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How the fuck did they get away with it? they had to fucking know when they designed Chel.
once upon a time emulating beauty in artistic works was seen as a good thing.
Nigga shut the fuck up, she was barely clothed and there was an implied sex scene in a children cartoon film. This was more erotic than softcore porn
Know what?
2D DreamWorks was always the edger American children's animation studio. They say "hell" in this movie, as an 8 year old I was deeply impressed.
There's also the scene where she's fellating him.
it turned boys into men instead of into faggots
this is a good thing
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I'm not disagreeing with you m8. My question is, how did they get away with this?
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i dont know, but i desperately want to bang genderbent chel. i saw another version where he had long hair but i cant find it anymore. he should keep the thighs but they should be muscular
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>they had to fucking know when they designed Chel
She was originally going to wear nothing except a poncho. They knew.
its not insanely slutty, having humoungous hips is a body type in real life believe it or not, and shes wearing little clothes because its hot as hell in colombia. shes of course also insanely sexy but if they needed to justify it anytime its certainly doable
whos Chel?
>le... sex... le... pussy!?!!?
fuckin a kill yourself
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ah, she was designed to be hot its not that complicated
we need more blacks and mexicans having babies together. Blaxican girls are hot as fuck

I'm just waiting for someone to post THAT webm again, preferably with sauce.
what does colonization feel like bros
Dreamworks rip of Kida from Atlantis who is rip of Nadia from Secret of Blue Water
not great. a lot of latinos family trees started with rape babies. even if we say it was better than english colonizers. thats why the sexy indigenous woman is an archetype, shes meant to be the "seducer" of white colonizers. i dont think chel's character is racist though, shes just a sexy indigenous chick.
shut the fuck up fag
How did your mother get away for birthing (You)?
i dont speak to circumcised people
I bought a bunch of Burger King kids meals back in 2000 to get Chel toys and then I hotglued them

I still have a couple floating around my garage
>immediatly starts thinking about penis
i dont get the appeal of cum tributes
They showed boys how the real world works and what you can get out of it.
get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head
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oh yes, the movie that makes every white dork on /trv/ think they are white gods when they travel to impoverished brown countries
dont cry so much browncel
You missed the point of this movie
shame theres not more
since you are American then I am whiter than you
>obsessed with america
many such cases
At that time people were more into tits. Fat butts and hips weren't the trend, so it flew over the radar
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They knew exactly what they were doing and God bless them for that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZVMmZXotn0
Softcore porn is a nude woman masturbating. Why do people keep saying a woman just existing while being pretty is softcore porn?
because they're projecting. In their eyes, everyone is compelled to jack off the second they see someone remotely attractive, so they decry their inclusion as coomer pandering.
Imagine, you are a father of a 9 years old boy, you have a free saturday and want to have fun with him, you go to the cinema and need to choose the movie
Would you rather choose the funny adventure movie with a nice looking girl that will wake up something in your kid and which make him a straight normal man and that you can appreciate too
Or do you choose the movie with lgbt propaganda which will make him a hiv positive faggot who need diaper 10 years later
fathers used to took their teenage sons to brothels for a reason
they needed something to counter the overwhelmingly homosexual vibes the the two guys gave off.

Unironically this lmao
You are American or some sort of Anglo, aren't you?
race mixing and accepting hispanic culture was heavily pushed in the 90s and early 2000s. its how they got millenials comfortable with all the mexican invaders (the previous generation was promised tacos and integration).
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Chel or Kida, what's your choice, /tv/? I honestly can't choose, my colonizer genes do not discriminate.
Kida looks like a man.
Wasn't the original idea that she'd have a scene where was obviously sucking one of the guy's dick?
Because ppl weren’t so fxcking sensitive back then
10 year old me learned to love brown skin thick girls because of chel. Shut your monkey hole up
It's great, my ancestors were fanatical Spaniards and schizo natives. My testosterone rages 24/7 and I must do nothing except conquest. I can practically smell the estrogen dripping from gringoys
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Any pornstar who looks like her?
Ortega twins
they WANTED those rape babies, bitch.
Once upon a time it was widely believed that "sex sells."
Pride month is over you chud

No need to be overly faggat-y
Little boys like a bit of cheesecake. It’s harmless. Might as well bitch about the Victoria secrets catalog.
Blue eyes, white hair, tan, slender.
"Mejorar la raza" is a legit concept among latinos. If you know, you know.
Even they know white genes are better.

They go crazy for güeras.
wouldn't the local men get pissed off that some weird looking guy who can't speak your language is having sex with your women
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I'll always pick Chel... l...
I'm a Russian who speaks Spanish on a C1 level and I couldn't believe it how easy it was being white and speaking fluent Spanish while living in Colombia. Legit felt like shooting fish in a barrel, I'm definitely going back because the investment/profit rate is insane when it comes to picking up chicks, being invited to parties for locals or getting preferential treatment just because you're pale, fluent extranjero.
More like 'mestizaje'.
Feels good to not have half of the race traumas/delusions gringos have.
The rumor was that Eldorado was supposed to be an adult animation, they get cold feet... Chel is a vestige
Those are thick thighs though, I'm not going to lie. no zoomo!
What were the women like? Any Chel lookalikes? My only experience with Colombia is through Narcos S1.
>What were the women like?
Very diverse in the best sense of this word. Every flavor possible. Criollas (mostly Europeam Spanish heritage), Mestizas (Mixed White/Indigenous), Morenas (Brown and Black) and Indigenous women, everyone can find a woman to their taste there.

I have to say that I have a somewhat rare perspective being a white Russian compared to mostly gringos that come there for entertainment and easy sex. Colombians always treat me as a fellow third-worlder, less of a walking wallet like a lot of them treat Americans, and speaking fluent Spanish opened so many doors I can't even begin to count.
I do have an advantage in terms of being street-smart, which comes from growing up in the 00's Russia, not a safe place by any means. My advice would be: 1) Speak Spanish on at least a conversational level. 2) Have a spare phone, preferably a chinese one, so you don't flash your gringo iPhone there. 3) Be always aware of your surroundings.

>Any Chel lookalikes?
Yes, those are mestizas and indigenas, the more native blood, the more they look like Chel.

>My only experience with Colombia is through Narcos S1
Do not go there alone unless you speak decent Spanish or you have a local friend. I'm serious, the amount of times I've seen careless Americans carelessly wandering around without a clue is insane, most of them are not ready for South America. If you decide to go there though, my advice would be to learn decent Spanish and don't withdraw cash from an ATM on the street, always do it in a shopping center with security.
Thanks for writing that up man. No plans to go to South America, but if I ever do I'll at least do a night school course in Spanish first. I work on a lot of projects in Puerto Rico, mostly English language work but I've picked up some Spanish just by being around it. If I was physically in PR it'd probably somewhat better.
I thought the Kida swimsuit scene was super hot when I was younger and first saw the movie, but I can't even look at her now, she's so busted
I remember hearing someone say, tits are like your grandpa's fetish, it all about ass now.
Nah. It was based. People nowadays are just bitches
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For me it's
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>ywn cross the globe and become the progenitor to an entire subrace of people
feels really bad
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If you're smart you can get away with more in animation than you ever could with live-action. Just cultural stuff.
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How many times is this thread going to be posted? I've come here everyday and there is a new one
Bro, shut the fuck up.
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I've taken notice that as the younger generations begin to look back on the 90s and early 00s and question "why" or "how," they or (you) don't realize that that specific span of time was unlike anything ever in human history. There was the residual leftovers from the world wars and everything that preceded that, and came after—Vietnam, first American President resigning, the cold war, the outsourcing of American manufacturing, and an INSANE rise of crime and the influx of mass immigration which changed not only the political climate, but all of that changed the actual physical environment too; yet for some reason, we were kind of cool with it...maybe we were living in denial. Maybe we were just raised by strong people, and none of that seemed like something we should worry about. "We put a man on the moon; we can do anything" was still a very powerful sentence. For a brief moment we were living in the past, present, and the future—all at the same time....and only in hindsight can I value how precious that moment was. Now I feel like we want to get it back...but then not really. Or we want to pick and choose what we want to keep and what we want to throw away, but there is no "we" anymore. "We" don't all watch the same channels anymore. There is no more "we" and instead there's pods that you can customize to your liking, but I do fear that one day we'll look back on today and figure out that this pushed us too far apart, and now how do we get back on board? Would we even want to? We're becoming something else; something new, and all I can hope for is that it somehow works out. But yeah that's why a kid's cartoon movie was cool with having a half naked South American girl in it. It was just there. It simply existed and if you had a problem with it, then it was just that...your problem.
They didn’t get away with anything. The movie bombed and was lost in obscurity until coomers became obsessed over it 2-3 years ago. It didn't shape anyone's sexuality, it's not a cherished child hood classic, it's failure was part of the death of high quality hand drawn animation.
Srsly, gas ALL fucking catfags, holy fucking shit.
atlantis was sexier and I liked the story more. Escaflowne lso ppealed to me because of the lore.
bags of sand
to summarize this post...
>It was a different time
It's wash yo ass wednesday stop typing this retarded shit
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Good, heteronormativity should be promoted in childrens movies
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It's very tame actually, theres nothing stopping them from doing it again but Blackrock and their very own SJWs, heres a character from a Disney movie
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>what does colonization feel like bros
>she was barely clothed and there was an implied sex scene in a children cartoon film
lmao why are teens such prudes nowadays?
>it's not a cherished child hood classic
Literal brain dead take, I was born in '97 and everyone I knew loved this film, just say you were too old to enjoy it at the time.
>It didn't shape anyone's sexuality
El Dorado and Atlantis are both partially responsible for my preference for brown pussy, so speak for yourself.
The fuck it was. I still got it on DVD from release.
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Animators have been horny since animation was invented.
Background artists too apparently
The artist is Mossa anyone is wondering.
It had a 75 million dollar box office on a 95 million budget. It was a BOMB, if this movie came out today you mother fuckers would be spamming "what went wrong" threads every 3 hours on here. Shrek and Toy Story are the actual popular kids animated movies from that time period, this is Blockbuster tier fake nostalgia.
this, everyone was sexy and this is why i loved it
kids must be gay as hell now
>what is television
>what is home video
11 year old me had no idea how much it made in box office. Actually, I didn't see it in theaters myself. I had a copy at home that I watched 20 times with my little brother. That's what actual success is instead of fretting about profit like a jew.
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Who the fuck cares? There have been several movies that bombed at release and found an audience later on. This isn't a new thing.
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Entertainment used to cater to normal people until few years ago
Art is beauty
why is she so erotic
I saw it in cinema when I was a teenager and it was a favorite of me for a long time.
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Don't know about the States but here in Mexico it was a fucking hit. And I assume in all South America was too.
They didn't have to get away with anything because it was totally normal.
fags didn't have a monopoly on the media yet.
>until coomers became obsessed over it 2-3 years ago
There's been porn made of Chel from the early 2000s.
3 years ago was probably when anon was allowed to use the internet without supervision.
This film is shit.
>it was not a cherished child hood classic
you're a liar. Kids would beg to watch this rather than some princess film or any of the nü disney 90s films if they went over someone's house and they had it. Remember many parents sideyeing it and any parents who kept it in their collection
I'm the Russian who learned Spanish from this >>201691310 post. Road to El Dorado was part of the reason why I'm mad about latinas, also Desperado, From Dust Till Dawn and Latin American telenovelas my late grandma used to watch religiously. Spanish, Italian and Latin American cultures are fucking adored here in general.
I don't think zoomers really grasp what life was like before today's Internet, where digital technology allows the instantaneous transfer of information. Wikipedia is like a year after El Dorado and Youtube is like 5 years later.
No one would know what was in the film unless you actually went to the theatre to see it (nobody did, it bombed). If you watched it, and thought "gee, this is not appropriate for kids", you'd communicate that to pretty much just your immediate circle of people and they might decide not to spend money on it, but would never end up seeing it either. It's one thing to get a second-hand description and it's another thing to be able to immediately post high-definition recordings online from a ubiquitous camera phone you always have on you.
not dark enough
>a lot of latinos family trees started with rape babies
Most local men consider themselves to be white because latinos are mentally ill
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i love Chell Portal so much bros
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Anons are stimulating their massive e thick fat and veiny 3 inch cockers aren't they
The first really prominent animated woman (Betty Boop) was literally just made for sex appeal. Always having her clothes randomly falling or flying off, shaking her ass or hips, having a light show her naked outline and so on. Then the censorship happened and she somehow became a feminist icon despite just being a body to ogle at, almost always against her will, at her conception.
You're probably just smelling the high blood sugar content of your pre-diabetic piss, pancho
someone post the dojacat as kida webm
they knew that they could get away with it
Your Morrocan novio is calling you Manolo.
>The first really prominent animated woman (Betty Boop) was literally just made for sex appeal.
And that's a good thing. Fuck censorship
Because normality is inherently transphobic
Because CalArts dyed hair gay kids are in charge now.
Fuck off.
Leftoids became the dominant culture and in that respect put pro-sex counter culture away and replaced it with anti-male anti-human glomohomiphila.
Literally the entire western audience has switched over to anime.
Western cartoons are all owned by ESG companies who don't make money by making popular shows. They make money by robbing elderly people of their retirement funds through investment firms.

The entirety of Hollywood is a lost cause. Not a single good thing will ever be produced there again.
I think there's a video of Doja Cat dressed as Kida at a club and it got me rock hard as a diamond.
there is
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fucking weirdo
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Even if almost half of her series is garbage to the point of sabotaging her character.
I can't deny prime brown jb.
My hand on the right.
Is this some kind of /tv/ meme that gets posted in every one of these threads or am I missing something?
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white supremacy
>this is a good thing
So how is that working out for you so far, lol?
ah, Kurt. The sex tourist. Did he and the bankrupt bald dude linked up yet?
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Kida is the superior waifu, can foght, no flim flam woman shit in her mind. Cutie is on point
>that giggle
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based nadia appreciator
The creative industries are saturated with overweight women and troons.
sprinkle some dykes, fags, and AIslop cultists into the mix and you've got the creativity/entertainment dark ages we're living through now
So rock hard or diamond hard? English is hard right? Or is this some kind of meme I am missing?
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Wait until you find out every female in a fairytale is about sex. Sleeping beauty is awoken by a kiss (got fucked), the prince climbed rapunzels hair and fucked her (and her hair being cut off was her virginity), mermaid got legs to fuck (changed in puberty), etc
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based & /Thread
Decent movie, but it's no Shrek or Madagascar.
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This was intended to be more mature but I guess dreamworks changed it just enough. Also I think she goes commando
She was by far the hottest
Fun fact: Road to El Dorado has the same writers as The Mask of El Zorro and the Pirates of the Caribbean films.
>Antz (late 1998)
>The Prince of Egypt (late 1998)
>The Road to El Dorado (early 2000)
DreamWorks' third animation movie. Unlike the previous two, it was a box office flop and didn't get positive reviews.
This could be entirely bullshit and I can’t be bothered to look it up but I’ve read the original story was a gay one (hence the Elton John OST) which was declined by the studio so they made Chel overly sexy overcompensate

all zoomers should be shipped to saudi arabia for beheading
It's a complicated question. At the time Road to El Dorado was produced, attitudes towards human sexuality in the west were fairly healthy in popular media. There was a line between beauty and allure and they knew when to leap across it.
Anyway, the movie was produced by Dreamworks, not Disney. That's your real answer. Animators/illustrators/visual artists of almost every medium are generally perverts if not outright paraphilliacs, many don't realize this which is why they look and behave the way they do.
SOOOO, Dreamworks animated something within the bounds of tolerance but outside of the norm, because Disney's antisexual media is vile.
BWC coded
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We both know who is better.
Moй дpyг, Я yчy твoй язык пoтoмy чтo Pyccкий литepaтypa oчeнь интepecнa и пpeкpacнa, нo зa ceкc, Я люблю Лaтинa дeвyшкa. Я нe бeлaя кaк ты, нo Я 6’ и мoe тeлo cпopтивнoe. Taкжe, Я yчилa Cпaниш зa тpи гoдa кoгдa Я былa в шкoлe.

Anyway, my main incentive is I saw this cam girl named big butt sapphire or ms sapphire who is the irl Chel, and I’d go to the ends of the earth to get my hands on such a voluptuous body and sink my teeth into it. Even if I don’t have your advantage I’ll still try.
that's not a thing Timmy
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Why did Disney do it /tv/?
I watched this movie once a week for two years at my babysitter’s house, certified childhood classic
someone really needs to post that concept webm
stfu you mongol mutt
reminder she's basically a 5 in Colombia
Its tuff
but Chel takes it for me
The thing about spic women are they're incel factories
I would kill my entire family just to have sex with Chel once.
If you go on the latina threads on /gif, most spics are turned on by whites fucking their women
And it was based.

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