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Can you even be depressed in Japan?
Their suicide rate proves that yeah you can you dumb fuckin weeb
>city skyline
>city skyline, japan
I basically don’t talk to anyone in America so I could easily do it in Japan. God damn extroverts are like babies
Not physically
It's hard to be depressed if you're on vacation
Yes. They have a designated suicide forest where you go to kamikaze yourself if you are sad.
White female hands typed this post.
Japenis man here, I am very sad because I am salaryman
I hated lost in translation, anyone else
I really, really want to go to Japan for some reason. I'm not even a weeb.
How was she a teenager in this role? She looks like she's in her early 20s here
Japan and Korea were designed for Japanese and Koreans. Foreigners have a very hard time adapting bc there's an almost invisible barrier that goes back thousands of years.
Yeah. Living as a japanese wagecuck just to barely afford a 1LDK in a shitty part of Tokyo is a special kind of hell.
Well tpurism is a big industry there you know. They have mountains and beaches and stuff as well as cities and weeb stuff.
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They kamikaze after dishonouring themselves, not depression.
I would have done it a dozen times already if I had any honor. The fact that they don't all do it is a testament to their righteousness.
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If I was a woman I'd be depressed to
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Japan is struggling with overtourism now and 90% of it is dumb and entitled Australians. I hope global warming and rising sea levels kill all of your shithole country.
you cannot suffer in japan
>depressed, Japan
Japan seems like a great place to be depressed. I think it's a rather melancholy country.
yes specially because they have small penis
white foreigners for sure because they can never fully integrate and will always be second class citizens. everyone else know how it feels in our respective countries and can take it but it´s too much for whites
Japs take for granted the things they have.
Every Japanese novel is about depression or sadomasochism. Or both.
This but unironically.
Yes. I lived there for 6 years. It gets pretty miserable after a while.
Whites have a hard time adapting but it's objectively impossible for blacks or muslims to adapt in Japan or Korea because there is a type of rejection that's automatic and subconscious
Why are tits so kino lads? Like how do pedos and gays do it.
>city skyline
[I don't want to go there I'll get mugged and harassed by hustlers, it looks the same as any other city and smells like sewage and trash]
>city skyline, japan
[you can go anywhere, it's clean unique and no one will bother you]
Major cities, yes. Rest of Japan, no.

for blacks they can't and they know it but it doesn't affect their psyche as badly as whites because they are used to it
is tokyo fun city to explore, or is it too big? id love to live in a place where i could just walk and encounter new things every day
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Yeah, its an awesome feeling.
I would imagine it gets very lonely if you're a foreigner. As it should be.
Whites at least get some respect if they earn it: get the culture, are productive etc. And Japanese find whites attractive.
With blacks/arabs etc is total rejection in every sense
Tokyo is overrated. Fukuoka, Osaka, and Sapporo are objectively better to live in. Especially Fukuoka cuz it’s fucking cheap and there’s still tons to do.
You worship Japan yet insult China. You have no good reasonings.
Everything that's good about Japan, China lacks
So fucking cosy.
If you were born Japanese you'd probably kill yourself too.

The white man thrives in the land of chinks.
Stop following the Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka tourist route and you'll be amazed
>have to stand up for the people in back to get out
This fucking sucks lmfao aside from the easy joke of Americans being too fat for this to work, this is just shit, fat person or not.
Any recommendations? I did that route my first time (plus some smaller cities inbetween), but I'd definitely like to see more next time I make it over there.
Yes, actually.
how many niggers are in japan
I am a cursed white man. Chink women are the only ones I am not attracted to. Not even a bit.

Fuk is right there in the name
is it the brown holes/nipples? hardly a dealbreaker
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>chair squeak
>piss bottles clattering in the background
I'm going to Japan to increase gene flow between human populations and sire a race of hapa cuties
No. Their faces unironically. They truly are robot/bug people to me. They just seem so soulless.
Is it true that most japanese resent gaijin?
I spent a year in Japan. As a 6’1” fit white dude it was the easiest pussy of my life. I literally got picked up off the street and taken back to love hotels.
This might sound weird, but if you act stereotypically American they will actually love you. If you try to act Japanese, like you actually belong, then they resent you. Literally don’t speak the language too well and act like a big jovial retard and you’ll never pay for drinks and get all kinds of pussy.
none of these people want to speak to you.
>Eiffel tower
>Eiffel tower, japan :O
June Lovejoy says, yes.
still one of my favorite kinos
Because the Yen is in the toilet and it’s reaching Thailand tier levels of cheap.
I fucking loved it but I like not having to talk to people. For normalfags that sense of alienation probably drives them nuts.
Why? I don’t get everyone’s obsession with Japan, never have. I consumed quite a lot of japanese media as a teen and it just made me see japanese as a lesser race compared to white people. A bit more childish, a bit less deep, a bit more violent and sadistic.
Imagine being a weeb coming to Japan for the first time and then realizing the women aren't throwing themselves at them and the boss makes you work stupid hours
How the fuck can you suffer from ”over tourism”?
>Japan is struggling with overtourism now and 90% of it is dumb and entitled Australians
Is that a roundabout way to say Chinese? Because it's absolutely the Chinese.
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Were the women hot? One skinny tall dude told me the same.
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Chinese people clogging up every single tourist site
Wow such suffering, what a fucking non-issue.
Until they smiled. Jap girls have bad teeth. Their pubes are weird and wiry and they sound like F1 cars when you fuck them
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take a tour around nico and you'll find your average jap is a depraved depressed borderline inbred level ugly loser that lives in a dingy matchbox of squalor
Its actually amazing, worked there over a summer, the skyline does not end, and there are a lot more green & parks then you can imagine, was amazing
I've got a house in Midorigaoka that I split time between. It can be pretty shitty, especially if you aren't born here. For a lot of Japanese it's basically get up, go to work for 16 hours, go home, sleep, repeat.
Don’t forget getting wasted on the night before your one day off.
Are you Japanese or just extremely loaded with a Japanese wife?
I was with my fucking wife and literally was getting hit on all the time by Japanese women I would consider out of my league unprompted. It was magical, it’s how I imagine attractive white women live life. A Japanese girl dropped a ticket in a movie theater and I picked it up and as she looked in my eyes I swear I heard her panties soak. As I walked to a different screen her and her friend yelled in bad English "PHONE NUMBA" and ran in the other showing which was pretty shocked because of how quiet everyone is when you’re there. It’s funny my wife started to resent it and be more slutty like she was insecure, I never had intentions of cheating or flirted back, I love her. She has this weird new found annoyance with attractive Asian women on TV she won’t admit to though kek.

t. 6ft blonde twink white man
Not Japanese, barely speak any of it lol. I have a bunch of family members that were born and raised here though.
Japan seems to be a place that feels like a different world full of wonders if you are a foreigner visiting, and a depressive place where your soul is crushed slowly by isolation, overwork and a nihilistic lack of purpose if you are born and raised there.
Yeah. It was nuts. Like being on a different planet. None of my friends believe the stories I’d tell them because they are just so fucking outlandish. Be tall, be white, don’t be fat. That’s it and you’ll have the most ridiculous sex stories from that place. Damn I miss Japan.
no drugs
Oh, you are a new esl student. Welcome. "Over" in this case means too much of the next word, in this case tourism. Obviously, from the perspective of a typical resident, enough tourism can cause problems and annoyance. Hope that helps.
***DIP!!!*** ***SHIT!!!***
There's a tiny section of Japanese girl that go for white guys, and they're all whores.

>Japanese people going to the movie theater
The part where he goes through the door to go up the steps makes it kino.
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Have a jap wife ama
picrel her ass
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Any thick girls? I think asians look ugly but i like my women curvy. Do they have chicks like that in Japan? I really liked Brazil lol.
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If I go how do I find a DUDE WEED LMAO and how much is the average trip? I'm getting a nice insurance settlement (wife died) and I really jsut want to get the fuck outta here.
Just goto Thailand or some shit. Japan isn't a drug/sex tourist spot.
You won't find weed. It's there, its dogshit quality, and its horrifically expensive, but you won't find it. Maybe quit your addiction for a couple weeks?
Also this.They have pretty faces but some of them are scrawny as hell
This looks claustrophobic and depressing
Ease it with the cringe. Never had problems with tourists in my country, just immigrants. Hating on tourists is obviously taking xenophobia too far.
Gay, but thanks.
I visited Japan and realised that it wasn't like anime. I realised that anime was invented, not as a form of escapism for us, but as a form of escapism for them. It's nicer than China, and has more countryside and clean air, but the cities, especially Tokyo are still unmistakably massive, looming metropolises, grey, built-up, packed full of people - thought, again, not to the same extent as China (or, sometimes, even London for that matter)
What part of this is supposed to be appealing
You gay but had a wife?
Nah, they’re almost all tiny as shit. I felt like Godzilla walking around. I saw maybe one or two “thicc” Japanese girls and they were both underaged.
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Go to Thailand if you wanna have a meltdown vacation.
Gotchu, not my kinda place then. I think i will just book another trip to latin america. The girls are thick and latin men are as funny irl as they are in DBS threads.
>fat white hand
Yep, Thailand.
>Japan isn't a sex tourist spot
It is if you can speak a little Japanese. Soaplands are awesome.
Why is your finger so short and obese
Anon… there must be a lot of whores then. This wasn’t just in entertainment districts or at The Hub.

>Japanese movie theaters

We saw Spy x Family. Something autistic is everyone is completely silent and everyone sits until after the credits are done kind nice tbqh desu
i find it pretty comfy, i dunno. maybe i just like the idea of economy spaces and food.
I’ve been to LatAm and the only thing Japan has over it is safety. None of the men are big or strong enough to even put a dent in me, you’re practically invincible as a decent sized westerner. I walked around stumbling drunk, even in the “bad” areas, and never had to worry about getting mugged or pick pocketed.
>Something autistic is everyone is completely silent
How is being silent during a movie is autistic
I’m 6’1” and 170. My waist size is 30. I’m actually pretty scrawny, it’s just a weird angle I guess.
american are used to boons chimping out during movies
Pics of fucking wife?
Yeah safety is a pretty big factor for many people though.
it's higher in US now. need to update facts
Yea maybe if you're a woman, definitely not if you're a tall attractive white man.
its dogshit yeah
Im sorry for that. I want to be there and love them all, but immigration is so hard.
Tale as old as time. I liked it, happened to me in the midwest about a decade ago, still love that girl. Art mimicking life and all that can really muck up a timeline.
Just don’t get too drunk and don’t go to shady areas during night and you’re fine. It’s the same level of safety as in USA
In what way?
That's not very comforting.
Yeah and that's based
Well yeah, it's a big city. Much like the rest of Japan, White English-only speaking people get the worst things, and only when you speak some Japanese will you get anything better.
I just got back from visiting Japan and let me tell you it's a huge issue. Fucking disrespectful chink cockroaches are a disease.
Did you visit Fushimi Inari? Last time I took the train down there was in 2017 and it was horrible even then.
There isn't a single other place in the world that has a famous location where people go kill themselves because their lives are that shit en masse
Japan sucks and weebs are braindead
what did she mean by this?
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>When empowerment goes unchallenged to this extent, it reflects an unpleasant truth about Coppola and her generation of pampered, history-ignorant slackers. (Charlotte and Bob never once reflect on Hiroshima or Nagasaki. They're more obsessed with pinball arcades and karaoke versions of New Wave pop.)

>Not even Mary Corleone was so pampered that being in a foreign country felt as strange to her as it does to Charlotte and Bob. Who doesn't feel strange in a foreign country! Antonioni and Fellini understood that it was the alienation one felt at home that shook the soul. Lost in Translation tells us nothing more profound than that Sofia Coppola's pantyhose are squeezing her brain.
>Japan is struggling with overtourism now and 90% of it is dumb and entitled Chinese.
an easy mistake to make
>and 90% of it is dumb and entitled Australians
Damn, and I was hoping to visit one day. Guess I can't now otherwise people will think I'm a naughty person for being Australian.
Umm guys? This is /tv/ remember?
I really liked this movie. Just a walkabout that let you immerse yourself in the different, authentic environments. Any others like this that take place in Asian countries? I feel like getting /cozy/ tonight and making some bangin' ramen.

Firstly, why the fuck should I feel bad for this dumb cunt and this rich fuck on their trip to Japan? they're both the source of their own problems with how emotional immature they both are. both of the main characters are so far up their own asses it makes me want to vomit.

Also, the way it's shot feels like a C student's photography class project. Like you can tell they're trying to capture a "deep" and "emotional" side of Japan, but its the same fucking shit imagery we've all seen ten thousand times.

Its portrayal of Japan's depth and beauty is completely pedestrian and the characters are one dimensional, detestable, vapid cunts. You would have to be be the biggest kind of retard to derive any enjoyment from this film.
A lack of bureaucratic design. It seems like a natural development where you're free to eat what you like and it must be pretty cheap.
I don't think you're supposed to feel bad for either of them, and they both cheat on their spouses so it's not like they deserve any sympathy.
This is a good movie.
Kek this.
Weebs are incredibly easy to hate, why?
All failed males are easy to hate. Weebs, trannies, chuds, etc.
I thought it was spectacular. I wish I could remember when or where I heard about it. Like I said in my post, it really gives an authentic presentation of its environment. The underlying story is sad, but the movie still quirky enough to get it across without bringing the vibe down. Definitely looking for other Asian city exploration movie recommendations.
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my soul brother.....
>be Japanese
>wake up at 5:00 AM and miss the train for your 15 hour shift at a company that sells parts for fax machines
>forced to spend an hour after work drinking with your bosses while getting scolded for showing up 5 minutes late
>take the train home, pass time by spending ¥5,000 on Gacha Game #90462 before the battery on your 2015 Sony smartphone dies
>spend half an hour paying bills on a small touchscreen kiosk in a convenience store
>arrive in your tiny apartment, check the news on Yahoo on your desktop PC from 2010
>browser no longer supported on Windows 7, get comfy and watch TV instead
>flip between 20 different shows consisting of people picture-in-picture going "ehhh?" at random shit
>nothing on TV, decide which "dude in a suit glaring at things" show to watch on streaming platforms
>too tired, go to sleep
>wake up at 4:00 AM to show up earlier to work so you can make a formal apology for not being sorry enough about showing up late the day before
They aren't always that brown. Some are even pink, believe it or not.
>t. lost virginity to Chinese escort and watched too much porn
>Eiffel tower (with N)
>Eiffel tower (without N), :O
>Japan is struggling with overtourism now
Only Tokyo/Osaka.
Did you know there are other places in Japan, with hardly any tourists, and more traditional Japanese culture?
>>201684409 Is it the same for Latinos?
>I literally got picked up off the street and taken back to love hotels.
how frequently are you talking? every night? every week?
Yeah I’d say it’ll bump you up a couple points on the attractiveness scale if you’re white and not fat. If you’re a young dude, have disposable income, and don’t mind Jap chicks I would get on a plane yesterday. It’s not going to work miracles though, I saw a lot of fat white basedjak looking guys on the subway who looked like they hated life.
For most most weebs they come over to "teach English" then realize the hours fucking suck, the pay is absolute garbage, and the women want nothing to do with them.
Is there any interest in American cowboys over there? Any interest in horses at all? I'll straight up setup a new location for horseback tours out there somewhere if I'd find it easy to pick up chicks there. Pretty attractive and dress urban cowboy. Works with ladies here in the states.
Why does it matter? 16-22 is the same for women
It's very curious when Japan comes up on /tv/. All the macho man gen x-ers and old millennials pop up and start either shitting on the country and using slurs like japs, or go on to share their "conquests" from 5-10 years ago, objectifying all the women as sex objects.
I should clarify because I’m retarded anon. It wasn’t the silence during the movie that was different (depending on your demographics) but the silence level, and the fact that everyone stayed silent though the WHOLE credits and even after. Not a peep or even checking wallet or purse noises, nothing, and then everyone shuffled out orderly like ants without even whispering about the movie.
No it’s whites
Nah not really market for that
Only millennial Japanese women (30+) like white guys. If you like Christmas cakes go ahead but prime Japanese women hate white guys
They're depressed because they're wagecucks, most whites on america are depressed because there are shitskins and jews everywhere
>>201687882 Do they actually moan like in the JAVs?
Asian guys are the only non-whites who ever can get high quality white women
It seems like shitty hole in the wall
imagine being conquered by Aussies lmao
The food is good and so is the company. What more do you need?
Yes except you'll also be heightmogged by japs too
Company doesn't look good at all and environment matters too. No reason to believe the food is any better than anywhere else, would rather get take away than be crammed in there like a fucking sardine.
Hating on japan is a litmus test, just like hating cats is
Hey if it's not for you that's cool, but some of the best food is found in those tiny places made by just some old dude
>old millennials pop up and go on to share their "conquests" from 5-10 years ago
Well who else would? Zoomers are all virgins
I'm not into asians at all and there are still jap girls wo make me turn my head, they're literally a different race than other asians, it's why they can grow body and facial hair and huge tits and ass, jomon
>>201690075 They can heightmog me, but not sizemog me.
If you look like you lift weights people assume you're a huge homo in Japan
what's awesome about what you posted? genuinely curious
Why are zoomer 4channers so woke and gay
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>went to Miyajima during Golden Week
Suck my ass.
>>201690767 That's not the size I was talking about.
Met a few girls that "modeled" in Japan and Asia before they were 18. We have lots of modeling recruiters in Florida and the whole teen modeling thing is sketchy. They sounded very disillusioned when talking about their time in Asia. It's just a very cold place emotionally. I don't think they were raped or any Epstein shit. But they all gave off the vibe they were fondled on packed subways or ended up sleeping with one or two rich guys for money. Being a teen girl alone in Japan actually sounds depressing.
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Under neon loneliness
Motorcycle emptiness

Everybody's done that. Go climb 3k steps nerd
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Quickly, everyone who has traveled to Japan, tell more stories. What about girls, anime, food, etc.
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>No reason to believe the food is any better than anywhere else
I spent a week in Tokyo eating nothing, literally nothing but what the locals would eat and avoided any and all western fast food places. There was not a single meal I ate that wasn't amazing in some quality, every single thing I ate tasted amazing. Even the cheap ass convince store meals-to-go tasted great. They take great pride in being a nation of secret hedonists, so their taste when it comes to food is top fucking quality and it god damn well shows
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costs of everything rising to reach the newfound demand, everywhere is crowded, you get obnoxious Europoors who trash everything. Look at what happened with Mexico.
lol there's like five cases total of them being cunts while 9 out of 10 of the new rules are targeting chinese mainlanders for defacing shrines and harassing geishas.
Cyberpunk kino
cities in japan look nice and there are no niggers and nearly no crime
it's not that deep
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all city skylines are stunning but japans are something else ngl
Good for you? I'm not American you retarded weeb
Reread what you responded to. Redditniggers like you are always quick to start an argument
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Moving to Japan cured my depression so I have my doubts. Everything really is just better here.
This adds up, everyone loves a positive stereotype without baggage. Any advice for an Irish man?
Not sure about how it is in Japan, but high amounts of tourism can distort both the local culture and economy. Basically, if people from a country where everyone has 5x as much money as you decide your neighborhood is a cool place to visit, then a business charging even 3x much as normal would be seen as cheap to those visitors. So restaurants, bars, etc in tourist areas have a tendency to be ridiculously expensive by comparison. Then you add in that tourists tend to visit places to, well, be tourists. A quiet river becomes packed with people taking photos. Babes in thongs and sandals visit memorials to war dead. And so on.
Finally, depending on the region the tourists are from, there can be a clash of cultures. There's been a rash of Westerners (particularly Americans) behaving incredibly terribly in Japan that's well documented. Assholes harassing waiters, picking fights with each other, and generally being morons for views. I can't see why anyone would want SneakSpeed_thaBas3dG0d to visit their town.
>have to stand up for the people in back to get out
yep it's like you got the isle seat on the plane and every time someone has to get up to take a piss you gotta get up too
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>modern japan
absolute hell
A white woman probably can
I was there on an enrichment program, Japan was great, had sex with a Japanese college student, meet them when they spoke English with me to "practice" it was great. From what they told me white guys are seen as fine to have sex with, but kind of taboo to marry, still happens though. White women are seen kind of like black women here, kind of masculine and slutty, kind of funny to see them seethe when the tables turned. There are white women they like, it’s a very different look then the western beauty standard hard to explain. As other anons said Chinese tourist are ridiculous, I don’t know how it was in the past but they’re every where and loud as fuck.
I've been going to Japan every year or so since like 1997. It's been terrible for about 10 years now.
if you have no purpose for actually being there and you cant speak japanese then yeah, pretty depressing
What happens if it erupts?
chine tourist problem solved
pewdiepie doesn't seem depressed
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>installed language exchange app so I can practice my japanese with native speakers before going to japan
>use my face as profile pic
>have had the app for a few months now and i've gotten messages from literally THOUSANDS of japanese women
>a lot of them have told me that I'm handsome are willing to meet up with me when I come to japan

I don't fucking get it man, I've literally never even had a gf here in america, get absolutely fuckall attention from women and I always thought I was average looking at best but in the eyes of japanese women i'm a chad apparently

Do japanese women just have absolutely no standards for white men? Am I actually attractive but my autism just scares women away?
They're filipinos, don't fall for it.
He lives online and has tens of millions of dollars stupid.
For a country that's supposedly "xenophobic", almost every interaction I had with a Japanese person was great. Even had a few Japanese people approach me go out of their way to give me directions when I looked lost
Both but go for it lil bro. Just don’t talk to any Nigerians.
This. I had the exact same experience, and I'm not even white. It was probably the most welcoming country I've ever visited. I know they have their fair equivalent of chuds there but I assume those types just stay inside and shitpost on 2ch
They're nice as fuck, they still look down on you.

This is probably the best essay about a young white girl living in Tokyo ever written. It's raw, doesn't hold back and even has a twist ending. Jennifer Sky was an actress on Cleopatra 2525 and is a good writer. Her life was wild and she's talked about it extensively. Tokyo is nice, but there's a bit of sketchiness below the pristine surface.
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They have a literal suicide forest where people go to hang themselves from trees so I would say yes
Looks dystopian as hell. Thank God America has so much space.
I really dont think so
This. I live in Asia and teach English to all the Japanese housewives who live here.

Their husbands all work 6-7 days a week, and then on their days off they all have to go play golf with their boss because if they don't they're worried the other guy who does will get ahead of them currying favor with the boss.

It sounds like a hellish existence to be a Japanese office worker.
They really are soulless. No wonder prostitution is so wide spread. Drugs are hard to find so it's either alcohol and whores or suicide.
Imagine wanting to be Japanese when you get all the benefits of their culture and entertainment without any of the downsides
Big protests across spain just last week telling tourists to fuck off back to where they came from, it turns tourist towns into insufferable unlivable shitholes for the locals
stop watching anime for just one month straight. you can go back to it after that, just give it a solid 30 days. believe me, it will detox your poisoned mind, its just not healthy to fetishise a country.
>wife and kids
>actually tries to learn the language
>but is only there because of the aesthetics
i mean his purpose there is to raise his family and to be in a place he thinks looks cool
If you live there so long that the novelty wears off of Japan, or worse, the novelty wears off of you and you're just a loser gaijin. But yeah LiT isn't a good movie
comfyno nigs
yes especially if you get stuck as a nip wagie, for as bad as it is being a burger wagie Japan (and by extension East Asian in general) makes it so much worse since not only will they overwork you with even more pointless shit along with the overtime, but even peer pressure you to do non work shit with the company which would cause the various social autists here to kill themselves asap
Congratulations. QRD/background?
Going there at the end of the year so we finna boutta find out.
this webm repulses the amerifat. they literally wouldn't be able to fit into those places.
>umm no thanks, i value my heckin personal space
oh look a nigger lover
tits are godly
pedos and gays love satan
What happens if you're in the middle and you suddenly have to shit really bad?
>Drugs are hard to find
Getting caught with so much as weed will permanently destroy a jap's career and social standing, and so much as a foreign prescription for an illegal substance will get a gaijin fired and deported. Illegal recreational drugs aren't hard to find at all but it's not worth the risk
>If you like Christmas cakes
i do
brb permanently altering japans genepool
>there's an almost invisible barrier
It's not that invisible, anon. I'd say it's pretty apparent.
whats she doing?
you can be depressed anywhere, it's one of the best things about it
Take the last train at 1am in one of the 23 wards on a weeknight, wander around until 5am, take the first train back. Crime is low so probably nothing will happen to you. Other cities in Japan aren't completely open in the overnight hours so it's not as interesting. Funny that this is the one thing I haven't seen annoying foreign influencers try yet but I did it all the time
I know what I'm doing!
lol, yeah, i'm sure it would be extremely easy for a gaijin to just move in and set up a fucking horseback touring business in japan. i'm sure there are no hurdles.
Holy cope.
What train line will give me the gaijin reverse chikan experience?
you'd still be a awkward loser in japan btw
>bugpeople stuck together like sardines in a can eating raw fish while the cook squirts hot cooking oil into their direction everytime he stirs the pot
you weebs are fucking braindead
That makes it seem like it would be hard to find unless you're a Yakuza chad
>invisible barrier
Those places are known for their xenofobia
Cheap booze, cheap cigarettes, cheap food and hot women. Probably very hard.
>muh mountainu
>gets mogged by literally any City west of Kansas
checkmate nippon, you fail to mention that your 40 million inhabitant ant hive has China-tier air pollution
Eating bugs in a pod is awesome.
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>Can you even be depressed in Japan?
Why do you think they have the term "hara-kiri"?
>bleached (in more ways than one)
Nobody who's attractive and/or a woman can be depressed, you fuckers are cruising on easy mode
To be fair nippons have several different words for suicide. Some of them means suicide was good thing and some mean it was vein. Japans think good death is just as important than good life. Overall completing sudoku isn't as big deal as western tries to make it.
Who gives a shit where it's higher? This has no bearing on his statement you absolute mong!
Yeah but who wants to live in any city west of Kansas? They're good to visit but who wants to stay besides potheads(Colorado) and cult followers(Utah)
my gf is japanese and is moving to my country, one of the reasons being work in japan is so awful

ive been to japan many times, have always though its a great place to visit, but not a great place to live

simply because of the work culture. i mean if you could live in japan and money was no issue then itd be ideal
if you're poor, yes.
At the least, not knowing the language would make it very difficult.
Degenerate gamblers and sex fiends in Nevada?
no wonder they're all quiet by default, that'd be deafening if everyone was yelling like my family does.

Also as a guy with a small bladder and a massive frame, i'd hate to eat there, wheres the fuckin bathrooms?
use them to get your confidence up and figure out how to talk to women, then come back and meet a white girl now you got some game. Go for it, dont get them pregnant with little Elliot Rogers though. And wear a rubber, always, unless its a steady gf you grab.
Nips cant even compete against Chinkerpunk cities anyway.
It is only cheap for westerners cause japan is hitting Vietnam tier of poor
White women should be banned from Japan. It should be a Chud sanctuary.
Thats because its businessmen working 24/7 there. Some rich girl playing around in life with zero worries is different you retard.
i think i would throw up from the fumes everywhere. this probably smells like a fast food restaurant on a hot summer day with cleaning staff on vacation
They look like they hate foreign guys
>Japan: Just being Japan
>Every non-Japanese: SEETHING
China is also low crime but chuds won't give them praise because their handlers hope to draft them into a war with Taiwan
The thing Japanese peeper ruv doing more than keirring otha peeper is keirring themserves!
Of course, it’s not magical anime land, it’s just another patch of dirt where people live.
Just like Parasite tought us, South Korea and Japan suck but North Korea and China are great.
An interesting read, anon.
she wants to fuck
this poster fucks
Get out of Tokyo and you will see a different picture. Work-life balance is not the same everywhere in Japan.
I don't like the feel of a nigger's blade on my stomach, no thanks sir.
You really believe China gives real crime statics away? They just throw criminals to cell hus hus and take their organs if profitable.
Holy shit
Ok pal go be a rich girl in Japan then. Im waiting
It’s the best place in the world I’ve ever visited. I’ve been to Fiji Italy Belgium France England Poland Ukraine Corsica chile mexico and the Cayman Islands. I also lived in nyc for 10 years

Japan / Tokyo trumps them all. I’ve been severely depressed since visiting because I know it’s gonna be a while before I go back
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>all those facemasks
At least one of them has to be gagged, right?
Isn't China the country where you die from your elevator falling down or an escalator collapsing or whatever?
Left is literally Jim "no identity" Sterling who says chud unironically, kek
Sounds dumb but I was so happy in Japan that it felt spiritual. That being said, I was on vacation, didn't have to work, and I have a decent amount of money. One morning I got up early and watched a one-armed jap boomer fish. The inordinate safety and ease of a monocultural and monoracial society cannot be overstated.
>t. girlfriend fucked Aussie chad
So which is it?
It was unironically a humuliation ritual. She was an idol from AKB48 that was in love with Pattinson. It was for their variety show called AKBingo. The production crew organised an interview for her but they forced her to pretend to be a mosquitto and do that bit while everyone in the studio audience laughed at her.
Who the fuck would want to go to spain
Chinese people run over each other like it's gta
Not him, but me and the wife were planning on going in February. Grenada for the Arabic influenced architecture and probably another city like Barcelona. We went to Greece last year and enjoyed it a lot.
Yeah because China's crime stats follow the same pattern with East Asia
>They just throw criminals to cell hus hus and take their organs if profitable
If you're a shitty degenerate criminal then your organs should be given to someone better
>I'm a chronically depressed wagie and seeing rich happy people who succeeded in life makes me want to kill myself. If only someone knew how smart and special I really am!!!

Many such cases, kek. Probably brown, too.
>spend half an hour paying bills on a small touchscreen kiosk in a convenience store
I don't get this one
Wrong. The Japanese commit ritual suicide due to dishonor, not depression.
I lived in Shikoku for three years and it was the same there. Husbands and wives slept in seperate rooms, lots of the women at work would laugh and say their husband was just someone who stayed in the same house as them.
I dunno, ask their suicide rates
And I say this as a weeb
That one's not true, it takes less than a minute to do. But the rest are 100% factual.
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I-I exist too, anon...
Being petty, autistic, easily upset, socially stunted weirdos which is what japs are. They're like autists if you overstimulate them they throw temper tantrums, pretty basic behavior for being so strict all the time, the emotions build up and they lose their shit.
The whining they do at the end of sentences really bugs me. I will go there eventually but I feel as if it will simply be a more western, less interesting Tokyo. I could go out in the countryside of course, but I'd have to look up way more to do.
Have you never crossed paths with a Chinese tour group?
Because real people are like that you fucking moron. When did a character being unlikeable come to pass as a legitimate criticism? You're unlikeable too you know, based on your post, but I'd still feel bad to see you depressed and miserable, far from home, because I recognize that you're innately human. How many films and great works of literature are you going to miss out on because some character has flaws that bring them misery? "The Iliad? Pfft fuck Achilles, he's immature and his own anger brings him problems! Worthless!"
The only people who talk like this are young and exclusively watch aspirational self-insert media about feeling powerful and accomplished. But when you realize that life is more complicated than a Dragon Ball Z training arc where you just need to work really really really hard, you'll find more complex characters and relationships which are flawed or fucked up to be valuable.
Pffft you’re full of shit. Maybe if you’re some fat weeb manlet tourist. I was stationed there when I was in the military and when a group of hulking white dudes with crew cuts show up anywhere the local group of school girls start drooling.
While in Tokyo, the amount of rude tourists was shocking, considering it was 2023. Not even just Chinese either. The Muslims were pretty bad too. Japs barely understand English for the most part, and you have to pronounce some English words like how they do, so that they understand. But this Muslim lady was asking for specific brands super quickly and getting angry that she wasn't understood. All these tourists really add up and clog shit. Not only visually and audibly disruptive, you can feel it internally that they don't even make an attempt to fit in while there. No embrace of the culture whatsoever.
>None of the men are big or strong enough to even put a dent in me

You're tripping, which country did you go to? It's not that they're afraid of you, the "bad areas" you visited are probably not as bad as you think and missed the real bad areas (thankfully)

t. latino
I went to a small shrine in Tokyo that was unattended at the time. Wandering around on the path, I noticed small wooden signs adorning every little hill. They were in English and Chinese and they both said not to walk on the grass. Curiously, there were no Japanese signs. Do you know why?

The answer is that Japanese people have a Japanese way of doing things that they all just get. Tourists don't get it. So every time a tourist comes, there's a chance that they just don't realize they're not meant to walk on the grass and so they do. If this happens a few times, no big deal, the grass will regrow. Maybe it's a little bit of work for the shrine attendant but it can be dealt with. Now if there's a million tourists a year? It's a crisis. Worse is that the more tourists there are, the less they care for adopting the local customs even if temporarily. Once you get a big group of them, they suddenly go into 'international mode', and decide to only use English and expect everything to adjust to international sensibilities.
Whores like shiny things and foreign men are the biological equivalent of being shiny.
Was talking about Japan my dude. The men are built like 12 yo boys.
Its beautiful. One of the biggest tourist spots in Europe. Where the fuck are you from?
>they're both the source of their own problems

That's the conflict of pretty much every story ever, even in kids movies like Shrek you'll see he's unhappy because of his own way of dealing with people. People fear him and judge him for his looks, but instead of being friendly to them regardless of first impressions in order to make them see he's not bad, he chooses to become an asshole and scare everyone on purpose, he's the source of his unhapiness until Donkey and Fiona come to his life. It's storytelling 101

>why the fuck should I feel bad for this dumb cunt and this rich fuck on their trip to Japan?

Relationship problems can happen to everyone regardless of social status. Dude goes off every day and barely pays any attention to Scarjo, and she can't go out with her friends or do something by herself in order to feel better because she's in a country with a very different culture and of course she doesn't speak the language either so things are worse.

In my opinion, becoming friends and developing some love for Bill Murray was a situational thing, I don't know if you've experienced this, but when you go to a different country and see someone from your own nation you'll connect almost immediately.

It's a story about lonely people, who make mistakes like everyone does, and who try to distract themselves with silly things like karaoke to try to forget about their problems, at least for the moment.

No offense, but how old are you? I think I would've hated this movie if I watched it in high school, but seeing this in my mid 20s, with my own place and with an adult life, it kind of hit me in a personal level, not too deep, the movie didn't leave a scar on me, but it did leave a scratch.
I doubt there's "bad areas" in Japan, compared to Latin America at least, that's why I think he meant LATAM
It’s why I put it in quotes. Even the places the locals think are “bad” might as well be white suburbs.

>Even the places the locals think are “bad” might as well be white suburbs

Agree, many people hate the Bronx but it's safer than Tepito, Japan doesn't have as much crime, BUT I do recall they have a big harassment problem. As long as you're a dude you're safe
How did Tolkien watch Lost in Translation?
They do, but actual rape is rare. Boo hoo some dude copped a feel and ran away giggling.
Japan fucking sucks, unless you hate yourself enough so being considered lesser all you life, despite your accomplishments and skills, just by your non-japanese looks

That's why Japan attracts so many people willing to live in reclusiveness, mostly devote to media consumption

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