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erm, so we are just to pretend this didn't happen?
The prequels are shit
The video is almost an hour and a half yet I had to stop after about fifteen minutes. Mike knows nothing about politics and his midwit takes were infuriating. His job is talking about movies, why the fuck would he make a video to talk about something that he clearly knows nothing about?
Dunning–Kruger effect. It's very sad
Yes, forgot about it already
Its ok, Mike referenced the African kids thing and Jay snidely remarked *that made people mad* so they win the argument and its all over.

Stop thinking about things like facts, logic, reason, etc racist bigots
Extremely based post shame most retards will ignore this.
Mike has been a multi-millionaire for over a decade(from crying about Stah Wahs), it should be no surprise that he thinks he's right about everything regardless of his experience or knowledge.
Its incredible how they are losing their credibility in a spam of 4-5 videos, first the shitty animation, them the "current things dicussion" and now this.
It's almost like they lost 20 years talking shit about movies, got jaded on watching movies/series and are stuck smelling their own farts so much that they can't see why they are wrong.
>muh jokes
>muh context
>muh sowwweee star wars man
They're so fucking livid that a micro percentage of their audience called them out on this psychotic video.
The only issue people had was them blasting Theory. Now Mike and "Star Wars Theory Man Mad About Star Wars" are friends again!
>Its incredible how they are losing their credibility
the vast majority of their viewers do not care.
The problem is that they barely even watch movies anymore. The only new things they review are shitty new entries in long expired franchises from the 80s and cheapo horror movies. At this point their only really good videos are the ReViews, because at least in them they talk about movies they actually care about.
>Its ok, Mike referenced the African kids thing and Jay snidely remarked *that made people mad* so they win the argument and its all over.
why not just ignore it? are they completely retarded
this shows they actually care about what people watching them are saying, when their whole thing is that they don't
influencers only cover what they're paid to cover, anon
theyve slowly lost credibility over the years since around 2016 as they started praising and exclusively watching marvelslop and stopped making fun of bad movies, then stopped watching any movies of note besides marvelslop. they spent all their time crying about racism and sexism in botw videos, watching indieshit, and agapemouthing at marvel.

its only recently, especially that first acolyte video, that are outright coming out as far left commies.
He didn't really say sorry right
people say shit like this all the time about youtubers or sites and it just isnt true. views drop and shit falls apart. avgn, giant bomb, game grumps, etc have all suffered and gone way down hill.
I know libs like you like to ignore facts and numbers but prioritizing politics and misery over fun and entertainment will kill your brand
just grow up and click 'don't recommend this channel' and move on with your lives
fucking manchildren
>this shows they actually care about what people watching them are saying, when their whole thing is that they don't
Whichever e-daddy told you this is both incredibly wrong and severely retarded. RLM owe a large part of their success to being very in touch with what people are saying about them and reacting to it, like any other business would.
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>Season One in the title
>Thumbnail has "Season One" displayed prominantly.
They're fucking with us. I know it. They know it's already been renewed for a second season and they're rubbing it in our faces.
>stop discussing things
>heh i'm so enlightened
Go back.
>losing their credibility
They review movies and you are triggered.
Yeah it was a sleazy "ha you can't say I didn't apologize", Mike is so fucking butthurt.
>stop making my friends mike and jay so upset
Just hide the threadfaggot
You should start a podcast
he just wants to hate on George and love anything anti-George, he's as you said a midwit
Look at it this way anon, The Acolyte did nothing but waste Disney money and further tarnish the Star Wars brand, anything that hurts Disney at this point is good. If anything you should be pissed when Disney puts out a movie that isn't complete woke horseshit that actually makes money like Inside Out 2, since that keeps their retarded train on the tracks for a little while longer.
Grow the fuck up
wtf is wrong with you
>like any other business would.
wtf is this
are you a bot
Grow the fuck up
learn how to make an argument jay
>They review movies
do they?
>Mike: Star Wars fans are pathetic for throwing a fit every time Disney shits on Star Wars lore
You fucking cinemassacre truthers are beyond mentally ill
They do Stuckmann style reviews of movies. Not too negative, just lightly recommending everything.
kek. You know when the RLM Truth movement starts it's gonna make CM Truthers look like even more of a pathetic nothingburger than they already are. These dudes are gonna get the full Rekieta treatment.
True, but compared to nuwars they are all masterpieces
No thanks I think I'll make a real show™.
Nobody cares about your reddit friends
hope they see this bro
Can someone actually explain the outrage?
So what did happen? I haven't watched them in a while.
Chuds seething because they don’t pass a purity test
>its le heckin outrage
Das rite, laughing at Mike and Jay is just like what those Sensitive Joss Whedons do, so we should all just stop.
He doesn't care about Staaaaar Waaaaars but makes videos about it
people are mad that they aren't doing what the cool kids do and call everything related to star wars shit
they said the acolyte isn't good and you should stop watching things you don't like, instead of making seething online your entire personality and feeding grifters. autists have been mad for like a month.
good job tranny
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They're endstage youtubers. Crying about other youtubers doing the thing they did and how its wrong now. Mike REALLY REALLY REALLY wants those "real job" offers.
Isn't that exactly what they're doing? Shit, they practically invented it.
If you don’t like it turn it off is a very old school genx answer to 80s and 90s cancel culture.
They keep doing this shit. It's so weird. Like when they kept crying about not doing The Batman review like it was some brave stance, when they'd reviewed like fifty other capeshit movies by that point so it was just odd.
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>Youtuber has opinion on space slop

Give me a single reason why I should care.
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Stop posting that fucking cat
>your entire personality
This is so dishonest. Sure there are people out there like that I'm sure. But 99% of people that watch this stuff just do it for the laughs. Mike trying to make it seem like the majority or even a significant minority are making it their whole lives if so fucking disingenuous.
That alone should have been enough reason to not care
They made an hour and a half long video that was ostensibly about a new star wars show, but in reality was just an excuse for them to talk about politics. They then showed that they have the most retarded political takes possible, such as thinking that all young people are highly into identity politics.
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I'll stop when people stop posting these unfunny RLM faggots.
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the thing that anyone affiliated with rlm should pretend didn't happen is that animated dreck where they adopt poorly acted characters for some nominal format that doesn't suit them because think they could ever be in a different, more legit industry than just being internet fats
what a bunch of fucking redditors
>all young people are highly into identity politics
They are. It's been hardcoded into them that identity politics is the norm
No, they aren't. It's just an extremely loud minority of them that are on twitter constantly shrieking at the top of their lungs. Most young people care about videogames and dumb tiktok videos and maybe if they're old enough to worry about getting jobs they look at the economy and realized they're fucked, the people obsessed with progressive shit are a loud minority.
is jay (gay) fat again?
>they've made not one, but two Acolyte videos while African kids are dying
Jesus Christ
I ALT+F4'ed as soon as Jay gave out his midwit take on the prequels. At this point, it's brutally obviously that Jay fucked his way to the top.
all he did was lampshade it.
absolutely retarded
the presumptive democrat presidential canditate chaired a meeting which she started with stating her pronouns
what year do you think it is
The most autistic type of parasocial loser who donates $20 to listen to an e-celeb say their comment in a 12 hour stream was too autistic to understand a joke comparing Star Wars lore minutiae to starving children in Africa and got mad that RLM said to stop watching lame Star Wars.
RLM thinks the production and fights of the Acolyte were okay but the story was shit. Mike was too kind to these insufferable types, acknowledging that he's also autistic about Star Trek so he gets it and tries to see it from their point of view.
You've been Stuckmanized, Mike.
In the last ACKolyte video they were shitting on it, but youtube grifters decided they didn't shit enough and therefore they were actually shilling for that show.
hi mike
Sure, not every young person is into politics. But for those who are identity politics is absolutely at the forefront. This was the point Mike was making.
You're wild
Always great to see a good director win over a bad actor.
there isn't outrage, we're just acknowledging the reality that rlm are increasing out of touch with their audience, and are becoming irrelevant in the face of the rise of people like critical drinker who are more in tune with the zeitgeist.
Spitballz insider here. You have no idea what kind of behind-the-scenes drama goes on here.
Have you ever looked at a poll in your life? The progressive left make up somewhere between 10%-20% of the people in America, and most polls put them at the lower end so more like between 10% and 15%. These people are typically highly educated with good credentials, so they get hired by prestigious think tanks, tech firms, media agencies, and other white collar jobs.

Because these jobs hire mostly the same people aka credentialed, educated coastal urbanites, they think that more of the country thinks the way they do and believes the things they believe. On the other hand, the data doesn't back this up, and once you get out of that bubble you'll find that most people aren't really receptive to their beliefs. The "woke" group are actually very small and don't represent most of the country, but they are powerful and influential and tend to punch above their weight in terms of influence.
at the very least the guy on the left is making an earnest attempt at making a movie
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>velma was renewed because retards kept watching it

bauman is a retard
there were 2 seasons produced for velma. it was never renewed. it always had 2 seasons
a lot of animations get produced this way.
Isn't there a 20 hour stream going on where you can go and pay $20 to hear your e-celeb bestie pretend you're funny?
He has a right to hate George tho
The prequels were lame and then he sold the IP to (((Disney)))
Young women tend to be more to the left, while young men tend to be more to the right. The youth vote is actually starting to go against what it has been for decades where the Democrats traditionally had a decided advantage. Now young men are breaking for Republicans, and they are absolutely not in favor of progressive identity politics.
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How many of the guys involved with that shitshow are gonna getting dragged down by the Shadman controversy
Jays habit of just mindlessly parroting headlines is embarrassing. He should catch more shit for it, but people seem more interested in laughing just at Mike and his swiss cheese brain.
This isn't Book of Boba Fett. This is the future of Star Wars. You think they'd cave to a bunch of nerds on Youtube? It's a prestige project now and they're gonna give this at least three seasons and a movie, just like Mandalorian. You didn't hear that from me though.
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>it always had 2 seasons
>a lot of animations get produced this way.
Wow, one of the creators behind hit webtoon Spitballz has zero fucking working knowledge of how animation production works? I'm shook over here, totally fookin' shook.
they should upload a video of me kicking mike in the nuts over and over
>Jay Bauman: I don't give a fuck about this nerd shit but here's what I think or whatever.
>Nerd shit appreciators: OMG JAY YOU'RE WRONG!!!!! LMAOOOO!!!!!!!!
see >>201669403
I forgot you.
shut up jay, you're fat
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Stop watching idiots on YouTube. It's really easy.
Shadman was actually planned to be a guest animator for a scrapped episode. After the recent controversy broke out Jay and Rich got into a massive argument, and Jay managed to convince Rich to cancel the episode and all future plans with Shadman. Rich was fuming. He stormed off saying he needed to "crank his hog to some lolis in order to calm down".
Digits confirm you were raped by 444 crips members in one day Nerdrotic.
you know he explicitly acknowledges this in the video and apologizes for it right? dumb fag
They weren't even two seasons of Velma. It was one season ordered in two parts.
autistic, gay and fat
>expecting toktikka-masala users to patiently watch a 75 minute long video
I believed everything you guys said until
The fight choreography in the Acolyte is literally the worst to ever be captured on film, thoughever.
You will never get your pristine virgin asshole back, GArY.
they lost their credibility with the start of Covid. It was clear then that they have zero interest in continuing the channel. It was the perfect time for them to up their game since everyone was home watching shit and instead they barely produced anything.
>losing their credibility
they reviewed a western once and admitted they had never seen a John Ford movie

they are culturally illiterate, who cares about their opinion
I know it sounds silly, but this is what Rich told us. We told Rich that Shadman has no experience in animation and he just draws pin-ups and he said he didn't care. He wanted Shadman to re-do all the character designs (which the original character designer took WEEKS on) and told us to "follow orders" on everything Shadman wanted. Luckily it never got to that point but a lot of people, especially the females on staff, were talking about quitting (not that they could - but that's another story).
Stop posting I shall not be watching Reddit Letter Media ever again.
Imagine talking and making videos about Star Wars in the year of our lord 2024. They should have moved on since at least 2 years, but they keep churning out reviews about some shitty SW shows because that's what they're known for. Star Wars.
Didn't they watch The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly for the first time for their re:view (which sounds like an oxymoron).
I remember Jay saying he hadn't seen Taxi Driver until AFTER he watched Joker as well.
these hack frauds need to stop obsessing over schlock and watch real kino
But you don't get it, Jay watched I spit on your grave, he's a cinephile!!
What would you have them watch? For me, it's
>Every Which Way But Loose
>Smokey and the Bandit
>What's Up, Doc?
Their credibility died with space cop.
>b-but it's bad ON PURPOSE
They love saying you can make a good movie on a low budget but they couldn't even make a mediocre movie on a decent amatuer budget.
He would never describe himself as a "cinephile".
It takes a big man to admit that he was wrong, very proud of Mike
fuck westerns
Stuckmann hasn't looked that skinny in years, he has a square fat face now
So, in essence, “quit asking questions, just consume product, and then get excited for next product.”
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Yeah, like Salo
Mmm... chocolate pudding...
name an alternative to rlm that isn't either clickbait grifting or pure autism.
Their credibility died with space cop and when they started sucking up to Hollywood.
The pretense of them caring at all about their job died with covid when they released like 2 videos in 2 years.
Mike and Jay being shitlibs shouldn't be a surprise to anyone
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Take the Jeremy Jahns pill, anon. He even looks like a more masculine Jay Bauman.
Drinker fuckin’ sucks. He is worse than them but not as annoying because at least he hasn’t been going at it as long as them.
Apparently this shit Disney show about nothing and no one we care about is somehow worse to a group of fucking conservatards who think this is really the hill to die on than, say, The Last Jedi where they completely ruin the main character of the movies that started the whole retarded franchise. Somehow I'm still supposed to respect and listen to retards treating this gay show like the holocaust when they say shit like that. Rlm watched some of the show and didn't threaten suicide, so faggots have been screeching since then. Good God, these losers should look for salvation at the bottom of a Pennzoil bottle. I've tried to listen to that mauler fag - what the fuck happened to your genitals at a young age to make you want to consume 20hrs straight of that fag?
>so dishonest
>bald man with fag beard named "Star Wars Teary"
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Youre the livid one
Highest IQ RLM fanboy.
they intentionally glossed over starving children in africa, so fuck them
>apologises to Star Wars Man
When's Mauler's twelve hour response to this?
kek they even cried about longman in the video, all these faggots deserve each other
normies always lag behind the 4chinz curve a bit
The literal opposite. "Do not consume product, do not get excited for next product".
>implying these retards dont read 4chan
Mike can't resist FOTM slop regardless of genre. Be grateful the rest of the crew isn't like that so we don't have to see milquetoast fluff reviews of House of the Dragon or Shogun episodes.
lampshading is a laudable damage control mechanism now?
star wars sucks
careful pilgrim
there is no grift with ragetubers. viewers know exactly what they're getting
doing a review of a show all over again
>Mike can't resist FOTM slop regardless of genre.
Yes, he can. Case in point: The Batman and Dunc 2.
>they said the acolyte isn't good
they said it isnt bad. they said it is mediocre
is that what RLM wants for their patrons regarding their own product?
I find it hilarious how he became famous because of his hate for prequels and SW fanbase, but now he's making fun of the people who hate new SW and SW fanbase.
>you're only supposed to think in extremes
A midwit take to end all midwit takes.
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Sneed nigga
Mike is thinking of thise tight little starving african boys
rob rager
lolwut? i was just quoting them
He doesn't know much about movies either

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Ban anybody that knows what Jay said!
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>it's not bad because it's woke OKAY?
ayyy leemao
If you like nuclear grade bad takes from Mike it's might be hard to top him calling Picard season 3 the Andor of Star Trek
His face is so fucking punchable, holy shit.
keep posting about how angry you are :^)
Okay but after fifteen years of rageposting I'm going to demand nobody ever rageposts.
There are so finished after this. All credibility demolished in one single video. No one can take their opinions seriously after their shilling for Disney. What an absolute pathetic downfall.
nobody cares about star wars any more. RLM now cares about it more than most people.
>both mediocre
it checks out
Okay, I'm angry that you guys keep posting that guy constantly.
Yeah I'd agree, they're both so-so products that fans are happy to watch because of just how bad everything else has gotten.
at least they found the correct tone to talk about the show this time.
Really? I thought we could do with a another hour long lecture from an out of touch youtuber in a video allegedly about a sci-fi tv show.
>the show isn't good
>the writing is very bad

>>shilling for Disney
Based. I thought and felt the same thing. It shifted hardcore, I'm not even interested in them anymore and I was subscribed for years.
funny thing is Mauler could beat the shit out of you irl you fucking geek
Andor's a solid show that would be good even if it didn't have Star Wars branding

Picard season 3 is the most literal case of slop possible. It has nothing to say, exists for no reason other than to point and hoot at references, many that are completely nonsensical anyway. It was made by an utter brainlet who jerked off over his favorite parts of Trek (hint: not TNG or Picard related) while spitting on the rest. And he's such a cowardly midwit that after the show ended he jumped on twitter to claim for no less than FOUR characters that died that no, don't get mad, they're fine actually, they got better and they're standing just off screen where you can't see them :)

Embarrassing garbage that only escapes being the worst season of Picard thanks to the second season being so remarkably poorly made
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>review a show that is really bad
>claim that it's neither good nor bad just mediocre
>not shilling
anon we're not supposed to dox ourselves here
You get that Disney can afford a more complicated promotional campaign than just "Say that the show is really good" right?
What do you get out of pretending to be this retarded?
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>I once again fell asleep trying to watch RLM
>wake up to their review of The Baby
seems like a kino
Bullying RLM fanboys is fun because they're so easy to work. The slightest suggestion that Mike is less than a God is all it takes to set them off.
I really do get tired of the bot threads on /tv/.
acting like your an idiot and then being called an idiot for acting like an idiot isn't some epic troll.
Gary and Iain are the thinking man's Mike and Jay

Off the Shelf Reviews
>both recommending Martyrs
Have to admit I did not expect that
is there a official answer to why they never did a plinkett episode 9 review or can i just assume they are afraid of disney going after them
But they literally did, except Andor
At the end of episode 8 review Plinkett says he will be boycotting episode 9.
stumbling onto the correct course of action by complete accident
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>see this
>Don't Recommend Channel
I'm now free of their self-serving apologia for Mouse Slop at least when /tv/ doesn't spam it.
Damn, they might as well advocate for the sexual molestation of farm animals.
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I'm a zoomie and I have never seen a RLM video before
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It's like... uh... They were only REFERENCING "The Simpsons" and... umm... Pretending to be the Pastor's wife and, uh, pretending to care about African childre---no, wait, they do care it's just...... uhhh.... you're not supposed to hold them accountable for hypocrisy or teasing! That's unfair!! YOU'RE ALL WRONG!
So, he's a genuine hypocrite, got it.
these brainlets like the prequels (lmao) that rlm destroyed forever
that's it
That's solid advice but when your claim to fame is making the Holy Bible of complaining about the Star Wars prequels, you don't have a leg to stand on.
I think their position is entirely circumstantial based on age. If they were the 20 or 30 somethings now that they were back in 2009, they would be treating all the Disney slop even worse. Instead, they're all old and tired but will still defend their childish hatred of those movies to struggle a half-hearted defense the new trash.
I too wanna know this. Right now the alternatives are:
>brainlets grifters like Mauler and his gang that only watch mainstream slop and know jackshit about cinema
>rlm snobs who pretend they are above everyone while avoiding anything actually worth talking about (their mid-year catch-up was full of nothing)

There needs to be something in between.
>[...] has been a multi-millionaire for over a decade(from crying about [...]), it should be no surprise that he thinks he's right about everything regardless of his experience or knowledge.

This works for any annoying multi-millionaires.
Elon and ads on X.
Trump and anything.
Soros and Gates about tax evasion.
If your own thoughts are less stimulating than watching RLM then I feel bad for you.
Why did this video make you so mad
What are you talking about?
Like what are you hearing and processing that I am not?

What are the examples you don't like?
Okay, rent free
Because I don't have any friends in real life, and I'm obviously never going to get a girlfriend. So RLM like a Star Wars show I don't like feels like the greatest betrayal there is. They're the only friends I have and even they are abandoning me and moving on.
Without them I'm all alone.
The last part was fucking brutal, do people really hate watch shit? That's insane.

It's a good message, if you don't like something, DON'T GIVE IT ANY FUCKING VIEWS.
>me seething about my e-daddies getting laughed at is a win actually
We're all so fucking felted.
>The last part was fucking brutal, do people really hate watch shit? That's insane.
No. It's a forced meme. There's a reason all these terrible shows barely ever get second seasons(true ones, not fake ones like Velma).
the actual review part sucked, most of the video consists of them meekly attacking both sides. they really shouldn't have bothered posting this shit. it's also hilarious how open they're in their bias against star wars yet get pissy when someone shots on Star Trek. you can tell they're still angry about getting bullied by other fandoms growing up
>leftoid gets slapped around
>quick consult the list of retorts
>"rent free"
You could be replaced with a bot and no one would notice.
There's none. I've been desperate. Recently I went to a thrift shop and bought a bunch of VHS tapes+ a VHS player and have been watching them with my Dakimakura and two of my Nendoroids. After I watch three tapes I would sit in the kitchen and have a discussion trying to imitate the witty banter of RLM. It's been working pretty well for me in-between RLM uploads, but my mom sometimes walks in when I'm in the middle of choosing a best of the worst.
They never had credibility.

Retards are up Red Letter Media because they thought it was smarter than Doug Walker. But it turns out they manage to be even more dumb than him.

Mike Stoklasa is just a Trekkie that thinks he’s smarter than anyone else while watching Modern Simpsons and Big Mouth.
Jay Bauman is a hipster that likes trannys.
I don’t think people realize that most shows get two seasons now because studios don’t want their shows to immediately look like bombs.

It is why Halo got two seasons and was immediately cancelled.
you are all such whiny pussies i swear to god
I saw it pop up in my recs and I don't want to click it. How much bullshit cock sucking did they do this time?
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Its who they are now.
Not really. They've still been shitting on SW and SW fans. Even last video made fun of the reactionary fanboys whining about Ki Adi Mundis age.
>Mike "jews are the chosen race, goys are made to serve" Stoklasa

That video was fucking insane. Literally just a hour long rant about his extremist far left views.
Always knew hes a leftists or a liberal, but never thought hes a complete antifa tier lunatic, the guy is a complete psychopath.
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Bravest zoomer.
Thats not what they said try again.
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>bauman is a retard
always was.
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>talking about star wars in 2024
so what is there to talk about in relation to the "politics" of the show?
They said no grifters.
You shills are dumb.
In a recent video (I can't remember which) he said that making Plinkett reviews is too much hassle in today's environment because the format requires the use of lots of clips and he gets YouTube copyright strikes on all of them.
Prequelfags are still seething about their reviews from 15 years ago.
grifting for who?
The show is intentionally shit for political reasons. If you're scared to talk about it, or you have some other motivation (you're wokehomo) then just say so.
I seriously hope you don't insinuate that RLM are not ragebaiting, hate watching grifters, when they are literaly the kings of it.
the show is bad because they didn't hire good writers, not because of politics.
They can't articulate their examples so they keep it vague and nebulous

>The Wizard
>The Canadians
They hire terrible writers because of certain political allegiances. And it seeps into the writing. Literally everyone knows this.
Man, Jack black is such a disingenuous corporate pussy. Nothing real about him. Throwing Kyle under the bus is the final straw.
They referenced it multiple times in the video and Mike acknowledged it was stupid and the same could be said of extremely minor things in recent Star Trek stuff that bothered him and no one else.
>go on and on about how modern star wars/trek is shit
>keep watching any and all modern series about them without fail
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i love how mike admits he barely paid attention and then talks about his problems with it that he would realize aren't even true if he had just watched it honestly
Are you talking about RLM or the people mad that they don't hate it the right way? They say in this review that they find a lot of the shows bad in a semi-entertaining way, and when it's just boring bad they drop it like Mike did with Discovery and Strange New Worlds. Many people mad at RLM say that Disney Star Wars has no redeeming qualities but watch all the shows in their entirety anyway.
Star Wars fans are one of the most insufferable fanbases out there. They never know what they want. And they claim to be "done" with the franchise but will never truly move on.
They hired bad writers for political reasons. They write the story AROUND the shit woke characters they decide on ahead of time before anything else, they create retarded narratives and leave plot holes because they have to showcase their wokery and "uplift" LGBT and non-white characters first and foremost. They choose shittier actors for the same reasons. They waste time and money on all of this, when they could have directed it at making the show good. And to top it all off, they KNOW it's shit and want it to be. They hate the franchise and the fans, they revel in the negative reaction.

I can't imagine being an adult with access to the truth and still ending up so blind. Might be time for you to learn about humiliation rituals and propaganda.
go back to bed dick
>or the people mad that they don't hate it the right way?
The core issue is that people are fed up with all the ways RLM sets out to gaslight their viewers, and that the gaslighting still continues with their "apology" video. It's always present. I think with this one Jay was the main culprit. Of course Mike is alcohol deranged, as always. He guzzles alcohol every time he sits down to watch a movie or series. This is why the bloat is increasing ever steadily month after month, why he's dumber with each passing year.
why do you pathetic faggots suck their cocks so much?
I've never watched any youtube reviewer or any of that fag shit.
some fat piece of shit starts talking about movies and you all hang off his every word? pathetic.
I don't, I just say I do to annoy you.
>why do you pathetic faggots suck their cocks so much?
/tv/ grew up with RLM and thus can’t admit they were never good.
So when did they release the Plinkett review for episode 9? The movie came out 5 years ago
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Why did you respond to this thread instead of hiding it and moving on with your life?
>wen plinkett
>in 2024
You are beyond parody.
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Mike said that we don't need cemeteries and we don't need gasoline cars because those are "old fashioned" in a star wars review
I'm halfway through and all they've talked about is how much they hate the prequels without even mentioning the acolyte
>that one commentary track where Jay reveals he got filtered by The Lion King
I don't know why anyone ever thought these guys were intelligent/insightful. They used to be funny but now they're too old and tired to even bother with jokes
I'm about 45 minutes into the review and they're mostly shitting on the series while basically saying 'there's a good idea in questioning the jedi order, but this is an awful execution of it'

I don't see why people are mad
that section was them comparing the Acolyte with the prequels, you're just retarded or not actually paying attention to the video
Yeah they gotta poison the well. "whaaat why are you guys acting like this is da wurst Star Wars, da prequels were da wurst, officially guys! nuthin can be worser! we all agreed on this years ago dont you remember!" -Jay
>halfway through and all they've talked about is how much they hate the prequels

Of course, that is how they made their channel - grifting hate clicks about prequels.
Which makes their stance on Kenobi highly suspicious.
>first half of the TFA Plinkett review is whining about Prequel Ring Theory
>second half is whining that Finn and Rey didn't have enough sexual tension
You shouldn't be surprised at this point
The Lion King stinks. It's just Hamlet with cats.
The fact that Jay couldn't wrap his brain around Hamlet with cats is what's embarrassing. Hamlet itself is supposed to be required reading for high schoolers so the baby version shouldn't be filtering anyone into adulthood
Enough is enough. George Lucas needs to execute Mike, Jay, and Rich.
What happened?
Mike tried to do damage control but Based Susan didn't let him and made the situation worse.
I’ve been subbed to them for well over a decade but I can’t remember the last video of theirs I even clicked on. Maybe the 2017 review. I appreciate this thread reminding me to finally unsub.
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>Here's some money! Go make a review about our product and say it's mediocre. That'll benefit us somehow!
You don't get it! They didn't say it's the worst thing in history and that every single aspect of it is an insult to mankind. That means they are dumb soi cuck shills and I am really mad about it!
They said it was bad for the wrong reasons, which is counterproductive.
Very organic posts.
>saying something is mediocre will benefit us somehow!
It's called misdirection.
I have more organisms in 1 post then you'll ever have in your entire life.
Yes. RedLetterMedia have a rep for tearing into terrible media. They've sold that rep for something to call terrible media merely mediocre.
As much as I hate Nerdrotic and Critical Drinker, it's very clear that they live rent-free in the RLM crew's heads. They are such contrarian Gen X'ers that they now have to pretend to like Star Wars goyslop because there are other equally popular youtube channels which already hate on it.
Mike in particular clearly can't stand that his takes on Star Wars aren't being parroted in the way they used to be.
These idiots made prequel reviews and strongly suggested that Star Wars should get JJ Abrams and stop being directed by George Lucas cut to 10 years later when the new Star Wars sequel was being directed by JJ Abrams. and they gave it to Luke warm tepid review, but they still said it was better than all of the prequel trilogy. they would continue with this mindset that any new Star Wars product is at least better than the prequels. and they refuse to say anything critical at all about Disney wars also also their Obi-Wan Kenobi review revealed how super retarded they were. Videos related cover reactions at the time
>what is damage control
This isn't remotely true.
As of 3 years ago - RLM was making well under 200k a year.
Their most popular SW videos on Youtube all got flagged (bc Plinkett was too graphic) and demonetized within the first few months of their creation. Half of the money goes to taxes.
Then they pay people and pay payroll taxes + accounting , insurance, and lawyers on top of that. His top asset is his house and it's maybe 300-400k at best.
He , Rich, Jay don't have to work very hard and my guess is that they make somewhere around 60-70k a year.
They missed out on making podcast $$$ and convention $$$ when it was being thrown everywhere.
They pay for a ton of postmates for their whole staff to be fed everyday which is fine but RLM doesn't have a piggybank to rest on.

( source : they were asked to start a board of a theater / film festival in Wisconsin but didn't have the $$$ to really maintain it - they gave up on the project and then tried to figure out if they could find some other charity to take it over )
Shut the fuck up Mike.
You may millions from Patreon alone. Stop trying to elicit sympathy now that we have you cornered.
The enlightened centrist shtick is getting obnoxious.
Even the normie retards are starting to notice that the slop is starting to taste different, dunno why they are so adamant on not calling a spade a spade.
I love how much centrists trigger both of the extremes. You simply aren't allowed to be indifferent to something. You must have strong opinions about everything, all the time. Nothing is ever just average. It's either kino or shit. Everything is black and white.
Mike REALLY REALLY REALLY wants a real™ job.
Because Mike is friends with people in Hollywood and doesn’t want to be labeled a racist/sexist/antisemite/ect and be blacklisted from going to movie parties with celebrities.
>eats literal shit
>everyone points it's literal shit and laught at you
>heh..I love how much centrists trigger both of the extremes
Because both extremes are correct in accessing that centrist apathy is worse than both of them.
no they're still just shit
only the sith deal in absolutes
Chud Rich Evans wins again by omission.
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>stop criticizing the products, just consume more product, there are starving children in africa

theyve been getting less interesting for years
and they just flippantly burned a lot momentum
They've been wearing kid gloves ever since Force Awakens. Jay being an especially massive simp because he wants Daisy Ridley to pee on him.
That on itself is an absolute.
Lol. Look at all you little kids being so serious about this retard shit. Consider killing yourselves.
>RLM made a career out of (popularizing) silly longform video essays on youtube.
>Their big ticket was pointing out how bad the Sta Wars prequels were.
>Even explicitly suggesting JJ Abrams would be a good new director for.
>Disney buys star wars and runs it into the ground and shits on people that criticize that its not good.
>RLM feels guilty on several levels because they do kinda like Star Wars, and played an indirect but SIGNIFICANT role in the cultural and audience perspective of Star Wars movies
>They feel a bit guilty that their Star Wars reviews have caused some damage to Star Wars
>So they overcompensate by endlessly defending the mediocrity of Marvel
>And now Star Wars
>In the most stunningly un-self-aware move yet they decide to wade into the politics surrounding western media
>cringey Centrist apologia
>pretending that right wing reaction to leftist political garbage is part of what drives this mess
>montage of right wing youtubers calling it woke
>inserted video of Ben Shapiro
>pretending like the this outrage dialog is what is making Star Wars shit when really the right wing reactionism is entirely downstream of hollywood faggots shoving minorities and gays in everything without actually trying to make a quality product
cut to
>Stop criticizing Star Wars when there are children starving in Africa

they've always been loveable idiots
they WERE a decent friend simulator for while
they're tired of their channel
they've lost track of their audience
they mistook their youtube success for having some kind of informed opinion about movies or culture in general

>remake Acolyte re:view
>haha people sure got mad at that last video
We all want Daisy to pee on us. That's the one thing all star wars fans agree on.
Ok Lucas.
Yea boi gotta flood dem streets with crime. All kinds of crime. Great stuff. This is normal!
Take your meds. Also they are correct about rightoids crying about every minority in movies/shows.
They're right that "it exists".
They're wrong to imply that it has anything to do with the poor quality of Star Wars media.

Again, it's all entirely downstream of bad product.
Make bad politicized product.
People criticize bad politicized product.
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Seems to happen to a lot of Youtubers.
they didn't absolutely hate it so for nazi they are disney shills
Can no longer tell if 4chan is filled with normies or chatbot shills.
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Theory bros... we won...
it's filled with bitter incels and literal racists
it's a nexus of hate
ever since pol became the most popular board or probably even before that
Except Acolyte is good and rightoids who don't even watch Star Wars decided to reviewbomb it in advance because the director is a lesbian woman who hates chuds and they desperately want to win the "culture war" despite being unable to create anything by themselves.
>inb4 Acolyte is le bad!!!1
The show is basically the prequels but with much better acting. I like Lucas but he can't direct people for shit.
>da prequels were da wurst, officially guys! nuthin can be worser! we all agreed on this years ago dont you remember
I do remember when everyone agreed on that because i'm not a newfag zoomer
touch grass you schizo incel
Holy gaslight.
Why do you think you're here faggot?

Because you feel the need to leech off our zeitgeist.
You'd never tasted culture before us, and now you're hooked.
You'd never felt freedom before.
You'd never allowed yourself to type out "nigger" before.

Maybe you'll irreparably damage it or wont.
Maybe you're not even human.
You'll still follow us wherever we we go trying to restrain sincerity and honesty, no matter how earnest or vulgar, while unconsciously revelling in it.
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>it's a nexus of hate
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This guy thinks Anakin commiting genocide was "badass".
Prequels fans are the biggest mistake of any fandom.
>the zeitgeist
>nexus of hate
RLM is still the best channal on youtube
>RLM is still the worst channal on youtube

Did Mike really apologize to him? I refuse to believe that Mike has the capacity for humility so I’m guessing he was still extremely condescending while doing it.
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> This guy thinks Anakin commiting genocide was "badass".
Lmao get a load of this soiboy. He’s literally about to cry.
>This guy thinks Anakin commiting genocide was "badass".
Well yeah in a thematic and cinematic sense. It's fiction.

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