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New Matt kino just dropped
Looks alright, I guess
This will be your typical nu-right slop where they go
So tired of this shit.
I am racist. Hate niggers, simple as.
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>Daily Wire
How does this compare to "what is a woman?"
I genuinely don't understand how anyone can look at niggers and not become racist
Everybody is racist but people are even more conformist than they are racist so as long as there'll be propagandists broadcasting what people should think on every piece of media available it won't change.

That was literally the job of priests before the press, radio and then tv
Beginning of the Matt Walsh Cinematic Universe
"What is a Zionist? is the equivalent to "What is a Woman?" to these types of Conservatives
I don't think he's going to discuss the failure of blacks to integrate and succeed in american society at all, it seems like this is just meant to expose the contradictions and absurdity of critical race theory, specifically the idea that "whiteness" is racist
How dare you niggers call me racist! Did the Jews put you up to this?
The left is even more unhinged with this jew shit than /pol/ by now.
my take from this? liberals, theyre the real racists. not us based conservatives, we love non whites as long as they're right wingers
Maybe that race obsession of the left really is doing a lot of bad for society and it would be better to stop it?
maybe multi racial societies dont work?
>we love non whites as long as they're right wingers

Who is we? I think you're pretending to be a racist. Prove you're a racist.
If they avoid quirky gimmicks could be good. Blacks are way more abundant than troons
part of the plot is that he got actually certified as a DEI expert. wokies telling who told him to "educate himself" looking real silly now that he's registered to educate others on racism
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>Daily Wire
Let me guess, racism bad
I see nobody wants to prove it. I'm filtering this thread full of shitskins now, and returning to removing every thread on the board. Please enjoy each others company.
The us will be minority white by 2035.
Based! whites in the us will be a minority within the next 10 years and it will GREATLY improve living conditions in the us.
oh wow like, so it's the left who are the real racists?
Loving the urban vibe the soundtrack is giving. Dailywire has their finger on the pulse as usual.
Barely 15% of the population, 50% of all murders.

There really isn't anything more to be said. You can only wonder how much better USA would be doing right now if they wouldn't have to deal with them blacks.

In B4 "muh poverty"
In raw numbers there are more white people living below poverty line in the US. If poverty would drive violent unnecessary brutal crime, whites would lead every violent crime stat
whites in the us will be a minority by 2035
There's no way no one knew he was. Random students maybe, but Robyn Di'Angelo, come on. That disguise is bullshit.
Instead of wasting time making another biased shit movie, he could have just debated Destiny and gets his shit pushed in while also learning why he is wrong.
Looks kinda cringe
>Daily Eruv
They get their name from a wire Jews put around their neighborhood so they can trick god

You see on the day of the Sabath, God says Jews aren’t allowed to leave their home. So Jews put a wire around their neighborhood and connect all the houses to the wire

They say this wire counts as an extension of their house walls and therefore they are not technically leaving their home and have tricked God

this wire is checked on a daily basis, hence daily wire. The wire is called an Eruv btw
You're not special for being a racist. There's 20 IQ hicks from Alabama who are racist.
Based, I'm racist too and proud of it
How many times will Matt say nigger in this?
He's got a full beard and mustache. He's definitely a racist! He probably watches anime too, if you know what I mean.
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Ok, now lets see the "Am I an antisemite?" doc
You gotta buy an ad, poltard.
Am I a Philosemite?
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The struggles of the white man are irrelevant right now. Palestinians are going through worse.
There's about 6000% more whites in the US than there were during the revolutionary war.
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just take a wild guess
Who told this man he was funny?
looking forward to the inevitable Joe Rogan appearance where he constantly talks utter nonsense and makes embarrassing statements that get fact checked by Jamie revealing him to be full of shit while Joe squirms in his toddler high-chair because his handlers told him to make Matt look good

remind me again how far apart his estimate about trans puberty blockers was against reality despite having made a ‘documentary’ and done ‘research’ on the very subject? millions in his head compared to thousands in real life wasn’t it? cunts an arse faced clown, lmao
>Barely 15% of the population, 50% of all murders.
It's actually much worse, because it's not black babies and black grannies doing the killing, but black males aged 15-34 which is roughly 4% of the US population.
So it's actually 4%=50%
>put on a manbun
>now nobody can recognize him
There shouldn't be anyone on puberty blockers ever, you're a disgrace, a joke and should kill yourself
Everyone is racist. There's no study in existence where in-group preference is identical to outgroup preference, everyone has pre-conceived notions of race. For your modern white leftist, the in-group is bad while the out-group is good, for everyone else, the in-group is preferred.
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