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Finished this off recently, looking to just talk about it with others who've seen it, and maybe get suggestions on other stuff to watch.
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there's a spin-off. you can watch that next.
Ah, so that's what the shit on the left >>201685143 is from, just pulled that image off of google.

Looked it up on justwatch, and guess it does (at least somewhat) address the shit about the drakh I felt was left unanswered. I don't have any of the services streaming it, so I'll have to hold off on it, probably re-watch the main series I once I'm able to watch it, or it's available on something I have access to. For now I guess I'll just keep watching Farscape on tubi
I watch Charls too.
what do you want to talk about? I love Babylon 5. Have you seen any of the movies?
is this any good?
>what do you want to talk about?
Well I guess stuff like that, didn't know any existed, I just started watching it on max, and then tubi when max removed it.
I recommend Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
The Gathering is the first 'movie' but is just a pilot episode, if you've alreay seen the whole series there isn't much value in it to you but might be interesting just to see what the pilot was like. In The Beginning is worth watching, it kind of recaps the entire history of B5 and then ends a little bit after the end of Season 4 and gives closure regarding Londo. Thirdspace is set during season 4 and is disconnected from the overarching plot but is pretty good. River of Souls is kind of silly and skippable but has Martin Sheen as an alien so thats neat. A Call To Arms is a set up for Crusade I think and I've heard Legend of the Rangers is terrible but dont know for certain. I havent seen the recent animated movie.
Thank for this list, and laying that out, I'll screen cap this, already added them to my tracking list on justwatch
Op, what do you want?
dont bother, his shoes are too tight and he has forgotten how to dance
God I'd hate to see how current year writers would handle Londo
The show would never even be made in the current year.
the idea of nuanced humanization of a character literally responsible for genocide--and having him become best friends with the leader of said genocided race--would make modern writers explode
So how do you guys think that supposed reboot is gonna go?
It will not happen.
And that's just one example in the show.
Never ask that question.
why does it have the Farscape S
As a conversation point, I like how, even if it's not as deep as naming countries/continents, they still somewhat mention local/planet level geography for some of the alien races' planets, like the island the Centauri give to the shadows, and (maybe I'm misremembering) but I think G'Kar mentions that the Name telepaths lived in a specific area before being wiped out. That's not something I've seen in anything with space/aliens I've watched so far, any other sci-fi series do this?
thats a good point, most sci-fi shows just talk about planets without really talking about more specific locations outside of iconic settings like the Mos Eisely cantina, but otherwise its just like a whole planet is a single "location"
It's a common trope you see in a lot of sci-fi. A planet is only one "thing" - ice planet, forest planet, desert planet. It's like the writers have never heard of biomes or geography. The same applies to places and cities. B5 did a lot of (small) things right.
>Name telepaths
*Narn telepaths
second to this opinion. In the Beginning is good, 3rd space is like the tng movies, filler. I liked the message though, and does widen the world and is enjoyable for Zach if nothing else. I feel the same about river of souls, less quality than 3rd space but same formula. A call to arms is good. Feels too much like a pilot than a movie, and given it was supposed to launch Crusade that is not surprising. The ranger one is pretty bad, the effects are clearly a downgrade to early 00s made for tv, and is the only 100% skipable one of the bunch imo.

Never saw Crusade, and it was killed before it started by the network just without letting JMS know.

For other things in B5. There is a good fan novel "A Dark Distorted Mirror" that is a best appreciated after the main series. It presents an alternate series with 5 novellas where the Earth Mimbari war doesnt end and humans are left to a couple colonies living under the control of other powers. Many of the same story beats show up but inverted, swapped, mix and matched.

writers have no sense of scale, sadly common trope, just like hogwarts having like 30 kids per year max. Also limitations of filming. It is far easier to film, cast, and write a show where you are, than have to travel the world for every episode without repetition. Also takes having a good series bible with extra details written in that will never be aired, just so there is some context behind something that is on screen to be consistent with its own universe.
No, I get the logistics, like I said even the simple shit in Babylon 5 is better than most, but I think a good writer could work in lines, of characters name dropping a city, or other territory they grew up in, or maybe comparing it to something they read about, or saw on earth, or on a planet they're on in the episode.
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Dr. Han is in this?

I might check it out after I finish Voyager and Enterprise.
What genetic strain is he from, because that jawline is super atypical for asians.
He's in Crusade, the Spin-Off series.

Anyone have any favourite scenes to share?
I've highly skeptical of the kumbaya, mutlticulti vision for the world some people have, but I still like this scene
I can read it as just showing how unique earth is, that this many distinct cultures could sprout from it.
It's sci-fi from a different time, and it was clearly inspired by even older fiction. Back then those things looked reasonable and plausible.
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Oh shit, you're right
Legend of the Rangers actually tried out that 'vr room to control gun turrets with hands and feet' idea that people always used to toss around. Too bad it looked absolutely terrible
Why not?
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I can't put my finger on it, but something about the tech in this show, feels slightly more dated than other sci-fi, is it the cgi, I know that hasn't aged well.
It's in pre-production hell. The original network it was planned for no longer exists. All work on it stopped because of the strike and nothing has happened since. It's like the entire franchise is cursed and it's a miracle we got the 5 seasons we did.
The spinoff was mired in interference from TNT:
>we dont want an ongoing plot about a drakh plague
>we dont want references to Babylon 5
>we want fights in every episode and they should be staged like pro wrestling
>there should be a character who is a sexual explorer who sleeps with lots of aliens
>change the costumes
And it was cancelled after 13 episodes had been filmed - before it even went to air
Supposedly TNT decided that while Babylon 5 did well in the ratings their regular viewers weren't watching it and B5 viewers weren't staying tuned to watch more TNT, this is an important thing in broadcast tv, and this fucking around was all an elaborate effort to force JMS into quitting or giving them an excuse to fire him.
TL;DR for the plans for the 5 seasons:
Gideon would have been shot and died at the end of season 1.
He would have been brought back to life by being merged with that weird box he had.
The Technomages were to be revealed to have been former agents of The Shadows.
The Drakh plague would have been found to be nanite based, with the same origin as the nanites the Technomages use, and cured in season 2.
And its deployment would have been part of a larger conspiracy of Shadow agents still active in EarthGov, who had also been responsible for the destruction of Gideons previous ship, and the Crusade and its crew would have then had to go on the run for the remainder of the series.
A funny thing about all this is years later TNT essentially recycled/ripped off the shows plot for their own production The Last Ship.
That sounds like the early rumblings of the push in hollywood to make everything for everyone, causing it to lose it's own character. I can't decide if that retarded exec apolitical version, is better or worse than the clearly leftist/progressive version we have today.
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Straczynski, the lead writer for B5 was also the head writer for Captain Power. Which is another solid scifi show of its period.
>stage fights like pro wrestling
>add lots of sex with aliens
>dont have a complex ongoing story
its trying to dumb it down for the TNT audience
this isn't trying to make everything for everyone, this isn't political, this isn't progressive/leftist
(JMS is a leftie btw and there was plenty of progressive politics in B5 you idiot)
and He-Man, Real Ghostbusters, did some work on Walker Texas Ranger, Jake and Fat Man, and Murder She Wrote
the man does a good toy commercial
Are you esl?
I never said it was, I said it sounded like the early rumblings of it, they wanted to make it appealing to both general tnt watchers, while still having it be space sci-fi shit, cashing in on the previous series. I said it was apolitical, it was just retarded (probably actual at the time) boomer execs.

I said t o d a y's is clearly leftist/progressive. Also 90's/2000's progress is far-right by the standards of today's progressives, I'd know, I'm basically a 2000's soc-lib
/Tv is GREEN board. Purples fuck off!
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I always wanted to watch Trek, and Dr. Who, but I'm a little hesitant now, seeing how they end up in current year.
its a blue board
Babylon 5 is also a bit iffy in current year.
You talking about the possible reboot?
And the cartoon.
never made it through the opening theme of first ep. utter dogshit.
made it through the closing theme of last ep. utter brilliance.
Went on YouTube and tried watching a video of the opening for Season 3.

It failed.
bump bump bah bump bump bah
I downloaded a torrent of the complete series and set up an entry in my network drive streaming app. Not really sure it's worth any more of my time.
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Jah'Dur did nothing wrong
OP I tried but hit a wall around Ep 4
Is it worth it?
I heard it has season long arcs and has old enemies coking back ala mass effect
Worth it?
>ala mass effect

another thing that ripped off b5
season 1 has a lot of stand alone episodes you can skip
does anyone have a list of arc vs stand alone season 1 episodes?
Episode 1, Midnight on the Firing Line: arc
Episode 2, Soul Hunter: stand alone but some foreshadowing
Episode 3, Born to the Purple: stand alone but helps establish Londo
Episode 4, Infection: stand alone
Episode 5, The Parliament of Dreams: stand alone but arc-ish
Episode 6, Mind War: very arc
Episode 7, The War Prayer: stand alone, but a little bit arc in establishing disgruntled elements on Earth
Episode 8, And the Sky Full of Stars: arc-ish*
Episode 9, Deathwalker: stand alone but with an arc-ish* element
Episode 10, Believers: stand alone
Episode 11, Survivors: stand alone, but helps establish Garibaldi
Episode 12, By Any Means Necessary: stand alone
Episode 13, Signs and Portents: very arc
Episode 14, TKO: stand alone
Episode 15, Grail: stand alone but fun
Episode 16, Eyes: stand alone
Episode 17, Legacies: stand alone, but helps establish Ivanova
Episode 18, A Voice in the Wilderness Pt 1: arc
Episode 19, A Voice in the Wilderness Pt 2: arc
Episode 20, Babylon Squared: arc
Episode 21: The Quality of Mercy: stand alone, but some elements reappear later on
Episode 22: Chrysalis: arc

*I listed several episodes as arc-ish because they would have been important to the overall story except that cast changes meant they were abandoned or shortened
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Are there any other B5 pepes or memes?
JMS wrote 12 episodes of the first season
15 of season two
and then all of season three and four
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Not many, but...
I think saw 1 or 2 images of something animated, what did the cartoon do?

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