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what was the most retarded myth?
The lightbulb one
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This one
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when they pretended they had to scientifically test if you could catch a bullet with your teeth ti know if it was possible or not
The only retarded parts of this myth are the retards that still can't grasp the most basic logic 29 years later and me for still arguing with retards about it 29 years later.

I kind of liked when they ran out of actual myths and just started replicating movie stunts and other random bullshit. The ones debunking obviously fake YouTube videos weren't very interesting though.
Idk, maybe the shit from ninja movies/kung fu movies
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>when they ran out of actual myths and just started replicating movie stunts and other random bullshit
the last time i watched this they built a little arena with monsters and were trying to see if anyone could carry as many weapons as doom guy and still be an effective soldier, or something like that. it was extremely stupid
>does using a car's AC use more gas?
Towards the end, the "myths" were just stupid shit they were obviously pulling out of their ass for content
Jamie and Grant were too good for that show.
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This one
Is obviously A
I'm still mad how they concluded that "women have more pain tolerance that men" when their own test showed that high pain threshold is only present on women who had kids. Nulliparous women had the same pain threshold as men.
That and the cookie dough-brain shit.
i used to be A but it's clearly B
the shark week episode when kari was wearing a bikini on that baot
I never understood the women pain tolerance meme. Feeling pain during childbirth shouldn't matter if it doesn't kill you. You'd think pain tolerance for the gender engineered for physical violence would be much more important.
>so today we're going to find out if a 95lbs 5'4"woman can beat up three 6'3" men weighing 230 - 260lbs each if she grew up with 3 brothers.
Which episode anon? Sounds kino
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Even before the crazy movie bullshit and stunt "myths" they had some stupid ones
They tested to see if a pyramid was magical by putting a razor under it, and the myth was that the magical properties of the pyramid would keep it sharper than a razor kept out of pyramids.
They tested it plants have feelings.
I think Adam called them "boogieman myths" or similar and said he didn't want to do any more because they were so fucking dumb and not remotely related to actual physics/science
It was pretty kino to see some UFC guy easily do the entire course with a full armory on his back though
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The smarter gender has lower pain tolerance because we're not stupid or weak enough to subjugate ourselves to pain.

That's why we developed the modern world, while women just sat around and bitched.

>I'm hot
Men: Invent air conditioning and climate control
Women: This is fine (secretly not fine)
>They tested to see if a pyramid was magical by putting a razor under it, and the myth was that the magical properties of the pyramid would keep it sharper than a razor kept out of pyramids.
>They tested it plants have feelings.
i remember both of these and they came back with positive results where the apple inside the pyramid didnt grow mold. but then they realized they didnt sterilize the saw blade. the plant one had something similar.
They should have made a spinoff paranormal investigation series where neither of them wanted to be there
Not even the worst variable.
All it proved is that women are willing to tolerate more pain for no reason.
Guess what happens when it's a contest to see who holds out longer with actual incentive?
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B fags are either trolling or are just flat out retarded.

The universe is in motion, thus portals will always be in motion. If B were correct, then everything would be shot out of portals.

A is the scientifically correct answer
Portals can't move relative to each other, the entanglement would break and the plate would just smash the cube.
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Ironically, that's basically all the Discovery and History channels are now, but the hosts at least pretend to be into it. It's all "are mermaids real, and how much money and time can we waste pretending to find out?" and "did the ancient Mayans have surround sound bose speakers delivered by ancient aliens?" with bizarre talking heads. I'd have paid good money to watch a miserable Adam and Jamie going through the motions "finding out" if you can shoot lightning from your eyes after performing a shamanic ritual with the B-team doing an impractical jokers style commentary over it from another room
Six million
Portal 2 retconned that rule. Portals can now be placed on moving surfaces.
as soon as the cube enters the portal it's going to be carrying energy, like if you have a ball in your hand while you're quickly lifting it. so when the piston or your hand stops, the cube and ball will keep going.
If B is correct, wouldn't your body be torn to shreds?
those final seasons had some really stupid ones.
>can ninjas walk on water?
>can you curve a bullet like a whiffle ball?
>how many zombies can Adam kill with an axe?
>can you do the thing from Breaking Bad?

the dumbest one from the early seasons was probably
>can you jump in a falling elevator and survive?
You don't even need to do an experiment. You just need to understand Newtonian physics.
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STFU retard
Unironically, the episode where they tested "Retard Strength". It only aired the one time though due to that little girl with downsyndrome getting pulled apart by two trucks. RIP little goofball.
>You don't even need to do an experiment. You just need to understand Newtonian physics.
Or just basic chemistry ext.
95% of all the myths iirc
>You just need to understand Newtonian physics.
That's a pretty big ask for people watching basic cable tv
retard strength is real in the sense that retards will keep lifting even though their muscles and tendons are tearing themselves apart.
>mythbusters thread
>no Kari webms

The answer is yes it can btw
>as soon as the cube enters the portal it's going to be carrying energy

B retards think a stationary object gains magical momentum from a hole flying at it
If you're gonna ask coomer shit, I'll ask for that screenshot from her facebook of that fake story she made up to be offended about her coveralls
>getting upset by my post

you complete faggot
>Portal 2 retconned that rule. Portals can now be placed on moving surfaces.
Only in one scene and in the commentary the developers explicitly say they know it breaks the rules but it worked out because it was a fun, intuitive moment that no players actually questioned until a second playthrough or until it was pointed out to them. It wasn't a retcon, it was an intentional breaking of the rules for one fun gameplay moment.
>I'm gonna enroll in a pain tolerance test but actually nah I'm just gonna give up halway because I just don't feel like it anymore
something is providing energy to push the mass upwards through the portal. that energy cant simply disappear
Only myth that surprised me. Had no idea the propeller was able to generate enough wind speed for lift to occur.
To really do this you need a small single jet plane and a conveyor that can go over 100mph.
>placed on moving surfaces.
I thought it was only surfaces moving in the plane tangent to the normal of the surface - ie not moving the portal forward or backward at all, just sideways.
1. there was no prize,
2. they weren't told that's what the test was
Are you retarded? The wheels spin freely. It doesn't matter how fast the conveyor is.
Only the portal is moving from above, downward anon.
yes clearly.
It works because planes operate off suction. The engine just needs to suck enough air from in front of the plane for it to be pulled forward and upwards. Sort of like pulling yourself along a rope.
Yes obviously. The wheels are irrelevant.
thats complete BS. If you told the me "first place longest in the ice bath gets 20$, second gets 10", you would have guys getting frostbite competing with eachother over it.

See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Sauna_Championships
Then why even use the conveyer? The whole point was "can a plane take off without moving forwards?" Not if more force provides acceleration even on a treadmill?
Again just basic physics.
This show really was retarded.
The point of the myth is that the treadmill is meant to match the speed of the plane exactly, which means its position on the runway never changes

if its position never changes, it can't get enough wind going underneath the wings, so it will not lift
Plain make suck
Go up high high
Bye plan
Are you telling women are better at that competition and last longer?
They separated the sexes anon. Where are the times?
>The whole point was "can a plane take off without moving forwards?"
Yes, with enough wind, or enough thrust and angle of attack. Bushplanes in higher wind (nearly) do it all the time. They don't actually do it perfectly, because If it were any faster wind, it would just blow the plane away without a pilot in it.


They could've easily rigged up a small scale thing using a model airplane that was restricted from moving forward/back with a rope, or done it fullscale with a bushplane and 4 airboats providing "wind".
So basically just a retarded experiment?
>Can an airplane hover like helicopter?
Again this show is beyond retarded
>it can't get enough wind going underneath the wings,
Prop pushes air around the wings, so yeah it still could. Just needs a powerful enough engine. Also most of the lift comes from low pressure air going over the wing, not high pressure air going under it.

Also, if the propellor is angled up at all, it would be providing vertical force. Enough engine and this alone would be enough to lift it.
A helicopter is just a prop plane turned upwards
that Adam didn't rape his sister when they were kids.
I get it anon, thankyou for explaining thoroughly though, autists like you save threads.
My point is the experiment (how they tested it) was just as retarded as the premise.
their friendship
I just got btfo hard.
I kneel
>No raping blob comments yet
Should I be impressed or disappointed?
>My point is the experiment (how they tested it) was just as retarded as the premise.

Yeah basically. Half of the "myths" they tested were just an excuse to build something cool. If you watch the show with that in mind, its a little less aggravating.
>push the mass upwards through the portal
Why do you think it's being pushed upwards. From your logic, it's just as valid that the entire world of the blue portal is falling down around the stationary cube.
>Why do you think it's being pushed upwards
because its traveling upwards.
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Keep reading, anon, I believe in you.
And women dominated that sport right?
Right anon???
A lot of those were from the network demanding they do cross promotions with other shows. The raping blob talked about it on his youtube channel and was like 'ya we all knew they were shit, but we had no choice'. Unsurprisingly it was a real struggle to come up with some 'myths' that were relatable to the shows.
That's why I cringe at shows where characters are regularly super strong because they're "bypassing the neural block on full strength" or whatever. Yeah, when you're hopped up enough on adrenaline you can lift a car, but there's a reason your body treats it as a last resort. It also reminds me of the "using 100% of your brain" myth.
>The siblings’ mother, Karen Savage, came to Adam’s defense Tuesday.
>“It makes me very sad to say this, but my daughter suffers from severe mental health challenges, and it’s devastating that she’s putting Adam and our entire family through this. Adam is a good man, and I support him completely.”
Do retards /here/ believe this shit?
Nah, if you read any of the reports it's clear as day she's a batshit crazy loon, but 'raping blob' is just too good.
I've had this conversation a couple times now. I can't find a single source that says his sister has accused anyone else other than Adam, which is usually cited as his primary defense. Parents are pretty famous for refusing to believe abuse happened, and that goes double when the accused is a millionaire who could easily support the family on his own while the accuser is just some bitch.

If you can find me evidence that she was medicated/institutionalized for a schizotypal disorder (or anything other than depression/ptsd) or evidence that she actually has accused anyone else of rape, I'll believe Adam's innocent. In the absence of either of those things, it's just he said/she said and it's funnier if he did it, so that's what I believe.
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>there was an episode that the crew destroyed the footage of because the myth of an easily obtained material being usable as an ingredient in a powerful explosive proved confirmed
was it amfo? it was probably amfo
>complaining about a hot girl showing skin
are you a fag or what
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Can a plane travel the multiverse?
They use amfo all the time readily explaining what it is, so it's not amfo
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The one where they ruined a corvette with the dead pig.
They could have use any other car.
It made me mad.
The one where they rented an entire airplane hanger to fold a giant piece of paper with a steamroller.
Most people think it was Triacetone Triperoxide, or TATP.
Piranha solution was their 'special sauce' they used to dissolve a body in the Breaking Bad episode.
>Most people think it was Triacetone Triperoxide, or TATP.
That makes sense. Most people have the ingredients to make it in a medicine cabinet and it's so unstable that you will almost certainly blow yourself up trying to synthesize it lol
Higher pain tolerance in women keeps the baby safe because it makes them less likely to do something drastic and endanger the baby
Didn't explosions and fire youtube guy make TATP once?
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My favorite part was the running on water myth
>well technically ya, if the ninja had like 500lbs of cornstarch.
that was based
>hit the ground running
>It doesn’t have anything to do with momentum, it clearly means we should flail our legs in mid air as if we’re running!
>wtf why is it so hard to get a fast start when we’re spazzing out?? BUSTED
So fucking stupid
Bad taste. That was one of the best myths.
My favorites were when they tested idioms and phrases.
The sister has a whole blog and writings dating back to long before the accusation, and it all seems sensible and internally consistent, definitely not the kind of writing you'd expect from a batshit insane schizo.

So, short of more evidence, I'm leaning towards believing her over Adam. One does NOT simply make up a story like "the raping blob", that's probably a real thing from Adam's deranged mind.
Wouldn't the exact opposite be true? Higher pain tolerance means they tolerate pain and would be more likely to do painful things. Higher pain tolerance is for childbirth itself.
Two scenes actually.
I'm on your side but this video completely misses the point. No one doubts that a plane could lift off with enough wind. The question is whether it can push itself forward enough to generate lift on its own despite being on a conveyor belt which is also pushing it backward
At that point you're arguing things that cant physically exist.
The wheels have bearings, so the amount of force pushing back on the plane would be minimal. You'd need a conveyor belt capable of hundreds of mph in order to have any meaningful force on the plane. And if you are doing "well we can just keep increasing the conveyor belt speed", then you can also just say "well we can also just put a more powerful engine" in the plane.

At some point you will just hit infinity with both, and still be "inconclusive".

And also, that's completely ignoring the fact that any sort of pitch upward will also produce lift just from the propeller pushing air down slightly, or the propeller pushing air over the wings, creating lift. You don't need any forward velocity to create lift. Even if you tether the airplane so it cant more forward at all with a steel cable with zero wind, it will still "take off" with enough thrust from a (theoretically powerful enough) propeller. There are probably some bushplanes that exist IRL that can do that, too.

If the mythbusters were really cool, they would've bought (or rented) a powerful bushplane, tethered it to something or bolted the wheels/frame to something that only let it slide vertically, and seen what would've happened when they hit full throttle and wiggled the control surfaces.
ITT: retards miss the point of the show
The myths were bait, the best part was always the testing process. So there were dumb myths that made for kino and reasonable myths that made for trash.
That these nerds were talented.
This. Only modern reddit brains think everything is about DEBOOOOONKING and fact checking. Just shut the fuck up and enjoy the fun show.
>At that point you're arguing things that cant physically exist.
>The wheels have bearings, so the amount of force pushing back on the plane would be minimal.
Like I said I agree with you, but that's the point of the hypothetical. It isn't immediately obvious to everyone.
>Posts something that proves himself wrong.
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one of these days buster is gonna write a tell-all book and cancel these sadistic freaks
>1. there was no prize,
correct, they volunteered for free
>2. they weren't told that's what the test was
they were told to keep the hand in until the pain is too much
yeah the worst episodes were always when the test sucked or was half-assed. Like that giant lego ball episode where they got lazy and built it in a structurally fucked way to save time.
>they were told to keep the hand in until the pain is too much
But not told the experiment was testing who held on the longest. Proving not that women have a higher pain tolerance but are more submissive and will tolerate more pain than men on average. Proved what we already knew like most these myths.
Likewise say you're a guy in an experiment told when the pain is not "tolerated" any longer. Exactly what they proved again, guys won't tolerate it when there are no stakes or competition. Women will tolerate more.
Furthermore if you argue they proved women have a higher tolerance, it's saying men reach levels of intolerable pain quicker than women do in a controlled setting. The fact that men dominate long distance running and actual pain competitions mean that men are actually even tougher than women because the threshold is lower for men to experience "intolerable" so again, proving women are not tougher than us like they implied, but you can argue it's either they are more submissive or they have a higher baseline threshold.
Did they actually do a meme body mechanics girl vs bigger guy test?
I doubt it but I've been wrong about this show before
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
cope on
I wish they had tested if Naruto-running with your arms back can actually make you faster
It's obviously A. Nothing for the cube shifts except the gravity. The speed at which the gravity change takes place doesn't transfer force onto the cube.

>but what if we applied more arbitrary game mechanics onto this already obviously impossible scenario?
Who cares nerd
Well? What did they conclude?
The raping blob one
What is there to cope over?
Exploring this more. it may just prove that men and women have a different understanding of "word" tolerable. Or their perception of it in the context of the experiment, which can be influenced by how it was presented and childhood upbringing making the sex of the subject irrelevant.
It's ironic the conclusion they came to was literally the opposite in every conceivable way from what the results they "presented"
>>can ninjas walk on water?
lol I vaguely remember this one, who the fuck ever said ninjas could walk on water? Only time I could think of media pushing the idea that you could run fast enough to run on water is Pixar's Incredibles.
Bullet twisting from the movie Wanted. Hands down.
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it's a kung fu movie thing. You know in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, the way everyone floats around like it's zero gravity? Mythbusters felt the need to test that.
You really haven't seen much of anything, huh? Which is expected from someone on /tv/, but damn.
I watch re-runs of Mythbusters (there's a channel that plays it non-stop on my Samsung TV).

Kari truly did fuck all then participated in the 'fun' parts while Tori and Grant did all of the work. Being an attractive woman truly is living life on ez mode.
Don Draper you almost had me.
Kari did all the hard work on the breast size episode.
For me it was them testing the 'Bullet Through the Rifle Scope' myth.
>myth comes from WW2
>use a modern scope for the testing instead of a period-accurate scope
>bullet doesn't go through the scope
>actual smart people call them retards for using a modern scope instead of a period-accurate one
>they decide to redo the myth with a period-accurate scope because they're tired of being called retards
>bullet goes through the scope
6 million in 4 years.
Wouldn't surprise me if it was flour or some shit depending on what makes a "bomb." Any light dust that's flammable can make big fireballs.
They could have made that movie less pants on head stupid by putting a notch in the bullets or something like that. Create drag on one side and the bullet will naturally 'curve' a bit that way depending on the orientation of the barrel. The spin stabilization means it's going to corkscrew in the air probably but it's better than the wrist flicking they do
Kari and the The Pullout Method is an Effective Means of Birth Control myth
Why are you so butthurt you can’t curve bullets? They trained to do it, and have special abilities. You don’t, you haven’t.
Adam has the money in the family retard
the one about op's testicles existing
RIP. I’ve always been terrified of aneurysms and when I found out that’s how he died it reignited my fear of them.
Never really religiously watched the show, but saw a few epsiodes, and the general lack of rigor like that annoyed me to no end. It felt like they really had one outcome in mind a lot of the time, and if they got that result half-assing it, that was good enough for them.
Putting your money in the family retard seems like a terrible way of saving. There's no return in investment that way, and how do you get it out when you need it?
>American engineering
Nothing of value was lost
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>The episode where Tori rode the bicycle and ate shit
>The episode where Grant had the aneurysm
The biggest problem with this was how in the full scale test the conveyor didn't match the speed of the plane which caused a lot of people to think it wasn't "really busted".

That was like in season 2.
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>Grant dead
>Jessi dead
>Jamie might as well be dead
>Adam is somehow even more of an insufferable faggot than he was on the show
>Kari is a used up single mom desperately fishing for men on Tinder
>Tory doing laundry detergent commercials that air on Pluto TV

The non practical ones. Hypnosis, suggestion, pyramids etc. They basically admitted it was just cheap filler and were embarrassed to have done it.
>Jessi dead
Had to look it up, what the fuck
I forgot Grant died. That sucks, rip
The one where they try to find out if OP is always a faggot. Like it even needed to be tested.
For me, it's the opposite of whatever most people in the thread are saying
She died doing cool shit that she loved though.
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Lmao did they actually fucking test this its basically troll physics from /b/ 20 years ago
Why wouldn't this work? The Earth is basically one big conveyor belt because it rotates
true but you gave the worst example possible
women bitch and moan about temperature all the time
Shes so fit
Grant and Jesse are dead wtf? I didnt know about either of them
Why would any man leave Kari or she need to resort to Tinder to meet a new one? She's hot, fun, smart, talented & lived an interesting life. What a babe!
It DOES work. It's kind of almost a trick question for two reasons. One is that most people are pretty much only familiar with cars, and two because the conveyor belt draws your attention to the wheels. Intuitively if you're familiar with cars you will believe that to move forward it must make its wheels spin like a car, since spinning the wheels is what makes it go forward. Planes fundamentally differ from cars in this aspect, however. Rather than moving forward by spinning their wheels, they move forward by pulling themselves through the air by generating thrust in their engines or propellors. The conveyor belt doesn't touch the engines at all, so the method of thrust is unimpeded and it can take off like normal.

A car on a conveyor belt can't move forward because the method of thrust, the wheels, is counteracted by the belt. The equivalent scenario for a plane would be if a belt was wrapped around the propellor of the plane and counteracted its rotation so the propellor can't spin. The trick of the question is that it makes you think the car scenario applies to the plane scenario when they're not equivalent in the first place.

Once you know the trick, the question is like if someone asked you "can a car still drive if you hold down the windshield wipers so they can't move?" Obviously yes, because that component of the vehicle has nothing to do with the part of it that actually generates thrust.
Going back to correct your mistakes is a good thing, it shows integrity
post her ass
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best I can do is her pubic bone
I'm getting trolled here, the answer is B.

Imagine the portal going down at a steady 40 MPH. The cube goes through it at 40 MPH, so it go out the other side at 40 MPH. The vast majority of its mass will be through the portal by the time the portal hits the table, which will drag the remainder through at 40 MPH. Mass majority rules, the cube is launched out because that's what a majority of the cube was moved through at that speed.
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Sorry it's A.

The portal is just a shutter in space - the atoms and electrons and all the fiddly bits are going between physicial location a and physicial location B but are not in motion just because a hole is being brought down on it.

It's just like a piece of paper with a hole in it is being brought down on it - it's not gonna go flying at 40 mph even with gravity affecting the atoms on the other side of the hole in a different direction.
no force is being applied to the cube to cause it to move from a position of "at rest" except gravity and a different angle.
So, A. Plop.
The stone arrows one was stupid
The one with his sister
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Drop a hula hoop on a brick and see if it moves.
dunno about retarded
but what always pissed me off is the bit about curving bullets in flight

if they did even 15 minutes of research, or kicked a ball ever in their life they would know that not only does the effect have a name, magnus effect, its literally the main reason guns have rifling on inside of the barrel and bullets are cylinders
you can literally but paintball barrels that curve bullets

still the show said its not possible
nerve gas
rocket car
pretty based death all things considered
>lived an interesting life
Majority of women with with profile turn out to be insufferable
it was the style at the time
>with with profile
with this profile *
Grant's death was so tragic.
>about to get married
>has a nice romantic homemade dinner
>drops dead for no apparent reason and faceplants his plate
>his fiancee is traumatized
Vaxxed, aka Sudden Adult Death Syndrome.
He died before the kung flu.
for me it was scottie and the brunette qtpie in the first few seasons
This many responses and no one mentions the absolutely terrible rain episode?
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it was banned outside the us
Imagine a hoola hoop falling down on you at 40mph. Its velocity relative to you is 40mph. when the hoop hits the ground you will go flying up into the air at 40mph because of conservation of momentum. its that simple /s
The easy as fuck way to answer this is
Stand somewhere and have someone quickly pull a hula hoop down around you
Did you randomly shoot up into the air? No, because you are not in motion and if the top of the hula hoop suddenly transported you to the bottom of another one, you're still not moving, you're just being relocated while stationary. Super easy to understand if you're white.
qrd fellas?
running vs walking in the rain to see which gets you wetter
why was it banned?
big precipitation shut it down
What bothers me with that myth is that they used a small plane with a propeller in front, which creates airflow over the wings since the propeller pushes air over the wings in addition to creating thrust.
But most pics about that myth have regular passenger planes on a big treadmill, with jet-engines under the wing which exhaust under the wing, where the airstream doesn't create airflow over the wing, the engines only create thrust and the forward movement of the plane creates airflow and lift. I'm not sure the airflow from air being sucked into the engine ould be enough to create lift?

I think it would have been more interesting to have a big model passenger plane on a treadmill instead so you could compare the two. It annoys me because people post a pic of a jet-liner on a treadmill and say it'd take off. But I don't think they're comparable and it really annoys me.
Maybe I'm wrong, but I can't see how a plane with underwing jets would create airflow over the wings, or a fighterjet where the exhaust is also at the back. I can only see planes with either propellers at the front, or those funky STOL transport plane prototypes, with jet engines in front.
think about it if you were on a treadmill wearing roller blades. If you tied a rope to something and pulled yourself with the rope, you'd move forwards, regardless of how fast the treadmill was going. The engines are pulling on the rope (air) and that moves it forwards, generating lift. The wheels turning on the treadmill don't factor into the equation.
>The cube goes through it at 40 MPH
no it doesnt
>>Kari is a used up single mom

It's black, isn't it?
That one isn't even a myth. It's well documented to have happened in Vietnam.
>Jamie might as well be dead
He's not doing tv shit but he's inventing tons of stuff. Like apparently he invented that camera system that flies along wires they use in all the sporting events these days, and he's currently working on that firefighting robot you see webms of sometimes. He still owns the workshop from the show and literally just lets engineers invent shit there. Jamie absolutely won.
A is confirmed by the moon portal in game, I don’t know why people discuss this so much.
take the most beautiful woman in the world, and there will be a man that is sick and tired of her bullshit.
Yeah I'm with you on the wheels not mattering.
But if the plane is not moving, how is it making airflow? With a propeller plane it's obvious, the propeller pushes air over the wing, creating lift and so it takes off!

But a jet aircraft, where the air it's pushing is exhausted out the back, away from the wings, how does that makes lift? It just makes thrust, moving the plane forward, but the treadmill pushes it back so it remains stationary and since there's no forward movement, and no air pushed over the wings, there's no airflow, wouldn't it not just stay on the ground?

Like the root of the problem is how we think about wheels, they are irrelevant what's important is lift. A propeller plane can push air over its own wings, but in a jet, the plane needs forward movement to generate airflow, and lift. It pushes itself forward with its jet, the forward movement creates airflow and lift.
This is of course predicated on my understanding of how a jet creates airflow, but from what I understand it creates airflow by moving forward, with thrust from the engine while a plane with a propeller in front creates airflow, lift, both by moving forward, but also by air pushed by the propeller, flowing around the wing.

I don't see how air pushed by a jet engine could create airflow without moving the plane, the air above the wing is not acted upon by the jet engine since its exhausted out the back and not in front of the wing, and there's no airflow over the wing without the plane moving forward.

Maybe I'm dumb, but can you see how there's a difference in propeller planes and jet aircraft and how they push air and create airflow?
The one where they test double dipping. It was a fine enough myth to check, but really showed that they know nothing about microbiology and are better at engineering and practical effects. It also just isn't very interesting work to watch.
It’s too good, it’s really specific, and it sounds like something he’d say
assuming the magnet is strong enough and there's limited friction between tires and the ground, i think this should work
Magnets are basically magic. They're cheating when using them in joke physics.
I want to believe this is a chatgpt post and you didn't just spend ten minutes typing out this massive pile of cope.
Either way, stop.
The magnet on the right pulls the car forward.
The magnet on the left pulls the magnet on the right backwards (which is attached to the car).
They cancel out.
Do like the other guy and ask a chatbot to create a five paragraph cope report for you to post now.
Damn, I didn't hear about Jessi. But yeah, that's sad but understandable and she knew the risks. Grant was fucking awful. Aneurysms are the worst.
I guess it's my autism or whatever, but I always thought the 'conveyor belt' was just an easy way to pose the question. I thought the actual myth was more about if you held a plane in place horizontally, but got its propellers/engine up to speed, would it be able to take off?
All that testing and they never even once mention that maybe running in the rain gets you less wet because you spend less time in the rain to get to your destination. I felt like I was on crazy pills watching that one.
>The magnet on the right pulls the car forward.
>The magnet on the left pulls the magnet on the right backwards (which is attached to the car).
What if it wasn't a magent on the car and the car was just made of iron that was attracted to the magnet?
they have a higher strength floor due to what you're saying but they also have a lower strength ceiling because they're not able to build neural pathways to build higher level strength like neurotypcalstrength athletes can.
It would. The engines are producing thrust in the same way a solid fuel motor on a rocket does. The only reason airplanes "need" runaways is due to the fact it takes engines time to accelerate up to take-off speed, whereas rocket engines accelerate near instantaneously. Thats also part of the reason why propellers are still in use, despite being less efficient than turbofan engines. You have less rotational inertia to overcome, which means your engines can get up to speed faster, which means you have shorter take-off distances.
Ask chatgpt. Post the results
Thank you. You're my favorite mythbuster :3
IIRC this happens in one of the co-op Portal 2 maps, and it's A.
albeit u r the one sounding like he's chimping out m8
The magnet would pull itself to the car and the car to itself
Depending in relative weights and other values theyd find an equilibrium but the center of mass of the whole system wouldnt change
I mean proving they don’t work sounds pretty scientific.
But if that equilibrium/center of mass was forward of the wheels, would the vehicle not move? If the materials were strong enough to not be pulled apart, all of that force would eventually get transferred to the wheels.
Being an inventor is one of the coolest jobs man, pure cartoonish kino
Genuine question, I'm not coping or trying to disprove the results, just curious.
>Then why even use the conveyer?

because it was a /b/ meme trollface comic that became popular online and the show writers were clearly crowd sourcing content from the internet
That american 'history' happened as american describe.
spbp, came to this thread looking for this.
>The only retarded parts of this myth are the retards that still can't grasp the most basic logic 29 years later and me for still arguing with retards about it 29 years later.
no you idiot, the retarded part of the myth was when they didnt use a track moving at a speed equal to the plane to keep the plane in place. They used a fucking thin piece of paper or something and it moved half the speed of the plane so the plane clearly moved forward and got lift, then they had the gall to act like the pilot was wrong. they owe him an apology and i cant believe you're defending how they tested this
Anyone remember when Adam Savage's naked butthole got leaked on /b/ in like 2007 or 2008
Have you been on dating sites? 99% of women's profiles are identical
>pic at the gym
>pic at a winery
>pic outside a Cathedral
>looking for the Jim to my Pam
>must love my dog
Fuck I'd take a sexy redhead art ho who knows how to drive an excavator and blew up thing up for science on tv over those turbo-normies any day.

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