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what the FUCK were they thinking
Would fuck
>omg it's le cartoon but it's so raunchy and le sex
>censor it anyway
safe edgy
so they made her a dumb bimbo again thats nothing more than tits and ass? I thought they hated exploiting women
Probably thinking about clown sex
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>your husband sacrifices himself to save you
>immediately fuck through every BBC and crockcock

The show was an humiliation ritual
I hate stuff like this or RIck and Morty bleeping out fuck. It's immersion breaking, either do it or don't, don't give me this pussy half-assed shit.
just like real life
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How did they get away with this?
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There's nothing exploitative about bimbos as long as they enjoy being bimbos.
This was drawn around the "Free the nipple" endemic.
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I really dislike the whore Harley design. It's such a massive downgrade from her original design.
Welcome to current year edge and sex appeal, where limbs getting blown apart and dicks are perfectly fine. But God forbid we show a nipple.
>humiliation ritual
That's a funny way to spell propaganda.
sirs pls remove bar
The worst part is that they try to justify it with "well her awesome og design was too tied to Joker, since she's a strong independent woman now she needed a redesign" as if the skin bleaching wasn't supposed to tie her to Joker's origin.
all the women and simps defended this shit on youtube too. I remember seeing the comment wars about it. Womans a complete whore, and they're all arguing shes trying to process his death by riding half the city the day after hes dead.
>Life's obsession revolves around saving his snowbunny wife
>ultimately sacrifices himself to save his hotwife
Why'd freeze do it, bros?
He didn't realise he was being written by progressives.
Showing titties upsets Americans on both sides so they used censor bars.
>Hehe, we're so edgy, we can't show people getting blown appart :)
South Park made fun of this. Several times. Decades ago.
Who is this show for? The only person I ever knew who watched it was some 20yo fag with painted nails who lived in a shithole and smoked weed/did meth.
Women are incapable of non-transactional love.
And then, one day, for no reason at all, people voted for jack the ripper.
I thought they were just making fun of the white knight trope by having the chick he obsessed over turn out trashy.
>saving your wife is white knighting
>could have turned on millions of women if he just pulled the cord and HAWK TUAH'ed on her tank
Ted Bundymax all the way I guess.
sauce pls
Agreed. That censor bar has got to go.
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Is this albino Gwen Stacy?
Yeah, her areola are way too small for her titty size.
I remember not being able to watch Southland due to this
Bundy fucked a chick in a conjugal visit and she had his kid before they executed
him. Far as nature is concerned, Bundy won.
I know anons like being mad at women but you guys are aware there are male widowers who fuck within the first 6 months of a passing, right?
Are these dudes also assholes or based?
Objectify Harley cause that’s all she’s good for without the joker. That and make her a les
This sucks. Freeze didn't deserve this.
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>meanwhile in 80s Japanese kid shows

This show predates night-time anime, so it aired as Saturday morning cartoon
2024: the censorhip is not on sex or nudity but on "female objectification" lmao
Why are you even here if you're gonna be so much of a simping faggot? When has that sort of behavior even been presented in a positive light? Go fuck yourself you low IQ faggot.
All this liberation through sex is really only for women right? Because if a guy fucked a ton of women that would be seen as predatory and unhealthy, let alone disrespectful to his dead wife. But if a woman does it it's a holy right to experience everything and live life as you want it.
I think it's pretty disrespectfully for anyone to sleep around so soon after the death of a spouse. I want to see if anons hold men to a different standard like they do in other scenarios.
aka it’s bad when men like it
DC has never had anything but batman, and nu harley for some reason was really popular for fucking ages. i don't think they'll stop milking her for as much cash as possible for the next 5 years at least. its not like fucking superman is going to do it.
ok? there's no nipples. this is not exactly an epic own, you fucking deluded jap worshipping faggot.
I mean the joker movie from 2019 was more popular than endgame and won european festivals why would they do anything else
>this will please both viewers AND advertisers!
shut your fuck up kid before i throw a black person at you! :D
They should have just shown them. The show already has lots of violence and bad language but showing boobs was somehow too much
>lineart has no nipples
>but the animator went and coloured in the nipples anyway
Seems realistic what's the problem?
Since women only see Chad, that means all men are out constantly fucking a new Stacey and getting praised for it.
people like you are why society is fucked
Why are adults watching cartoons?
Read my post again, retard. I'm making fun of this new trend in censorship.
i find that hard to believe about endgame.
and yes dc has known for a long time. unfortunately, while batman is cool as fuck, harley tends to be gay as fuck. its always some lame statement they're making about lesbians or women and she's always the most lame and boring version of an 'anti-hero'
tits or gtfo
>I thought they were just making fun of the white knight trope by having the chick he obsessed over turn out trashy.
It's not white knighting when it's your wife.
>Are these dudes also assholes or based?
The fuck are you talking about? We're discussing the portrayal of these tropes in media, not the reality of them. Widowers in Western media are usually portrayed as miserable, sexless loners who spend *years* mourning the death of their beloved. Sometimes you'll get one who ends up with a woman (usually the deuteragonist) but their role is typically to either "get over" her passing or sacrifice himself so their children (usually a daughter) can live.
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>Why are adults watching cartoons?
Because these cartoons are being made for adults and everyone who has *actual* taste has moved onto admiring manga/anime. The market for these types of cartoons consists entirely of coddled man-children, childless women and business executives who simply see *The Message* of the cartoon.
If you're going to censor it like this, just don't use a frontal shot in the first place. Use some 3/4ths side shot where the nipples are naturally not visible so you don't have to put in a giant fucking immersion-breaking black bar that only works if the show is pretending to be a documentary.
That would require these calarts DEI creators to understand dynamic angles and framing.
That's too much for their soi ridden brains
>everyone who has *actual* taste has moved on to Generic DND Fantasy #9629429421, Happy Booby Fun Time and OH NO MY WIFE HAS MAGICALLY TURNED INTO AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD, those AREN'T for manchildren
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What were the artistic merits of this scene?
Unironically yes. Anime has Happy Booby Fun Time, but it also has tons of other genres. There's so much diversity in anime that you could spend hours watching just the new seasonals. Elusive Samurai is particularly good this summer. Twilight Out of Focus is good, too.
Same show? What show(s)?
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Probably the same reason that grown men are sitting around on an anime imageboard posting cartoon frogs and making kindergarten-tier edgy jokes with a bunch of 15 and 16 year olds.
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It is a mystery.
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>people who watch/read shit like this think they can lecture others about taste
There hasn't been a good anime in like 15 years. That entire medium is dead.
I wish I could do that
I want to cum in her hair
They're literal faggots in a gay little relationship and it's significantly more investing than anything you'll get from Western media.
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In other words, they still market towards male audiences while the West has more or less decided only women and gays watch TV/movies.
>they still market towards male audiences
That's the best part, there's a market for everyone. For every "Happy Booby Fun Time" there's an anime about some reincarnated princess stuck in her own trashy romance with two princes, and for every red-blooded tale about a guy getting with a loving wife, there's literal faggotry like Twilight Out of Focus that deals with a bicurious man and his gay roommate navigating their growing love for each other.

That's the sign of a truly healthy entertainment sector. Not huge, bombastic omni-demographic slop, but a marketplace of stories where every stall is offering something for someone.
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You don't know what you're talking about.
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>Summertime Render not listed
>This show pulls no punches!
>Is that an animated set of tits being shown off?! BAN THIS SICK FILTH!
I'd have so much more respect for these creators if they would just be consistent.
me on the left
This was strange. They took his sacrifice really serious tonally and then they treat the aftermath like a complete joke and turn it into a "haha she's a crazy slut now" joke instead of dramatically portraying grief. Did they end up doing anything more interesting with her in the later seasons or no?
It's already R rated why not show them without censorship
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>your husband sacrifices himself to save you
>immediately fuck through every BBC and crockcock
Why are americans so obsessed with cuckoldry?
I've been called a mysoginistic pig for fucking around (while single) by girls who fucked around 10x more than me (while taken) and went to slut pride parades and shit. Just ignore all this shit, it's all a shit test they don't believe in it themselves
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numbers confirm
Wait what, did they really do that with Mr. Freeze's wife? What kinda miserable shit cunt writes trash like that? That's not even "edgy humor" anymore, that's just spiteful and pathetic.
No it's pretty funny.
This is the world we are living in bro.
No, that's your cuck fetish talking, retard.
It's not like it's new. In the New Batman Adventures, Fries' body deteriorated to the point where he was just a head and effectively dead to the world, while his wife was revived and married the doctor who healed her. It's just making that plotpoint even darker.
America is a mulatto stud farm
wtf is the context for this
>Did they end up doing anything more interesting with her in the later seasons or no?
I wouldn't know but people as soulless as to even imagine this crap aren't capable of being interesting or fun
Deep down, they're all puritans and they're only becoming more unhinged and fanatically puritanical as time goes by.
literally the third one is some slice of life maid cafe shit, lmao this is meant to be your "good recent anime list"?
male gaze
tbf, it is just
>Anime since 2010
not necessarily *good* anime since 2010. There's a fair few ones on there that are pretty crap
Yeah but why would I have to talk to white women
>ere not with a bang but with a whimper
>sorry children, I was bored I couldn't be bothered to save the west to argue with white women
She was flashing her wife(poison ivy). And they have sex often in the show
Because the character became corporate junk that they sell to children in other places.
bizarre that he would post it in response to
>There hasn't been a good anime in like 15 years.
as a reubttal then
I personally prefer the “leather bondage crackwhore” design from the Arkham games. That will always be “my” Harley.
funny enough, that's also the harley the original creators made too. She was always designed to be a borderline crack whore idiot
>the jiggle
>And the lesbians have sex often.
There are some bizarre posters on this board
The entire series is about spiting Batman fans and especially Bruce Timm fans.
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At least TV shows are showing boobs. The comics have been getting risqué. He really is Bruce WANG. I think junks will be normalized on cartoon shows by 2030.
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Harley Quinn is for retarded hairstylists. What is the point of a subversive comic book show when Venture Bros. did it the best 20 years ago? The rich daughters that right this stuff should be beaten with bamboo by Chinese immigrants.
>Harley Quinn is for retarded hairstylists
This is a perfect description
>Harley Quinn is for retarded hairstylists.
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It's so lazy. They slapped a bikini on her and called it a day. How hard is it to do something new and cute? At least it's not as bad as the costumes in my adventures with superman
I can’t believe there are 4 seasons of this. I’m baffled. This is just bad.
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>Venture Bros did this better
Very based.
what the hell is this crap
Harley : Saudi Arabia edition
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>subversive comic book show
>The Boys couldn't do it
>HBO Watchmen couldn't do it
>a cartoon made by two guys did it perfectly
We're never going to have something as good as the Venture Bros again.
It's only censored in the trailer, the real scene has nips.
okay goldberg
She's there to be their whore tyler durden the samantha.

Cause modern hollywood turned harley into an insane unfun man hating bulldyke who used a plant futa cock to knock up the canon 100% infertile poison ivy...who looks like someones sus loser spinster aunt and sounds like a fucking 60 year old smoker.

It's 1000% a bet that this is what they wanted with harley but they had to turn harley into the kind of thing that gross loser spinsters, dykes, and people who just DETEST the idea of heteronormative love wanted.

Because they saw how popular live action harley and cartoon harley was and realized they couldn't have a woman like that be the norm.

Hell look at the fuck ugly no talent dyke kike 'lady gaga" and her absolute final nail in the coffin for harley quinn that is the upcoming joker 2 debacle.
If you add in some of the story choices and predmoniance of faggotry.

It's for women and queers. Not men or normal women.

Harley show is full of loser bitches with awful pwersonalities voices and are in fact inferior to anything I can get on rule 34 and paying a 20 bucks to talk nasty for 22 minutes.
Why did this scene get pixelation...
but this one got a black bar?
opinion discarded. everyone knows no one would've watched it if it wasn't tied in with TTGL
So wtf is going on? Is this one of the DC movies? I've always liked their movies like Flashpoint and that Constantine centric one, it was the last thing I watched. So they're doing anime shit in their animated movies now?
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Who the fuck watches this garbage? Modern TV is such a waste land
This isn't the anime board retard
hands prepping up tits will never not make me hard as fuck
Tbf, Venture Bros nailed it so hard and covered so much ground there isn't much left to really do.
The quality isn't good, but the nipples are visible.
the absolute state of this bard
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There is another, but the cowards would never adapt Empowered
They were thinking I would pay attention to their nihilistic reddit slop. Won't even torrent.
The main difference seems to be that they actually like comic books, old cartoons and pulp adventure novels.
Jews and protestants are so evil it's insane.
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>harley is a pedo
nothing new
Who watches this? Is any sector of the economy organic?
I only watched this show for Bane.
She's fully one of ((them)) now
A "feminist" icon.
Straight up fucking "Coochie snorcher that could" up in that bitch.
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>At least TV shows are showing boobs.
hol up, isn't this a show for kids?
This is pretty interesting.
I did a drink and draw recently where I drew Harley in her BTAS jester suit and 9/10 didn't recognize it and the one Disney adult who did says she prefers Robbie's version. It wasn't a bad drawing either, I'm pretty good at female figures and have a ton of capeshit memorized because Marvel and DC are the freebird of draw sessions.
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holy shit
im ok with this
where timmanchildren like you belong
No, our economy is an illusion and will be gone with only a few inventions and conceits.

They won't show the fire crotch's tits because their all costume. They can't and won't hire a vageuly college aged fat knobbed young ginger to play her. Just a stilly highly fuckable dyke with obviously mid tits. IT's a show on amazon. It's for faggots, autistic women, and esg types.

You sure did...
>timmanchild immediately seethes and cries at reality
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Cool they pushed more sex stuff and jokes even if they censored some. But how did this get made and approved for pg on Cartoon Network. It’s probably the best and most suprising shot in western animation
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She asks young Bruce if her booty shorts make her ass look good too
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seethe harder for me faggot manchild
Kids don't watch cartoons.
>but can't show a woman tits
that would feed male gaze you chud

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