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>The Weeknd plays as a famous singer, with Ortega as his deranged fan/stalker. Coming in at a budget of over $20 million and financed by Live Nation, the title has been sitting in post-production for a year with sources saying “prospective buyers aren’t biting”.

Would watch.
Will never watch. So sick of that ugly freak getting work.
I have $15, can I watch it now?

What a load of shite.
Misery doesn't need a remake. It's a perfect film with the perfect cast. You can't recreate perfection.
Does she rape him? Asking for myself
Gross foreigner.
the world is healing
sounds cringe
Narcissistic as fuck, no?
>scene where he's struggling on the bed, ortega's too weak to lift the hammer and swing it while 'Earned it' plays in the background
>Mufug, I can't write no new album while I'm stuck in a bed, sheeeeeit
What the hell is going on with the weeknd? The guy sells himself as some kind of one-size-fits-all pussy-eating genius in every piece of shit he produces.
Agreed. The book is one of King's better efforts, too, though granted that's not saying much.
I've never heard even a single note of his music. I consider myself a lucky man.
Me the same, but despite that I always come across movies or series or some random advertising on YouTube. Why the hell are they selling us so much to this Canadian?
I do NOT want to watch any of these people in any kind of movie, ever.
>Why the hell are they selling us so much to this Canadian?
Because he's black. Is there any other reason in (((current year)))?
His music is ok (it sounds like overproduced synth-pop from the late eighties). He keeps trying to break into acting, but he can’t act.
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>Jenna Ortega
Stale and gay.
Fresh and heterosexual
Samefag. You did the same thing last night. Find something new. You're played out, Mr. Brokenrecord.
>There's so much misery
>And it's all coming out of my penis
Has there ever been a remake of an Academy Award winning performance? She really thinks she'll do as well as Kathy Bates?
The Weeknd really trying to make this acting thing work huh
Blinding Lights is kino
i havent seen anything the weeknd has acted in. is he even a good actor? might youtube it to see for meself but i reckon itll be a waste of my time
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>The Weeknd
Can this fag fuck off already? He's never going to be a thing no matter how many nepo babies he gets to endorse him. He can't act and his music sucks.
he has some bangers, i followed him since his trilogy mixtapes, he is legit talented in music. have not seen anything hes acted in tho
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Made one of the few bad American Dad episodes, but at least it wasn't total wankery and they made fun of him a bit. His whole subplot was how he's a virgin.
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Kek based.
What is she going to leave him tied up and buy him a nice keyboard/synth and demand he right another album?
>I can't write on this, it requires being able to play an instrument. I need an AI to write my songs
>but it cost the most
Movie falls apart and can't work.
>is he even a good actor?
No, not even remotely. Just look up any clip of his acting in The Idol and prepare to feel second hand embarrassment.
The only Idol I know is American Idol, and there ain't no acting in that. One hundred percent reality, baby.
Hmmm, I wonder why nobody wants to put out a movie where a crazy bitch does some evil shit to an innocent man

>black dude
>non black female
>post 2016
You know kikes can't resist
I don't think I'm as good a guitar player as Joe Satriani, but I'd still like to be able to play the guitar and have people hear it. Sounds like you attributing some form of egotism without proof it exists.
>Abel tesfaye
Is he Muslim or something?
I never liked the Misery movie. The Weeknd has become an upper echelon to the publics eye.
There's a big difference between you wanting to share your stuff and headlining in a Joe Satriani cover band with your name right next to his as the lead guitarist. The latter is more similar to what this is, and does imply that you think you're at least close to his level.
apparently ethiopian
Wikipedia calls it 'ethiopan-semitic,' so a black, sub-saharan jew from before their desert trek, I suppose.
I'd say it's more like this movie is a singular cover song in the set of a non-Satriani cover band. I just don't think it's ego to make an attempt, knowing that you might not be as good but still enjoying the act of put your own interpretation on the work.
Why the fuck does Weeknd he can act? He fucking can't.
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I miss when movies felt like they had older and real people. I can't imagine those three in the same scenario as the cast of the original movie. They looked like everyday people.
The Weeknd is the type of black that tries to sound eloquent. Probably uses the term "perogative" a lot.
His music is good, but he seems like a major douche and his films / tv shows are garbage.
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The most dangerous thing in the world is a nigger with a library card.
I'm so tired of talking about all these silly groids and their made up nonsense names in movies. Make up a name if you must but make it a real name not some stupid mispelled phrase.
That Scotsman is Whiter than you. Fook off.
>slamming bobby brown like he slammed whitney
rude anon
Is he the guy that did that song where’s your head at, with the DJ monkeys music video?
He's exactly as white as me, as I also have pale skin and blue eyes. I'm just smarter than him because I can spell "shit" properly and my ancestors were smart enough to leave a failing continent.
>remake of an Academy Award winning performance
The first – and only – remake to win Best Picture is The Departed (USA, 2006), Martin Scorsese's (USA) remake of Infernal Affairs (Hong Kong, 2002). The Cohen brothers' (USA) remake of True Grit (USA, 2010) was nominated for the 2010 Best Picture Oscar but lost out to The King Sneed (UK, 2010).
The Weeknd has become a fag hag for the buccal fat
>financed by Live Nation
I'm gonna guess it was advanced, not loaned. The Weeknd in deep shit if that's the case.
Just say African nigger without adding in the semitic buzzwords.
“We jus tryna be convenial about this current quagmire fr fr nigga ong this beat is duplecious as fuck”
That's what wikipedia says, and his name is even spelled in Hebrew. I assumed it meant something.
>when I was a kid I used to love going to concerts, one time there was a teaser for a Taylor swift concert coming up the next week.
>so you bet I was first in line to buy a ticket and saved up for the front row, oh I was so excited!
>Taylor swift came out and started obviously lip singing and not singing for real
>my friend started cheering and clapping, well I didn't! I stood up and shouted
>that's not real singing, that's not what I paid for, she's not even singing THE COCKADOODIE SONG!
I dunno I like the idea of her forcing him to burn his latest album and saying
>We must rid the world of this filth
this scene would unintentionally make her the sympathetic character.
he's literally mixed jew though
i mean, have you not seen a picture of him?

he's the same blend as kerpatrick, etc, all these self-loathing half-white/jew and half-black mixes that grew up middle-class (or higher) and once they make it big, resent and forsake their 'whiteness' (and sometimes throw their relatives or parents under the bus)

its kinda disgusting how they attempt to capitalize on that
he literally spend millions of dollars on palestinians so roasties would leave him alone after the idol
>financed by Live Nation
Those morons give Abel a lot of money just so he can fuck some gen z whores on a big pile of cocaine
Should make it the Micheal jackson farewell tour and she thinks he's still alive and it's just a hologram at the concert and then she flips out while everyone cheers.
It needs to be remade with majority non-whites. All classic films will be remade this way. For your own good.
I mean he's not really a Canadian.
The guy suddenly appeared in Uncut Gems with Adam Sandler and ended up ruining me
the books are free but he'll still steal them
>The Weekend
What a stupid name
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see i dont understand why they remake good movies. it was already good and chances are youre just going to fuck it up, in this case theres not really anything new to do with the plot either
There's nothing to Ortega. Even with both my legs broken I could take her. Bates felt like an actual physical threat
>She really thinks she'll do as well as Kathy Bates?
She arrogant as fuck so she probably thinks she will do better
>and chances are youre just going to fuck it up
Sounds like they did
He was alive, but he's the master of disguise and had done interviews as other people.
Yeah until instead of the prison camp operation "hobbling" scene, it is changed to a drug cartel operation "operation" with paralytic drugs and methamphetamine to keep you awake through all of it happening as she skins you alive.
But yeah you go ahead and pic Jenna, I'll take my chances with the sledge hammer (axe in the book)
It's crazy how the internet totally warped our perception of beauty.

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