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why isn't there a thread about this movie every day?
if you're too stupid to make a wemb of a movie that you're trying to entice me to watch then i shan't be watching it
I don't give a shit if you watch it, you're too stupid to realize that.
>proceeds to wonder why there aren't threads about it
Get his ass
right, it's my sole responsibility to post wemb's of a film to promote it for people too lazy to download it themselves. Got me pretty good there.
aka your shitty movie has no wembable scenes. many such cases. SHAN'T be watching.
if you only watch things based on wemb posts I wouldn't be evaluating people's intelligence.
>oh my god guys! why aren't there any threads for this movie every day?! it's totally awesome and my favorite movie ever made!! please watch it! p-post a webm of it? n-no... i don't like it THAT much it's just an okay movie... n-no i'm not a shill... i just... don't want to provide webms of my favorite kino ever made with several awesome scenes that i want to show my anon friends... n-no really i'm totally not a shill who didn't come prepared...
it's a shit movie op
wemb's are for ESL people who don't even listen to dialogue and only watch movies for the moving pictures. When you speak english than you can truly enjoy kino
sure thing shilly
this movie is one big fetish fantasy with a hell of a climax

>it's about the dialogue bro!
>posts a picture of a giant in a bikini
Im a shill cause I wanna talk about a movie? Guess that makes you a faggot for wanting to talk to me.
>i-i wanna talk about the movie bro...
>okay post some webms so we have something to talk about
>I wanna talk about the movie
>I haven't seen it and I don't wanna watch the whole thing, just out of context clips with no audio
>no thanks, that''s not what I am looking for
>OK, I am gonna be a huge faggot now
>too stupid to put subtitles on a webm let alone make a webm
Post muscle growth scenes.
We need more like it.
>put in effort for a shit poster who can't download a movie themself
fuck off.
Lesbian sex is boring as fuck. It's just neverending foreplay
why would i download and watch it? you've given me no reason to. no webms. no plot. nothing. shan't.
yea but katy o'briens tits look great.
Based. Maybe I'll watch it again tonight
/tv/ only posts daily about gay anal sex in a video game adaptation
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I've hooked up with female bodybuilders a few times. 10/10 experience. Would recommend. It's not even hard because most men are either afraid of them or weirded out by them.
1. Tears Ed Harris apart
2. Unbirths Ed
I'm not going to get the kino one am I
She should have played she-hulk
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>gay anal sex in a video game adaptation
"no Mario it's-a-me, your brother Luigi!"
i just love kstew. simple
kstew looks fucking disgusting in this
Every picture and webm just makes me want to see this less
trailer park methhead rizz
okay, you've said wemb twice now you fucking piece of shit
>women into women like masculine women
it doesnt make sense to me, not in the slightest
I wouldn't pull out.
Almost like lesbianism is a cope
least sexy scene of a non-obese woman in a bikini I've ever seen
Read a book, then. I'll be over here looking at moving images and having fun.
Disgusting feminist and actively anti-men piece of trash. Also legitimately celebratory of its characters' sociopathy and degeneracy.
Saint Maud was already a typical A24 piece of SJW elevated horror, but Love Lies Bleeding goes further in showcasing what Glass's cinema is all about, and it stinks.

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