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I will now watch your movie.
Based as hell
Pretty boring low budget flick. Also it can out like 5 years ago
This tweet was exactly how you fucks tricked me into watched Dragged Across Concrete as soon as the first torrent was up 6 years ago
Daily Beast now running ads for movies?
>Howard Stern broadcasts and says some of the most disgusting shit imaginable and apologizes once in a book he didn't write and the
>Left forgives him instantly.
>Mel Gibson is drunk one time and talks shit about Jews. Proceeds to apologize profusely and numerously.
>Left demands that he is executed
dailybeast calling stuff racist? are they gay now or do they mean it as a badge of honor
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Ironically a jewish movie.
looks like a coomer
He called his gf and said she looked like a bitch in heat and he hoped she would get raped by a pack of niggers. You can't do that.
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Has there ever been a more clear choice for /ourguy/ than Mel?
>mel gibson
Maybe YOU can’t, fagatron.
Yes I can, I do it all the time
Okay, so?
Maybe his gf is a massive fucking cunt and deserved to be told that? Or are you one of those bitch boys who thinks women are flawless?
She genuinely deserved it
Holy shit Rogan just jump off a building already.
>Santa, you missed all those houses
>I'm not stopping in this part of town...
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It's not red pilled?
>and he hoped she would get raped by a pack of niggers
americans everyone
It's a decent joke.
He's Australian.
He's Australian you retard
Rogan lost any comedic credibility he had left when he made Santa Inc
It's a joke, retard.
same shit, just poorer
Mrs. Claus was black in this
it's funny af
But the Flash movie was great!
>Emile Hirsch
>strangled a woman at Sundance

So that's what happened to him. Huh.
It's antiwhite slop that has a heckin apologetic nazi kissing some injured brownoids ass
Stop projecting values into actors, they are just automatons
they made sure to call him an Anti Semite and both of them white but failed to mention Emile is Jewish, interesting.
he did and hes still acting and directing
I hope based Mel makes another movie similar to the Sound of Freedom to really make "them" screech. The kind of howling screams you get from colon cancer.
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No it wasn't.
is he shooting at the hurricane
she obviously instigated
>listen to Mel Gibson calls
>call starts with no context at all
>he's so livid he's almost out of breath from screaming at her
>literally catching his breath from fuming
>the kind of rage you almost never hear from a man except maybe once or twice in his life, ever
>she remains completely calm and reasonable on the call at all times
>never once discusses context for why Mel is that angry with her
>somehow expects people to believe he got that furious with her for no reason at all
literally listen to the calls faggot, it's an obvious set up
le epic based Mel Gibson! Absolutely not clawing for relevance!
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he was always the one
Does anyone actually like Seth Rogan more than Mel Gibson?
Some anon said it sucked so I never watched it. I trusted him because we were in a brawl in cell block 99 thread and we all liked that one
It didn't happen but they deserved it and it's gonna happen again.
Just relistened to it and read the comments. It's pretty hilarious.
I dont believe it. They wouldnt let someone make a movie cool like that nowadays
Gas up the pickup, boys. We fixin' to watch a movie!
>Mrs Bigglesworth, im here to rescue you
!>From the hurricane?
>No, maam. From puerto ricans
Wtf Mel
He made hacksaw ridge, which is more valuable than your entire troon existence.
Fuck this sounds awesome.
he really is the man i respect most in hollywood
Forgot where he apologized 10,000 times and donated to Jewish charities
>say bad things while doing morally good things
i don't know man, he seems like a decent guy
I sincerely hope not.
I did this and she filed a restraining order
>no one posted the kino
>36 minutes
Damn, I've neverd heard this. Iistening right now. Hopefully there's some funny stuff in there.
Some good stuff in there lmao
He always dies in these movies.
One o' dem huge-milliashunz re-tools.
movie was shit btw, despite all the aggressive marketing like your pic related.
i'm currently on a testo gibson binge, watched maverick yesterday. very comfy and goofy movie
"And it's racist as hell" is a pretty hardhitting tagline for a movie not gonna lie
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forgot pic
I dislike all celebrities equally on principle.
I dislike myself to the same degree just in case I ever become famous.
Anyone who contributes to a celebrity gossip thread on 4channel is also included.
If you are reading this... Also yes.
>made with mematic
I like that video where Mel is putting air in his tire and that hispanic fan of his is thrilled to meet him.
thanks for posting mel, now go jump off a bridge please, your edgy is cringe
i thought anti semitism was cool now?
literally none of that is true. also, what would your fellow troons think if they knew you said the nigger word on 4channel?
holy shit the kike seethe in this thread lmao

Name of films?
>You can't do that.
It's called acting.
CIA didn't exist in 1942
what's the name of the movie? I want to watch it.
They literally talk like this though. What's wrong with this portrayal?
the first 10 minutes in which he forces the super hot latina to strip and then makes her wet to interrogate her are the best part
we got one here
no one dodges the oven forever
the last time Mel made bank off a christkek movie, he made Apocalypto. you are just seething that we are going to get ANOTHER Mel kino after this next one and that he hates niggers, spics, and jews - IN THAT ORDER
anti-zionism is cool, not antisemitism. 4channers wont be able to make a distinction because why would they? subtlety is the enemy of the reactionary.
Tbf she is an absolute cunt of a woman
antisemitism is uncool - there are a lot of good semites that aren't jews and most jews aren't semites
just say you don't like jews and leave the innocent semites alone
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why is Michael Richards already getting forgiven and even painted as a sympathetic rape baby yet Mel remains persecuted to this day?
he swears he's not racist
Are you retarded? He was born in America and lived in Australia for like 12 years. He's 68 so he's born and has lived in America for over half a century.
i give up.
i've seen this pic a few times.
what's the story behind it and why does it keep being used?
World peace can only be achieved once every Jew is dead
So people that are gay and take female hormones are murdering psychopaths? What connection was I supposed to make here?
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because he works directly with and for jews. blacks had him canceled for the pitchfork content
Why did Mel have to go through this humiliation ritual before he even got caught saying anything about jews?
>>201678477 Is it 'Christian'? This is the only question that matter.

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>newfags could be there, he thought to himself
kys. jesus man, how fucking new are you, exactly? that's just pitiful
>>201678477 If Mel is exploring racism as as subject in his movies, I find it great. There are a lot of ways to make action kinos based on this premise.

May the racist reap what he sow in the end, tho.
they dodged oven so it didn't happened I guess...
it IS a setup, but i've seen guys get irrationally mad about shit and work themselves up quickly, its not something out of the blue, especially if they're drunk and their bodies not transmitting oxygen efficiently around their body, they get out of breath faster.

In some super toxic relationships, the woman can set their partner off on a tirade of abuse with just a few choice words.
I wish Rogen was put into a concentration camp
Get the gringo and Apocalypto were both pure kino, very enjoyable films. Boss Level was also a sick action movie. But yes Hacksaw Ridge and Apocalypto will likely be the best films he'll ever be a part of.
>the most evil man on the planet was actually a tranny
I’m okay with this narrative
sounds great!
He's actually American lol
>Get the gringo
pure bliss.
surprised how good a movie taking place inside a beaner can turned out to be.
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Literally didn't read past the first line.
You're a dyed-in-the-wool faggot and I hope you get raped by a pack of niggers.
the comments are beyond based lmfao
he'd have been a real fucking menace while he was an alcoholic
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>On August 17, 2015, he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor assault and was sentenced to 15 days in jail. He was also fined $4,750, received 90 days of probation, and was ordered to undergo 50 hours of community service.[22][23] Hirsch entered a rehab facility following the assault.[24]

Based Emile
The one where you can't take a joke and have to scrutinize every detail of it unless it political aligns with your beliefs.
Fatman was pretty good
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So inverse Sound of Freedom then
You're the fat guy with the ponytail and pubic beard.
No no no, he said that she looks like a bitch in heat, and that IF she got raped by a pack of niggers, it would be her fault.
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To all the JlDF ITT, you don't belong here, let us discuss the great man without your child molesting fingers.

we all do anon.

surely its Mel drunk and smoking while fueling up his car?
Hey man. Glover killed a fucking Predator. You get a pash for dat.
It's comforting to remember that Seth has no children and his filthy bloodline ends with him.
original pic is a kikebook fag complaining about some random coked out guy putting gas in his car while smoking a fag.
the pic managed to find its way on the chans and somebody wrote up a short and plausible thought that might've went through the guy's head.
also him looking all dapperly sleazy, similar to val kilmer straight out of a particular 90s action kino, he often gets posted on /fa/, /tv/ and /fit/
>You're the fat guy with the ponytail and pubic beard.
Sounds like kino to me.
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This looks like is should be a scene in a movie.
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wait the racebait guy was a daily beast writer?
and the movie was pozzed dogshit and also came ou 7 years ago
it's an awful movie
>immigrants aren’t Australian
Sounds like hate speech, you might do some time
Commies just attack jews indiscriminately though
>you've lived long enough to see 4chan stealing memes from X and reposting it here
This site is a relic.
The movie is actually hilarious because it makes some insanely specific references to Puertorican politics
>long enough
nigger this pic has been posted on here for years already
wtf I hate gays now
Leftists are so fucking mental now that an anti-semite teaming with a jew is racist.
Zogmutts don't seem to Have a no snitch culture or mind tour business
You're right, I forgot.
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just them shitting on gibson's good name as they always did, since he hasn't chewed on some foreskin yet to make up for party rockin back in the mid 00s.
this one hurts them in particular since they thought his ass was buried but he simply refuses to die and continues starring in and making movies that sometimes end up being big successes.
pic semi related
Kek, my family hates jews and talk shit about them as if they were 4channers, even my brothers girlfriend faaily hates them. We arent apologetic about this shit
oh god that's a horrible movie
the digital age put the regular joe's retardation and pettiness on full display. nowadays everyone wants to distinguish themselves as a moral authority by getting appreciation on social media.
before the popularization of smartphones one would simply see this scene and maybe tell his friends or family about it. nowadays one can snap it for the entire world to see, and people agreeing with you is like an addiction for the majority of people posting shit on the internet.
for some it's more precious than the air they breathe
Not even Seth's mother likes him over Gibson
I like Mel and that Emile guy, he’s a good jew in my book
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also bizarre to think jews could actually be the most beloved minorities and cherrished members of society if they didn't spend colossal amounts time and effort trying to damage their host nations but instead do their best to uplift them.
they are insanely driven and capable but use those gifts to make life miserable for everyone around them, sometimes even themselves
Gibson brought the JIDF spammer
>good jew
liked him ever since i randomly saw pic related on tv in the mid 2000s.
to me he always seemed like zac efron copy, but one who never properly made it into adulthood and always stayed a manlet instead.
I'll watch it.
We live in a world where a fictional movie character who rescues white people, is seen as a bad thing.
I just bought a Honda civic and just noticed the decal fuck yeah
whites in the us WILL be a minority by 2035 and there is NOTHING you can do to stop it.
Idk movies and music were pretty nice up to a point maybe 15 years ago. Also the American dream nostalgic imagery from the mid 20th century were all Jewish creations/observations. Comedy is also Jewish. These things make life better.
>Gibson's character dies halfway in that movie

But he did it?
They're just degenerate distractions, but you knew that.
this one any good? never saw it
So lgbt are your enemies, because the nazis were lgbt? Or are you saying you hate the nazis because they were lgbt? I don’t really understand the intent behind your shit posting. Nothing you post will make people not think fondly on the holocaust, regardless of who did it. Anyways, enjoy the thread anon.
Yeah it's a mixed message that doesn't help any argument lol.
Get the Gringo is a good late-career Mel kino.
Simply legendary prose. This anon could be a world renown author for all me know. This quote should live on in history
Anybody seen this and know if it's any good?
Being mad doesn't excuse racism.
Nobody cares, troony. Twitters back that way
not as funny as the first one but there are some good parts. Lithgow is probably the best part.
It’s fine, good background/plane movie
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>Make a religious porn movie that only rednecks and white trash like
>Get drunk and when a cop pulls you over you express your love for sand niggers
>Beg your Jewish overlords for forgiveness and apologize multiple times, but they show no mercy and kill your career
>Become an even bigger alcoholic in your depression
>Your wife cucks you for a nigger
>You get caught on tape crying about how upset you are that your wife is cucking you for a nigger
>Has a retarded son
>Now trying to appease his masters by making an anti-war movie glamorizing a soldier who refused to kill the enemy, starring a Jewish actor
>donate to Holocaust charities
>Now further trying to appease leftist hollywood by making a police brutality movie written and directed by a JEW. #BlackLivesMatter!
Is there a bigger cuck in Hollywood than Mel Gibson?
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Your bait sucks
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A couple years back I was working a trades job and I was standing out back with a coworker having a few beers and my buddy was coming back after his shift in a work van but he was stopped at the other end of the parking lot screaming into his phone and we could hear him. Coworker wondered aloud what that was about. I said:
>There's only one thing that can make a man that mad: ex-wife.
I was right.
I've never understood this, why MUST we like jews? Why are we commanded to like and love? Seems totalitarian to me

Can we do a Kickstarter to make a movie about this with Mel Gibson starring, Tyler Sheridan writing and Bonesaw Tomahawk Fag directing? He can be an anti-hero like Deadpool.
What so that's not Mickey Rourke?
174 palestinians and 0 jews died screaming in the last 24 hours
you will die alone and forgotten at a young age from obesity
he won't tho. He will die at a tender old age surrounded by loved ones, wealth, and power. Just like Kissinger did.

Meanwhile all incels will die young of obesity, suicide, or prison rape
You've never lost several hundred million dollars to a cheating bitch
u mad lol
Libtards always make us sound awesome.
that's all I'll be saying
I wonder if he and Jodie ever fucked
>doesn't excuse racism.
it needs no excuse you pavement ape
Shes a political lesbian that likely got molested in 1970s Hollywood. Mel knew better. Jimmy would have heard and would have said something.
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pic related

Ad agencies could never come up with marketing as good as a mentally ill jew kvetching
this is how i make most important life decisions
Never saw it. What’a bad about it?
it doesn't excuse being a faggot either but look at you
>$2.24 gas
christ we didn't know how good we had it
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i've literally done it
>racist as hell
Im from Argentina and thats right up my alley, going to buy 2 tickets just for me alone. joking ofc I'll pirate it im pobre, and escuchen corran la bola
Same lol. We live in a jew dense area so it wasn't hard to point out the us/them line with constant behavioral examples to point out.

They're always genuinely terrified when you "magically" can tell they're a jew; they have no idea it's ingrained in their values and behavior. They're the biggest racists of all because they figure white appearance is all that's needed to be considered "white."
I liked (you)r joke enough to post this reply
just a weird pic of Brad Pitt it’s not rocket science
he plays a great hardass experienced cop, Dragged Across Concrete was amazing
hes the coolest guy ever posted to the internet and that anons write up definitely is lore
the ragebait headline writers regularly visit 4chan and post links to their articles to generate clicks
attention all str8 edge haters, this is what cool partying looks like this is what would make you less a faggot looking like that and having quickie bong hits while you chainsmoke at gas pumps and your wine circulates through your veins
>sweet dreams are mode of these reverberate
>with a car you can go anywhere you want
>out loud
so many perfect lines
That really is great.
I always thought this was Stephen Dorff.
its really good, the villains are iconic
everyone hating on this movie doesnt like it because a black guy gets a third of the movie and succeeds in the end, if youre not a faggot that wouldnt bother you and youd appreciate it as the intense thrilling crime and hostage movie it is, definition of based with those masked psychos
Depends how condiment you are. If you have anxiety and other issues, taking the right substances can make you handle social situations better and be more likeable. Personally, I just turn up.

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