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>/ftl/ News

>Season 2 ""episodes"" are TRASH, watch them for free here:

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Thread template: https://pastebin.com/kzKJzdL7

Previous Thread: >>201672405
Scott is the production lolcow.
oddbod's gf is a fucking retard. she must fuck good. or get him EDM rave drugs.
Scottcord.. how we feeling about the events from last night?
Jimmy is king
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She is the best girl. This is clear. She would give you the best life, and she'd be fun to hang out with. But god damn, my deranged life has thrown me down the path of the other freaks. She's to perfect for me to even truly want her. Claire, Letty, Abi, the freaks, they catch me for they are apt for my path. Kalei is a 'better' man's life path. I am okay with this.
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Hmm, I wonder why she wants to commit suicide hmm, yeah can't put my finger on it.
Freaky-ass nigga, he a 1-2 God
Freaky-ass nigga, he a 1-2 God
Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life
Hey, hey, hey, hey, run for your life
Let me hear you say, “a-dul-try” (A-DUL-TRY), “a-dul-try” (A-DUL-TRY)
Nice counting op
Kalei is trash
i refuse to believe he's with the whale
clah is hotter
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Why was Scott so intent on turning Claire against Abi the other night?
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heckin wholesome
that thing on the right is a jew
Hawk Tuah!
Their parents are a fuckable mid factory
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still watching this slop
keep me posted when the inevitable happens
The last week needs to go full Cell lockdown rules and get Chris in there 24/7
I baked this thread after being awake for 35 hours because no one else fucking would and I screwed up one fucking thing while refreshing the catalog to make sure we didn't get split threads.... fucker
"Abi"? More like "dumb cunt who deserves to have her skull caved in with a hammer".
he’s a bitch
could never confront jimmy
Scott hates Abi for some reason. Maybe he wants to appeal to the jimmycore audience for attention.
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Why didn't you save her?
hes a fag
He’s supported by the Jimmy cord
Damn her sister fine
Is this the only way to stop this satanic humiliation ritual?
well you should've done a better job
the jimmycord isn't real, it can't hurt you
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I...uh... prom-ACK
Kalei's cool but shes just a bit too masculine, not just her voice but she has more of a quiet, observant and sarcastic disposition
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>denied some possible Claire and Skadi kino in the Cell because Scott was there to do some bad negging
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leave me alone I was raped my entire life
Summercord woke up
yes (from the valley)
This would be doing the world a favor unironically
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>be Scott
>can't even put a crackhead with a broken leg into submission
>the day of the rope is near
>Love and Life
>Masochism and Benzedrex
I watched the clip from last night and Scott was clearly pissed off. That part when he started going
>uh uh uh uh nuh uh nuh uh
Like a little kid was when he clearly lost it
there’s proof
scott also has a discord. It’s advertised every stream of his.
whoever is making these awful memes needs to just die
nah, massive scott W/ Horrible acting from letty. letty L
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JC will win
I really can't believe the one on the left is younger
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Insider here, big things in the works at the moment
>>the inevitable
>the inevitable moment that Chip leaves the gas element of the stove on in the furnished basement after passing out on xanax and Jet lights one up in the living room after most of the house has been filled with gas
The only thing saving Summer is a self inflected .38 to the brain
Scott has a discord for fellow adulterers?
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Friendly reminder that it was all a bit
Scott would never just randomly show up at 2:00 in the morning and find an excuse to wrestle the vulnerable alcoholic girl, he's too much of a professional for that
scott is a pussy and a fool
don’t let his fighting knowledge fool you on the content of his character
I hope when Abi reunites with Claire it’s a sweet moment
Because everyone in production likes to sow paranoia
what's the ig handle?
>ay scott you a FREAK
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Fuck off scott
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I like them
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Because she slept with a black. If she had not I would have married Sumsum and been her ward. I would have accepted the risk of waking up to the Lorena Bobbit experience, or even being Phil Hartman'd and never waking up at all, happily, in sickness and in health, for the rest of my life. I would have held her frail delicate hunched up drawn in body close to mine to love and to hold and comfort.
MDE collapses from Letty negging all the wiggers.
It is an Ashley Madison chat room
Its his job get over it.
lol scott kinda cringey
>another lawsuit threat
jet kwabtune
Production said Claire smells. What do you think she smells like?
Hawk TUAH! Let me spit on that asshole and slide up in there beak-first! Got wood? Timberrrrrr
get a life, virgins
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>Anon, do you Gundam?
Scamming whore didnt give the money back
Scott 'won' the altercation because he pulled a Jon and just went at it aggressive and Letty is a retard whos not good with dealing with that. I don't know why the bad actor tho? Letty actually doesn't like Scott, they've both said as much and you can even see where it started on that stream where he called out Lettys nudes.
sweaty pussy and b.o
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Sex with every single woman that's ever been on Fishtank
Big bad jet Neptune sending his minions after some random sex ed teacher kek
How can anyone watch this shit,
Women yapping is the last thing I want to hear
ayyyyy scotttttt
you a freaky ass negga you know dat? scott? you girls know dat about scott? scott a freaaaky ass nigga

Letty: yeah he a freaky ass frog
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Funniest comedy bits by Scott are the ones where he harrasses women at 2am while his wife is alone at home wondering where he is.
kek it sounds like she was paranoid about being human trafficked or something
facebook was a mistake
yeah I was in after season 2 and left after a couple weeks after I realized I don’t use discord at all and hated the notifications of faggots chatting about religion or other mental white noise topics
You obviously don't know the art of combat. You separate the youngest most impressionable one from the pack and distance her from her friends who could potentially come up behind you and jump you while you're "training" them.
Letty needs to level up. A real BPD manipulator would have guys like Jon and Scott hitting her in the face when they start to get angry.
i like how the girls naturally circle around abi in the middle because she's the prettiest one and gets to boss them around
When it’s Claire I am there
letty's a terrible actress big letty L
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we need ricky on FREAKtank
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wish DIA anon would stop gate keeping and fucking DO IT
>le big Scott W
>doesnt answer lettys questions about his marriage
>doesnt contest that he goes there uninvited to flirt with the girls
>keeps getting mad while repeating how unaffected he is
>letty remains in the same mood throughout
>Middle school clapbacks like 'you say that because you want me' or throwing plushies at her
>stands there while letty tells him how repulsive he is, all to call her square jaw as she leaves to have the last word. He doesnt
Am I missing something?
>there is an universe where we could have got cole and abi instead of jimmy and tayleigh in 2.5
God is dead.
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when's this lady showing up to the tank?
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Why does every fishtank girl get sibling-mogged?
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I'm sending good vibes. Jet Neptune and his deranged fans can be unbearably negative.
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lettyfags keep moving
this is a scottchad general
...even Nifty?
she’d easily dismantle him if she said less and didn’t get emotional. scott is a fucking fag and he isn’t dynamic enough to hang with letty or outsmart her more than once. you’ll see.
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sounds like a based scott win to me
Clairs nose wears holes
kekked and checked
I hate white woman victim hood. file a suit and chill the fuck out bitch
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i-is that suggestive female content? oh fuck we gotta shut this shit down now, sending in fatty and duanye to get naked as soon as possible to restore the trad vibes.
trvth nvke: the wiggers and letty fucked up and this lady is in the right
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Crispy Plum Pie
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>she's the prettiest one
pffft hahahahahahahahaaaaaa
Nifty unironically is more attractive than probably 5+ other women that have been on the show
>How can anyone watch this shit,
no one watches it
Every. Single. One.
>"uh hey guys, mind if I crash here? there's some stuff going on at home and i'm just gonna go wrestle with the girls."
>"if you need me i'm just in the car. playing age of empires. if you need me for a bit i'm here. just come get me. tell letty i said hi"
>sites there on edge and mopey for the next 2 hours waiting for pussy
>mumbles to self constantly about the girls not being funny to give an illusion that this is some sort of bit
>checks phone constantly reading the chat for assurance then pretends he thought it was midnight and not 2:30am despite obviously seeing the time
>comes back in and pretends he left his chick-fil-a in hopes of someone will acknowledge him or beg him to stay
he was not funny whatsoever in that exchange
Any production member trying to intervene in any organic chemistry in the house is pure goranian chemo.
does anyone have this Abi pic >>201672698 but WITHOUT the black squares? thx
objectively is
Claire is funny but she looks like her face was smashed in with a frying pan
did any of them react?
Summer can only find salvation in death
Someone make a plapjack with Oddbod and Leah.
Oh I agree, she just came in way too hard. I'm guessing she assumed Scott was just a pudgey retard who wouldnt fight back but Scott was ready for it. Hopefully she's preparing a little better for Scotts next late night grope show.
Can't believe this season has somehow turned into the Letty humiliation ritual...
first Claire mogging hard which can be expected
but then she took an L from Scott of all people. I didn't think the s3 rewrite/clean slate would involve toppling fishtanks greatest villain...
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Manifesting this
they didn’t get it but were chuckling for some reason
i don’t think they know who cole is
The obviously production TTS that came in saying he met an older woman playing grabass and now is desperate for young pussy being around these young girls was right on the money.
that midriff is killer
Ineptroon lashing out at others again because of his own incompetence, many such cases
the post-nut clarity would be suicide-inducing
Correct, honestly hayley too
Yea why not just ask for a refund instead of telling her to kill herself
You dare laugh at Frieren-sama you mongrel?
im going to save her with BWC
the kentucky broad with the long thighs is the hottest one. bex is 2nd hottest. all other girls are way behind. thats just the objective facts. youre own little shitty pathological tastes are just an opinion
production NEEDS to set up a kissing tournament
unfortunately none of them have met cole so no
josie is there too, but on the floor so they didn't recognize her
I'm retarded
did scott show too much of his ass last night or something
I wouldn't do it just saying there are worse options from fishtank than her
Bex isn't a fish you tard
summercord doesn’t exist she doesn’t post anywhere anymore
He was partying like it was 2018
i mean fucking zoltar mogged him. letty just has to chill and calmly remind him how much he sucks and his fans ARE faggots
>implying you'd ever reach post nut clarity and not just being in a constant loop of nutting then getting aroused again from her natural musk
>this nigga uses imagefap
literally was showing his ass to get the girls horny for some wrestling
lol shame
reminder that nifty doesnt shower
its not too late! she only likes older white guys now, you’re gonna let a qt that easily manipulated go to waste?
nigga was lying on that mattress waiting to get prone-boned
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point remains. it's kayleigh, then everyone else far behind.
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Do you think Cleh's sister got her on the show too? We already know her family doesn't like her, maybe this is all part of Mia's master plan to finally get rid of Cleh.
She posted a story on instagram yesterday, just a selfie but it's deleted now
seek Christ
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Tranny status?
Kalei is actually not that bad.
why are scott cheaters and lettyjeets arguing with each other?
>abi filtered by the see saw puzzle in half-life 2
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When you're alone and life is making you lonely
You can always go downtown
When you've got worries, all the noise and the hurry
Seems to help, I know, downtown
she is perfect >>201675610
It wasn't a Claire-type freakout but it was pure distilled cringe for the discerning. He snuck out from his wife at 10pm to spend 5 hours at the fishtank house uninvited yapping with women and trying to get them to mount him then awkwardly hung around until he realized he wasn't going to get a bj. When confronted he claimed he was "doing his job"
Irreversible mogging
Following on from last thread, what is the IQ of the average fishtank poster?

Luckily mine's above single digits, last test I did I got 28
That would be a good day time killer though
thats what we call, a scott W
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She knows full well where he is. Why do you think he's there at the tank at that hour?
why is she just staring at a pause menu
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cute summy, i want her to go betty route and show us her naked body
Get Sarah in the tank
Jimmycord spotted - >>201676172
Why haven't they explored more of the map?
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Creature is a tragic figure.
if so then the plan backfired spectacularly lmao, unless she leaves with an onlyfans and a few hundred subs
this is so gay
these are ideas someone with no friends would come up with after watching lets plays all day
Abi has a really, really, really good smile.
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>"deep cut"
>normie /v/ tier games that are always gassed up and posted about on Twitter (even God Hand trended two months ago)
Letty dance
because letty is the only person allowed to fuck production and because she steals her voice and personality from redscare
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Leah: We don't have experience with Jews..
Abi: They're ugly and smelly and hairy and...
has betty killed herself yet?

Tenpenny and his busta ass cops will come after CJ if they do
chip it up
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Sex with Connor
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Chip's grand ideas as a producer:
>Rap battle
>Sharing his weed
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I don’t care what anybody says about this crazy bitch, I want to fuck her slutty little body until I’m drained of cum
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Wiggers don't want to pay Xavier's rate plus when he's on screen the simp TTS stops coming through.
Greg will save her
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Scott never lose
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I need the land
I want to be her millennial sugar daddy
does this chick ever stop talking about australia
>getting filtered by a fucking Half-Life 2 puzzle
reminder: https://youtu.be/NIS7m7YYEXI?t=8
She was like 15 here. The wannabe ftm arc makes her hotter, she fully understands her place now as a submissive natal woman
except in the ring...
... and except in Bitchtank where he's in a Ronald McDonald sexpest humiliation ritual meant to destroy his marriage and career.

Sam looks way better without those round glasses, why doesn't he get lasik? Would help with boxing too.
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>getting filtered by a fucking Half-Life 2 puzzle
Cryo won.
jan new character should be larping as a wigger
Other western countries have no identity beyond not being American.
Could you beat Shadi in a fight? 1 on 1 hand to hand combat?
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she fluxuates between very pretty, and very weird looking constantly. Good eye shape, but the big size of them makes her look odd
Genuinely, no lmao
just DM her, she’s lonely and literally talks to anyone as a result. summy wants the attention, that’s why i’m hoping for a lewd arc now that she’s single
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colesisters its over
anticolecord woke up
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weird looking is good
he used the jon strategy and it kinda worked because letty just devolved into calling him gay and retarded
Hope he starts day drinking again
Of course, everyone knows fat people get tired quickly
I don't have an Instagram tho
scott W scott W scott W scott W
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Okay so are there actually discord groups of individual contestants that do organized raids or whatever? isn't it just a meme?
She's gorgeous in every frame of that webm. Looks like she's from fucking Hyperborea or something.
But he is gay and retarded
it's unique, and that's cute imo
Have you seen how much mass she has? how would you get away? If you're in a closed room like the cell you're done for, no place to scape her reach, she needs one well placed blow and BOOM
Maybe I'll make one
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AI is such a bullshit scam
you know how to make fishtank content, jet?
give them alcohol
It is no meme, It is a war.
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She used a similar filter to the one that they used on fishtank
and then send scott in
It's not perfect
it's a meme anon

at least according to jimmy it is, he claims he'd never start a community discord server because of how they turn out, Meg's being a prime example
Aperture and jimmycord pretty much run this place.
alcoholcord woke up
Yes, but the meme is an exaggeration
It wasn't a discord (or at least wasn't until after s2) but Jimmy's handlers tried to astroturf him during season 2 to go along with their retarded manifesto to turn him into some epic lolcow.
She randomly accepted me on her private twitter should I dump some of her pics here?
Nocturne's 1 claim to fame was it was hyped up to be the "hard" SMT game at the time of Persona 4 being on the rise. Otherwise it isn't even the best SMT game released on the PS2 (that honor goes to DDS)
Sure why not
Jimmycord trannies are ruining this thread
yeah by they aren't as large as they like to pretend they are. I honestly left Betty's because I was afraid of having my actual discord related to those ultra weirdos, and Letty's one I think I was just eventually removed or something.
There isn’t necessarily a discord however Jimmy and has handlers absolutely do gay ops on the site with their TTS spam
Jet. There should be a paypig leaderboard. Top 100. Easy money.
zamn i'm at 7/36
so is the gaming tournament just a work for an Abi W and they separated Claire and Shadi so they couldn't practice and they want one of them out next
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A sounding.
A low murmur.

A sounding.

A low murmur.

That says:
I am here.

That says:
I am here.

That says:
I am here.
I am here.
I am here.
All the spots would be production sock accounts
There literally is a confirmed jimmycord where they make you send id to get in
What's the deal with Meg's server?
kek, hope she wins so we can laugh an jimbos
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seems like she’s showing more of her body
They don't want to expose the fact that it's all production accounts
I support Sarah posting
Clairecord insider here
The benzedrex addiction, hawk tuah, and asking where oddbod is are some of the bits we came up with, expect much more once we send the code for her to move to phase 2 over tts
I mean, he told Claire what to expect and she's probably the second best at gaming. Plus the elimination isn't today and probably not tomorrow from how Jet was talking. I feel it'll be a Haley or Kay elimination as they are the worst.
letty discord friends would damage control in these threads
Is Abi good in this game?
She cute
Jimmy's orbiters are the worst fishtank faggots in existence.
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He come on to /ftl/ talmbout "why the discord bothering me" THIS NIGGA STUPID
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Honestly glad she’s away from the creepy crypto groomer, she seems more confident now
mans off the rails or what
bros abi is super fucking cute this season, i'm thinking jimmy must've been in the wrong
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Just a midnight sparring session, no big deal
I want my face to live in her pussy.
scott w scott w scott w
requires cnc immediately
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Pretty cute stuff, she seems to just post memes and selfies. Don’t know how I got on it besides being milady adjacent. she posts about how she thinks she needs to lose weight sometimes.
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creepin on the hoes
Summy is so cute. Can't wait for the OF
she amassed tons of 1488 cringe fans/friends in there, and all the fish/fish adjacent people in there (aside from jon) backed out almost as soon as they went in

she killed it, good riddance
A guy on bant confirmed it because they doxxed the fake id he sent in to the cord
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>Get your sister's manlet boyfriend to tell your benzedrex addicted college drop-out sister to go on some reality show she gets away from your family
>She ends up falling in love with some twink Brit, but he'd rather fuck a fat chick instead of her
>She gets drunk and humiliates herself every single night for 2 weeks
>She gets her entire family doxxed by a community of KiwiTroons
>She returns home with almost no money because production is broke
>She's not in a vegetative state from an untreated concussion and you have to take care of her for the rest of her life
Mia lost
>Silent Hill 3
>Kingdom Hearts
>Titanfall 2
>Final Fantasy 7
>Heroes of Might & Magic 3
>Metal Gear Solid 2
>Sin & Punishment
Am I safe?
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which way /ftl/ man?
Thicc summer would be pretty hot
well you know she’s into that kek, i can tell summer is into some crazy bdsm submission shit
Claire is always nesting
Letty > boring girls
all these faggots sending molesto their shit are nearly as fucked in the head as jimmy
The real joke here is that you could replace the title of the image with 'autistic man core' and it would still work.
im walking in there and sticking my pene in anything that moves
Uhhh so, what's the @, anon?
this + star power would be peak
I might be picking up on nothing but I get the impression none of the other girls like her because they sense she's more conventionally attractive, so they all give her somewhat of a cold shoulder out of envy.
when is dave supposed to be back
C L E H sex would be crazy so her
>which one
can somebody send me an invite to the bencord
>She's in a vegetative state from an untreated concussion and you have to take care of her for the rest of her life
Sorry, phoneposting and didn't notice the *not
Oh, a guy on /bant/ confirmed it? I'm sorry I doubted you.
rape all of them
Mia is clearly trying for Claire x Abi. She is miles ahead.
Always siding with letty tummy
First you must prove your loyalty to the princess of fishtank
they drinking already??
Insane how hard Dallas won
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DESU with all the full body posts on this account I feel like it’s only a matter of time, she probably gets off on male attention
Either today or tomorrow. I think tomorrow was the original plan, but Jet said they want him back because the girls are boring
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damiel jan and schulz as wiggers would break fishtank
Haley was saying she's open to Satanism last night
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He's coming back today
was gonna ask how is haley second place but damn she looks good in those pants.
Jan doesn't work because he won't show his face. The mask kind of ruins it unless you are doing a show like Bloodgames
why do the streams go down / offline so often? its like every 5 minutes. Is their setup that scuffed?
if this doesn’t get a contestant to quit they should automatically win
whats wrong with you all
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Damiel for bitchtank.
jimmy orbiters the type of fags to unironically wear guy fawkes masks
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I can’t post her @ because we have dm’s and she’ll know it was me. It’s not that hard to find, she’s going by a different name and using a crypto pfp.
we're terminally online. Go away, get out of our cave
she's in 2nd place due to jimmychads and scott
its @junjunjambun
Jimmy even said in the Twitterspace with Chris Lynch that he can trust Mephisto and all his other handlers have sent their IDs
what the fuck is wrong with damiel and why is sam so protective of him
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Did the ad system crash?
The memescreen is just plain white now
kek let's get this bitch drunk today
hayley is the shinji of this season. does nothing, but paypigs love her
throw in evil kevin and spencer too
I want to see him get bossed around by newly powered up Letty.
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He's based and redpilled, mde is nothing without him
Suck a dick nigger >>201676767
letty legit looking really fucking good
she's tayleigh-lite
he's bisexual and hated being on the show. if he comes back I'll eat my hat
wow someone has the same username as me!
Been dead for ages. Pinged various production crew on chat when they were around to no response.

From what I gather, it doesn't make enough money to make it worth keeping up all the time.
heyrey i have borner
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>letty legit looking really fucking good
tayleigh did stuff. cringe hateable stuff, but still did stuff. hayley does nothing, and gets support
>be so obsessed with creating your own personal lolcow you dox yourself to him
Mephisto and the other fags are truly mentally ill, possibly moreso than Jimmy.
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Chat is this real?
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jesus christ i would tear her apart until she could feel the bulge of my dick in her stomach
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who were you in there?
did abi manage the see saw puzzle on her own or did she need help?
Letty has a makeout challenge with all the bitches
What's our favorite methfiend up to?
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i don’t understand why the wiggers are cool with this manipulation
She has weird meltdowns and outbursts and is ugly, much like Tayleigh.
TTS told her about the sprint button and she managed to brute force it
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She got the idea but kept falling on the actual mechanic of the jump, had to be told by TTS there's a sprint button.
How are some of the guys in chat level 400+ ??
juliana is literally 3rd place. how?? nobody knows.
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And she sucks Scott's dick
she’s so cute
half life must be awful with a controller desu
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them bones on gaming stream
Clans, doing daily missions, generally being a paypiggy
Daily XP login for like three months
There was one for s1, the top 2 spent over 30k combined i think
its a meme.

jimmy does have discord butt buddies that spam TTS and probably these threads from time to time.
it's sad how scott has become a pad holder after his failure mma career
i keep missing letty
Haley has a cute ass
I swear she's only attractive to girls. I genuinely don't get the appeal
damn bitch just cant stop falling of the bike, let me listen a little
Some guys like geeky girls, anon.
>lead customer on (0% chance they agreed to a Zoom appointment lol)
>refuse any sort of service after “miscommunication”
>refuse to refund customer after not providing service
Jet literally did nothing wrong here. Every single one of these “psychic” girls are scam artists and there’s a 0% chance Jet is the first person she’s scammed.
sex with scott
Any idea what that tattoo was?
He said it was a cover up of a white prison gang tat.
Had some nazi skull on his hand.
scott is so much more than that. he’a a comedy writer now
Mental illness
At least he can get his dick wet on Sam Hyde's internet reality show now
it's every 5 seconds too
You're gay
Why does Abi control the game like that? It's so stiff. She's playing it like my mom would
It was a swastika lol
it was probably a fucking swastika dude look at the angles

>the girls shit talked his coverup of a nazi gang tattoo the most not even knowing it was a coverup
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rough sex with summer and her creamy thick thighs
huge jet L
Girls are really bad at FPS for some reason
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So is Kalei this season's Trish?
>Conventionally attractive and THICC with tattoos
>Overall pretty sweet and non-confrontational
>Pretty dumb
>Mostly boring nontent
I expect to see her back for S3 as production('s cocksleeve)
shes playing an fps with a controller, its a clunky experience
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abi went straight to gaming today
what is flowstreams
Jet told her to play more retarded to look more cute than Claire
he really understands comedy
when he tried to sell Sam on Kung Pow is when I realized it
>fingering summy all day while we cuddle
I hope she keeps eating. We need to go thiccer.
It's mostly the same guys, other ftl twitter orbiters, i hate her
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please don't stop posting these for the love of god
she's sweet but more cold and stuck up. trish is a sweetheart all around. plus trish was always horny. this girl contains it more.
Boy summer > girl summer
thats fair
you know she’s pent up not having cock for over a month in Kansas, ftlbros need to save summer
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cool s
Except she’s a coal burner and Trish is into white guys
sex with airsoftfatty
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>Dallas > Taylor
>Malia > Trish
>Mia > Claire
Who else am I missing?
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>I like to stand on the edge of tall buildings to feel the rush
>My biggest fear is rejection
whats going on with her
I'd like to see them play portal
Boy summer was underage anon
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>From what I gather, it doesn't make enough money to make it worth keeping up all the time.

This sucks, the user ads put some flavor in the room
The girls were even saying yesterday that they liked the ads and wanted more
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Trish's ass is way bigger, Kalei is just mid
ngas be hatin on hea buh she fr a female hitler
>Trish is into white guys
unlike betty
Reminder that Claire admitted she has an inflation fetish last night
Taylor and Trish mog their sisters, Malia is fat and walled now
you are retarded
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Letty is pregnant

It's so over...
Yeah she is the next one with fishtank tattoo
Let me spit on that asshole! Hawk TUAH! Got wood? I’m gonna shove my big beak of a nose up in that thaaaang. Awwwwww yeeaaahhhh. Timberrrrrr
based artist guy
her laughing at her boyfriend's height made me sad anons
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Not an argument
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i will fix her though dont feel bad
you again? massive fucking faggot. Literally go and eat a bullet.
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I feel so bad for that nigga. At least he's not Haley's husband tho.
>trish, josie, jc
>like whytebois
>summer, sylvia, abi
make it make sense
Claire told shadi to die
I'm officially souring on this cunt
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short hair Summer
What are you even saying
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I know
>i don't do rape music, bro
Claire is literally perfect
Bit harsh, no?
Better to be a coalburner than be into Jimmy.
It's fine. They have that kind of relationship now. They're best friends
claire is reciting the countries song...
gen alpha levels of reading comprehension
JC likes K-pop idols
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Trixie mogs
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What does Sam think of guys that cheat on their wife?
Words like "enthralling" are esoteric knowledge for women
Can't believe he pushed this girl over just to snap photos of her panties
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For real, being 5'7 myself its not fair we can be ridiculed for something we can't control. What's even more retarded is Claire still choose to date him, so it reflects worse on her.
You also have 1488 tay and her beaner boyfriend
How tall was he?
He literally did that himself
what's all females.
She wanted Cole's and Brian's dick.
>it doesn't make enough money to make it worth keeping up all the time.
Lol there’s no way. One ad takes care of the electrical cost of running the TV. I guarantee it’s some sort of tech issue or they’re redoing the bad system.
The father? Ben.
Is there any confirmed history of producers sleeping with contestants?
Probably thinks it's bad unless he's the one doing it
Doesn't sound like something an Orthodox Christian like Sam would agree with
that would be cool
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Scott status? Did he sleep there?
>redoing the ad system*
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>youre gay if you dont find this attractive
letty reminds me of my first gf and brings it all flooding back
>She wanted Cole
Stop coping Cole she just wanted to be friends
Josie is the father
letty, taylor, summer and now hayley. lmk if i missed any
Its a fucking screen showing pictures, i can run this shit in my room
women are scared and confused of the brake pedal
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yeah tacxin and letty dated for a year
wow... abi is so good at games...
beddy bye hours

wake me up when dave gets back
>you are NOT! the father!
I am 5'11" and sometimes girls still clown me for my height. I am the shortest in my group of friends though
Taylor was the producer and TJ was the contestant.
He got a text from his wife and had to leave
im gay and i find this attractive
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Fake news, Ben is infertile and going through menopause
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Letty and taxcin
Josie and Jet
Taylor and Jet
Sam and Summer (Vance cried)
life and love mentioned on gta radio
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she was socialized in some dramatic high intensity mean girls clic where they all bullied each other. girl friends groups like that literally cut each other and gouge at each others faces and shit and lez out. she knows how to be mean
Same she’s an icon
No way was he allowed to come back home?
her oversized bra tricks everyone kek
Then clown their makeup or boobs or hair style or literally anything and watch them have a melty
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Its so over...
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This guy needs to be stopped
Taylor fucked Brian and Jet consoled Ben while he cried. Sam came back and told Jet "strike 2"
I like Kalei. She's funny, but it's not in a manic schizo way like Claire.
She's been playing GTA and pretending to be a streamer. She reads fake donations / superchats and apologizes for going on ad breaks.
poor bait
I barely watched any of the final Cell challenge besides the beginning and finale, how long were they in there for again?
you’re just jealous you can’t so you make up self-inserts to do it for you
Kalei is the most wifable one from the cast, the rest of em are lost causes
Claire emo kino in the cell
sub 6” men are actually women, spread your legs for me girl
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blonde summy thick thighs
She knows how to get down and spit on that asshole before proceeding to slide that fat knobber of a beak up in the sloppily lubricated hole
3 days i think maybe 4
Just seamaxx, you'll be like a giant compared to them
Why is Claire always up on that thing?
It's for the culture
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That was the funniest shit when i first read it during S2. It played like one of Ben's bit in my head was so good.
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she's also a radio x enjoyer
>that swastika on his chest
lmao so hes legit, thats an actual 1488 on his fingers
kek i never thought of it that way. then brian too since he fucked trish and was production
>Josie and Jet
>Taylor and Jet
>Sam and Summer
I just laugh and treat them like children. Taking it seriously means they win.
bird genes. hence the nose
kek nigga all taylor tj fans self insert
Bitches love elevated surfaces
alcohol withdrawal. she's perching.
sea girls are trash though
Behind the scenes posts are my favorite lmao
that is true, a lot of women around here lusting for teej
Yeah this one is my favorite Summer.
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Where's Claire?
Oh, off sulking again..?
Sam and Summer is a meme
But Josie and Taylor and Letty have all been passed around by the wiggers
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she knows what she’s doing
jimmysister projection, this is proven already with their tranny/nigger/cuck lust they’re always posting about
>he’s legit
He’s obviously not based on his reactions to a lot of racial stuff lol. He was just in prison and had to gang up.
Which is better. Tattoos are cringe by themselves, let alone covering your body with political bumper stickers.
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>paying $2 a day every day for a week for a funny picture on a screen that gets shown on and off all day
>paying $10 for a ball or slightly more for bubbles which only last 20 seconds

it should be obvious which one of these the wiggers would rather you do
I don't know if people remember but even her first day in the cell she was always sitting in one place making a little nest and not moving
Hawk TUAH on that thaaaang! Got wood? Timberrrrrrrrr
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>oversized bra
He doesn't know.
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built for rape
Claire is moody and miserable as fuck

Kalei is being light and love grinding motorcycle skill on San Andreas in a skate park
rent free
That ogre is massive
Jet did state, she's smarter than she looks.
everyone watching this trash should be publicly executed
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this is exactly what i would say if i wanted someone to post letty's tits so i'm not falling for the bait, sorry
Sex with Connor.
you're absolutely right jimmy niggas have nigger dick rent free in their heads hence the constant cuckposts
Wait, do you realise nobody here actually likes Jimmy? Or is this bait lmao
Body positivity is such a joke when the only gender that pushes it so actively contradicts it. Fat chicks are beautiful despite their life choices while men under 6' are discriminated against because of their very genetics. Oh, and drawing any attention to this hypocrisy is misogynistic. What a time to be alive.
I'm gooning to Summer while watching Kalei talk about her childhood
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I don't watch I just shit post
seething too
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I'm 100% sure summer's reading these threads lmao
Molesto sends his regards >:)
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It's bleak
>everyone is a sexual deviant
you niggers are so repetitive
No, I will fuck twink Summer and you just have to deal with it.
They obviously messed the bidding system up and had planned for it to cost a lot more than $2 lol. I guarantee they’re reworking that system and the TV be back up after.
I’m guessing they’ll nix the bidding system completely and it will be a flat rate.
lol yeah keep playing the victim card after openly cucking out on the threads, classic jimmyfag
Yeah the economy was off the charts
$17.50 - $22.50 for a single TTS message but you could have your meme on rotation for a week
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meanwhile taylor defends her boyfriend every chance she gets
love and life
Im so glad im not balding yet
Women are gay
This is literally Sam and Jet's MDE fangirls casting couch
rare summys make me happy, i need her posting pics in a micro bikini next
shut up shorty
Jimmy didn’t fuck his dogs okay his friend did it that’s why it made him so upset and that’s why he put a dog on his kik cruising posts
Kalei is the girl I would be most likely to actually hang out with but she’s not super entertaining to watch
>the new dune was so fucking boring
if you unironically post and watch then you failed at life
>Claire and Shady shitting on DUNC
oh no no no
It’s bait haha but also trve
It's just like, I wish that fucking bitch Abi was in neggatank, we'll see how she can handle that, fucking cunt.
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based cat
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when do people start getting eliminated?
oh yeah yeah right
>claire hates vill dune

She’s just a contrarian pleb at this point isn’t she
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you love to see it
fucking dogs is better than horses though whats your point
>summy riding a sybian
Your brain is broken lol. A lot of people like Jimmy. You’re unironically projecting extremely hard lol.
Juliana trying to subtly body block the donuts by dancing and Letty weaving around her to eventually blast the covered donuts with bubbles. I watched it all go down fully knowing how the wheels are spinning in both their heads.
did any of you ever even go on the fish boards site
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would you fuck her in the ass or give her tiny pussy some love?
Ice Poseidon's Hunger Games is going to MOGG this shitshow out of commission
lmao i didn't even watch the nigga much so i didn't know, prisons are crazy man
gay reply, brother
Quick summary of the Scott/Letty argument. Who came of best?
It's almost like all their rationalizations are post hoc and exist simply for women to attain power and remove power from others
She should be kicked for how fucking lame it is to wear a Chris Chan sweater
I will watch jon's stream of it
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On some real shit though send that bitch to Neggatank and she’ll be walking funnier than my mom after that French faggot homewrecker sent me and my sister to to get raped at Utah
dune is marvel tier slop and for redditjeets tho
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>nobody here actually likes Jimmy
Jimbo thread, newfag.
>Claire saying she ha no skills
Oh I know just the guy she could talk to
Those freaks don’t deserve Jon
also someone needs to tts JULAY about this. She definitely knows the lore
They both came off like idiots
Letty was saying stupid shit like "you look like a faggot rolling around with girls" and Scott was trying to impersonate Jon
Claire OF arc next?
and by talk to, i mean hawk tuah
im gooning i need the manic bpd anorexic egirl pussy so bad and knowing that she gives it up easy makes it worse
>I trust my people
Jon has worse handlers than any other Fish. Going on that show would have been insane for him.
Do they realize that more people will purchase bubble deliveries if Letty administers them while wearing a crop top and tight pants?
bitch tank so boring ima go mow my lawn instead of watching this snoozefest
anal only, she doesn't deserve anything else
“neggatank” would be dogshit
Not worse than Shinji
You have to take her to Vegas first
If she actually gets disowned by her parents for this, absolutely.
Scott got humiliated by an anorexic jewish cumdumpster.
It's a 55 min video. I'm skipping through https://x.com/feeshtank/status/1816131307174338999
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>mfw i lie to scott in the chat
How many days in a row have you complained about Jimmy now? Genuine question.
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>Fat chicks are beautiful
I know a girl just like Claire. I hate it.
she probably loves being degraded like that
I love letty tummy
>love you scott
>proceeds to show her behind
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>he fell for the fishtank facade
I feel like Jon could be way bigger than he is but either him or his handlers do everything wrong.
Goddamnit Abi is one ugly whore, I met her kind before aint a good thing bout her type. Fucking black and brown dudes for money and shit, my brother in christ use that streamer money for a hair transplant and a titjob rofl
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it's cool, she's australian and all, but she's just too fat to be likeable. sorry jet
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Tank (hehe) you
How many days in a row have you ran defense for him? Sounds like you had a good home life.
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What if Ice Posedion reaches out to Xavier?
Nobody won the argument, but Letty was right. Scott definitely just wants to fuck every girl there and uses Jiu Jitsu as an excuse to feel them. She also said he keeps shows up drunk unannounced at 2am just to hit on the bitches.
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Jimmy lost tho
>Scott tapped this
>Going on Ralph Report in 2024 would be big for anyone
Was this a joke or are you retarded.
chuddet neo-witch mediterranid physiognomy
another gay reply
>Unprofessional idiot
That would be someone that gets so fucked up on booze and pills before live podcasts, ralph.
Read his post again anon
Literally none. Now answer the question, because I have a feeling it’s more than a few days for you lol.
Bros, these mini seasons are going to be the death of me. I barely survived S2 without losing my job. I have 5 patents with bar dates in 2 weeks that I haven't even started yet, but I can't stop watching.
I think I might have crippling ADHD
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>Do they realize that more people will purchase bubble deliveries if Letty administers them while wearing a crop top and tight pants?
Jon's handlers are the worst
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The face of a person who saved s2
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Jimmy lost.
Didn't Jimmy actually have blacked porn on his deviant art or whatever it was? I know TJ fapped to bnwo shit lol
>was supposed to be late July
>barely posted about it for the last week, and when he does he's asking for tech advice from his fans (lol)
>is just doing DoorDash deliveries on Kick
It's over
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Shadi has low IQ is loud and unfunny
nta but Jimmy deserved every bad thing that happened
no glasses letty hits different
This is legitimately scary
>I know TJ fapped to bnwo shit lol
why does he have handlers?
are they carers?
>Shadi calling Claire a r/femaledatingstrategy femcel
Great Jimpressionist.
yeah, jimmy had a lot of blacked shit and furry porn
Abi with that pure sex stare.
Kalei talks like my cousin.
Shadi has a heart of gold. Claire has a heart of blacktar heroin.
They’re trying to make money off of him, #40Boys
>is just doing DoorDash deliveries on kick
Source? I planned to watch it but not if it’s not actually hunger games lol
Scott stocks are down. The team is fucking with him. I sense friction in the camp. Sam's gonna fire him
Kalei isn't beating the woman driver allegations
oh hell naw this newfag nigga finna have a melty LMAO
Yeah this one giving a JOI and I'd just coomer to death.
loobcooch, s2 was boring and I looked through his r34 favorites when they were found
someone should post his deviantart again
I really don’t care that she was a butch when she was 15, summer now is at the most breedable point of her life and she will take my BWC
women and their make up ritual is some grim shit
no lie detected
the “hug fetish” art on there, combined with his bodycount increasing after hugging women in s2, is fucking hilarious
I missed the day when you guys were forcing this meme on the threads, thus it has no effect on me.
Letty always wins
That shit is gonna tank so bad, at least fishtank had 2 indoor seasons to figure out how to do complex outdoor shit and it still had major tech issues
oh the r34 account, whatever
>claire: i don't know what i want to do with my life
>shadi: well i'm sure there a bunch of men out there who would take care of you
>jimmy had a lot of blacked shit and furry porn
Lubecooch spam overshadowed this hard, people should bring that back up.
Based wetard. And I thought the Gunt died of a drug overdose?
>Sam's gonna fire him
God i wish but hes the biggest sam suckup and thats all sam cares about
hate this gay earth
Claire and Shadi convo is getting interesting
they probably didn’t bring it up since he got kicked out midway
True her body's better now but In still making her put on the boy clothes and getting the boy hair again.
>wake up
>shave (optional)
>shower, use all in one hair, body, face soap
>put on clothes
>too long to list
Claire is drinking heavy tonight
this is why Jimmy sperged about it in person during the boxing match lol “FUCKING HORSES? FUCKING YOUR DAUGHTER?” shouting on the verge of tears thinking about abagantamos mirror of loobcooch
Wheres the lie? This thread is full of "i can fix her" posts
is that a fetish?
Is that really Shadi's voice she's just fat Josie when I listen to her
same lol
shadi is destroyed that bitch
I'm the only anon in this thread that genuinely likes Haley
she's not wrong
damn exciting turn in the bitchtank!!
imagine destroying your skin so that you will be forced to continue destroying your skin indefinitely to cover up all the skin destruction
putting her in her place telling her she will always be a submissive woman who is born to serve and fuck men
>hes still giving me attention
Hahahhahahaha claire chill on the oddbod love
Hello sensei Scott
its so retarded
I like her a lot more lately honestly.

In fact the addition of weed and videogames to the bitchtank has been a massive improvement overall and the weed even made Leah shut the fuck up.

Shadi is good vibes and Claire is the energy vampire devil it turns out. Always has been.
Lubecooch confirmed btw tj lost
bex panties
crazy, i wonder if shes the type to go crazy bpd when you break up
Ya know, Shadi would be great if she wasn't fat.
I'm mad because it's true. There are plenty of dudes that would take care of her for the rest of her life with little effort on her part. I just want a sugar mama, man. Fuck this gay earth
doctored photos kys
Hawwwwwwk TUAH. Let me spit on that asshole and slide my nose up in there! Snort snort. Get in trouble with who Jet Neptune? Snooooort. Oink oink. Got wood? Timberrrrrrr
Probably? I just know I want it.
You'd think by all the manosphere talking points Scott is constantly bringing up that he'd be good at arguing with women but he resorts to saying the same thing letty already said in a mocking voice, some serious low iq shit.
Shadi talks and acts like she's 7 years old and I hate it, but she does seem genuine.
get ya boy under a lie detector, tj not r34 lubecooch with absolute certainity
its weird seeing Shadi who's a ghetto bitch know so many internet terms and memes and shit
I like her but only because she makes everyone else seethe uncontrollably
>headcanon lies
lunecooch confirmed + he won, based coomer
explain jimmy’s tranny hunting and deviantart
Good b8
Showing up unannounced in girls bedroom in the middle of the night to give a private jiu jitsu lesson is definately a weird comedy bit.
Jet literally brought TJ down to the basement to teach him breathing techniques to beat a lie detector so Sam wouldn't immediately simmons him. Debunked.
Planted by production and Jimmy's ex to humiliate him, Fishtank in general is mostly an excuse to humiliate Jimmy and has been from the beginning, luckily he totally mogs those fucking wiggers.
Do you think Abi enjoys sex?
Abi seems like a kinda girl who would say "eww icky gross" when you pull out your penis
AB really gets FT like no one else

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