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what movie genre hasn't been created already?
Silent musicals
rape comedy
Ghetto Bible Stories
jery get ipad
I don’t know yet
2nd-person shooter
thats def been made.
Kantian cyber soap operas
Genuine "nazis are good" movies
cosmic horror slice of life
Japan has hundreds of those
>horror documentaries
>Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth timepiece rom coms
>Meatball westerns (Scandinavian produced American western movies)
>Pixar-dreamwork animated WW2 children’s movies
>hasnt seen black Jesus
Penis mysteries
Tokusatsu murder mysteries.
The nazis themselves made dozens and dozens of films. Google them
Yeah I'm not watching that shit
I want a hollywood budget, modern technology movie about it
Thats been made. Earliest example i can think of was 2013, but i'm sure someone made one earlier.
Choose your own adventure movie.
farm goth
Different variations of the From Dusk Til Dawn structure. FDTD starts as a crime thriller then segues into a horror comedy.
For example, we can do a movie that starts as a romantic comedy that ends with the main character fighting and dying in a war. I don't think that's been done yet.
Starship Troopers
>Hitler orders the invasion of Poland
>Goebbels played by Kevin Hart
“DAMN! White people be crazy!”
>Yeah I'm not watching that shit
Then you don't deserve to see your "nazis are good" movies, if you refuse to watch the literal source
A lot of television genres have not been adapted to movies, variety shows, game shows, cooking shows, reality competition shows, feature length music videos, nature shows, fishing shows, infomercials, the playoffs, the news, sunday morning mass, etc.
Splongle. I just made it up then. It's impossible to describe.
All My Circuit's: The Movie
A Very Long Engagement by Jean-Pierre Jeunet is essentially a romantic comedy and also about the realities of trench warfare in world war one at the same time.
Isn't that bandersnatch
Also there was a movie that played ages ago, where the idea was audiences would provide their phone numbers (or be given temporary burner phones I can't remember) and sit in theatre for a horror based survival movie happening LIVE, but relayed on the cinema screen. The girl in the movie would several times call a random phone to ask for directions and help, if the audience member gives good advice she keeps surviving but otherwise she dies? I can't remember, was obviously partly improvised due to audience interaction. I need to find that movies name again, it was some low budget small thing not a huge star studded project at all
That is called a genre switching movie
Yes, it is on the list, there is even a film from 2006 explicitly made by the companies involved with the Choose Your Own Adventure books.
>at the same time
There's the distinction. It needs to switch from one to the other.
Alrighty then. What are some examples other than FDTD?
We already have drug genre movies
Then we will just have to watch for ourselves in a couple of months when they are done chronicling it since like you said, even the imdb description does look pretty convoluted.
I'm pretty sure Simpsons made this joke as well.
I feel like a lot of war movies involve some guy starting out with a girlfriend back home that keeps him motivated, but not a lot of war movies kill off the main character, Warhorse seems pretty close to what you are describing though, minus the main character dying and also Princess Bride seems even closer although the main character only mostly dies.
>feature length music videos,
Weren't some of the beatles movies pretty much this?
Radio show silent film
>Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth
You tasteful bastard
Literally Braveheart
Puerto Rican Badgercore, it's films about badgers that somehow ended up in Puerto Rico and their trials and tribulations trying to do badger things on an island full of big assed brown babes.
No, Thriller is the closest I know of, but it was just a short film, the beatles were all more like anthology musicals going through an entire album instead of an entire movie dedicated to one song.
>What are some examples
Adam sandler's click. Starts as an unfunny comedy to a coming of age melodrama
Titanic starts as a romantic chick's flick and become a action movie at the very end
Sunshine is a sci-fi that becomes a slasher horror at the end
One Cut of the Dead starts of as a zombie movie and turns into a wholesome family story
Melancholia starts as a family drama to a disaster movie
Not figuratively?
Realtime single shot documentaries.
This would actually be kino as fuck.
Does the song need to be "feature length" too?
I guess there are some symphonies which would be long enough.
Horror Comedy. And no I don’t mean Scary Movie which is just pure comedy parodying horror franchises
Thanks. Of those I've only scene click and titanic, so I can't comment on the others, but what I'm going for is a more jarring transition. Horror movie that's resolved halfway through and ends as a romantic comedy.
Isn't the terrifier films supposed to be somewhat humorous?
Done over 100 years ago when silent films were actually popular.
Dale and Tucker vs Evil
Killing people is never funny, anon.
evil dead 2
Virtual reality where you move around the films 3d space
Not necessarily, lots of music videos, including thriller, have various interludes to break up the song and present content outside of the song itself, but it definitely wouldn't hurt.
What about the weather? That gets its own channels, webseries, and spots on the news, but has yet to be adapted into a major motion picture unless you count things like an inconvenient truth which turn out to be complete horseshit to support various scams.
it would definitely need to be pretty long. Its easy to stretch a 5 minute song into a 10 minute short film with interludes, intros, etc. But stretching a 5 minute song into a 90 minute feature length film? Not really gonna work.
Oh yeah never seen those
Nah I’d say that’s another ‘horror’ parody comedy
There are plenty of "weather disaster" or "weather action adventure" films.
Twister/Twisters, 2012 (lol), that one with the rock in it about an earthquake, the day after tomorrow, all the films about ships in storms, etc.

But i guess you mean literally the forecast of next week.
Sure or you could have fun with it, remix the song up a bunch and repeatedly show the same basic sequence of event from different character's points of view with a slightly different remix of the song to reflect the individual character's personality.
Actually now that I think about it, Trapped in the Closest might technically be one song and might exactly be what I am describing.
Kino film, but its pretty much just a comedy that is making fun of horror tropes.
So what about Parents where they just seem like goofy quirky at first until it devolves into cannibal horror, not enough comedy in that one?
Does all the suspense in Adaptation count as horror?
Cabin in the Woods was a bit too on the nose with the comedy to horror switching.
Heavy Metal
Shounen Anime/Computer Game Adaptations that aren't terrible.
Just watch stuff from the 1930s.
Rape jokes weren't a big deal prior to the 2010s.
Black Jesus.
You mean like in terms of literary narrative? That's basically just "cinematic" video game RPGs.
The Third Reich had their own film industry and it was great. You'd know that if you weren't brown.
Gay indie artfag shit.
>>Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth
The VVitch.
Dead Presidents. Starts as a gangster film, turns into a war movie, ends in a heist.
Technically it's been done, but no journo would share their unedited material.
Anything made by young Spielberg. Dead Alive, Bad Taste, etc.

This right here sounds kino as fuck. Like sitting down at the diner in Godfather and watching Sollozo get whacked at the table next to you.
Impossible, everything is terrible and always has been.
Figuratively too
That was literally one of the first genres tho
turbo-reddit spacing
High budget commercial snuff.
I have in my mind a horror disaster movie;

it would be about a man in the 60's who wakes up in a village, he remembers his car got violently crushed by falling rocks in the edge of a mountain, eventually he figures out he can't leave and the people at the village are all weirdos, traumatized by death.
and they break down for him, that they all are bait for a witch/demon who lives in the mountains, the demon appears and shit flies everywhere, earthquakes, hurricanes and shit
and by the end it could become a action movie.
I can't come up with a ending for it.
guys, please give me 145 million dollars so I can make this movie happen
>mass reply fag is unsurprisingly hugely gay
Bronze age OC fantasy. Not retold ancient stories like Sinbad and Jason and the Argonauts, I mean entirely
fictional fantasy thoroughly set in a bronze age setting with zero basis on historical myth.

Heroic space opera focused on politics instead of power fantasies, like a small sector of space suddenly opened up to the galaxy at large trying to navigate it, like the Confederacy in StarCraft 1.

A Game of Thrones style political drama featuring a fictionalized 1880s-1920s industrial age revolutionary period about things like the powerful banking families vying to be the ones in control of the globe.

There's all sorts of non-genres that have never been explored in tv/film. In fact most tv/film is the same shit over and over and over again. 100 years later and we're STILL making movies about Rome, medieval europe, capeshit, cowboys, cops, etc.
>A Game of Thrones style political drama featuring a fictionalized 1880s-1920s industrial age revolutionary period about things like the powerful banking families vying to be the ones in control of the globe.

kind of Carnival Row

>Bronze age OC fantasy
not a movie but that's the videogame Tyranny

>Heroic space opera focused on politics
the Expanse?
>newfag's first mass reply
>carnival row

Not even close. Closest thing is something like Boardwalk Empire or Death of Stalin.

>this video game

This thread is explicitly about movies/tv.

>the expanse

Heroic space opera, not dour muh hard depressed science fiction nonsense.
I was mass replying before you were in adult diapers (on account of your blown out butthole for being gay)
>Closest thing is something like [Mafia show] or [comedy]

Nah, everyone saw the newfag mistake a mass reply for double spacing.
Monkey Tennis?
It's all been on recycle since Greek tragedies. Probably older longer in ancient China. The Bible is rehash, Shakespeare is rehash. The settings and characters change, same stories.
the way you spaced the mass-reply looks like overcompensation for having been correctly identified as a redditor in the past and now you're doing it again. I sentence you to lurking without posting for 1 year.
The mass reply isn't mine and just like the post you responded to it didn't even have a single double-spaced line, you probably have your reddit retard script set to double space lines on all webpages, so it looks more like the place you need to go back to and forgot you are looking at a script modified version of this site that nobody else sees other than you and the other reddit scriptfags.
>mass replier only likes my suggestion
Since that has clearly been done, what about a massive multiplayer online choose your own adventure movie?
you misunderstood then, it's the overcompensation in removing spaces all together that's a tell too... think about it
damn and here I was going to suggest coppola had something going with megalopolis
>think about it
You first.
Proper military films.
Realistic fantasy movies.
Accurate historical films.
Solarpunk movies.
Silent space wars.
USA/Israel being the true villain all along...
Planetary snuff
>USA/Israel being the true villain all along...
Never seen Chinese films, huh.
I'd watch a feature lenght Everlong video following what you suggested.
>Realistic fantasy movies
found footage biblical epic films
sci-fi holocaust movies
We do not have genres based entirely on food/cooking because we do not have a way to smell what is on screen. Should smell ever be implemented into our films there will be entire genres like this.

As AI/VR gets more advanced, I’m sure there will start being far more POV movies in time and you get to experience the movie as a character in it.
Mondo Nigger Lynching
>reddit spacing
>stupid opinions and arrogant attitude
Who could've guessed?
Smell-o-Vision came and went just like 3D.
>>Meatball westerns (Scandinavian produced American western movies)
Are Finns counted as Scandis?
>sci-fi holocaust movies

Caro’s Delicatessen counts as this. It’s set in a post-nuclear war wwii France where vegetable terrorists exist and cannibalism is rampant.
Biblical god was too retarded to make himself known when videography was available.
JJ Abrams Overlord.
Muh reddit
filipino space exploration
basically anything scientific and filipino. all they warch are dramas with screaming cheaters and cheesy horror movies.
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Non-bollywood Hindu kino
The Fountain
This thread has some nice ideas, but anons should try and understand that setting and genre are two separate things.
Behind the Mask: the Rise of Leslie Vernon
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>>Pixar-dreamwork animated WW2 children’s movies
Didn't this take place during WW1?
House of 1000 Corpses is filled with comedians as protagonists and starts out with a comedic tone but quickly devolves into slasher horror in the tradition of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
Haven't watched it, but the poster seems to imply otherwise with the french saboteur rats and helmets.
No of that kind, sadly.
But I enjoy their kung-fu ones.
I just have vague memories of the falcon antagonists wearing pickelhaubes
Actual legitimate porn movies. There was a brief moment during the 70s where it almost emerged, but then it went full retard and now by 2024 the idea of doing something with pornography other than 15 minute blacked anal scenes finishing on a facial l is pie in the sky stuff and seen as impossible. I don't mean "porn with a story". I mean a movie with porn. There is a difference. And no, that sexy French drama with all the dicks isn't what I mean either.

Imagine a Cyberpunk action thriller where 20 minutes of the 1.30m runtime revolves around seduction and real sex. And now imagine an entire industry of it.

Hasn't been done.
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It's neither funny, or good, and not even in the same abbatoire as Textas Chainsaw Massacre. That movie had an actual cultural impact. All House of 1000 Recycled Clowns is, is cringe and an obsessively sadistic creepshow into Slop Zombie's personal fetish collection. Good for him. Shit for horror fans.
thats actually a thing in japan, i remember watching one called captain rape or some shit like that does anybody know what im talking about?
>Actual legitimate porn movies
First actual great idea
No sex was ever real in movies but why? Porn is pg 18 and so are horror movies so whats stopping them?
Isnt that basically the "erotica film" genre?
Some of the Friday the 13th films felt like comedy mixed with sexy shots.
Didn't they basically make that?
So kind of like that German porn film about Rasputin?
Hasn't there been movies based around the idea of them making a movie like you suggest?
An action movie with realistic deaths, like the people that gets killed poo and pee themselves.
IMDB says WW2, but I guess they've used iconic imagery from both

>Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth timepiece rom coms
Fuck, I've watched With Fire and Sword just recently and now you've made me wish for a Zucker brothers spoof parody of it
Not many with actual Nazis in it since most took place long before the 1920s.
slice of death
Miracle Mile is somewhat like this. Starts off as cheesy romantic comedy and suddenly bang, impending nuclear devastation.
>I mean a movie with porn
Caligula? I didn't watch it
Human necropuppetry. I didn't check if it's ever been done, but basically the same thing as The Cameraman's Revenge (1912) (animated dead insects). Doesn't matter if it's stop-motion or just a bunch of strings being pulled.
Spaghetti Eastern.
Legit seen a movie that was basically this playing on mute on the tv they usually have turned on in the restaurant I work at.
It was about a Black Kid falling asleep after getting dragged to church by his parents and dreaming up versions of bible stories set in modern New York. First one had illegal immigrant Virgin Marie looking for somewhere to have baby Jesus, since they "can't go to the hospital", and the kid helps them.
Robot Detective Keiji is one
>we can do a movie that starts as a romantic comedy that ends with the main character fighting and dying in a war.
Basically half of all Vietnam movies not made by Italians are basically this. American Graffiti sort of fits.
At least there's this movie.
Anthony Dawson is Antonio Margheriti
Marfa Girl
There’s never been a better time for the rise of the Whitesploitation genre.
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found footage western
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Uhhh, whitebros???
that's a pretty wide net you've cast. any specific commentary as it relates to tech?
Already exists in America with that gospel shit.
Checked, it’s kino!
Hollow Earth films have been made already, because it's a sub-genre of science fiction/fantasy that has been almost criminally underutilised.
Has there ever been a western/eastern thing where the samurai ends up using a rifle and revolver and the cowboy ends up using the katana
* but it's a sub-genre of science fiction/fantasy that has been almost criminally underutilised.
Film structured like a Gamelan

Where you enter into the “story” at some random point and there’s no real directionality just things happening
deleted scene mini movies
erotic thriller
We need some type of a holographic film someday that incorporates all five senses into itself.
what about that movie that randomly ends with the guy standing in the world trade centre on 9/11
It does have an orgy with porn scenes and maybe few others. They got some Penthouse Pets cutes for it.
But I don't like how they show Caligula as half mad sometimes. Caligula was a troll.
Cossack Romcoms
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wumpagoniac kino is back on the menu gazoo gazoo
>horror documentaries
What do you mean? Because that sounds like the Grave Encounters flicks.
>Bucatini Western
Isekai movie of normal guy going into medieval fantasy world
Documentaries of random civilians without their consent
Why are there no movies about the Byzantine empire?
These kind of posters should be banned
The jannetty of Mediterranean empires
Musical Wuxia. Muxia.
cyberpunk comedy
That kinda exists, that's traditional Chinese theater.

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