth watching?
what the FUCK happened to this show
they're fishing fucking NOTHING
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serious potential. lots of mental disorders
judging by what little context we got before they fished I think it turned into an argument about the deepfake hoh hidden power (lots of people were pinning it on lisa but quinn told angela he did), so I'm guessing his power got exposed and production is seething and trying to hide it
you think you just fell out of a coconut tree?
>my moonwater is better than yours
They have been cutting feeds at any notion of game talk all day
this is the most likely explanation considering quinn's involvement and cry sesh
I would go insane having to live in that ugly horrid decor
Someone might actually blow up the next time Lisa tries to glitter their food.
rubina and brooklyn think that cedric is underage lmao
I would have already cause I’m autistic about my food
I’m pissed they’re avoiding showing Chelsie’s ass right now.
She was just twerking in front of the whole house for an hour straight. Fucking Grodner.
Any actual breakdown of what might have happened? Angela seems ok if she actual had a meltdown.

Lisa is just jogging but everyone seems alright
Don’t make me cry, anon. Did you see the pants she’s wearing right now?
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lisa went to angela before feeds cut and basically said she was distancing herself from angela in the game including (I'm paraphrasing but she was blunt af) that she thought associating with her was so bad it'd affect her image outside the house
they somehow took this fight into the kitchen (one funny tidbit is apparently angela called lisa tinkerbell and to sprinkle fairy dust to make people like her kek) where quinn got involved and the current guess is it was related to the deepfake hoh power because lots of people were pointing at lisa having it but quinn does in reality
beyond that they've been desperately cutting away to avoid details
Thanks anon. Does BB normally try to hide some things during feeds? Seems odd they’d cut away for so long if something juicy happened

That fairy dust line is pretty hilarious
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>every number is the same or has a disparity of one
Angela calling Lisa Tinkerbell cause she sprinkles glitter is funny
my cute boring wife T'Kor
in newer seasons they like to cut fights they want to put in the episode as a way to entice feedsters to watch, did it with the dud/meme/cirie/jared fight last season
it still sucks because it's edited
rhap & its audience is one big hivemind
Chelsie thinks Lisa still has the power so I don’t know if anything was revealed.
rare time I don't mind most of their scores, I could quibble about tucker and angela but it's minor movements
stop cutting reee
The amount of times they’re cutting away whenever someone brings up Lisa is pissing me the fuck off. Doesn’t sound like Quinn’s power was revealed or at least to the whole house

My theory is that Quinn tried to stop them from fighting because he got pissed the last time Angela started calling Matt names. Maybe he just got emotional
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literally no one is above a 5
holy kek
sounds like them being cunts about a fight they want to save for the ep like last season
has mak told anyone about her power?
nah, i think chelsie was going to explain to tkor why everyone hates lisa. they cut away from all the personal attacks
matt and leah
tkor also correctly guessed she has it without either spilling
america looking cute on stream right now
angesaurus rex back in the kitchen
based Ragan
>count the friends you have in this house
>done already?
Cory won
Where do you watch it?
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adding to this
>Brooklyn is just chilling doing nothing really game wise and not in an real alliances besides the pentagon, that's not 6 worthy
>I don't think I've seen Cam talk game at all, he's in a good spot in core alliances but he clearly has no strategic chops to do anything with it other than being liked by people
>Cedrick is playing too hard and already has others like Matt, Quinn and Angela questioning him, also playing really sloppy
>Chelsie is horrible at one on ones and her closest allies (Cam/Cedrick) will probably take each other over her always and she's not making any meaningful connections or alliances outside of them this week like with a Joseph, T'Kor, or Rubina which an 8 would be doing
>Quinn has told the worst person about his power and told 2 too many people about it and the second he uses it, he's getting thrown under the bus hard, just sloppy gameplay for a superfan
>Tucker should be a 4 at most, he's an active player but he's too tunnel vision on Lisa and Matt right now and in no alliances and an easy pawn nom next week

No one on this season should be above a 5 at all this week. No one is playing a good game. And just being in a good position doesn't mean much when you can't or don't do anything to advance or benefit from it other than not be target number 1 for someone
Makensy know Matt is gone?
mak is under the impression that matt still has the votes
brooklyn isnt really dissuading her, but matt just needs to pull himself off
>and in no alliances
he was forming one with kimo and the rest of the HN crew, but I'm not sure if they ever got around to another meeting after joseph came in
brooklyn and makensy going against angela next week or is brooklyn casting some mist
what do the numbers mean?
Brooklyn doesn't give a shit she'd be down for whatever next week either way
pretty sure its just covering bases
brooklyn is riding the middle big time after angela started going full schizo
she'll go with whoever's in power
Mac dumb as shit, basically asking Brooklyn to throw HOH to Matt.
based tardmack
though to be serious brooklyn shouldn't want hoh next week anyway with powers up in the air and her low profile. it'd be a poisoned chalice
uh oh. mak saying she would be leah if leah wasnt in the house but she knows she cant compete.
Does mac have the stamina to talk about nothing and everything on end for hours? When will leah choose joseph as her flirt target? Leah, joseph, mak are to become a threemance at some point
aarghh gib tucker feeds
why does she look so different rn
in your dreams video nerd
she got a fucking squad now
makeup is off
Joseph's bday on 27th
>inb4 slop
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even her facial expressions are different
Her glowbunny replacement is in for the night The actual makenzy will be back in the morning
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buddy talk cam 1
tucker off his nut
Planning on when to vote out Angela in her HOH room is hilarious

Everyone seems to know about Makensy’s power. Nobody knows Quinn has it
yo look it's the black people in the house adopting blacker accents to talk to each other
tucker got done emptying his balls into the glitter zone
is another cookout coming?
this dude always holding a late night pizza. i envy him
chelsie just suspects it she doesnt know for sure
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They’re saying Makensy is going next. Did they say Leah would be after her? I know they mentioned Angela after whoever
is there somewhere I can catch up on the episodes for free?
the m-bomb is so comically short
so all the quinn bitching was just because lisa celebrated her vito
so bizarre
Angela 4 Veto
the buddies want matt, lisa, then makensy
I like how much everyone seems to like Joseph except for Matt. Chelsie and T’Kor go up to bat for him a lot
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or paramount+ subcription
>cam protecting leah
kek simp mode activated
kek. tuckers seed of matt and kensey saying they love each other has taken root
>leave Leah out of it. We can keep Leah until we vote everyone else out
Kek Cam has a boner for her
so its up to our guys tucker, joseph, and quinn to prevent the buddies from steamrolling?
I hate buddies
man tucker is a weird dude
none of those three are even looking at chelsie cedric or cam. the three C's
tkor and chelsie wont win any comps
What did he do now? Something with his belly button again?
tkor isnt included with the buddies truly, shes a pawn since they view her weird accent as foreign
>our guy
and he's in a f5 with these 3
but oops, they want him to win hoh while they throw, and would cut him later
t'kor just spams the x button to get through the dialogue sequence fr fr
if quinn were a real student of the game he'd know to always be in the minority alliance and dismantle them by using outsiders
Tucker wants it to go Matt, Lisa, Makensy, then Kenney. Then he said it’s a free for all after that
sounds like if matt goes this week the buddies have a free ride to jury where they'll steamroll
god I hate Buddy Brother so much it's unreal
whos in the buddies ?
thanks babe
>buddies planning the whole game before the first eviction
eh i doubt it. every season this happens where a group forms and everyone laments the season is over. never turns out that way
the three C's are pretty cocky. it will be their undoing and they will turn on each other if put under the blade.
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the buddies
>every season this happens where a group forms and everyone laments the season is over. never turns out that way
I can think of a time when it turned out that way
He would know better than to seriously align with 3 black people and expect not to be at the bottom
Cam, Cedric, Chelsie, T'kor
I think cedric gets clipped late pre-jury or early jury. cam and chelsie are some serious threats thou. cam isnt jared, he's slightly smarter, lowkey, soft spoken and an actual d1 athlete. that n-bomb gotta go on a double eviction
T’Kor is smiling so much with Tucker. Like I’ve never seen her laugh and smile this much
he's an rhap watcher twitter fan who complains about isms on his letterboxd, he doesn't have higher order thinking
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just a group of no particular relation

it happens that way like half the time lmao
why does tuk have a hardon to get mak out?
Tuck'Kor :3

he HATES white women as he should
He just hates Matt and knows they have a strong alliance
We already know Tucker loves black women and she is cheesing like crazy with him. Tucker would be the most legendary houseguest ever if he banged her
Black people link up while whites cut each other down, Sad!
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T'kor would completely derail Tucker's game and basically neuter him. Would be great for T'kor as it would probably get her to finale night.
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he did it all for the t'nookie
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buddies could be here
>go away basic white slut
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>cut off the fight
>cut off any mentions of angela
>cut off leah's world famous meatball recipe
nearing my breaking point
uh, what happens when matt gets voted out thursday and that blind sides kensey and leah and one of them wins HoH and questions why the barbershop didnt have matts back?
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america is such a little minx
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Haven't watched a season since /sp/ won. Give it to me straight bros, is this season worth watching the feeds?
>matt pulls over half the house into storage
>hey lets make an alliance
they put up joseph angela and some dumb pawn cause they cant put up black people
yeah but don't pay for them
it's pretty good as far as feeds go, but now you can't rewind feeds at all which fucking blows
just watch bb20
tucker wtf
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>tucker kicks leah in the shins
>throws her in the pool
I missed the cap
he HATES white women
me too, pluto commercial...
Chelsie booty watch. Be on high alert
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T’Kor loosening up a bit, I like that. Same with Joseph and Kimo. Kenney is the only one not trying to build his social game
just get paramount it's free
Cam actually seems like a good dude. Maybe a little boring but when he gets talking about things he seems like a real one that you’d want as a friend
Have to give it to Leah, she has seemingly endless energy
T’Kor is showing way more personality right now
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her and tucker get cocaine from production
Tucker won
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cute leah
matt grabbing mj's leg under the blanket?
these two retards need to fuck before thursday already
she would have busted the cookout
based angela
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forgot the crop again
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she'll gladly out them but then throw herself in front a bullet for them to not be seen as a racist white lady
That is the true reason schizos are degraded by society as they figure out a lot of the underlying bullshit and secrecy intuitively with no prior knowledge or understanding
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joseph and quinn locking in final 2
angela finna get canceled on twatter
big true
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Angela is TND certified
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Based Tuck
it was going to happen sooner than later, just look at her
she reminds them all of their mothers
What did she do
The moon is still pretty powerful tonight. Do you guys want to make some moon water together?
the Just Like Us alliance
Leah gonna be straight up brunette if she gets to jury
i like it
i missed that. i know they put some water in a jar but did they put some incantation on it as well?
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all these bucks finna be broken
matt and mj are crushing on each other hard rn
Lisa and Leah used the power of the moon to attach a succubus to quinn's heart It was only a 3 man incantation of which one, the victim, was ignorant of what was going on. It means the geometry is lopsided and weak. He should be able to break free as the moon fades provided the water is discarded at some point.
I like all six so it makes me sad if they fight against each other
why cant they come together and call themselves 'the oreo cookie'
>we the oreos now
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Anyone check out Tucker's weed review channel

holy based
>the overediting
ok here is one more cap for the night good night
My nigga
not bad tuck, not bad
tucker is going to BTFO matt and lisa
they dont even know what's fucking coming
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his hatred of lisa is wild lmao
i like how lisa helped him out by jumping into the pool. very nice of her
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they did some dumb nonsense but i forget what beyond the cap here
thanks bb
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late night kitchen crew including Chelsie donk
I hope someone captured Leah digging in her ass for an ant and twerking. Probably not though
ants are attracted to grease. leah must have greasy turds
chemo might be the most boring person to ever be on the feeds
im watching the live leak from bb21 right now
She was sitting in the yard in really short shorts and felt something itchy
nah he's already ahead of someone like indy from 24
Are you Tucker's friend that posted earlier
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comfy feeds tonight bros
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i blocked that dumbass season from my memory
why the fuck did they cast such a vapid non entity as her
I'm starting to feel really bad for Kenney. He had a Super Bowl story of being there for the 28-3 gane and the only person he could tell about is a Falcons fan Kek
If Joseph trimmed the sides of his mustache he’d probably look like a handsome dude
Cam would have loved that story. Kenney just doesn’t get to know everybody enough. He was telling two young women and a dope only paying attention to the women the story
Leah is going to get him to trim it with her they're going to threemance with mak
Nah part of the story was making fun of a Falcons fan with dreads sitting in front of him. It's obvious why he wouldn't tell it to Cam.
Would be pretty based if she gives him a makeover
Really? Well damn yeah makes sense a Boston cop doesn’t vibe with half the cast I guess
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>joe is a degen sports better

he said he was a poker player so he's a full blown degen
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his sleaze levels continue to skyrocket
Sounded more like he was just excited that Florida sports teams were crushing it that year. He said he only put in like 50 dollars on the Miami one but the parlay would have made him 100k
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leah, mak, matt, tucker not in this BY convo
tucker went to sleep
matt and mak went to fuck
leah went to watch
i guess they were sitting off to the side the entire time except for tuk
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the rest of the girls are def gonna start hating leah
leah is losing it
kimo's face as lisa was rubbing his chest lmao
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cam has fallen for the snow bunny
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gutter bunny
dude felt downright violated
LMAO Lisa needs to stay around, she's unhinged
cedric just said joseph looks like johnny depp
this is the ugliest house ever but the backyard is pretty cool
good setup
its honestly pretty comfy right now.
noooo she's supposed to fall in love with my fat white ass
I didnt realize how bad the hoh room was though, it seems so much smaller and cramped
is tuk in the DR and ang seething in the hoh?
tuktuk is sleeping. angela went to bed as well i believe
I think tuck went to bed? could be wrong
are the feeds entertaining?

last season was a high benchmark for fun with all the schizo behavior in the early weeks
Leah flirts with a new guy every two days
The feeds have been kino as hell so far this year besides not being able to rewind and them cutting out the fight today. A third of the house are schizos
every two days? more like every other hour. i think its part of her strategy. or a natural flirt
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This photo is art
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He has a gigantic head
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based leah collecting her simp to be her meat shield
he was already defending her to his other black allies
cant lie. pretty good
Nah she went hard on Matt when Makensy was obviously a thing with him. Then she went to Quinn for a bit and now it’s full blown Cam. Every couple days. And Joseph is just sitting in the corner thinking he’s the only actual chubby guy
At least Big Mak has her upgrade power to guarantee another week.
almost lynchian
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goodnight /bb/
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night babes
>hunched over poor posture, ratting and making up lies, evil
>standing up straight, slightly leaning away from the evil, not trusting of what she's hearing, good
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night sis
izzy would have ran this season
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sleep tight izzy
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the kino levels would be legendary
I'll say for kenney for as obvious it is that he wants out he at least tries (although he fails kek) to socialize, which is more than you can say for many duds on other seasons
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leah and mak are over
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i miss jag
she creeps me out honestly
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less than two days and she's got cam positively thirsty
matt scrambling
The more she covers her Facebook the better she looks
Kek wtf autocorrect
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she's got her backup plan all ready to go
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cute ass nigga
nah his teeth are fucked and he has a small jaw, if anything the mustache hides his ugly features i bet
I just had a thought that Leah might be this season's dark horse lol
he should transition now
did this guy really just use the cookout as an example of sticking together to two non-blacks
She definitely is in a good position to potentially dismantle de CCC alliance, which is the only real alliance so far
>im not the cleanest monkey in the box you see that already but im trying my best
T’Kor bailing on sleeping with Quinn and Kenney to testing out the Have Not beds to immediately coming back to that room is hilarious
this is some weak mist in the BY rn
i think matt told her that him and kensey were going to be in the blue and green bed too
What is it
Why does Matt have such a hate boner for Joseph?
ced is trying to get them to reveal maks power and they know it but neither side is backing down cause the mist on both sides is so weak
he thinks he set angela on him
which he did
are m&m getting alyssa & christianed?
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im not sure them hanging around each other would've helped much with how matt operated
tkor was back up in the have not room, did something with the bed and headed out. i think she is building a nest
matt only hangs out with the hottest dudes
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tkor went down and snatched the pillow from the bed. she quickly replaced it with a couch cushion. she gathered her water bottle and mic and headed back up to the have not room to continue making her bed. she exits. motives unknown at this time. pluto commercials
she offered to share/give her bed to kimo so I think she's trying out have not to get used to the experience?

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