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>female character has a hard time finding a job
How much of a loser do you have to be to not find a job? I'm a loser drug addict who never had a job for more than a year and tattoos up to my fingers but I can walk in anywhere and grab a job as long as it doesn't require a college degree.
Women are indeed far more likely to fall out of employment and usually have a harder time regaining it, yes.
>women have it so easy!
When are you trooning out, OP?
must be nice being american
Where do you live? What makes it so hard to find a job? America is a big country, people move from states the size of entire countries to other states for work. Have you tried moving for work?
sucking cock is literally the easiest thing to do.
but you already know that.
There are countries in Europe with double digit unemployment and countries with over 20% unemployment. Most countries aren't even the size of Texas and you can't just emigrate. Americans are very lucky economically. Corruption and crime is usually the problem.
Anon, it's "Female has a hard time finding a fake email job that allows WFH, benefits, and pays over 100k a year"
>high school female character that is attractive
>has no friends
I hate this trope
Did you not have a girl like that at your school? I did. I'm guessing it was a female schizoid. I'm a schizoid, and I was always by myself.
I was homeschooled
There were so many weirdos and schizos in my buddies home school organization.
Oh, nice. Better homeschool than public school. My point is female loners exist. Just look up "schizoid", if you don't know what it is. It's people that can pass on having friends, as they imagine having friends.
>Female has a hard time finding a fake email job that allows WFH, benefits, and pays over 100k a year"
god i wish i had this job :(
>attractive female character is an outcast to the point that not even guys like her and they actively bully her without it even being a flirtatious teasing thing
This was probably written by a femanon who thinks she's pretty. Nobody bullies the pretty girl, and the worst thing they would do is leave her alone. It's only ugly people that get bullied.
You see that’s where you’re wrong. You are just projecting your experience on to her. I’m sure she was weird, I’m sure she wasn’t necessarily popular, but she was still an attractive girl. Just because you were always alone and often saw her alone doesn’t mean she was always alone. Just because you did nothing after school or on the weekends with friends doesn’t mean mean she didn’t do anything either. She was an attractive girl, boys would have been attracted to her and talked to her and hung out with her. Especially when you consider the fact that they might be from a different school or grade which explains why you saw her alone a lot. Believe me, I was blackpilled about this early when I saw the dyed red hair petite emo girl who wore a fox tail who I thought had no friends like me and could be my gf was out was all her friends including chad guys at the malls movie theater when I was ashamedly purchasing WOTLK and lying about saying it was for my cousin to my only friend )who I usually only talked to on Xbox love and rarely saw out of school), I was crushed , hate to break it to you
Yeah there were the weirdos, some people were cool though. One family we kept in touch with had tons of kids and removed themselves from our church cause they disagreed with some Bible stuff. Odd family. Oldest daughter was my age and she ended up running away from her parent's house and became a cam girl at 18/19. Last I heard they're on their 16th kid... Still homeschooling and having church at home. Their dad was always weird, closed off, and never talked. I could not figure him out.
>She was an attractive girl, boys would have been attracted to her and talked to her and hung out with her

They tried, but she didn't care about them. I did see people try to talk to her. Thanks for this wall of garbage and guesswork. I'm guessing the filtered section isn't very good.
Yup sounds like homeschool parents and the resulting offspring. That cam girl sure showed daddy. What's her name btw?
>here's that unpopular ugly hs girl I was talking about
>What's her name btw?
Kek, I completely forgot the shit hole website she would cam on, but when I went to it in the early 2000s it didn't show anything but their faces and charged like $100 an hour or some crazy rate. It might have been by the minute which makes more sense.
you really expect your mom/sister/wife/daughter to be doing that?
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>594 results found

Quite impressive, to be honest. It means he's not pretending. Maybe he's on drugs or something.
Well, I've spent my life on 4chan, and memes only take off if people think they're funny. Spamming something doesn't increase the popularity. That guy, and people like Gadonposter, don't understand that at all.
If you spam something, and it's not funny, then it has the opposite effect of everyone hating you.
Exactly they tried, a lot did, and many were successful and talked to her and saw her outside of school. You’re just projecting your fantasy and own experience on to her, don’t be naive. You think she had no social life because you had no social life, but she certainly had friends. By the time senior year rolled around I found out some other guys, including some popular ones, also played wow and we eventually started playing together. I carried them through ICC on my prot paladin with my guild and I started getting invited to stuff. It was eye opening to see people invited to things I wouldn’t think they’d be invited to, people being friends with people I had no idea they were friends with, people having friends who I thought were like me and had no friends. I couldn’t believe how much I didn’t know about people’s social lives, and I guarantee there’s a ton you don’t know about that girls.
>I guarantee there’s a ton you don’t know about that girls.

Okay, thanks. I've never had a female friend in my life, so you're the most intelligent midwit on 4chan.
I really hope she married someone, and is doing well in life, but I don't actually care.
Since this post 25 minutes ago, it has increased to 604 results. Has to be a fucking bot.
>Has to be a fucking bot.

Nope. You think there are bots because you haven't been on this site long enough. I've seen everything, and I'll be here when he's gone, and when you're gone. If you can't prove there are bots, don't say it. To me, there's no difference between the spammer and everyone else.
i agree with this. i've burned out on every job ever within 2 years mainly because of my drinking. but how hard is it to fill out some bullshit on the internet, answer a call like a normal person, unironically give them a firm handshake and work another bullshit job for another year until i refuse to get out of bed for it and the cycle repeats
>how hard is it to fill out some bullshit on the internet, answer a call like a normal person, unironically give them a firm handshake and work another bullshit job for another year until i refuse to get out of bed for it

Kek. That was me doing anything in life that involved leaving the house.
The unemployment rate in the US for March 2024 was 3.9% for women and 3.7% for men, therefore it is believable that a woman could potentially struggle a bit more than a man to find a job. Case closed.
>therefore it is believable that a woman could potentially struggle a bit more than a man to find a job

Not really. That number just means more women don't want to work. Do you think I struggle to find a job, or do I not even look? It's the latter.
The US has at will employment which makes it very trivial to get a job because no one is afraid that they won't be able to just get rid of you immediately if they regret hiring you. Most of the world has a gorillion "protections" against dismissal that make employers extremely conservative about hiring anyone.
False, unemployment rates specifically refer to people who are searching for work but failing to find it. You are mistaking it for labor force participation.
Hm... okay. I'm trying to remember why I care, and I'm filtering this thread now. That's how much I care.
nobody asked me so i don't see how that number can be accurate
Kek this anon cares enough to be butthurt he lost
firstly, there is barely any difference between those numbers to the point that any difference could be margin of error. Secondly, men may have lower unemployment rates because they have no 'safety net' so to speak. If a single mother has no job she gets taken care of by indefinently the state and therefore is more prone to unemployment. If a man is unemployed he simply starves, becomes homeless. So more men work to avoid this fate.
Let him cook
Any large scale statistics emply random sampling with confidence intervals and margins of error.
>there is barely any difference between those numbers to the point that any difference could be margin of error
Correct, but it directly contradicts the idea that it's easier for women to find a job even if it's the same rate for both.
>men may have lower unemployment rates because they have no 'safety net' so to speak
>more men work to avoid this fate
This doesn't relate to unemployment rate, only labor force participation.
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a woman could very easily *say* she is looking for a job to entitle her to free gibs but not actually do so and stay unemployed indefinitely and any state hand out department is going to look sympathetically on her if she has children and will not allow them to starve. If a man is in the situation they would be allowed to starve as men are seen as disposable.
>can just spread their legs and get paid
Maybe we're not equal after all.
I actually think Gadonposting is funny
t. Gadonposter
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>woman travels alone to a third world country
Blake is so fappy in this movie. Biel tier waifu. Can't believe my eyes.

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