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Book accurate edition
prev >>201661191
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The retcon begins, they're going to drag this shit out for 5 more seasons. daemon will survive too
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King Jacaerys Targaryen First of His Name
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This post is dedicated to Myrcella the Beautiful of the House Baratheon, the first of Her Name, Rightful Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm.
>daemon will survive too
well obviously, they're not going to kill of matt smith
>"You are a BASTARD and I'm a WHORE!"
Cannot believe this is happening.
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Every scene without Aegon in this shit show could be improved by the addition of Aegon to it
Daemon getting the dreams means he's 100% going to wash up on the Isle of Faces and join the Green Men, like George likely intended anyway. There's no way he's letting his favorite die. I'm betting he's Coldhands down the line.
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Funny how changing Jace being pro-dragonseed actually works since she's putting up posters in King's Landing instead of looking for Targ blooded people in Dragonstone where people are loyal to her, and it's proven right when they defect later but the Targ blooded ones don't. Though I'm sure they'll change that too to make Jace look bad. Also if Rhaenyra seriously blames him for Luke or calls him a bastard that is Alicent tier shittiness.
they're establishing this season that the targ blood thing was 100% a cope. ulf lies about his background, addam has no targ blood etc.
the bigger issue is how was alicent already fucking criston 16 years ago
They're already on strike 2 for me after having Aemond attack Aegon. If they go through with this then I'm out
They will ruin Jace and turn him into a traitor so the audience won't care about his death and then they'll make Daeron the better guy instead. Hess loves Daeron as a character and hates Jace the same way she hates Daemon.
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(OG taooba poster here checking back in)
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He comes....
kek I'm loving this and agree with all of it
Genuinely, what's the difference between Ulf and Hugh?
>inb4 beard
I don't even know which one has beard, I can't even remember what they look like.
They get no screentime and don't stand out at all.
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Trips of TAOOOBAAA!!!
Checked and kneeling, with haste!
that will backfire spectacularly also lmao if they actually make rhaena ditch the blacks and fuck daeron who gets legitimized as a hightower like thefther said
Who is he and why do you keep posting him?
Please explain...
when is Abigail Thorn aka PhilosophyTube appearing?
Aegon needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine, and whenever Aegon's not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, "where's Aegon?"
It’s omega over
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Google isn't your friend, is it?
Why would Targ ancestry mean they would be loyal to her
What was strike one?
>Alicent tier shittiness.
Whorenyra is already well below the beautiful dowager queen Alicent the justified
Let them fight.
Based taooba posters
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Cute and canon!
Ulf is full of shit, Hugh is just trying to help his family. Have you not noticed his every second scene is with wife&child?
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my king
>massive data mining evil corporation
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Checked and welcome back. We have missed you.
you're late
Kek what? If anything this will make people like Jace more, do you want him to be his boring mother's yes-man? Also,
>Hess loves Daeron
Hess only loves her stupid lesbians, dumbass
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He is the only one who does something for Rhaenyra because Daemon is rewatching season 1 again and all she does is to trust Mysaria instead of him and then she calls him a bastard too. I would either change teams or usurp her throne.
>Slayer of ratcatchers
A second Maegor
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Added numbers for you, roll for your betrothed anon of house /got/hotd/. Rolling…
basically everyone is on Jace's side or hoping the leaks aren't true, it's great
Ulf is the one you find hot and Hugh the one you don't
check this 30
Rolling for my wife Halaena
Why? He's her heir. She can't disown her bastard sons without seriously fucking with her own legitimacy as a queen
>because Daemon is rewatching season 1
Okay but the Arryns and the Starks literally won't arrive in time to change anything.
The only one of the more batshit theories I subscribe to is that they were intentionally withholding their troops.
Based, now I will roll
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no but she can keep getting them killed
Close enough I'll take her grandma

lol faggot

She can do whatever. Remember that lords were murdered in public for telling the truth about her and Daemon
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I kneel
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so is she drugging him or what?
Dubs for Daddy! Rolling!
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This cannot be real bros... I genuinely like Rhaenyra's relationship with Jace.
I'll take Fabien
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The seven have truly blessed me on this day.
I bet our boy is watching from heaven and smiling
Please god
The greens not leaving Viserys' body to rot in his chambers
One lord was executed for defying the word of the king right in front of the king.
>I won't have the peas, they're poison
>Oh sure weird witchy lady, I'll drink your mystery brew.
Let’s go
sorry but he is a man and therefore irrelevant in the love story of Rhaenyra and Alicent
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How are showfags going to react when Jace.. you know
Give me 02, 11, 13, 15, 20, 43, 47, 58, 67, 82 or 83.
Also where's young Alicent?
even before that, weird dreams, sleepwalking and shit
Thank the seven
Honestly based, fuck Targaryens and their superiority complex
If I hadn't read the books I would genuinely believe that Alys doesn't exist
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Let me try
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>addam has no targ blood
Velaryons have 0% Targaryen blood? I don't believe it
Steffon got torched since he got complacent ("I've done it!") not because he showed fear. Actual lore is that Seasmoke likes young blood and doesn't wanna get ridden by an old man who's not even a hot bearded daddy type.
Why would I care when they're both boring and their scenes are at "black people at the docks" tier?
>"WE are STARVING and we need FOOD"
>repeat every week
Like holy fuck I don't care
Most people know at least the spoilers already and are hoping Gullet isn't in so it doesn't happen yet.
Daemon stabbed a lord to death during Rhaenyra's wedding for accurately stating what happened to his wife.
Vhaemomd was murdered by Daemon without a trial in full view pf the entire court for stating the truth. His death was not ordered by Viserys, Viserys asked for his tongue (For, once again, stating the plain truth).
Rhaenyra and Daemon are, and have always been, immune from consequences. That is Allicents entire beef.
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LFG another W
The show will change things, like which of Alyn or Addam live, but I doubt they will have major characters like Daemon, Aemond or Jace change their fate
>Daemon stabbed a lord to death during Rhaenyra's wedding for accurately stating what happened to his wife.
which fanfiction is this?
It will be more like when women are baffled by racial minorities being racist, sexist or homophobic.
>But you're a bastard! You're oppressed like the hecking wholesome peasants!
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You know what I'm about
The majority of them are men
Yeah I mean hoping it's not in S2 since there are leaks we just get KL as finale despite being out of order.
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Her children are BASTARDS
and she is
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We are so back
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As it should be, boys are hot
>Both heir thinks their leader is retarded and schemes to make decisions behind their back despite being trusted
>Both think their mother's can't be trusted to make real decisions
>Both talk shit about bastards

If Jace wasn't a wet blanket they could've had something here, shame we had so many black council scenes where Rhaenyra argues with nothing characters instead of building up some tension with Jace

Could have been kino but it feels too late in the season for the Black council to finally have real conflict outside Rhaenyra and the other literal who members
Is that you lukepedo?
The characters in this show are already unlikable enough without them randomly backstabbing each other
At this point everything goes with the retcons. Give Aemond is Condall's pet character we may even unironically get Aemond Whent for real
why couldn't they have hatesex would've been kino
>He kind of had to harden himself into this weapon and manufacture himself into something lethal so he’s never seen as weak again. There’s a quote in it that Robert De Niro says: 'Never get attached to someone you’re not prepared to walk out on in 30 seconds flat when you feel the heat around the corner.' That’s the code that his character lives by. Love is weakness in his world. Alicent challenges that code — she is, in fact, his kryptonite. With the people that you love most and the ones you want the most, you often have to push them out of the way to get what you want.
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It won’t be the same without Otto. Please don’t die in the finale :(
I couldn't begin to dare. I only have but a few pics, no shrine.
Why are they giving the dragon to the fag nigger instead of the cool nigger?
>it's like that in the books
Why didn't they cast the cool nigger for the cool dragon rider then
I mean, shes going to marry and Hightower regardless. Her betraying the blacks would justify Rhaenyra later going full schizo, demanding her death, ans Daemon saying "Nope, im out".
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I ran out of female characters so had to include Vhagar and the whore performing fellatio on the dildo. I realise now I could have included young Alicent.
He will die defending the ratcatchers from hordes, no legions of black mice and it will be kino
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They're both still in mourning
Everyone likes a bit of hatesex.
it would seriously make no sense though after losing luke and her beef with aemond
oh right, i forget we're not supposed to care about luke anymore
Lol I'll be on Jace's side
>"Mom, this plan is retarded."
>"Your dad isn't really your dad and you are actually a bastard, haha, you were born because I was a whore."
Certified woman moment.
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I prefer Jace and Aegon
Isn't the Hightower marriage a Regency thing and therefore completely irrelevant to the show? As is Rhaena's whole character by the way
Caught like a rat… in a trap…
Why is Helaena texting on her phone during dinner?
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Alyn > Addam
He lives a far more interesting and illustrious life than his dragon riding brother
If its any consolation there's absolutely zero chance Hess's Daeron isn't going to be the gayest gay since Loras told Renly he likes a shaved chest.
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I'm pretty sure they wouldn't be hyping up Daeron all season if they don't plan on at least letting him show up during the season finale
Just wait till Jace gets personally killed by that Trannie Abigail Thorn while she shouts SLAY!
it's not even in f&b just some other book that had parts of it retconned
and the guy was practically a nobody who was kept hostage by the tyrells
They won't have him appear because they don't want to cast someone now as they'll age quickly during the retarded two year breaks
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>And the features in the fancy of many a young lady, I'd wager
he hasn't been cast. we'll just get hte dream sequence of younger daeron where we won't see his face.
you do realize that showing characters super early isn't a great move financially right? the unions have their wages get a big bump every season. so if you show someone early you'll need to pay them a significant amount more once they become a regular character, it's a huge chunk if they appear in a lot of episodes. it's why they're inventing this retarded thing about Cregan escorting his troops to the Twins, to justify using his actor again.
>most are men
Pls don't make me gay...
He knows it even, she's the one who told him being a Targaryen was all that mattered and now she's like lmao j/k.
Jace the based. Idk if the writers want us to hate him for this choice but I sure don't
I do want daeron to be gay (for Addam)
No way, he hasn't been cast.
There's a 1% chance they'll show us Tessarion's shadow
>man who is gay for Daemon pretending lord Royce didn't happen
As expected
I want him to be gay for book Addam. Not this ugly guy they have in the show.
Give me Alicent or her delicious brother
But Alyn is the dragon rider plus everything Adam does happens after the dance so it's irrelevant
Rolling for Eggy
If Jace really goes against Rhaenyra
1. They'll ruin Rhaenyra even more and make her even more boring
2. Jace will be as entertaining to watch as Aegon
Imagine watching this absolute goyslop
he's already my favorite on TB so I expect this
I love how they always use that random elf fanart for Daeron. Hopefully he'll be getting proper fanart soon.
>“On a scale of 1 to 10? He’s up there,” Mitchell admits. “I would say he’s probably a nine to the eyes of a lot of people. But in his eye, he’s a one. He doesn’t think anything he does is bad. It’s all justified.”
He's not that bad rn I would give him 6/10
>2. Jace will be as entertaining to watch as Aegon
problem is he'll be dead within 2-4 episodes anyway while aegon will have to carry the show for the rest of its run as the female main characters sure as shit won't
and it will be with dark hair or ginger
Ser Otto Hightower, Lord Protector of the Ratcatchers...
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I think I know why they cast such a high caliber actor for Rickard Thorne despite Maelor not being in the show. He will be combined with kingsguard Willis fell who was jaehaeras protector and survivor of the dance. Bitterbridge will happen but it will be Haelaena that dies while Rickard escapes with jaehaera, paralleling Aegon III who also had to watch his mom die
There's no way Jace survives this season
Leaks are KL battle now and Gullet in S3.
>Alyn is the dragon rider
It's the other way around, Anon.
They're going to have Jace get killed by Daeron aren't they?
If you were a random poorfag in Westeros and saw a hiring poster for dragonsneends, would try your luck?
All this shit wouldn't have happened if Rhaenyra had fucked Alicent.
That would be too stupid but they're capable of anything, like they just said Tessarion just know is starting to fly but Jace has been flying Vermax for a while, it shouldn't be a context also they're nowhere near each other.
How does he justified killing Luke & almost killing Aegon?
Absolutely retarded in every way possible. I believe you.
What the fuck would Helaena do in Butterbridge
Killing him at the start of next season seems dumb. He would be the most major death so far I'm pretty sure
fuck off Sara Hess
>Rhaena kind of forgetting about the war and fucking Daeron apparently?
I fucking called this. Daeron is her Hightower husband. He's going to pretend to die and both will fuck off that toxic shit.
Since they did away with Maelor, I suspected that.
He didn't kill Luke, Vhagar did. But now that he's dead, saying "it wasn't me" isn't an option so owning up to it is the only play
>Ewan doesn't understand his own character
Uh oh you're right. They're the same character and extremely boring right now so I got it mixed up since Alyn sounds more faggish and Adam more rough.
>killing Luke
"Uhm...well... you see... maybe it is not what it seems... or is it?"
You reminded me of that post explaining that Alicent trying to stab Rhaenyra is meant to represent her repressed sexual feelings towards her and that the knife is a metaphorical penis
Well,it was already hinted She have 0 trust in Rhaena. Her being seduced by Daeron the Chad would be more proofs shes a bad apple in the family
it's extremely stupid and makes Rhaena into another loon who doesn't care that their loved ones died as long as they're fucking someone
Daeron had nothing to do with that
Didnt Gwayne mentioned how he already fucked half of the Oldtown's girls at the ripe age of 16? Alicent seemed very proud too
The Mystery of the Druids
targshits will get whats coming to them
he's the guy fighting to kill her, her sister, her sister's betrothed whom she dragged into the whole Vhagar mess to begin with, her grandfather etc
Most of the BTS interviews are the actors making shit up . See Tom Glynn-Carney saying literally anything about Aegon
Vhagar's fault
He bullied me
She gave her three of her sons. Rhaena is being retarded by not understanding that this is a much more important task than fucking around with your dragon bullying Cole.
Daeron doesn't have littlefinger's teleporting powers
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>fucking around with your dragon bullying Cole.
that was Baela
To be fair Loras was quite the ladies man according to rumour as well.
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>Gets so turned on by a damaged and an abused individual that you just start making out with them
No, he said that girls were into him. Girls were into Loras and Renly too
It probably takes like 5 hours to travel by dragon from Oldtown to KL
>Daemon after faking his death, randomly meeting Daeron and his daughter Rhaena that faked their deaths too in a random Vale inn
The hand and blood looked so fake, ridiculous scene
Didn't they say tessarion could really fly yet
>Gay Daeron
>Rhaena x Daeron
Pick your poison /hotd/.
Jace should just ditch Rhaenyra and fly to Harrenhal to get Daemon
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>Daemon after faking his death, randomly meeting Daeron and his daughter Rhaena that faked their deaths too in a Vale inn
Willis fell is tasked with escorting jaehaera to storms end for safety, in the show it can be Haelaena and jaehaera and they get set upon by a mob on their way there, it doesn’t have to be bitter bridge just a version of it for the show that serves the same purpose
It's not even remotely a difficult choice
Didn't they switch actress at the same time? I don't remember these two being on screen together.
This but with Daeron and Addam faking their deaths and becoming the gay emperors of essos.
gay plz
rhaena x daeron sounds ridiculous, same as everyone secretly surviving
>awkward silence
>then high five and talk about their grandkids
Jace should survive Gullet, find fisherman Luke and then they both run away from all this shit
Asexual religious autist Daeron.
>in his eye
holy fuck you are dumb
It's confirmed, tho. The gullet wasn't filmed, but we know there was a huge fight at the KL set.
>J-jace will fake his death
>D-daemon will fake his death
>A-aemond will fake his death
>D-daeron will fake his death
>A-adam will fake his death
Come on now
There are plenty of Targ borns in the Velaryon line, and the characters should know this. Hell the show basically outright confirmed through his bastard being able to ride a dragon, Corlys himself is a Targ descendant so it’s kind of weird they’re looking for families with distant connections to Targs when they’ve been incesting with the same house for generations. Does the book fumble this too, or is this another modern writing moment?
Aemond will fake his dead and be Addam's husband.
Maybe they'll put corpses and strapped them on Caraxes and Vhargas.
Nobody is gonna recognize shit when the lake is set on fire.
This and they should become the protectors of the bastard son of Aemond: the future ser Whent
>Daemon took just one episode to sneak into Harrenhal on his dragon, but Jace/Baela/Rhaena apparently can't just take a quick flight to check on Daemon
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nobody cares what a booknigger thinks, you freaks belong in /lit/

there i said it
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Exactly and Rhaena complains constantly that Baela has it better. But in reality Rhaena's task is of uttermost importance while Baela's is risky and relatively unimportant. Literal peasants with boats and mules could explore, they'll just look less cool while doing it.
To be fair they had laenor of all people fake his death
The fake death was already wasted on Laenor, people expecting another are delusional
Rhaenyra wasn't eaten. Aegon hallucinated it and she lived with Alicent in Essos. Some crazy woman got locked up and told she's Alicent.
Otherwise it would have been homophobic
In the book Corlys just declares Addam and Alyn to be Laenor's sons instead of his (people suspect but no one make a fuss over it), they both try it and Addam gets Seasmoke and Rhaenyra legitimizes them with Jace supporting it. There's zero drama at that point and Jace was all in on getting the dragonseeds (on Dragonstone, not posters in King's Landing).
>It's confirmed, tho. The gullet wasn't filmed
Someone in the previous threads said they have a very reliable source and this will be Jace's last season, that anon said that they filmed his death scene.
>literally no one except Lucerys and Jaeherys died in the Dance
>they are all secretly chilling in the Free Cities
>Aemond spawn
eww no, Rhaena and Daeron can keep that if they want
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I like it but the Grizzled old man protecting an innocent child across a war torn hellhole would be too kino for these writers
Daemon and Daeron faking their deaths wouldn't be a big deal since nobody found their bodies.
Also Tessarion being rideless yet defeating two dragons or whatever was fucking dumb. I always thought that was bullshit someone made up to cover up Daeron survived.
S3 will only have the battle above gods eye to look forward to
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Tullychads, it's time to rise
Jace wanted to but he got talked out of it and he's not disobeying Rhaenyra on that. He seriously should have though.
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>Someone in the previous threads said they have a very reliable source
Words are wind
Otto returns to Oldtown together with Daeron who saved him from the Beesburys. Daeron kills Jace
I doubt that it wouldbe rather stupid however if the did decide on going that route then they need to do it in a way the doesn't show Daeron since they haven't casted him yet. They could do it by not show the Rider but have Jace recognised who it is via the Dragon and say his name to make is clear for the audience and have tge whole battle take place from Jace's POV
The gullet would be filmed inside a studio, not in a city full of gossiping spaniards, and therefore less susceptible to leaks.
But I refuse to have hope.
>Implying Luke didnt survived, lost his memory, and became a fishermen
>Implying Larys didnt noticed Blood and Cheese while warging rats and had Jahaerys replaced with a random bastard of Aegon (the mother wouldnt notice anyway)
I doubt it but they could do that in the KL battle I guess. But then they can't blame Jace for everything later like they seem to want to.
Let’s say Storms End never happened, would an apology from Luke be enough to bury the hatchet? Or would it have to be an eye?
Let's suppose Daeron survived. What did he do afterwards? Leave Westeros? Go back to Oldtown? Settle down and marry a Dayne so they got their purple eyes?
The Free Cities are the afterlife. This is why Seasmoke can be claimed, Laenor is already long dead
He lived as a farmer in beesbury lands
Vizzy died.
what was his plan
Why did Daemon give a fuck about what riverlanders do? I seriously expected him to slap that old bitch calling him names. I like the dream kino but he's acting like a fag.
Aemond still isn't satisfied with what he did to Aegon so no I think he'd end up killing him no matter what, just maybe thinking he wasn't meaning to.
I hope daeron and jace kiss. They were milk brothers after all.
You’ll have to joust me for him.
He might have been one of those “pretenders” that were “conclusively proven to be imposters”. Maybe he tried to push his claim out of duty and guilt but was talked out of it by aegons council and agreed to live life incognito and to not take up arms
He wanted to calmly explain his troubles to the kind dowager queen
He joins Daemon with Rhaena in some God forgotten Vale forest and have an happy anonymous life.
Or he moves to Essos, murder Viserys the younger, and then return years later pretending to be him (Aegon III was repressed and would believe in anything to find some happyness)
Dye hair and marry Rhaena. Unironically. Plenty fan theory had that guy who was never mentioned was him. Citadel can forge a birth certificate. That's the unspoken ceasefire. That's why his name is later used by Targs unlike Aemond.
If his Dragon is anything to go by then he fucking died somewhat offscreen
grrm isn't /lit/. stop the cap. its fantasy slop that is as bad as capeshit
I just watched the end of S01E05 again and he doesn't touch Royce. The only death was Joffrey Lonmouth.
Daeron kings name comes from Daenaera's father Daeron
Aegons attempted poisoning confirmed then?
>anon said they have a reliable source and this is Jace's last season, they filmed his death
I'd only believe it if the reliable source is the actor himself or someone who knows him
>He doesn’t think anything he does is bad.
Delulu king
Yea that was the convenient excuse
I don't like that Rhaenyra slapped that man. He reminds me of my grandfather and I don't think he deserved it
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>Or he moves to Essos, murder Viserys the younger, and then return years later pretending to be him
If they did this I would apologize personally to the showrunners
Yeah I don't get it, he made a good point.
loony tunes shit not that the show is any better
Poor redditors. They get so, so close but their conditioning is just too strong.
idk they basically get it right there
lol if all of tb ends up being team jace
>villain whose motives are hard to find fault in and are arguably better than the heroes
you seem to be saying it multiple times per thread
He needs their army to be on his side and accept his commands. The Riverlands are not just the gateway between the North and South, but also straddle the East-West divide, having them means owning the core of the continent under Black control and divides the enemy armies looking to reinforce KL.
actually HOTDBlacks, all of it
it's beautiful
probably for the season finale, which will be the Battle of the Gullet
maybe next episode already as an introduction to the battle
You're not supposed to like it. Condall is trying to give us Maegor with tits but cooking it slowly to avoid a second Daenerys fiasco. The question is, will Hess allow it?
>state objective facts
Many such cases
They have to, the smallfolk rebel during her tenure as Queen
Vhagar's fault
Aemond actually saved Aegon. if he had not fried him, Rhaenys would have killed him
fucks sake people leaks are in that it's kl and gullet next season
you just get tyland or someone going to talk to the triarchy
I had to stop going in that and the Green one. The character wanking was off the charts it was like looking at twitter.
Yes but this is the man who beheaded a guy who was under hospitality and also the guy who was surrounded by archers and just charged right away. Daemon shouldn't care about all this logical and rational shit you said.
Watching TB turn on Rhaenyra and the show has been extremely enjoyable because I'm TB and have fucking hated everyone making excuses for show Rhaenyra and not getting how bad the show is.
Mayhaps you should stop going into reddit, period.
I still don’t see why he couldn’t plausibly deny burning Aegon, outside of the writers deciding he needed to lose 50 IQ points and stupidly take the dagger for himself. His retard brother showed up and was getting his ass handed to him and he tried his best to help. Shit happens, it’s not like Dragonfire is a precise weapon.
I honestly hope that he's Cole's bastard then, this means the blackfyre were the real targs and lost.
>Aemond actually saved Aegon.
And then tried to kill him
the real problem is that it should have been cooking for a while already
actually, they did a great job with Monkenyra, she really did embody book Rhaenyra very well
but then trying to paint adult Rhaenyra as actually good for a while really messed with the cooking
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>third worlders reviewbombing the show because it showed gay kissing
You are though, Hess wants that and they both push peaceful misunderstood Rhaenyra and how it's everyone else's fault.
I don't give a shit about your retarded leaks, lots of leaks are totally wrong
makes zero sense to have the Battle of the Gullet next season
Anon they absolutely don't have to. The smallfolk being angry has already been established as Aegon and Aemond's fault. Just make one of the designated incompetent man around Rhaenyra fuck up and the smallfolk can rebel against the wholesome queen who did nothing wrong.
Had he succeeded, the whole war of succession would have been stopped.
Alicent barely looks older than her children.
makes zero sense to have the KL starvation plot too, they don't care about it making sense they just didn't have the budget for it
Best scenes of the last episode:
>Aemond visiting Aegon and threatening him into silence
>Alicent visiting Aegon and apologizing for being a bad mother
>Larys visiting Aegon, having a heart to heart and warning him
Even when bedridden and incapacitated Aegon somehow steals the show
He has to care. If his time in the Stepstones and the Gold Cloaks taught him anything, it's that loyal troops are worth the trouble. He can't win this war without allies willing to fight for him. It gets even more important if he persists with his "I'm the king!: routine, because it stops being about Rhaenyra's cause and becomes his cause, and if they won't fight for his cause then he's alone and surrounded.
Everyone's ages are absolutely fucked
Which is what happens in the books btw, just more subtle
based 3rd worlders, fags+trannies are subhuman and a sick invention of the liberal elite
What did Miss Sarah mean by her father hurting her down there and it meaning she can't have children any more? Did he use something like a coathanger?
>Just make one of the designated incompetent man around Rhaenyra fuck up and the smallfolk can rebel against the wholesome queen who did nothing wrong.
I mean, that's totally how it's going to go down:
>I Rhaenyra won't raise taxes
>but my queen we need the dosh to battle the boss
>ugh fine I am a queen and I can't do what I want woe is me I have to tax my holy people
Then the rebellion will start
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People have been saying for a while now that they're going to rearrange events and have the Fall of King's Landing in this season's finale, and push the Gullet to next season. Is that no longer the case?
Lol so they already fucked it up in the show by having Dragonstone be nothing but a stronghold and a dock so they had to post it in the KL Times classifieds.
>whore of dragonstone shown being a whore
>this is a bad thing
Too rational, not rogueish at all. Don't like it.
that's completely pathetic of her and therefore probably what they'll do
Aegons actor is only 1 year younger than her and aemonds is only about 3. Which if they cast an actual teenager for Daeron is going to be hilarious
That's still the case. The Gullet is clearly not happening this season to anyone paying attention
Yes, that's what the most accurate leakers are saying.
>>Larys visiting Aegon, having a heart to heart and warning him
overacting: the scene
>There's zero drama
Except for the part where Corlys blames Rhaenyra for sending Rhaenys to her death
>>ugh fine I am a queen and I can't do what I want woe is me
This is the show. This is what we are watching right now.
Yes but I mean no drama around getting dragonseeds or having Corlys' bastards take part. Certainly no drama between Rhaenyra and Jace over it.
how does it not make sense?
remember, the Reach is also at war right now, and people tend to grossly overestimate the limitations of trade by land vs. by sea too
makes complete sense
I'd rather have overacting than a boring scene
Every green scene is overacting if you compare it to the wooden blacks
GRRM didn’t have anything for Daemon to do at this point in the books, so he’s a prime target for a modern writing moment where he spends half the season tripping balls in Harenhall and getting emasculated by women while he hangs his head in shame and the writers pat themselves on the back.
Yeah, that's right. Sorry for misunderstanding anon
He didn’t. From the leaks, it seems the writers can’t decide on whether Rhaenyra is just another current day #girlboss where we’re supposed to agree with her blaming all her shortcomings on the male figures in her life, or having a legitimate plot line where pride comes before the fall.
I'm absolutely shocked they don't have an Oedipus Complex. Specially when their father was worthless.
The actor who plays Aegon is a year or so younger than Alicent’s actress, so yeah, it’s more than a little borked. They should have gone with the Crown style casting where the queen and co. changed actors every season or so.
She mentioned she has a scar so apparently not China has better c-sections than not Europe during the same period.
>win over multiple lord paramounts and minor lords
>your mom still dotes on the lady whose sole plan was giving peasants cabbage more than you
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That's not an answer.

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