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Remember DUNE Part 2?
fun mobie desu.
Yeah, it was pretty good for a movie released in current year.
Yeah, it looked spectacular and I was at the premiere
Rebecca Ferguson is the hottest woman alive, I think
lea seydoux was way hotter in this, sadly too little screentime
I did t care for part 1. Blandest shit I've ever seen. And I'll say it, I did t really care for the original movie though it's easier to watch.
Of course. Hard movie to forget. Wish I could go watch it again.
It's the last movie I saw before my local theater closed down. I'll never forget it.
do you mean Dune Messiah?
Smartest /tv/ poster
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MOTY? Yeah, I remember it
Timothy can't act the whore can't act it was abysmal all around
Nope. It came and went with no cultural impact.
things happened and then it ended
I just remember DUNC
First one was better.
Midwit kino
Sydney Sweeney and it's not even close
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timothee and zendaya just don't work for me on any level, so the whole movie, which is technically very well made, falls apart
we're getting a dune tv series and an dune mmo
Sydney Sweeney isn't in Dune 2 you disgusting idiot
Liked the first one well enough, but when I saw Zendaya featured so prominently in part 2, I lost all interest and haven't watched it.
you can probably torrent it already
nazi scum
always funny to see fa/tv/irgins tripping over themselves to show how unimpressed they were by an objectively great movie
it's an anonymous image board, no one knows who you are, you don't have to try so hard to act cool
I couldn't make it through they turned it into a teenie bopper high school romance movie and I got bored
I remember spice mommy
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It's insane how the shills went overboard with defending this ugly pozzed piece of shit and praising it as the second coming of kino. 5 minutes later and no one gives a shit about it. And it's a good thing.
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Yeah, it was shit
I can't believe how bad Villeneuve is at conveying emotions and at filming action pieces.
The more i think about the movie, the more i hate it
Great movie, but I would love to see Vilneuve making a mid-budget flic again.
yeah, I liked it.
I like it until the last act
>what if we got away from this galactic war between houses we just spent the entire movie setting up so that Paul can go knife fight some literal who in the desert
Fuck yeah, best sci-fi movie since BR 2049 and that's not even up for discussion.
Of course, how could I forget sci fi kino
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Dune PC master race
This part/the city, certain spaceship parts, and any of the foot soldier combat scenes look utterly terrible
otherwise it looks good.
Part 2 was better for this. Part 1 definitely was smelling it's own ass with it's effects which at points were bad.
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Best case scenario you pay for two movies instead of one. Hollywood lost its soul.
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>otherwise it looks good
You mean brown things with brown stuff on brown background? This shit is Snyder tier in the visual department.
Here, have small peak at how a good desert cinematography looks like.
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I'd prefer to forget Dunc, and that DOG ofva woman who ruined it with her scowling mug.
seen it on imax twice
was kino
Deserts aren't my favourite but that's where the story takes place and they made it about as aesthetic as you can
It was a solid flick
Because of the dumb romance shit only chicks care about?
Good note to end on I think
>they made it about as shit-colored as you can
should’ve been one film.
I liked it. Best performances are Bardem, Ferguson and Butler, worst are Zendaya, Skarsgård and unfortunately Walken.
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I disagree. Beige on beige is lazy. The eclipse scene at the beginning was the only break we got from the beige blob.
I don't remember it being that bad honestly, but I watched this shortly after Napoleon and anything will look like a rainbow after that
It is the sin of our age.
>Beige on beige is lazy
You must be colour blind, or something.
>if you're not color blind, beige on beige stops being lazy somehow!
Agreed some CGI was shit.
Also some uggo girl casting.
But I skip those scenes on rewatch.
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yes, it was great. made me read the books (the golden path)
set design, lightning, costumes, soundtrack

cgi and some of the casting

>Pebekka Oeptiocoh - Ooto
Lady Jessica is OBLIGATED to blow her Emperor Son, daily.
Tha tis all.
Despite the technical prowess it was boring, dour and ideologically suspicious
Chani is boring as fuck and I agree with anons that I think it's Zendaya. absolute who of a character.
>muh tears of the desert spring
or whatever the fuck it was and her storming off at the end. nigga if I was god emperor I'd have her fired into the sun.
I agree, dune fans talk about how complex the books are but so far everything that happened in the movies is pretty linear
bad things happened and now good things are happening
Too spicy for the foreigner?
Still no explanation for normies why they won't use shields. Then why even bring it up?!
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Here's your princess irulan
Lady Jessica is OBLIGATED to blow and bear the children of her grandson who carries the memories and personality of her Duke within him. That is all.
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A superior adaptation would have a show-dont-tell sequence earliy on, in which harkonnens tried to use shields in the desert, only to get instagibbed by worms.
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>Dune's awakened ancestral memories means Paul remembers being his mother *and* being his father, and can thus recall the acts of both fucking and sucking.

What, precisely, did Frank Herbert mean by this??
What if the Kwisatch Haderach is required to breed his bene mother? Does Dune explore this side of maternal love
Yes, we get it. You're American.

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