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>Dooms all future generations of her people because she couldn't come up with a plan
>Is portrayed as having done the right thing
What did they mean by this?
It means that Isayama is a hack retard who deserves to be castrated and should never be allowed to pick up a pen again
Go back to /a/
>eldians already have a working plan that will secure their existence
>Eren throws it out the window for a plan that will ensure their full genocide
>Cringevengers have the opportunity to go after Eren, stop him, take the titan powers from him and return to the original plan
>decide to just go in without a plan, kill their only chance of survival and then die
tranime, never once
50 year plan was a bandaid at best.
Who was more in the wrong Isayama or editors?
Trans cope
There was nothing wrong with the plan, the only issue that people could find with it is that Historia would need to be sacrificed.
As long as Eldians have the founding titan and a titan with royal blood, there is nothing anyone can do to eldians. At any point Eldians can unleash their wall titans and cause so much damage that no one will ever risk it. You can cope by saying in the future the guns will be better and marley will have stronger planes and nukes, but that would just mitigate the damage done by the rumbling.
Meanwhile eldians are getting planes and guns and get involved in global trade. Eldians could develop a military that can defend their country on top of the threat of rumbling.

The only problem with the 50 year plan is the stupid name saying it's a 50 year plan. Only an idiot would predict the exact time and how long the plan would keep them safe.
Eldians would become impossible to invade and any conflict with them would be too costly for any nation. The tensions would eventually die down. The hatred of Eldians is fueled purely by marley using eldians as shock troops. With the advancement of weapons titans become less effective weapons of war and their use would go out of style.
>eldians already have a working plan that will secure their existence
Lmao no. It would have just delayed the inevitable. But they weren't even going to get that because Willy galvanized the other nations to declare full out war on Eldia then and there knowing they were not ready to defend themselves against the entire world. The only reason Eldia wasn't destroyed then is because Eren killed a bunch of high ranking officials from various governments.

The rest of the world could have just left them the fuck alone at any time but continuously chose not to. The Jaegerists were the only ones who understood what this meant.
The invasion is inevitable because there is no one who can use the rumbling. Eldians are easy pickings for marley. They're not technically advanced, their numbers are small. While they are easy to defeat, you can get resources from them and get to sign peace with several nations. Marley has to take out eldians as soon as possible before someone learns how to use the rumbling.
The second eldians show that they can use the rumbling all of this goes out the window. You can't defeat them and that backwards nation is going to develop technology and grow by selling their resources.
It's not going to delay their death by 50 years, it would stop it entirely. It completely reverses the situation. Now Eldia is top dog and fighting with them is not productive. Now marley and other nations have an incentive to trade with eldia to get their shiny crystals as they watch notJapan grow richer and more powerful from the crystals they traded

It's not that fucking complicated
that's a man
Nah. The point is that the rest of the world was in its industrial age, and within a couple of decades there would be shit like nukes which would make titans irrelevant.
They had to use their superweapon while they still had an edge, and there was a limited historical window to work with.
Just delaying shit was just putting off their death sentence, and relinquishing their only option for a future.
>As long as Eldians have the founding titan and a titan with royal blood, there is nothing anyone can do to eldians
Then the world is under de facto Eldian rule, and that simply won't sit pretty forever. There will be malfactors and bad actors who would work against the status quo of the world being held hostage by Eldia. That is literally what happens at the end of the series.
>But if bad actors against Eldia, Eren will activate the Rumbling
Hence why the 50 year plan was bogus from the start.
>Meanwhile eldians are getting planes and guns and get involved in global trade
They're involved with trade with the Azumabito, who are by their own admission a bunch of poorfags.
>Eldians could develop a military that can defend their country on top of the threat of rumbling.
Circles back around to the world is under de facto Eldian rule etc.
>Eldians would become impossible to invade and any conflict with them would be too costly for any nation
They said the Roman Empire would never fall too.
>The tensions would eventually die down. The hatred of Eldians is fueled purely by marley using eldians as shock troops
And then a new hatred will rise birthed by the fact that Eldia holds the world hostage at every second of everybody's life. The Rumbling was the only solution.
More trans cope. Seething so hard it can't even pretend to read and raises a point I already destroyed with facts and logic.
It doesn't matter how many nukes the rest of the world develops. That would not stop the rumbling. This entire argument relies on the entire world being suicidal and not only wanting to get trampled by invincible giant monsters but also destroy the planet with radiation and poison all their waters.
Let's not even talk about how Eren has god powers and can just create infinite titans out of thin air and completely cover their weak spots with indestructible crystal. We'll just ignore that completely. Let's ignore that Eren can give the millions of colossal titans wings and have them all fly to the capitals of every nation and then blow up like nuclear bombs on top of them. Let's completely ignore what the manga/anime showed was possible and would be trivial to do for a founding titan.
Nukes would solve the colossal titans easy, retard. Hell, even if they couldn't win with nukes, they could still wipe Paradis off the map. Even if they were still able to use the rumbling after that, they'd be genociding the world to avenge ghosts.
More tranny cope
>b-but rome fell
And was every Roman genocided? Are Romans wiped out of the gene pool?
Someone would eventually fuck up and eldian society would crumble, but it would not longer be a full genocide situation. Eldians would have integrated in other countries.

I like how it's just given to assume that because they are living in sort of WW1, WW2 times then in 50 years they will definitely have nukes, but we are all expect to ignore that this means they would also change as a society and would be more liberal and it would probably not be politically correct to call eldians niggers and scream gas the eldians race war now
Society in the tranime can only progress in whatever way that saves the terrible writing
>Someone would eventually fuck up and eldian society would crumble, but it would not longer be a full genocide situation
The world wouldn't know that considering the Rumbling hangs over their heads at every second of every day.
>and it would probably not be politically correct to call eldians niggers and scream gas the eldians race war now
Except for the fact that all Eldians are subject to the Founding Titan and the entire world is subject to the Rumbling. You ignoring this and calling it tranny cope just tells you've conceded. Your next post will contain the words tranny and cope again, and then I'll hide your post and not respond. You're a very dull individual.
Your brain is rotten from tranime. Nukes can't destroy titans. Your only understanding of nukes comes from tranime who overhype the nukes massively due to hiroshima.
Nuclear explosions are not very big. The thing that makes nuclear bombs scary is the radiation. A nuke would blow up the napes the few titans the nuke falls on directly, but it wouldn't kill a titan standing like 100 meters away from the explosion.
This whole retard nuke argument is so stupid. Regular bombings would be way more effective than nukes. You want them to drop a nuke to kill like 3 out of 3 million titans just to burn all the grass in a 10km radius? The fuck?
More tranny cope
Jews are pure evil and still the number one threat in the world just like they were in WW2, but we live with them. Jews aren't being killed every day. Times change.
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genocide is wrong

simple as
>genocide is wrong
>unless it's my people being genocided
Why did Hange want Eldians to be genocided then?
A nuke is pretty strong bro.
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She was fine with using the rumbling to defend themselves but not to genocide everyone but themselves
The defense rumbling involves feeding the royal family every 13 years while the world remains ever wondering when the rumbling will actually occur. It was never going to work. Hange just wanted Eldians dead for some reason.
Speedreader trash
The rumbling defense involves picking any competent person to inherit the founding titan every 13 years.
Not one royal family member has to die. Historia can be turned into a titan and the founding titan holder just has to touch her. That's it.
Worst case scenario you lose historia and she stays a titan forever. Best case scenario the founding titan just turns her back into human because Ymir can do anything she wants and all the rules the tranime established early on are completely fake nonsense. Eren can just use Historia to active all his powers and then turn her back into a human, better yet use the founding titan power to destroy the king's vow of nonviolence and then destroy the arbitrary 13 years rule. Make the founding titan live forever.

Did anyone actually read this dogshit?
>The rumbling defense involves picking any competent person to inherit the founding titan every 13 years.
No guarantee this competent person will remain loyal and/or sane.
>Historia can be turned into a titan
And then dies in 13 years zzzzzzzzzz didn't read the rest of your post
the editor for murdering his wife therefore allowing isayama to do whatever he wants
They meant fuck off back to /a/ where you belong
Speedreader subhuman trash. Titans don't die in 13 years. Titan shifters die in 13 years.
They could literally just take Zeke's cum, impregnate a woman and then turn the baby into a titan. That's it, permanent access to founding titan powers forever.
>eldians already have a working plan that will secure their existence
>hey let's castrate ourselves while the entire world just declared a war of extremination on us

Forgot your meds again?
Another speedreader subhuman trash. Castration was Zeke's secret plan that only Zeke and Yelena were on board with. Eren knew it but only pretended to along with it.
The plan to secure the existence of Eldian was using a small scale rumbling to crush the Marley military and show their power to the world, forcing them to sign for peace. Then use their resources to develop Eldian technology so they can defend themselves with advanced guns, planes and warships.
>long as Eldians have the founding titan and a titan with royal blood, there is nothing anyone can do to eldians

The series literaly start with a hostile nation invading them with the intent of stealing the Founder and they very nearly succeeded, and it wasn't even under the pretense of caring about Eldians, Marley tried to get Founder because the power ballance on the continent shifted and their own titans weren't able to bully their neighbors any longer.
Are you unable to follow shounen politics? SW Prequels must have fried your brain then.
> But they weren't even going to get that because Willy galvanized the other nations to declare full out war on Eldia then and there knowing they were not ready to defend themselves against the entire world.
Willy only galvanized them because he(rightfully) knew that Eren was going to nig out and destroy the world. And we know he is correct because Eren was planning the genocide before he even set foot in Marley.
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>hey, we just wiped out a country off the map, wanna trade with us, we want to develop our own modern weapons
Speedreader subhuman trash
The island was under attack because the Tybur family (all highly respected rich people living in non-Eldian lands btw) was ordering the Marley military to attack Eldians. Tybur's knew that King Fritz was a cuckold who would disable the founding titan powers and accept the genocide of all eldian when it comes.

I like how subhuman manga readers won't even address the fact that the only reason eldians were under attack was because an eldian family controls marley and knows eldians can't fight back. You take away the cuck's vow and eldians become untouchable. This is literally what we saw happen. Eren bypassed the king cuck's vow and the world was fucked.
Paradise has access to le anime ice burst crystals, eventually once country would cave and start trading with them for an edge on their neighbors, and then everyone would and that would be the norm.
>a military is the entire country
Not only a manga speedreader but a transsexual post speedreader. Unable to comprehend anything longer than 2 words.
The plan would have been the equivalent of bombing hiroshima except instead of civilian towns it would be sea ports where the warships are
>Willy only galvanized them because he(rightfully) knew that Eren was going to nig out and destroy the world

Willy galvanised them because they just went through a battle where thirty titans got wiped out and Armor Titan got nearly killed and the entire world saw that Marley's dominance is over.
It was entirely self-serving and had fuck all to do with Eldians.
If Marley didn't invade them, Eldians wouldn't know that there is any outside world for the next 100 years.
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Yes, I agree.
Also: Eren didn't commit genocide. Learn your fucking words, retard.
> Willy galvanised them because they just went through a battle where thirty titans got wiped out and Armor Titan got nearly killed and the entire world saw that Marley's dominance is over.
Willy doesn’t give a shit about that speedreader-kun. He knows that Marley is warmongering bully and deserves what is coming to them.
The only reason Willy actually intervened was because #1. If Marley goes down so does every eldian outside paradis because Marley was the only nation who have any kind of shot about Eldon’s welfare, and more importantly #2 He knows Eren is planning to commit genocide and literally spends the entire speech calling him out.
> It was entirely self-serving and had fuck all to do with Eldians.
Yea he him willing letting himself get horrifically killed despite being obviously afraid of dying was definitely entirely self serving.
what new flavor-of-the-year anime is this
How do you lack media literacy over shonen manga this badly?
>lose the argument
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only the most popular series on /a/ by thread count

it ended years ago
Moron, the nukes aren't for killing the titans, they're for killing human Eldians.

As others have pointed out, once technology reaches that level, the Rumbling could be carried out as long as the Eldians could safeguard the Founding Titan and someone with royal blood, but that'd be a pyrrhic victory at best if 90% or more of Eldians are killed by nukes
Also a civilization on nuke level would be able to stop Rumbling just by sheer force.
The Israeli embassy contacted Isayama and told him to change the ending

Only thing that makes sense
Ok mohammed.
It goes to shit in the last 20 chapters. Or what ever the last final last final season is. Idiot author couldn't do a proper 'us or them' fantasy, and it's hilariously addressed that failure to finish the job would in a few hundred years result in retaliation.
tranny post
anime won't be yours no matter how hard you push this tranime shit
this poster is a homosexual tranny
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Season 1: Eren gets kidnapped
Season 2: Eren gets kidnapped
Season 3: Eren gets kidnapped

Anime onlys: What the fuck is going on?
Manga readers: Evil laugh

The walls were built to protect titans from Levi.

If someone says anime is for kids, I'll show them Attack on Titan.

Attack on Titan? No.. We Otakus prefer Shingeki no Kyojin.

Child eren: did you do it?
Adult eren: yes
Child eren: what did it cost?
Adult eren: everything :'(

Eren is controlling Isayama.

S1-S3 Eren: *chuckles* I'm in danger
S4 Eren: *evil laugh* I am the danger

Avengers endgame : we had the best charge ever.
Erwin : hold my beer!

Game of Thrones: Who are you?
Shingeki no Kyojin: I'm you, but better.

Mikasa appears in Season 4 Trailer
Anime onlys: I've never met this man in my life.

Reiner : why cant you let me die?
Isayama: NO.

Levi:''I have tons of fangirl "
Eren 19 years old: "Hold my abs!"

Eren S1: Call an ambulance!
Eren S4: But not for me!

Season 1: Eren, run!
Season 2: Eren, run!
Season 3: Eren, run!
Season 4: It's Eren! RUN!

Non manga reader: WTF is going on with the music and genre?
Manga reader: YES

Reiner : Have a beard
Mikasa : Short hairs
Eren : Long hairs
Everyone : Who are they?
Jean : I'm still a horse
Jean now : I'm PewDiePie

Remember when this was all about a noisy kid who wanted to kill titans to avenge his mother?

Friendship ends with Humanity
Titans Are my Friends Now

Zeke: I'm ineviteble
Levi: and i am LEVI ACKERMAN

Reiner: I'm sick and tired of walls.
Extroverts in quarantine: First time?
Introverts in quarantine: Pathetic

Zeke: I have an entire titan army
Erwin: we have a Levi

Mikasa: I can't wait to marry Eren!
Historia: Imma bout to end this girl's whole career.

Tybur: As Ambassador for the Marleyan government I declare war on Paradis
Eren: I’m about to do what you call a pro gamer move

Zeke: Ymir do what I ordered you to do
Ymir: no
Zeke: understandable have a nice day
2012 Kissanime Disqus comment section ass post
No, it was the cuck editor according to Isayama himself.
Zeke literally says at the start of season 4 that weapons technology was only a few decades away from rendering titans useless in combat. If the Eldians were ever going to use the Rumbling, they had to do it soon
A couple nukes irradiate paradis. Starve them out. The crystals are not indestructible. They started having guns/cannons/planes/bombs that could deal with colossals. Paradis is on the clock. If Eren could make them fly, why didn't he start with that? The rumbling itself should have taken months they only had a few million of them. Where's this self detonation thing coming from?
But the rest of the world just rejected peace. All their attempts at 'we don't want war, leave us alone plz' failed and then confronted with a 'we're going to invade you, kek'. She's a fucking moron, it's just an us vs them scenario, same for any sci-fi variety of this, ze bugs must be eradicated.
13 years is the time Ymir had. It's not a vow, but some other weird magic that came to be because that's just how long the first real user had it. If she'd lived for 100 years post fusing, so would every other user. It's a ticking clock to prevent one character being around forever like wall boys.
Well did the entire planet instantly declare war against the yanks when they showed off they had a new toy called 'I remove your city and production capability with one bomb'. Those that weren't already attempting their own nuke plans spent time trying to steal/poach the knowledge and played ally.

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