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But /pol/ told me privatization is le good...
It is until you privatize security (i. e. police/fire dep and military).
>mechanized agriculture
>Internal Combustion Engines
>Cartridge Firearms
>Sewing Machines
Remember in the movie Robocop where the Robocop shoots criminals without mercy. Where did that attitude go.
>most criminals were white
>only one black guy in the entire movie

Science-fiction alright.
u first faggot
>yeah did you heard BLACKROCK and those guys are buying up all the houses!? Entire neighborhoods! Crazy
>oh name one example? uhh, NO! the nice man in a youtube video said so
Is this about Chicago?
You're spamming an unfunny joke based on an unfunny joke told a propaganda cartoon from the 1990s.
I think it's safe to say you will eventually be doing as I say and everyone can feel it.
Finish posting the entire set, coward.
>bro this shitty movie is just like real life
>in this movie this thing happens, and in real life there are riots therefore ??? oh my science
It must be the iberals doing this. That's why I'm voting for corporate interest!
Blackrock owns America. And despite /pol/'s pathetic cope of "they're losing money!", they made more money last year than they ever made in their history.
And hospitals
The biggest blackpill to me is that rightwingers/conservatives think that libertarians are leftwing.
Is it? I'm old enough to live through the era when the medical sector was mostly handled by government regulations and it wasn't that much better than either. All in all the corporatization of hospitals didn't change that much. Things have gotten more expensive but that's been the trend across all industries.
Mentally ill looney troon who thinks people mean economic models when they talk about left and right
Libertarians are economically right wing but tend to be socially liberal, which makes them pure scum. All the degeneracy and society destruction of a leftist without any of the compassion and wanting to improve the lives of people.
i've never heard of one single person who thought inventions come from the government

Didn't he defend Pedo Jackson?
Reminds of that thing from that time somewhere in a far away planet.
>african man invents minor party trick by accident while doing something unrelated while capitalists discover the same thing and implement it in something that remains relevant today
And all these people are living in america as us citizens when they created these things. You're being intellectually dishonest.
But were they able to construct and maintain commercial nuclear reactors, space rockets, large hadron colliders?
wish evil corpos would lower the price of housing in my country
Sorry buddy but nobody wants to live in a conservative culture, it's boring and static as shit.
inb4 >no niggers, no spics
That's why you imported so many slaves huh.
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>Jews invented REAL science and lawfare
>We're going to need your captcha again
sneed defeats the tru*t f*nd b*nd faggot tho
>everyone can feel it
you type like a woman faggot
>supporting the military industrial complex
If conservatism is so great, why did it fail all over the globe?

The fuck are you talking about?
I fucking HATE sneed posters but that was a proper sneed post.
Kill yourself trans freak
If Europeans are so smart why are they living on the third-poorest continent on Earth (just above South America lol)?
>propaganda cartoon
What did this faggot mean by this?
also you will end your life
you guys are fuckin gay
>no arguement
>just spouting buzzwords

The modern conservicuck experience.
All the money in the world won't save them from African bullets or Arab knives. No matter who wins they'll lose.
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America was colonized by Europeans.
Yeah same thing happened to police Academy 5
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>christcuck pastor talks about propaganda
And Europe never recovered from losing their best and brightest. The only people who stayed in Europe were the ones too stupid or lazy to leave.
Ah yes, the famous period where the usa state didn't tax its citisens for 123 years
You gave Africans bullets and Arabs knives? But, you jews sure weaponized them with criminal background before you shoved them in to Europe.
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Blackrock is literally investing in the creation of 20 hospitals in Ireland.
You' ll never be anything but a genetic deadend
No. I remember some dude dying and they turn him into a robot and the robot goes back and kills the guys who killed them
That doesn't even work as propaganda. All the generations who created those great things were circumcised. Looks like being called a bleeding front-hole troon really hit a nerve.
They are primarily fund managers, they allocate other peoples' money. They can profit even if their investments fall because their actual main income is fees they charge on their services to the people who invest with them.
So when people say "they're losing money" it really depends on what they mean. Only I think they don't know what they mean.
>All the generations who created those great things were circumcised.
Circumcision was just a Jew/Arab thing until the late 20th century.
>literal 19 year malding trannie trying to whine "n-no but i have a cool epic putdown too..."
Your generation produces nothing and you have obliterated your heritage for gay self-destructive hedonism
Except they don't want to privatize the police, they want to federalize it.
NTA, idiot.
It's the same thing when the Feds are all corrupt.
It was a film. Good thing it's better in the real world and not this hellscape on film.
/pol/ isn't a lolbertarian board retard.
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>Europe never recovered from losing their best and brightest
Correct. But their best and brightest were lost in two world wars, not to the collection of treacherous entitled fat homosexuals that is America.
>their best and brightest were lost in two world wars
If your best and brightest were cowards and losers, what does that say about your worst and dumbest?
Detroit went bankrupt earlier than Robocop predicted. Detroit is literally worse than in Robocop.
all of that came from government subsidy through military spending
as well as the government protecting businesses from their workers revolting over poor working conditions
christcucks never invented anything. All great inventions were made by non-christcuck whites in Europe. Stop trying to "we wuz" you revisionist crossnigger.
>kikegolem obsessing over trannies

Imagine getting buck brocken by people who don't even exist lmao.
Remember that the us will be minority white by 2035.
The us will be minority white by 2035. MIGA!
Would explain why christcuckery is so prevalent there. A wretched religion for wretched, simple people. Follow the herd, let them take your sons' foreskins and brand them a slave.
We should just cut all communications.
Even the chuds in the us worship israel and judaism. It is over for them.
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Based, but France and Germany had equal amounts of inventions. Hell, if you combine all of the German speaking diaspora they overshadow that of Britain's achievements by quite a bit. Brits get high on their own fumes when the other nations were their equals. There's a reason why Britain ruled over the third world and not continental Europe.
Britain will be the third world within a hundred years.
At least they're not speaking German.
I can't believe the racism in this thread. Go back to /pol/, chuds.
no hablo ingles
No way north america is richer than europe. Also because europe wrecked itself in two world wars.
they're just gonna go back to Israel and Israel 2.0 (Ukraine) now that every male there has been killed.
That's just plain wrong
Goods were taxed. Wages being garnished was a "temporary" measure to fund WW1 that was never reversed because the government realized they never had to.
Thanks ESL, now shut your dick holster while real people are talking.
>bro just abandon your ancestral homelands and duties

Only the weakest and those with loosest morals left.
how many americans were germanic
roger rabbit's freeway became a real thing
The only system that’s good is one that doesn’t allow monopolisation of power. Of government or corporations. So only the early American republic, but look what happened to that. Citizens have to be ready to destroy anything that is getting too large at a moment’s notice
And that's a good thing as long as they say "gay rights" on their products made with child labor
1 out of every 8 americunts is on foodstamps
So many posts and Lobocop is still not mentioned. Shame.
ht tps://readcomic.me/comic/lobocop/issue-full
No,these conflicts are quite substantial, yoi are thinking of sports teams and racists.
I am sure that youtube video you watched was well-researched and not uploaded for clickbait.

>goods were taxed

Oh yeah, of course, that's different.
Its an old meme updated
Really the most current event would be Covid 2020-2021
Certain places were being locked down by the federal government and having businesses shut down
Police were ordered to match the economy of the place from the white house down for austerity And *health reasons*
Crashes the property value
Trump ordered the federal reserve to give companies like black rock and vanguard money
More or less housing properties valuing 14-16 trillion before the government response we're going bankrupt due to it
And sold for 6-7 trillion

This all happened under trump so you will never hear pol talk about it. Its why housing is so expensive now
Sure Cleetus.
>mutilated kikeworship golem bitches at mutilated communist drone

It's entertaining to watch.
Based and Libertarianpilled. Give me freedom or we'll give you chaos.
They pretty much crashed the economy by 31% drove everyone to foreclosure using Covid aa a reason then gave their donors and judges trillions in bail out money to buy the houses and legal systems using judges campaign funds.
Every trump judge who needed campaign funds for them via Covid bail out
So Trump is not the God Emperor?
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oh my science... my media literacy just freaking leveled up
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>mutilated dick acting high and mighty over mutilated troon holes
Holy shit this board. How is this much retardation lost on you?
no JEW, income was never taxed unless it was in times of war (like the civil one)
The jews started their little game in 1913 and never stopped.
You know this though, you just love attention, well there it is retard.
(women are still going to ignore you btw)
This meme makes no sense. It's the government enabling criminals. Not corporations. Nice try tho shitbag
They run out people to exploit...

It's is what Europeans do, First they started with the poor of the their own country, then they started robbing their neighbors, What took them started exploiting people outside the continent, then after two wars, they exploited the Americans Threatening that they would become communists

But over time the benefits they exponentially bestowed upon themselves became unsustainable, so the new plan was import new people to exploit...the problem is that they extract more than they contribute
US Government and corporations go hand n hand.

It’s sad how many fat fucking losers from Discord try to control the narrative on 4chan.
You see it on every board.
must be jews (or Fat brown faggots paid by them)
This has nothing to do with trump. "covid" was used against Trump to steal the election. He was only president for less than a year of it. That scams belongs to the jews and democrats.
The government (not corporations) aids criminals in order to reconcile a racial disparity in incarceration rates
all posts like this are from the same disingenuous fat brown retard.
He lives in twitter, watches anime (cause he’s a faggot), hates himself, and takes drugs to cope.
Clear as day.
don’t engage.
star on topic, but if you must engage,
call him out and move forward
>i've never heard of one single person who thought inventions come from the government
This lol
A list of inventions? Try Scotland, where you say your grandpa is from
we weren’t taxed on our income (unless times of war) til 1913
That was the year the Jews and Jesuits started the federal reserve as well.

Don’t let the fat brown faggots from Twitter and Discord disrupt the thread.
If you must engage, call them out while still stating facts.
You have to be smarter than the gay fat brown trannies that watch anime and live on Discord, and Twitter.
The US Government is ran by corporations.
You’re a disingenuous retard.
now that i called you out.
i’ll go back on topic.
The United States Government started taxing income in 1913
Simplistic and dumb
True but the racial disparities exist cuz some groups are genetically predisposed to crime and incompatible with white society. Government only makes it worse but that's the goal
Look at this faggot
He’s probably a jew trying to deflect from the game being exposed in this thread
Corporations affect government policy but so do individuals. Businesses have no interest in letting criminals get away with petty property crimes.
You're going to die in a trench Ivan. Moscow will be nuked.
Call it whatever you want, it’s the truth, just like it’s the truth you’re a fat faggot that watches cartoons and lives on the internet.

Corporations and US Government go hand and hand.
If you don’t have a retort just say that.
The United States Government loves how corporations operate and how they treat people
i’m not talking about Robocop motherfucker.
Use your goddamn fucking brain and open your eyes.
Corporations go hand and hand with how the United States Government operates.

This is the part where they try to split hairs in order to win an argument
This is how the fat retards from Twitter and Disocord.
I’ve seen it on every board now
if you’re defending or trying to deflect at all, you’re a jew, or a fat brown faggot from Twitter that is owned by them.
I've been watching a lot of crime shows and this is actually an incredibly common plot. Shows up in both The Shield and The Wire too.
Good thread
where do you think the invention came from that you're using right now to be stupid?
I look like this and I say this, but I do believe it's the joos.
Damn nigga you're seething. You're not seeing soft on crime "equitable justice" campaigns in West Coast cities because "corporations" are demanding it. It's because bleeding heart fags demand it because too many nogs are in prison.
>Transcontinental railroads
That was subsidized by the government and the companies involved were notorious for trying to engineer the longest routes because they were being paid by the mile.
Yeah but it sounds like you don’t quite understand the joke.
You see, it all started back when a guy named Chuck…
mutt nukes don't work
/tv/ is too dumb and autistic to understand this. look at all these replies going off at the word "invention" when in reality the point wasn't that america invented the railroad, but instead was able to lay thousands of miles of railroad tracks without income tax.

Same with all the other things he mentions.

It doesn't matter if someone 20,000 miles away invents the telephone or the lightbulb. What matters is that it clearly was possible to lay endless miles of telephone and electricity lines and all the related infrastructure without paying a dime in income tax.

And that's isn't even the craziest part. They did it without fiat money too.
without doing any research into that I'll just assume it's true.

So we have the option of A:
>government takes part of your paycheck
>proceeds to launder that portion of your paycheck into corporations
>corporations get rich and don't offer a lot of value (long tracks v short tracks)
>government prints more dollarydoos to do it again

Or option B:
>government doesn't take a cent from your paycheck
>still manages to gift money to corporations
>corporations still manage to get rich and provide the same (lack of) quality infrastructure

Seems to me that it's objectively better for the people to keep their income tax.
the fuck are you talking about. things being privately owned and low taxation are basically the same thing. kys, retard
The most lucrative thing for the us right now is to stay on its current course so that whites become a minority by 2035.
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Blast from the past from the Obama years

This guy's favorite game was Battle Kid. Let that sink in.
kek privatizing utilities is retarded, just look at centerpoint and Houston last week
Maybe military contractors. But private companies aren't part of the government. You're simplistic and retarded. Why would business agree to lose money by introducing crime policies that allow them to get robbed and destroyed lol. Fucking moron.
Exactly. You can't lock up black criminals because its racist, but they commit all the crimes and locking them up is racist and the prisons are full of black criminals because they commit all the crime but locking them up would prove that but noticing it is racist. its a vicious cycle of retardation. Much like this thread
It's already minority white, they just lie about the numbers
Nope, I got all of my dick intact. I dodged the cock kike tax. They literally try and take a cut of everything anons.
crime statistics are no longer sorted by race so it might as well be whites doing these violent crimes for all we know. besides white americans have been way too comfortable for way too long which is why the us NEEDS open borders so that whites can become a minority within the next 10 years. this will make the us a much better country to live in and happiness and prosperity will increase greatly.

there are no non-racist counter arguments to this and since at least 50% of whites are democrats nothing will be done to prevent the us from becoming minority white and a civil war would just leave the borders even more open than they are now so cuckservatives shoot themselves in the foot no matter what they do in their racist rage.
This guy still thinks "Chud" is an insult and Michael is based and did nothing wrong. you believe the media slop with no proof.
And nationalizing is worse. look at Venezuela.
That's a different Blackrock. It's named after Blackrock, Dublin.
You don't even need statistics. There's cctv and phone video every day confirming who commits ALL the crime. The rest of your post is incoherent garbage. Probably a bot
so you're telling me you watch millions of hours of CCTV/phone footage a day.
Nothing brings down realty prices more than a good old fashioned gang war, that and a biologically engineered gain of function virus but that seems to soon for the 80's.
>ve wuz inventorshitzenheimer
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Oh no!
socialism is cringe
Provide a real world example of that.
>when in reality the point
The point is that the fucking retard used the word "invent"
Trump objectively is
An extremely obese 80 year old
34 time felon
Covered in orange women's make up

I don't know how that's.. something you vote for. He's senile, crooked and is caked in women's make up.
Nyet, komrade!
You are a brown homosexual.
>I literally can't go a single thread without obsessing over politics!
>even when politics aren't mentioned, I WILL MENTION IT
lolbertarian paradise
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>chuddy thinks le cuckitalism is superior
That's a lot of text to say "the free thinkers left and all our inbred faggots killed eachother in the two world wars we started"
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You wouldn't have those laughing whores with communism.
>bro just abandon your ancestral homelands and duties
Your ancestral homelands were ran by inbred faggots lol.
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so does "/pol/" mean "anyone I disagree with?", like "chud"?
that's the plot of crackdown, the video game
you seriously think a privatized police force would be worse than the current public police force that you guys are always complaining about? why? is it also bad that doctors, dentists, auto mechanics, etc are privatized? why do you want dangerous guys with guns to have no accountability to the public they rule over?
my heart goes out to all of those unfortunate rich people who are burdened with private security. It must be so hard for them.
Yes you would.
No you wouldn't.
Good thing I wasn't even talking about communism?
the sign is a subtle joke...
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Sounds familiar...
Britain invented the lightbulb you fucking idiot, read about Joseph Swan
Anon, don't bother.
The argument in favor of capitalism is always communism.
Both of the above systems empower a very few number of nobles with all of the wealth and resources while everyone else are slaves who work for nothing but pennies and die with nothing.
Brits stole half of their so called "inventions" from other nations.
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>4chan defending the Jews

This place has changed.
Conservatists* MIGA isn't just a meme.
>poltards stuck between hating blackrock and co. because da jews dei agenda but also simultanously loving blackrock because privatizing everything and fucking everyone over who's middle-class and below is akshually a good thing bro!
This is what America looked like without income tax
libertarians and fascists are diametrically opposed. that's like saying neolibs and communists are the same
>Get nothing, give everything to some rich asshole
So smart...
Technology has been the principle driver of social reform and progressives have never accomplished anything other than whining
M1 Abrams
Colt m1911
Thats an old gun
>Won the war for my country
Sneeds shouldn't Breed
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>>201667089 Go back to /b/, Rajesh.
By /pol/ you mean edgy lolberts?
>This place has changed.
This place is dead.
/pol/ is infested with MAGAtards,trannies,russians and israeli shills.

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