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After the horror that is the acolyte I wanted to experience that real Star Wars feeling again so I'm doing a movie marathon. I decided to watch Solo and Rogue one in between the first two trilogies. Yesterday I watched Solo and man, what a fun little adventure movie

>Great adventure story with proper drama and space action
>Great acting cast and someone who does a reasonable job portraying young han solo
>Great locations
>Great (non John Williams) score
>Perfect pacing

Why did this movie flop again?
They filmed half a film then ron howard scrapped it and made another one. TLJ didn't help
>Why did this movie flop again?
Audiences wanted Star Wars / Lucasfilm to suffer after The Last Jedi, unfortunately Solo took the brunt of that. I also think Disney's obsession with a Star Wars film every year was a really bad plan and just dilutes the brand if audiences don't have time to build up excitement for the next film. Force Awakens, Rogue One, Last Jedi, Solo and Rise of Skywalker all within five years really burned audiences out.
Because you're a shill and the movie is fucking boring and neither the direction nor the script nor the Jewish nepohire actor captured any of the charm or humor or smarm or occasional badassedness of the character. It was a swing and a miss.
>anyone who likes something I don't like is a shill
>the Jewish nepohire actor
I don't blame Alden Ehrenreich, he was incredibly charming in the Coens' Hail, Caesar! Audiences were never going to accept anyone else as Han other than Harrison, it was a fool's errand.
Solo: A Star Wars Story
A movie so nice they shot it twice!
Ron Howard saved it unironically, the original script had a lot A LOT of feminist crap, it could be better but at least wasn't a TLJ 2.0.

(The pro-Rebel end still kinda shit.)
>Audiences wanted Star Wars / Lucasfilm to suffer after The Last Jedi
This is a really retarded take. The general public are sheep, not some cabal that cuts off its own nose to spite its face. The last Jedi sucked so the sheep didn't want to get burned again. All hype was dead. Also, no one cares about established character origin stories.
Reminder all nu wars is faggot shit
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it looks like this though. the whole way through with some scenes even darker. the word 'eyestrain' is thrown around jokingly but I honestly had to turn it off because I was feeling eye strain that I couldn't imagine being worth it
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The Phantom Menace, Solo and Return of the Jedi are peak Star Wars for me. These three are the most adventurous. Star Wars in essence should always be a space adventure movie.
Solo was a slightly better written acolyte. It does the same shit. It jingles keys in front of your face in the form of pointless unsupported cameos. It has twists that we're supposed to be surprised by but they're unearned and stupid. The movie is stupid.
Star wars used to be an event you stupid fuck. Trying to make it marvel was retarded.
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that screencap is not even conveying it. its like this
I have no idea what you watched it on but both these scenes weren't dark at all. Check your tv, you did watch it on a tv didn't you?
too dark to see
>you did watch it on a tv didn't you?
what? who does that anymore. I watched it outside on my tiny phone screen in full daylight. IT WAS SO DAAARK
Why'd they do that to thandie newton
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primary colors are passé
we accept darkness as a point of expression now
I think you have a problem with your eyes, samefag. Get them checked. You're going blind.
what the fuck are you talking about? everything was clearly visible on my pc
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Is that dude on the left from the same species as Desann from Jedi Knight 2?
I can’t even remember if I finished watching it or I gave up, I know I don’t care.
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being better than most disney star wars content doesnt make it good
It's an okay movie that is dragged down by its flaws. They should have made the entire movie of Han's experience on Mimban.
While thats a good idea, I think Han's adventure on Gordix seven would be a better pick. You have Zandar Ulkar, Minok cave, Jorell Freng, Deek, Brilda Hilswer and the crystal of wishes.
tfw everything you’re famous for all happened on your first week on the job
No. Desann is chistori, that guy is something called "Grindalid". He is much uglier in good lighting, holy shit, typical Disney design.
There are some big jumps in time in the movie. He's been an imperial soldier for years before the heist stuff comes up. And even before that he supposedly was in flight school where he got kicked out.
Yeah, but that's just to establish where he got his skills from (funny how Rey didn't need anything like that). Everything notable about his life happens AFTER he deserts, in the span of a week.
>both these scenes weren't dark at all
so do you think i made these screencaps dark in photoshop? they're just from google images. there was a lot of complaint if you look when the movie came out, people saying they couldn't see shit. so if your uploader upped the brightness for you that's nice but please don't embarrass yourself acting like your yify special edit is the movie people experienced
>they're just from google images
that still doesn't mean they are actually dark in the movie. who knows what they did to those images.
>if your uploader upped the brightness for you
you mean Disney+ ?
>you mean Disney+
its not inconceivable that they have adjusted it for D+, knowing it would just look like a black screen if people weren't watching in a dark room, and 99% of people aren't
I will always have bad memories of this film.

>in love with a girl
>she doesn't give a shit about me
>new Year's party at a club
>I meet some young girl and she asked me to go outside with her
>we talked for a bit but she's way too drunk so I call her a cab
>everybody assumes I got lucky so I just went home and put this movie on
>all the while the girl I like was probably getting fucked for real

For some reason I needed to get this off my chest.
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>looks great bro
You can tell the exact moment he took over; when they're flying to the vaping slavers planet. The shots improve, characters stop acting like cartoons, and the most obvious change is the SJW robot goes from a serious voice of "logic" to an absurd caricature the likes of Tobias Funke.

I liked him in that movie, unfortunately not enough happens in it and his big line at the end is weakly written, didn't matter how well he delivered it, it was forgettable. "Let's get you home" is not a closing line.

Kathleen wanted this movie to fail because of its white male lead. Disney desperately tried to push the bad press of TLJ on to Solo to try to save the series, instead they just ruined Solo's run and everyone still hates TLJ. They were also looking to post a huge loss to offset the production cost of TLJ. Alden should sue for reputation damage because his movie isn't as bad as it's producers wanted it to be.
He was in American graffiti with Harrison Ford, directed by George Lucas, lol, sorry I'm bored
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look how they do low-key lighting 60 years ago

ILLUMINATING the face of the actor and separating it from the background BECAUSE THE FACE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF THE SHOT
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Why did you selectively pick a still from Han walking through a dark underground smugglers den and not while he's playing cards and actually has lines of dialogue. Oh we all know why.
he has lines of dialogue in the clip I posted
he's talking to dragon lady on his right
maybe it's so dark you didnt notice her
Go ahead and run your analysis on >>201670705 this picture.
The only one I'll give a pass to is Rogue One since George had already signed off on the story and early pre-production before the buy-out.
Don’t forget he also installed a robot’s soul into his ship, so most of his piloting feats might not necessarily be his; his ship pilots itself.
learn the difference
>not all shots are badly lit
awesome defense
oh so you acknowledge that it's not all dark. great. we're finally getting somewhere.
They should ask John Powell more often for Star Wars productions. While it is not quite Williamseqsue, it's still fun, lyrical and bombastic.
>we're only incompetent half of the time
the essence of DEI hiring
How's that graph supposed to look for certified kino?
>it looks like this though. the whole way through with some scenes even darker.
From 100% dark to 50% dark. Now if only those people complaining about the darkness actually watched the movie then the percentage will drop even more.
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dont judge by the graph. The graph is a tool to tell you what's happening in the image, but you have to judge the image by itself

Everyone does at least one of three things every time they light a set:

1. The first thing is to cast a shadow. The light that casts the shadow could be a tiny pinpoint source, a big soft source, or anything in between. The shadow can be a hard shadow with a hard edge, or a soft shadow with an edge that just trails off into nothing. You can also opt for no shadow at all. It’s the difference between when the sun’s out and a cloudy day, or any gradation in between.

2. The second thing you do in lighting is to create separation. Photography looks at the world with only one lens, and you need to introduce a three-dimensional quality to this two-dimensional image. There’s only one way to accomplish that: creating areas of light against dark or dark against light. I’m not referring to color. For example, you may put a backlight on someone’s dark head so that you have a dark area, a little bright halo, and another dark area. Or you may put a light on a wall behind somebody’s dark shoulder. You can put in as many of those planes as you want.

3. The third and final thing that you do in lighting is to add fill, which gives the image a mood by defining how deeply you can see into the shadow areas.
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Its utter crap anon. Wtf are you talking about?
Thanks m8
eh, excuse me, it's actually pretty good now
I want cum in her
It has more to do with Disney catering to women and kids.
>I'm going out into space, and when I get a ship I'll come back for you and we'll make a future.
>Proceeded to get ass kicked for a while.
>Oh, you're out here already, and somehow you now know everybody and everything.
>Yes, of course I'm still an incompetent buffoon.
except that he became a pilot and a soldier
Star Wars the Last Jedi is a good movie
The ginger nog reveal at the end ruins it.
>>dogshit product is secretly good #23515531531
How original
>he said as he cleared some cheeto dust from his chest
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why hate it, its not pozzed at all, landor is black, chewbacca meeting solo was epci, solo has a girlfriend and i loved the female android who sacrificed herself and the female tribal leader, and the escape scene from the stormy planet, decent story overall, felt more like a film from the 2000s

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