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Marathonned this french animated kino yesterday, what did I think of it?
Great concepts, nice pace and extremely good animation in places. Unfortunately there were a Woman and a Black in it so discussion of it is forbidden here.
Was Carlos black or just a mexican?
>extremely good animation in places
Animation was the one department I was unimpressed with
Can we get some actual discussion going or do I go make another Bane? thread
was the crash foam bullet proof or did the augmented hit squad forget they had thermal vision like carlos
Everything was good until the ending. Ending was forced and tonally disjointed.
I liked the ending
i liked it, ending was a little meh and the fight against the tank was too anime 4 me
Crisis Jung and Lastman are also pure kino
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>marathoning a feature film
More like Mid Express
>being a newfag on a taiwanese imageboard
Any bros help me remember the name of this other animated french sci-fi feature film I've seen? It's from about 2016 and also has a female lead
or 2013 maybe
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This? It's an US-Israel-Luxembourg-Belgian-French-Polish co-project
No, it had a more grounded realistic art style similar to mars express
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Probably not this one then
>Kevin Crust
might not have been french, I don't remember
2016 or 2013 maybe, not 2054 future guy
I couldn't get into Crisis Jung despite it having cool concepts. Probably for the same reasons that I didn't like Lastman S2 as much as the first.
>same reasons that I didn't like Lastman S2 as much
Which is?
Asshole shots.
But seriously, it's a bit too deranged.
My issue with Lasman specifically is that it went from episodes focused on crime and politics to fantasy rock people mauling and getting mauled.
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You thought it was mid and thought Cyberpunk is an outdated genre that has long since peaked. You thought it's werid that no new ideas or aesthetics came to replace Cyberpunk but you understand that the modern world in general is fake and gay and has nothing to offer.
Describe it more, what happens, what do the characters look like?
The issue with cyberpunk nowadays is that we're already living in it, but without the cool shit that would "justify" the abuse suffered.
Avril et le Monde Truqué?
Yeah our culture is tired and basically 50yo
Nope, it may not have been french but Serb/Croat now that I think about it
But it's good contemporary cyberpunk though
>mandatory software update bricks hardware you're relying upon
10/10 predicted the CrowdStrike debacle
Reeee!!!! I can't find a stream for the english dub!!!
Watch it in french
looks bullet proof to me
poste un lien pour le doublage anglais maintenant
You don't think. You've never learned to think.
ta guele pd!
Then all I can think of is Edit I Ja but it's from 2009.
Yeah that's the one
Is it done by the same guys who did this?
I don't like the Reddit humor.
Flight entertainment type movie.
yep just checked
> Jérémie Périn
This movie trying to mesh together too many Cyberpunk concepts at the same time. Like it's trying to show something cool every minute.
And that's a bad thing?
it makes the film feel unfocuse and takes you out of the mood, it's in your face always trying to show you cool tech or cool concepts.
as a lifelong sci-fi fan and certified 200 IQ nigga I didn't have that issue
Well I like Gits myabe I'm just being too cynical. But Gits feels a lot more subtle in its use of tech, it doesn't feel in your face as much.
The writing is very basic, a lot of expected and unnecessary twitst and turns, exposition dumps, it's Nolan-esque.
Just watched this recently myself.
Best sci-fi I've seen in recent memory.
Other anons are correct about the ending.
Maybe it could've used another 20-30 minutes of runtime.
Also this
What would have been a good ending for you?
go check out his other early works kek
interesting visual film, but the plot was meh. Rich woman seek immortality while confining a younger woman.
Currently watching. Calling it Carlos won't be affected by the takeover program due to the earlier scene where he fails to update.
I hate the basedboy cop character so much! You can tell he's a self-insert of the average modern French man.
Yup called it. Now just waiting for Royjacker to drop his speech about Robot right or whatever and for the robtos to go to the new planet that's unihabitalbe for human life that's been mentioned 3 times during the runtime.
These type of checkov guns that the film tries to set up are so 2000s, lol.
Does Carlos get together with the cute Hijabi woman from the robot repair store?
That's it? at the end of the day I'm not sure what all about. It seemed that the shareholders had the power so all of that was a ploy to get rid of the robots and sell the organics? that would be pretty retarded.
Anti-climatic ending, but I can't really say that what was buidling up to it was great or anything, The film doesn't have anything new to say or add to the Cyberpunk genre but aesthetically it's very cool and that must count for something.
Yeah the fight scene at the end was pretty cool but for a movie that loved Chekhov gunning everything, they didn't telegraph that Carlos had that heat thing up his sleeve.
I gotta say i absolutely adore the minimalistic artstyle for the faces. Putting the bare minimum of details yet making each face look unique
Yeah, it's pretty good, the whole minimalist vibe, I hope the director gets to make more movies but he should get better writers next time.
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I also didn't think the voice acting was great. This review says it was done by youtubers.
This music video is kino fo the highest fucking order and i'm being serious. It's the best representation of the fear of sex ever put in media and the facts that it used to be reaction shock bait for early YouTube, get ditched as muh Lovecraft shit and outright deleted by modern sterile castrated spineless YouTube sadden me deeply
Good song, too
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Wow, we are never getting movies like that again. As much as I ragged on the film in the thread, I still think there was potential. The NPCs who went to see Dune should've supported this as well if not more.
Sad we didn't get to see more of the golden unicorn android
I started watching crisis jung because of this thread and i'm three eps in.
I'm yet to figure out the subtext/themes fully but so far this the funniest shit i have ever seen
Where did you find a link?
I'm watching it on a russian site. It doesn't have russian subs so i watch it in french with English subs. It's also supposedly on YouTube but i'm afraid of possible censorchip
God bless the Russians pirating everything!
The audio settings are fucked and for some reason russian[/spoiler ]dub appears as francias, just choose the second francias option and it will be in proper french
Fuck it actually gets a bit more serious as episodes go by. Ep 5 stood out because the gore and violence weren't humorous for the most part
You're gonna love Lastman
Please define 'Reddit humor'.
>funniest shit i have ever seen
Agreed, it's trashy as fuck but so fucking funny
I can confirm rutracker has torrents for all the cool French kinoramas
Sup guys, I'm the poster whose gimmick is that he means to watch this movie but hasn't gotten around to it yet. Just popping by to let you know that I still haven't seen it even though I mean to.
Just finished it.
It's incredibly fucking funny for like 4 episodes then gets a bit more serious and more focused on the themes.
From what i get the meaning is that it's a self discovery journey of a man in a relationship with a woman, and all the hardships and self reflections in the relationship help him become his "true self" and achieve harmony with his woman. Every character is male because it's a mind of the male. There's also something about jung and masculine -feminine, so i assume petit jesus was the masculine "violent" version of his woman. In fact i think you can safely say Maria took the same quest as him with him acting as the villain in her all female word. I'm not sure what the cannibal and funny bearded wolan were supposed to represent. Compassion and inner child? That would be a bit too cliche sense those things were represented by monsters already just like any other self reflection life lesson. Maybe if i actually read Jung i would get the show better
But yeah i think the first four episodes were my favourite. In terms of progression of comedy -themes think XRA (how both seasons of xavier renegade angel got weirder towards the end and tried to tackle the mock(?) psychological/spiritual storyline) except Crisis Jung has an actual message.
>looks coo-
sorry but im simply not interested
In terms of comedy I think my favorite scene was when that villager who got turned into a chainsaw goon runs back to his people and you can hear the average episode unfolding off screen in the distance
the scene is funny in theory but i think it was more of a juxtaposition of funny shit happening in the background while morbid shit shit happening in universe. The whole episode 5 didn't feel funny for me at all. The kids losing arms, dude losing his dick and turning into a "mommy", whole village dying idk. Episode 5 was dark
I think you're trying to read too much into it, is it the humanity studies or weed, or both?
It's the obvious messaging of the show.
T b h it's really impressive how's it's a raunchy sex comedy, anime parody and psychological study all at once.
Have you watched Lastman?
Not yet. I know that crisis jung was written by baptist gaubert meanwhile lastman is a comic adaptation of bastien vives work a.k.a. the guy who did giant dick shota porn comic.
>the guy who did giant dick shota porn comic
That's irrelevant to his genius desu.
No, the plan was to distract the shareholders with the organic switch while the robots flee

Beryl came up with the organics plan
April and the Extraordinary World?
Isn't it just on youtube or is there more?
>"...a dark joy."

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