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Just imagine a Bible-Belt audience watching this. The existential dread must have been palpable.
why do they use such fake pics for the cover
>The existential dread must have been palpable.

It is, and I can tell the movie bothered you. Are you afraid of dying, OP?
Provide me with something to read that will convince me there is a God
>inb4 it requires faith and cant be found by reading
Ok, but there still had to be some sort of logical thought process that got you to that conclusion in the first place.
Why would anyone do that? You're asking other people to do the work for you. There's no Christians on 4chan, but if there were, they wouldn't care if you believed or not.
I know there's no Christians because I've been here longer than anyone. The most convincing Christians I've seen were on /pol/, and I've never met any on /tv/.
I'm a Christian.
Zoomie too. Born in 04.
What do you wanna know?
I don't want to know anything. Why are you so desperate? I know you're desperate because you're in this thread, and not the rest of the board (all missing).
It's like, if someone is a Christian, why do need my approval? I'm not God. Convince him, and not me. I don't matter, and I'm just a person.
I'm actually in a couple of threads.
Don't know why you think I'm desperate, it just sounded like you wanted to talk to a Christian.
Do Atheists not understand the concept of faith? Imagine how insufferable Ricky must have been working on this. I can see it now. He's running around the set asking the crew "Is it done yet? Did you get that shot the way I said? Play it back for me NOW so I know you're telling the truth! I need hard evidence to know you're not fucking this up!" It's a miracle this blasphemy was completed in the first place.
>it just sounded like you wanted to talk to a Christian.

Nope. I wanted to talk to OP only. I don't need him to believe, and I'm trying to help him with this fear of death.
Everyone is.
Cope. There is no God.
Do you really think that? What you're doing is called projecting. Are you smoker? I am. Isn't that proof that I don't care?
My uncle was a smoker, and I saw him at the end. I'm still not afraid.
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I believe in God

>Which one? There's 10 million

i still haven't recovered from Ricky's tight and clever retort, innit
I'd say start with the Old Testament. It's a crazy read even if it doesn't convince you of God. Book of Job is bananas God starts yelling at Job after letting Satan ruin his life about how Job should shut the fuck up and how dare he question God and God just does shit way beyond your puny mortal comprehension and sometimes it's good and sometimes it's evil and fuck you that's why. Then he gives Job hotter wives and more kids and a bigger farm because fuck you that's why. It's pretty kino. And that's just a small part of the crazy stories of the mythical tribe of Israelites.

Okie dokie.
I mean logically, all the gods are just one God but mislabeled.
Ricky is such close minded brainlet that even Karl outsmarts him in any conversation in metaphysics or abstract concepts
>I mean logically, all the gods are just one God but mislabeled.

correct which Ricky doesn't understand
Gervais is just a comedian. I don't know why people listen to comedians as if they're smarter than the average person. That behaviour has always seemed odd to me.
>this person made me laugh, so he must be a genius
I’ll bite and I’ll appeal with physical evidence instead of the “blind faith” that is misconstrued in modern times. I’ll start with a simple question. Why do you think all people groups and tribes from the Americas to the Old World, to the Orient have the same themes, stories, and motifs and not simple stories like: do good and rain come, but all have the same common stories. Flood Story, Beings mating with humans, someone going up to heaven. A familial pantheon with Patricide/infantcide. The genders and generations may be different but the same deities in similar roles “Thunder God king” among others. Not being argumentative or saying there is a God because of this I’m just wondering why do you think that is? At the very least it’s interesting to ponder on.
Your "physical evidence" is a wall of text? That's really impressive. I can tell the filtered section is always good, because people leave it whenever possible to write shit nobody wants to read.
>nobody cares what i have to say. maybe i'll write it somewhere else
Just absolutely zero self-awareness. Don't bother replying.
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NTA but did you really think this was a good rebuttal?
Garner was super fucking hot in this, she was in the news recently saying "i was born to be bred"
The physical evidence was the same religious stories matching all over the globe. You can look this up yourself or are you implying my argument is invalid because I didn’t list them myself. You didn’t even argue any points or answer the question you just pulled a “not reading this too long” I’ve cast my pearls before the swine. I was looking forward to a good discussion but you don’t deserve anything.

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