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its so frustrating that I love this show but I hate the crypto right wing bullshit zach shoehorns into it
Christcuck bullshit. Not right wing bullshit. Know the difference, it could save you life.
just stop molesting children
I beg you
Yes we need more shows with blatant left-wing bullshit pushed into our faces.
It was literally just a joke at the expense of infamous jewish voice actor Tomar
Hello Radeesh
Get off /pol/ faggot, this was funny
If only we had more "God is dead, morals aren't real" cartoons.
The show fell off the cliff a long time ago. Keep it up, gramps.
so much nazi
the show hasn't even existed long enough for there to be a 'long time ago.' I swear, everyone's attention span is just so fucking fried these days that a year feels like five.
Nice try, you're not getting me to watch your Rick & Morty clone.
leftie snowflake
Don't worry, based Keemstar has revealed that the groomer PsychicPebbles interacted with Shadman back in 2015.
We have to spam this to AdultSwim so they will finally cancel this right-wing garbage.
>We're the Grooming Friends
>We act all cute and fun, and then get you to believe all the horrible shit we believe.
What's right wing about it?
>overtly christian
>every episode ends with some "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" bullshit
>The boss literally works with Ronald Reagan
It's not made for you, fag.
Is that JoshT?
Oh boy, where do I begin...
>First episode depicts little critters crucifing someone
>Same episode endorses using guns to kill these critters
>The show has Satan and God saving one of the characters from him
>Same episode straight up says Christianity is the one truth faith and the rest got it wrong
>The Friends try to make several incels happy without calling them out for being terrible people
>The show the earth being flat
>Charlie wears a cross and says he "loves his god."
>President Jimbles is clearly a stand in for Biden and Mr. Frog is Trump. Mr. Frog wins the election by the way
>A guy who wants to smoke a bag weed is the bad guy
>Racists depictions of latinos being violent
>The boss gets married and the bride is depicted as a literal soul sucking demon
>Cameo by the Nostalgia Critic who is infamous for fostering an unhealthy work environment that endorses sexual assault
>Charlie and Meep are about to kiss but feel shame for being close to performing a gay act
>The Boss is writing a manifesto and gun activist
>Ronald Regan is in it
>Murders Bill Nye the Science Guy
>Zero representation for gay, black, or transgender characters
>Alan, a clear incel, is shown to be a ladies man (gross power fantasy)
>Charlie remarks that he doesn't wear Halloween costumes because everything is offensive to somebody today
>Satan insists on saying "Merry Christmas" when someone says "Happy Holiday" to him
>They make fun of big gaming studios as being soulless profit driven assholes which is common in right-wing spaces.
There is more but it's all extremely blatant.
>oh no other people have different belief structures wheres all the little boys in dresses oh my god I'm being oppressed

1/10 I replied
>zero representation for black characters
Forest demon. It wasn't blackface.
Oh, so black people are demons?
Thanks for proving my point.
I had no idea this show was so based.
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nah it's all good because fascism (right wing in your mind for some reason) is based and it's barely apparent anyway
just enjoy your funny cartoon, faggot
how do you respond without sounding like you're in his head?
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Los geis son del diablo
Whoa, sorry man. We're cool. I was just thinking about this fed that got onto me the other day. Not used to being out this long. They onto you too?
That's it I'm definitively watchibg that show, you sold it to me
they don't mention the holocaust enough for me
Once you get older you start to fall for the religion meme because without it life is pretty miserable
can someone redpill me on this show? i think i watched like 2 mins of the first episodes and i see screencaps of it posted online, but my impression of it is that it's just like post ironic rick and morty tier slop. like "hey guys the drawings are ugly versions of cute things... this cartoon character is gonna kill himself isn't that le edgy and ironic?"
Keep seething, nerd
>this weird new narrative that only jeets dislike Christians
very strange
Right wing is the way to go buddy sorry you haven't figured that out yet
You hit the nail on the head, actually. Most people I've talked to actually think it's a spinoff of Rick and Morty because of how similar the two shows are.
What is leftwing christcuckery
He Gets Us
>Satan insists on saying "Merry Christmas" when someone says "Happy Holiday" to him
kek, based
It's a play on the now-common joke where characters in the future say "people actually believed in the bible in the past!?", which is a mean-spirited shot at one demographic so another can smugly smirk about it.
Hell and the flat earth being real in this show don't make fun of anyone. They're depicted is unbelievable things that are true anyway and that it's funny. It shouldn't alienate anyone anyone who is watching for their own personal entertainment and not spite for others.
Zach also made his jewish friend voice grandpa glep and say Christianity was right
Which is based

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