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>droids have existed for tens of thousands of years
>decide to invade a planet during galactic peacetime with droids that have retarded AI
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The droids weren't retarded. Their owners were.
>spend billions of dollars on retarded droids that can't get out of their own way
>lose to Jar Jar retarded shenanigans
>the droids weren't retarded
They had to cut costs.
They wanted the CIS to spread across the galaxy so they needed expendable droids in high numbers
They won the ground battle. I wish they won the space battle since that was the only one that mattered, but the gungan grand army was routed and surrendered. The droid's only mistake was, for some reason, not immediately executing their prisoners. That's not retarded so much as it's unexpectedly merciful.
The droids were smart in episode 1 when they had the mother CPU ship, but then when one was destroyed and they realized it was a stupid as fuck idea for a real war, they had to improvise.
They banned really smart AI after the Chudlerian Jihad
The trade federation war was intentionally fomated to trigger the transition from the republic into the empire.
The CIS needed living subjects from whom to take taxes.
>The droid's only mistake was, for some reason, not immediately executing their prisoners. That's not retarded so much as it's unexpectedly merciful.
battle droids are weirdly chill like that.
There are many times in the clone wars where they just wanted to arrest the enemy and get it over it instead of slaughtering them.
I guess Obi-wan was right about it being a more civilized age. Too bad he didn't realize it himself until it all came crashing down.
They were just following orders
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>Most powerful droid in the Star Wars universe that can take down an entire army singlehandedly
>The in universe explanation these arent common is because they are too expensive to make
>Literally spend trillions of dollars instead on making those completely useless roger roger droids
Is everyone in Star Wars fucking retarded?
It's easier to oppress natives with a huge group of shitty rent-a-cops than with a small group of super soldiers. A small reserve of droidekas exist for the really important fights, like when the jedi are about to storm the command center.
>TK-883, are we the baddies?
All Droids have free will, and the goofiness its part of the settings charm. Should the droids have been goose stepping and putting nabooians down in the street instead? Should they have crushed gungan skulls under their cold metal jackboots?
they weren't useless, the CIS droids were going to overrun the entire republic until the jedi pulled several million highly trained super clones out of their asses and even then the war was close
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Droids were fun 20+ years ago when drones were fairly new technology and not as scary
Now that we see that robots have the potential to be even scarier than Terminator ones, the CIS army flaws are more glaring
What was their tax policy
Take them.
Quantity beat quality eventually it just also happens that the republic also had quality and lesser quantity
>have 1 trained sniper or 100,000 cats
lmao retard
Sniper's gotta reload and aim, and when the cats get close, that long rifle will be hard to aim. 100,000 is a lot. I give it to the cats.
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>mfw we will never see a movie with droids rounding up gungans and executing them in the streets
>gungans will never be sent to the gunga camps where they'll provide slave labor
>we'll never see the gungan genocide by the hands of the droids
>we will never see gungans take over the film industry to spread propaganda about the droids
>Oysa veysa! Its'a likes'uh nudda shoah!
>The trade federation war was intentionally fomated to trigger the transition from the republic into the empire.
This. I really hope OP is trolling and not actually this retarded.
star wars was for children, you're being silly
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Why did Pamdé call for a vote of no confidence in Valorum?
>So this is how democracy dies?
Was this bitch retarded? She's the one who killed it.
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Nothing about it makes any sense though. The endgame was just to murder everybody anyway, so why didn't they just murder everybody to begin with and skip the pretense? The Clone Wars achieves fuck all.
It's as nonsensical as Dune in this regard.
>Hey fags, I'm the Emperor now. If you disagree, I'll nuke your sand meth. Also I'm going to marry this French pig, never have children with her, and point a gun at the previous Emperor forcing him to pronounce me his successor just to make it look good on paper even though literally everybody knows the truth and it makes no sense
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They were made to fend of pirates not war
Why was Naboo such a shit planet that it got steamrolled in like a day by a few Trade Federation ships and their shitty droid army?
>Droid bountyhunter
Why does a droid need credits (money)?
KotOR was a mistake
For bounty hunting equipment.
the STAR WARS universe has a ban on superintelligent AI

its why all the ships need to be run manually and arent just run by a big AI. And also why the only AI we see in star wars are dumbed down C3PO or droidecarts that only do one thing really well but sorta suck at everything else
Valorum was a Chamberlain style passifist they were right to remove him
Weren't they retarded on purpose so they wouldn't actually win? Just drag the war into a big stalemate so the plan to get a clone army approved by the senate etc would happen
It was to excuse to have giant armies ready to invade at a moments notice. Making a giant clone army would be suspicious to anyone.. if they were bad guys. But they were the 'good guys' saving people from the actual invading bad guys, so it was okay for them to invade too.
because the republic doesnt war itself. imagine if one day you woke up and ohio was surronded by soldiers from alabama. you'd be like

>dude, what?
and then some fag in government is like
>this is perfectly legal, because climate change and blacklives matter
>now we will annex illinois due to....

then some other retard goes
>I am going to send in clone soldiers from canada to suppress this illegal occupation


90% of the planets in the Republic were demiliterized and peaceful, That was the whole point of the senate.

Also I think only 40% of the known planets were even members of the senate, it didnt have universal authority
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you think that's stupid? Luke Skywalker had worker droids build the Jedi monastery, when it's precisely such manual labor that any legit teacher uses as a basis for initiates' spiritual development
>ora et labora
>wax on wax off
etc. No wonder his student cohort turned out how they did
they had the soviet approach to warfare
throw massive hordes of cheaply equiped and retarded infantry at the enemy betting on them running out of resources before you do
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Who the fuck are you talking about? Are you asking why a small collection of separatists didn't just kill 90% of the galaxy and seize control? Are you 12? How would that work out? Palpatine didn't want to lose a full-scale galactic war as some shitty rogue tyrant. He wanted people to accept his legitimacy as galactic emperor. He needed to break down the foundation of the republic in order to sway people.

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