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General /tv/ WebM thread
Why are you bullying and obssessing over some literal who e-celeb? you could be watching good movies.
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Why aren't you posting webms in this webm thread?
It's like they're aping the most generic fight choreography but still fucking up the basics of it all.
The fuck is this?
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I've been meaning to rewatch this.
Saw a few times as a kid but nothing really stuck.
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Wait. That baby isn't real?
There is a phenomena of women buying realistic baby dolls. They carry them around in public, around family, etc like it's a real child.
People enable them and play along.
My sister follows a random black lady who does this and she posts multiple times a day with images of her family. They look miserable and full of hate.She brings the things to cookouts and everything.
Hollywood made shit like Lars and The Real Girl but shit like unnatural attachments to objects is more common with women.
my daughter does this too
it's frustrating
I just do not get how women get away with being so fucking damn retarded
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>There is a phenomena of women buying realistic baby dolls. They carry them around in public, around family, etc like it's a real child.

Is that because they don't want to have children?

Someone should just tell them to fuck off, lol.
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They're mostly crazy.
They like the dolls since they have complete control and can make up their little narratives for them. And they don't grow up.
Baby fever and biological clock stuff drive women who don't like children or only want arm babies into having them and then making that child's life nightmare.
I'd rather these insane bitches attach to a doll than get knocked up just so they can flaunt a infant around then lose interest in it because it's growing up.
There's some strange sick shit in the world and when you look into it you it's hard to make a rhyme or reason about it.
They have online communities about this shit too and they're very open about it.
I don't care if they pretend to have a child. If they had a real child, it would just end up on 4chan. Can you prove you're not crazy? Because you're not convincing me.
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He spent ten years making...THIS?
That's what happens when a white guy watches Drive one time.
I saw the empty smile on that guys face and nearly cried. Living a lie. Latched on to the most desperate person possible. Scared to be their true self. A bit of projection, sure. But damn. This is the most depressing thing I've seen in a long time. Run man. Run.
I know what happened to that guy. He met a woman he liked, and the baby shit happened later in the relationship. He's playing along because he likes the person, and that's why everyone else would too.
If she wants a kid so bad, she should have one, or adopt a kid. That's the only way to fix that fake baby shit.
>He met a woman he liked
He met a woman he could get.

>He's playing along because he likes the person
He's playing along because he is scared of being alone again and having to face who he really is.
>and that's why everyone else would too
Only if they hate themselves and see themselves as inherently valueless.

And to your last point that freak should never be anywhere around a real kid.
>skinny soi tard punches big boy
meanwhile, in reality
>that freak should never be anywhere around a real kid.

I don't think you or anyone on this website should be around children either. I'm filtering this thread now, and you can talk to someone of your intelligence level. I think that will be fun, considering I filtered every thread, and you're in this one, which hasn't been around long.
Americans are fucked in the head
What country are you from?
Why are you so offended on their behalf?
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Why did he start raping that second guy?
Why does someone who will never, ever have children or a partner care about this so much?
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oops, meant for
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No one cares, loser.
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Sure, all 4 year old girls do that.
These things started with the "reborn doll", a service that would custom-make baby dolls based on photos of babies that died. It was originally for grieving mothers, that's why they're called "reborn".
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Perfecto, mas
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great cinematography
Technology growth and our inability to keep up with it causes such phenomena.
Thread was on the frontpage and clicked on it thinking it was /wsg/ and thought to myself
>why are these retards posting soundless gifs???
it's ridiculous that /tv/ doesn't allow sound webms
Huh, I thought he'd found a stranger in the alps. Plothole?
No, the baby is real, the woman is a reanimated golem. It ate the baby eventually.
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Now imagine JLaw doing this but bitching the entire time
>This stuff is grosss
>I don't wanna do thissss
>I'm boreeeeed
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>Trust no one, not even yourself
Fucking hell.
what the fuck is this lol
This chick deserves me. I have the exact matching half of this fantasy.
Oh my.
I’m in the wrong profession.
why is eceleb nonsense the first post in a webm thread?
Fucking saved.
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Why are Europeans like this?
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catholics can do literally anything they fucking want with zero shame as long as they say a couple hail mary's before bed
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Nubian Qween on my P E N I S, NOW!!!
I miss Moner
>Involving a kid in cuck fetish
Wtf wrong with people.
>Last update Jun 01 2024
Oh fug
>Conquistador sails up to see this on the shore
and yet racism still exists. the mind boggles, honestly.
>unnatural attachments to objects is more common with women.
lol are you serious?

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