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88% score is pretty low, most movies end up in the 90s in Korea.
Common criticisms seem to be the humour and the reliance on understanding what happened in the previous 50 capeshit movies prior to this one.
>bug people easily confused, no plastic surgery victims in the cast to relate to
>Common criticisms seem to be the humour and the reliance on understanding what happened in the previous 50 capeshit movies prior to this one.
Even if you haven't seen all the Marvel movies you probably still know what happens in them. You can also read wiki synopsis if you really want more details. So no, you do not have to have seen 50 different marvel films, chud.
tbf it's probably hard to make out the movie when you're always squinting
>Even if you haven't seen all the Marvel movies you probably still know what happens in them. You can also read wiki synopsis if you really want more details. So no, you do not have to have seen 50 different marvel films, chud.
Could you sound more Indian? No self-respecting white person would ever type this, and I'm not even white. No one from a developed first nation would ever type a sentence so shamefully shilly.
One of my little hobby passtimes is to goggle translate reviews from peoples from lower social development cultures and see what they have to say Its always so quant. Its like looking into the mind of a pre contact aboriginal sometimes. Which mind you is distinct from someones whos just plain stupid, as even highly developed societies have a lot of stupid people.
How many damn js do their fruits need?
food analogy
ha silly undeveloped society that doesn't understand grown men in costumes.
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Multiverse shit will ALWAYS be garbage
By its very nature it removes any stakes from any form of fiction

How do studios not grasp this now a decade into it infecting everything in Hollywood

>b-but what if there was an alternate universe where
Whoa, a physicist.
>a decade into
How many times has DC Comics turned into a clusterfuck of alternate continuities, then had a big event where all of them were wiped out to make "one canon" continuity, then within months new multiverse stories began popping up, which after a few years required them to do it again?
>removes any stakes
Myopic take. You care about the 'main' universe because you're invested in the characters who live there.
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koreans made the only good capeshit related show of the last decade,
About 5 times
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Infinite Crisis
New 52
Dark Metal

These events either brought back or destroyed the Multiverse
>By its very nature it removes any stakes from any form of fiction
No it doesn't. People who die in the multiverse are still dead. All their experiences and feelings and thoughts are gone. Watch these scene from Beerfest where they shit on nerds like you.
>like eating best and worst jjangyqmeyoin at the same time
Fuck that I’m out
Not watching this
oh no not my hecking americanized gooks
Contrarian retard desperate for attention or legit pajeet Disney shill doing his duty for the theatrical run? You be the judge

While you're deciding remember that month that anons tried very hard to tell you that The Last Jedi was the best movie ever
Why am I getting (You)'d, all I did was make a joke about them being slant-eyed?
Lord knows they're squinters!
more a general statement rather than something to do with marvel. Just since someone brought up a translated review.
Koreans probably feel the same when they hear about how Americans think men in dresses are women or try to shoot their presidents. America is not a highly developed society
ITT: Americans genuinely seething at capeshit criticism.

Do you guys consider grown men in costumes making unfunny jokes while CGI nonsense happens to be part of your identity or something? I understand its most of your cultural output these days but still, its not personal. Stinks of reddit
What's with the gook spam on the board right now? Who the fuck cares about korea
I would prefer China spam
This anon is seeeeeething lol.
Probably government related. Korean leaders have been fuckin panicking for like 10 years now because of their hilariously low birthrate that will absolutely cripple the nation when the boomers start to die.
>Common criticisms seem to be the humour and the reliance on understanding what happened in the previous 50 capeshit movies prior to this one.
Even without seeing the movie I knew this would be the biggest issue. I mean they're bringing back actors who last played their roles almost two decades ago and expecting audiences to just be human wikipedias and know who they are. It could've worked as a cameo but when you drag them into the plot it's going to frustrate the audience when they don't recognize them.
Thank God. Hopefully they go extinct.
Huge Ackman bros... we should have quit on a high note with Logan
I have no idea what that is, but if I know my Korea, it involves squid and/or cabbage. We stopped by Busan for a few days when I was in the Navy, and the whole place constantly smelled like a fart because that shit was everywhere.
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Jumanji Melon sounds good.
>Jjajangmeon analogy
Get them
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>Common criticisms seem to be the humour and the reliance on understanding what happened in the previous 50 capeshit movies prior to this one.
Imagine not being born yet around the time we had X-men and Raimi's Spider-man.
>88% score is pretty low, most movies end up in the 90s in Korea.
lmao how fucking brainwashed are Koreans?
whats wrong with food analogies, why do they teach zoomers to hate food analogies?
It worked in SG-1. The stake was that you couldn't stay in the alternate world because you don't have the same quantum signature or something.
The marketing strategy for movies in Asia is to make them around 3 hours long because the viewer thinks it justifies the high ticket price. Any shorter and they grade the experience lower than usual. Asians are full of shit when it comes to criticising movies.
The One is Kino.
I'm Nauboddis Beetch btw
>noooooooo not my plastic bugs!!!
>Asians are full of shit when it comes to criticising movies.
Unlike Americans.
Don't care, still going to watch it for free on the 26th.
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>you probably still know what happens in them
>you can also read wiki synopsis
Honestly can’t tell anymore what’s a joke and what is simple goytardation
> 88% score is pretty low, most movies end up in the 90s in Korea.
How the fuck do most movies get 90-99%?

Jjajangmyeon analogy.
>imagine a jjajangmyeon
Never beating the 'dumbest East Asian ethnicity' accusations.
Holy kek
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>bug fuckers can't relate to 47 year old who hasn't shaved his chin off
>masculinity scares them unless it's neutered with crying
>sexuality scares them unless it's filtered through the lens of feminist agitprop
yeah idk why the korean audience would like a deadpool movie or why any normal person would care about a gook's opinion.
>omg it's a show about superpowers in korea how will they approach it?!?!?
>ackshually a proxy battle between north and south korean supers
>doesn't address the generational trauma between them instead just punch fest
good lovers are actually retarded.
how do you jump out of a movie, bros? checked
I don't care what non whites think. Sorry.
true. good in bed, wrong in the head.
koreans are the most annoying asians
just go back to watching kdrama slop
Fuck I just watched a movie or show where a character says this.
Help me out anon. What was it?

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