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>Eat at a local restaurant tonight. Get the cream sauce. Have a cold pint at 4 o’clock in a mostly empty bar. Go somewhere you’ve never been. Listen to someone you think may have nothing in common with you. Order the steak rare. Eat an oyster. Have a Negroni. Have two. Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways. Eat slowly. Tip your server. Check in on your friends. Check in on yourself. Enjoy the ride.
Have a boyfriend. Have two.
Tongue my anus. Lick my ball. Lick two.
Sorry, you entitled prick, not all of us are fucking trust fund children.
Moments before violent diarrhea.
>Get a bipolar girlfriend. Get cucked. Kill yourself in your hotel room. Kill yourself twice. Get the cream sauce.
I always get irritated whenever people with far bigger problems than me, or suffering some ways I cannot comprehend, start speaking out towards me and others about "checking in on yourself" and "open yourself, be happy"
fuck off dumb cunt, sort out your own dramas before preaching your bullshit, I'd be seeing motivational or life quotes from anthony while he was still alive and you could immediately look up how his wife is cucking the hell out of him at the same time
im a wagie locked in a day to day shit fest but at least I get constant days to do nothing or chill out, meanwhile you're a damn millionaire and depressed because you're too mentally stunted to progress past typical life milestones like a fucking relationship.
I want the guy giving me life advice to either be the richest most happiest man alive or a totally carefree flowgoing regular dude, not a faggot shackled and heart broken
What's the color of your Bugatti?
Use a bic lighter. Use a spoon.
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wow i love being in the city
Suck off a negro Suck off two.
Make the same thread every day. Make two.
and now he's dead!
glad im not the only one that feels this way. well said
I wrapped it in Gulf-Porsche colors.
Where did this idea that eating a restaurants is some adventurous thing even come from?
Its part of the greater conspiracy of trying to make chefs cool.
this is one of them memes you think off offline. i was at work and i thought of this
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>Tip your server.
Amazing acting by Buscemi. I actually believe he is a cheap fuck.
Buscemi went years without tipping to prepare for the role.
That's odd since he was acting like a reasonable person. Maybe you lack media literacy.
>Google your girlfriend. Google your girlfriend 300 times. Kill yourself.
>Google your girlfriend 300 times.
Myspace deleted all of the old paged though.
A reasonable person tips. That's why his acting is so phenomenal. He convinces you he is reasonable person, but he really isn't. A bit like Obama.
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>A reasonable person tips

did you start having negronis at your desk with a coworker you may think has nothing in common with you?
>Be open to a world where you may not understand or agree with the person next to you, but have a drink with them anyways unless they are DONALD J DRUMPF
Most anons think leaving their basement is an adventure
he never said that
While Biden is a crook trump is a caricature of one. Never met a drumpf supporter who wasn't an angry faggot.
Though I also haven't met a Biden supporter who wasnt a pussy faggot.
Faggots tend to hang around faggots
Maybe the journey of history is learning all were faggots in the end
Yeah anyone who cares about a politician is a faggot and anyone who talks to someone who likes politicians is also a faggot.
We see this pasta too often these days pal
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>be me
>work ina restaurant
>prepare aaaaall kinds of dishes
>12h shift rolls in cuz short staffed
>making some gourmet shit
>the usual 4/10 and literall goblin face crackhead junkie servers come in for the night
>overhear the skanks omw to grab a water bottle bragging to each other how they have made multiple hundreds of € in the 4 hours they were there
>as time passed i saw that this was a multiple times a week thing ontop of having leasure time aaaand a nice starting salary
>get a tip once in 3 months of service, it was 50€
Ngl shit made my blood boil. I have never seen more useless human beings than ina prefessional envirenoment than those servers since
Fuck tipping, its insane
Just get a better job. Have you tried being a waiter?
>If you call me a faggot, you're a faggot yourself.
Not today, buddy. My mind is like a steel trap.
Ayy. Whats with the gay implications? Tony was no poofer
The real redpill is that it wasn't suicide. He enjoyed being cucked and died from autoerotic asphyxiation.
No, just a junkie who stabbed himself with aids infected needles. Much better. And how did these needles get aids? Yes. Homosexuals.
This absolute faggot is the reason why my town is overcrowded with retarded American tourists
why'd he do it?
Yes waiter I would like to order the steak rare with cream sauce and an oyster and I'll have a cold pint and two negronis with that please.
A famous chef who I suspect I have nothing in common with told me to.
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First time I bothered to look up what a negroni is. I thought it was food. Alcohol. Of course he killed himself.
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>get the cream of sum yung gai
Nice writing skills, retard. You deserve to be a seething wage cuck
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I am loving the discourse in this thread. How did we even get here?
i hate him especially because he made it acceptable for boring retards to base their entire personality around trying le unknown (to them) restaurants and acting smug about it
>this tent in some shithole part of tokyo with some plastic chairs stolen from 7/11 and a single hotplate making instant ramen is le REAL and AUTHENTIC...
fuck off
>shits on Guy Fieri because he makes shows about slopspots around the US
>eats thirdie slop and pretends it's some enlightening experience even when the thirdies themselves view it as slop
Hate this pretentious twat.
>Tells you to enjoy life
>kills self
what did he mean by this?
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A agree anon. The original anon who posted this cut through his entire sham philosophy with his ten thousand times folded shitposting blade.

Repost it forever
What's wrong with enjoying life?
This lol.
>street and diner food, USA
Cringe and slop
>street and diner food, Asian shithole
No idea. This website is an argument simulator.
So can you name 1 guy whose life advice you accept??
People who are always handing out advice when nobody asks are usually people who are not doing well themselves.
>Let another man fuck your girlfriend. Let two.
He was on a level of decadence and fulfillment we just aren't privileged enough to understand bro.
I fucking love negronis.
Get the fuck back in your fucking hole!
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Your room. Clean it.
cream sauce is going into my filter list
>Eat an oyster
eat 48
He hates white people?
Not anymore, if you catch my drift.
Haha, that's true.
>Tip your server
when did waiter/waitress turn into "server"
Guy Fieri.
Donald Jay Trump
not really
shitting every 5 minutes because of some unsanitary third world mystery soup however, what a thrill
yet another reminder he did not intentionally kill himself but he was one of those dudes who hangs a belt around his neck whilst jacking off and it got out of control
this board really loves to speak ill of the dead.
We speak ill of everybody.
Why should the dead get a pass?
Rest in piss all dead kikes.
my family motto is: "Nowhere do people tell so many lies as at weddings and funerals"
Only Rosie 'O Donnell.
your family sounds so fucking based holy shit, I wish I had a family
piss on the dead. piss them twice.
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I've never seen any proof that he paid off a rape victim
What was his problem with Guy Fieri?
How is trying different cuisine or an interesting restaurant not an adventure?
Yeah, ok grandpa.
Was it tasty?
Agreed, kind of retarded someone who was so depressed gives advice like this.
The check in on yourself part is important tho, we don't notice it (especially if your a man) when we are constantly distracting ourselves with responsibility. Sometimes we miss the big picture of what we want to do that is still managable for us to do.
>not talking about being a bazillionaire or being a movie star. More like do shit every now and than that made you feel good/safe. Go to the theatre alone, go for a walk somewhere familiar. Step out of your confort zone and join that rowing team or something.
It is not some grand fucking thing you need to do, nor does it need to cost anything.
>hang yourself
Demand a tip pool or you walk.

I am sure your not the only person in back of house who gets pissed.
Everything costs money. Taking a shit costs money. Wanna go for a run? Buy running shoes. Every activity costs money.
>“Everybody’s been asking me, ‘What on earth are you going to say at Bourdain’s roast? He’s been shit-talking your name everywhere.’ And I’ve been saying, ‘Don’t you worry about me. I won’t touch him with a 10-pole, because smack-talking Bourdain would be like hitting a piñata full of shit.’ Real messy. I want everyone to understand that I’m going to be the bigger man. I’m going to take the high road. I wouldn’t dare come up here and call Anthony Bourdain any of these things that people have called him: No-good, loud mouth, jerkoff, wannabe authority, pseudo rebel, nerd, shit-talking, blow hard, celebrity-seeking, Eric-Ripert coattail, Mario Batali ass-kissing hate monger … Jose Canseco of the food world, snaggle tooth, Lurch-looking motherfucker. No, I’m here to take the high road.

>Anthony, I gotta ask a question, why do you hate me so much brother? … Is it because you went to a fancy culinary school and I didn’t? I hear you’re the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter.” — Guy Fieri
>Do it twice.
Ahh nvm than, contonue struggling because you can't save up $30 for a pair of runners($10 used) that will last you for a couple years.

Forgive me anon, i forgot that clothing donations don't exist...
Food Network and Travel Channel memeing people into thinking their programming is interesting.
You know that Mr. Pink is supposed to be an irredeemable piece of shit, right?
imagine being extremely famous, having friends, drown in pussy and make millions, and then taking your own life. I get it if you’re broke and forever alone, but this guy is fucking retarded for not admiring the life he had.
Have a what?
if anything the lesson you should learn is that money is not the fucking answer. all the celebs who kill themselves or drink themselves to death should be a tell tale sign. but you bunch of retards go back watching andrew tate and his bugatti
Not everyone watches ecelebs, faggot. Fame and fortune is a fucking blessing and you should be thankful for the rest of your life, because once you have it, you’ll never have to work again. Look at Gates and McAfee when they fucked off and retired.
Born to millionaires and evil doer all around
Yep I'm free to go fishing
*gets murdered by spooks
Rich fuck saying rich fuck thinks. Ok, whitey. I'll go be a colonizer who chugs white cream
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>snaggle tooth, Lurch-looking motherfucker
Yeah, he got killed by spooks, but he used all his money to relocate and live a life he considered fun in his mind (no matter how twisted it was).
the only rich people who made it are people like the bass player from u2 they get all the perks and none of the downsides
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>le money can't buy happiness
anyone who says that is delusional as fuck, money buys peace of mind, and that's a big step towards happiness. Just cause rich celebs got depressed and killed themselves in the past doesn't mean no one can be happy with money. Not everyone is hooked on drugs or alcohol like an idiot, I fucking hate that bullshit saying, it's a phrase only uttered by us average joes to make us feel better about ourselves. Don't kid yourself and don't compare the personal demons of rich folk to the common wage slave
According to studies money makes your more happy up until a point and then plateaus. I think it plateaus around $100k per year
you need a stable income of course. but this whole
>if i only had a lambo all the bitches would suck my dick
is just pathetic way of thinking

it's all like be a loser on 4chan or be a millionaire in dubai. why not get a real job, learn some skills, invest in yourself and be happy. like fuck me unlike gender, wealth is actually on a spectrum

Thank you for your service. Semper Fry.
This. To quote Daniel Tosh, “I’ve never seen anyone frowning on a jet ski”
there you go again assuming every single wagie wants to be rich just to live out typical red hot rich fantasies, fuck off
Some of us want to buy our parents a home, some of us want to clear our siblings debt, to let our wife drop their job and focus on what they actually want, some of us want to live relaxed and well in a comfortable setting for the rest of our lives, off the grid, off the web, learning hobbies and even dedicating ourselves full time to any school and craft we want without worry, a settled life, not some loud party popping whore attracting life. Dumbass, money buys happiness. Stop assuming shit you pompous prick
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This faggot is the ultimate pleb filter on these hippie philosophies. Don't fall for this bullshit. Do what you want, work hard, be lazy, be a faggot but never be a fucking idiot.

A never trust a fucking woman ffs
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>according to studies backed by a completely non biased objective, well sampled source
Chefs with tattoos trying to make cooking part of the punk mythos.
it's all just temporary
Because it’s just a fucking biological process. You don’t get social credit for spending more money while doing it.
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this guy needs to check in on himself
Buying happiness with money doesn’t equal drowning in pussy and buying shitty supercars. Your definition of being at peace can be relocating to a gated community at a comfy home with your family and living away from the atrocities of the outside world.
Lots of nepobabies that are not good enough to try and be actors chose to be chefs. They never worked for real a day in their lives so for them this shit is the most tough shit ever, they feel like sailors catching giant fish and fighting giant waves.

Women buy all this shit as always so they make reality/TV shows about it, now everyone thinks being a chef is not a complete failure, which is.
pious people, monks of whatever religion they might have, own less than zero. and none of them commit suicide quick or slow
Cillian Murphy
Jensen Huang
Jim Simons
Because they’re provided with everything to function without having to work a dead end job and paying taxes?
you try sitting on a mountain without internet and all the other stuff. wearing robes and just commiting your entire life to something you're not. see how you do.
Some of his stuff is actually interesting. But you can really tell when he dislikes something and he's forcing himeslf to say something nice because a brown person made the food. Also Parts Unknown he makes more about himself. The Seattle episode was awful and there's like a 10 minute silent shot of him smoking weed at the end.
I don't really understand where you're coming from. I'm talking about the act of trying new cuisine, of experiencing new tastes. It's a fucking sense, you mong
Well, they’re most likely content with themselves in this position. No one’s forcing them to stay there. That could be their definition of happiness.
maybe you should stop hanging around faggots, faggot.
if you give up all your stuff to some church the only place you can go after is the homeless shelter. it's not like they give you a startup when you leave
>"I hear you’re the only one in class who did most of his cooking with a spoon and a Bic lighter.”
fucking kek.
No one can convince me Bourdain is not cool. Kitchen Confidential is an awesome book.
He was a pretentious tool that killed himself over a woman.
Fieri just drove to shitty diners in nowhere towns doing functionally the same thing Bourdain did, expect it wasn't in a sex tourist village in Cambodia and that made Bourdain seethe
bourdain jew
1.5 million in the bank
guy fieri goy
100 million in the bank
Bourdain Jew
Twice divorced
Guy Fieri Goy
Still alive
Happily married for 20 years
2 children
bourdain jew
the best food is from some indian street fender who still has shit under his fingernails
guy fieri goy
how about twelve pounds of ribs with seven pounds of fries with the cheese sauce

eternal white boy summer
Having lots of money/power/fame for no obvious discernible reason seems to generally fuck people up. Not sure why.
Boredom sets in and drives you crazy. I married money so I got to sit around fucking and playing vidya all day. Not everyone is built for it. They go crazy because they have to just be themselves and all their bad behaviors. The only ones who don't hit this wall are psychopaths that bury themselves in the crazy like zuck or musk or jobs
you spend your whole life to be some bohemian and then that check comes in and you're not. ti's like sending an onlyfans girl to an amish community
Bourdain was never anything other than a poser.
He was cool you're a loser and these threads are pathetic. Get a life of your own OP,
t. didn't learn to fucking type
>an heroes over a woman
well put

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