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It is.
Was he wrong tho? Was it okay for him to lie to show people the truth?
Calories in, calories out. It's extremely easy to lose weight by eating at McDonald's. Most people just have no self-control.
didn’t this retard die recently
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>expedites fat retard death

How is that not based?
It's great that he died right when this meme was at it's peak
Eating some McDick's right now. Get fucked, alcoholic faggot.
What does it even mean for CICO to be debunked? Can you eat at a caloric surplus and lose weight? Can you eat at a caloric deficit and gain weight? Please explain.
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RIP bozo
Yeah, moderation and discipline can be helpful in multiple areas of life.
t. Coomer in recovery

Yes. He was an alcoholic
fucking pussy
They should hire guys like these as consultants to ensure consistency across branches.
Imagine the weight of this thread.
Their fries are good, and I really mean that
155. Eat fast food several times a week. Exercise regularly and avoid sugar. You mad?
This. Getting fries and coke with your meal is poison if you can't control your calorie intake for the rest of the day.
You must be fat
>eats hamburger
Did anyone believe this?
>I drank the vodka
Their fries suck now. They used to be so much better.
As far as I remember his treak was only broken by a day because his mother passed away, so he didn't eat one as a way of "respecting her"

I don't know what a McDonald's burger has to do with mourning your mother, but I guess she didn't like his eating habits
Why doesn’t fast food have any taste these days? Jack in the Box is the only national chain left that has even a little bit of flavor in their food.
She wanted him to stop, yeah. The guy is pathologic about them, if I remember correctly he can't even taste them and admits it's OCD.
You're getting older. Look up what happens to taste buds.
I’ve been having bad gastrointestinal issues for weeks but yesterday I went to BK and got a chess and bacon buttermilk fried chicken burger with large fries and coke and it unironically cured me.
atkins debunked it
I can believe it in the sense that I've been on alcohol binges that lasted for over a week and you can get to a point when any solid food is hard to keep down. Considering he was a severe alcoholic that's just his stomach responding to that if he tried to force himself to eat a whole burger.
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>be me
>eating 50% amazing veggies and healthy stuff
>50% the trashiest, sugar and snacks
>don't gain weight
>but still feel guilty that the snacks will kill me even if I don't get fat
Sugar addiction because of daily stress is real.
First thing I did after watching this... went to Mcdonald's. True story.
>Eat at a local McDonalds restaurant tonight.
Enjoy your kidney stones
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>documentary is so bad that someone makes a documentary about how bad that documentary is
>goes on a 'saturated fat' diet after the fast food diet
>eats cheese, eggs, steak, bacon, sausage, beef, coconut oil, and butter
>no sugar or starch except for fruit
>cholesterol goes down and loses a few more pounds
We've been lied to for decades.
>sponsored by the fast food industry

Do some basic research
solid thread bro keep em coming
But Everything that’s not fast food still tastes the same.
Fast food chains have been desperately reducing the sodium, calorie, and trans fat content of their menus because it was killing their customers and public perception.
There was literally a teacher who deboonked SSM and lost weight by eating McDonald's once a day and just taking walks.
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Imagine getting outlived by this guy.
You cant debunk laws of physics
You can only eat one Big Mac per day, maybe some fries if you were active
to all the guys talking shit about the documentary, why don't you try the experiment. McDonald's 3 meals every day for a month, do it.

It was dishonest film making in the sense that it tried to imply it was only the McDonald's food that was making him puke when it was actually cirrhosis of his liver.
>"You have to eat healthier."
Holy based Spurlock
they've debunked biological sex, so why not physics too anon?
Zero (0) evidence of this and yet McShills spam it in every thread to defend their goyslop.
take out the meat (roughly about a quarter of the total ingredients), what in mc donalds isn't also in Vegetarian meals?
Which laws of physics state that the health of a diet is a monotonic function of CICO?
He means Chemistry, he's referring to the second law of thermodynamics
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Behold: a healthy diet! A mere 1500 kcals a day
>He's shilling goyslop for free
If we shot every person upset that you can no longer consume 3000 calories in a single combo meal, the world would be a much better place.
reminds me of the based doctor who only cracked the knuckles in one hand to prove that it isn't bad for you
they changed the oils
the part where he vomits from a fucking burger is hilarious, how the fuck did anyone take this retard seriously?
Too expensive
don't forget to also be a raging alcoholic and not document what you actually eat
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Guys my girlfriend is eating fastfood and hiding the bags in her car. She forgets to throw them away and also shes gained 20lbs in the past 6 months. Im starting to worry that if she gains a bunch of weight its going to get harder and harder to lose because shes going to be 28 this year. Also fast food is tasty but I always get the worst stomache aches after eating mcdonalds, kfc, taco bell etc. I feel bad that she thinks she has to hide it from me but I hate eating fast food. I think I'll let it go for now but if she gains another 20lbs I'll say something. What do you guys think?
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Why would the sugar kill you? My grandpa lived to 90 smoking and drinking daily eating 2 twinkies a day and 5 coffees. You just pray to Jesus that your genes can maintain you in good health for as long as possible. Also probably world war 3 within the next ten years so just have a good time anon.
having half of his daily food be sugary is obviously bad, come on
>americans seething to this day
Not true. CICO. Stop denying basic physics.
it's full of chemicals and it's barely real meat, sometimes they literally market it to you as it literally not being meat and you love it. You can't even call that shot food moron. It's not calories in calories out. It's garbage in and autism out dumb ass.
Eating it every once in a while isn't going to harm you, just don’t make it your only source of nutrition.
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go eat a bag of suger only for a month and see how CICO works for you buddy
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Smoking weed everyday for 30 days haha can you imagine? How could anyone do that...haha
It took me 3 seconds. Fucking TV boomer.
>According to various sources, Morgan Spurlock, the filmmaker behind the documentary “Super Size Me” (2004), has publicly confessed to being an alcoholic. In August 2018, he acknowledged his struggles with alcoholism, stating that he had been drinking heavily, including getting drunk at least once a week, while making the documentary.

Additionally, in a 2019 interview with Business Insider, Spurlock revealed that he had attended rehab and was over a year sober at the time of the interview. His confession and subsequent sobriety serve as evidence that Morgan Spurlock, the “Super Size Me” guy, was indeed an alcoholic.

Relevant Quotes and Context

“He wouldn’t drink water, but apparently he drank enough alcohol to get drunk at least once a week while spending 30 days buying all his meals at McDonald’s.” (From a 2018 article)
“Spurlock’s supervising physicians noted the effects caused by his high-calorie diet [in Super Size Me]—once even comparing it to a case of severe binge alcoholism.” (From a 2018 article)
“In the months since his post, the filmmaker went to rehab for issues with alcohol and is now over a year sober.” (From a 2019 article)
These quotes and statements from Spurlock himself confirm that he struggled with alcoholism, both during the making of “Super Size Me” and subsequently.
>health is only about weight
are you a woman?
not the same
He only gets the sandwich, not the fries or the drink. Also he's ocd and it's literally the only thing that he eats, doubt he smokes or drinks either.
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He sometimes gets meals
>n-no it doesn't count
so the sandwich isn't fast food?
I think he also gets protein shakes
Cause physics is strict like a father, biology is for faggots and people without father figures in their lives
The business model of Mcdonalds is to sell you a meal like >>201716331 so you're eating two sandwiches, fries, mcnuggets, and a large coke.
I know that this video is mostly bullshit but I still get a nostalgic feeling watching it today.
if her best hiding place is the car she's got bigger problems than weight gain.
what does that have to do with my post? the sandwich is presented as bad in the movie, im asking about that specifically
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>everything in Super Size Me was because he was a raging alcoholic and all his symptoms were his liver failing
Yes, bad luck for McDonald's that all the effects of this lifelong addiction suddenly hit him during the one month period he was eating McD's every day.
alcoholism and a bad diet combined are worse than just alcoholism
yes but its still bad for you, as in, its extremely unhealthy for you. therefore fast food is indeed le bad, retard.
yeah im sure it's never happened before
unironically what's wrong with a big mac for example
how is the big mac guy still living then. because he ate less calories while still eating fast food every day of his life. meanwhile the mick swilled 3000cal of rum and died at 50.
Cigarettes aren't bad for you because some smokers are old
Someone already did, retard: >>201703711
A link can be delineated between cigarette smoking and lung cancer, the same is not true for eating mcdonald's.
because very rarely do people eat it every day. the big mac guy also doesn't eat the fries, which is where all the seed oils are.
so seed oils are the problem, and not fast food
even if he did eat fries and coke every day, if it's under 2000 calories it's not likely to have a huge effect on his lifespan, give or take any personal genetic issues he's gonna live to his mid late 70's like any vegan faggot.
fast food is the only reason seed oils are considered food grade, as they lobbied hard for that, to save half a cent per order of fries.
nice broscience dude
i get all my calories from vodka. it's ok when it's just calories in, calories out, right? very easy to lose weight that way too just have to make sure i drink less calories than i need. just like McDonalds it's ok if you only drink a couple of bottles a day in moderation
so nothing to do with the big mac
holy shit you're a massive idiot. your understanding of health is that of a woman's
so everything to do with mcdonalds.
everything except their signature item?
I never understood this movie because I couldn't even visualize normal people eating fast food EVERY DAY. But I guess that's an actual thing in muttland.
their "signature item" at the time of supersize me, was supersize french fries, cooked in seed oils.
that's a menu, not an item
anon this is pitiful. you're hard pilpuling to defend the use of toxic substances in food.
nvm i read wrong my bad
no im not, im genuinely wondering what the problem with the big mac is. no shit oil fried is garbage, that's not what the docu is about
he eats a burger and vomits lmao, it's hilarious
>whites becoming a minority in the us within the next 10 years is le bad
Nobody thinks this except racist sexless chuds.
>eating junk food every day is........... LE BAD!!!
>the documentary called "supersize me" isn't about the titular menu items

anon are you retarded? do you need a recap on this reply chain? the big mac came up because of some autistic dude who eats 1-2 almost every day, and is "fine," despite looking the exact opposite of healthy.
>the documentary called "supersize me" isn't about the titular menu items
it's about everything, including the burger (which he vomits from)
can you explain that?
>"fine," despite looking the exact opposite of healthy.
what do you mean?
So i'll take that as a yes to being retarded.
>no argument
also, you could supersize menus in general, not just fries
again, can you explain the problem with the big mac?
>be retarded
>get called retarded
>n-no argument

what makes you think this is a valid response?
>he thinks calories are the only metric in nutrition
It's very easy to lose weight by eating at McDonald's assuming that you lift fucking cars
Utterly moronic
the fact that i challenged you with a logical question and you're unable to answer it? you've resorted to simple name-calling because you don't understand what you're talking about
what's wrong with the big mac?
Reminder that eating McDonalds gave him turbo cancer 20 years later.
>i challenged you with a logical question
feel free to post it again, because I seemed to a have missed it. all I saw was you being retarded.
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alright, here it is:
what's wrong with the big mac?
>if I strawman I win
The human body is not a thermodynamic system.
no, it was that he stopped. mcdonalds detox == supersize cancer
And what prompted you to ask this question?
i also asked you how the big mac dude looked the "opposite of healthy" but you didn't elaborate
Almost as good as the one that got his ignoble prize for curing a patient’s hiccups by putting a finger on his anus and massaging it.
go look at a fucking picture of him you lazy retard.
you defending the documentary and pretending it's just about the fries and oil, which it isn't
there's a scene where he vomits after eating a burger. what happened there?
i did, what's wrong with him? why are you so agitated?
>Calories in, calories out.
Why is that my adhd speed addict roommate who eats tons of junkfood, can dump 20 nuggets or three big macs in one sitting, and eats five pizzas in a week, has super low bodyfat and cant bulk at all?
Why did I lose 50 pounds of fat when I started smoking?
Why do men lose tons of belly and ass fat when they get on trt?

you're a moron. mcdonalds is the only reason seed oils are considered food grade. cheap seed oils are why the supersize option existed. immediately after the documentary, they dropped the supersize option and reduced the sizes of all the other sizes.
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>eat burger
>get liver damage
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so why does he make a big deal out of the burgers and fast food in general? he eats a lot of non-supersize meals throughout the docu
also here's the guy at 70 years old. how is he the opposite of healthy?
why are you exerting so much time and effort to defend a massive corporation who responded to a "fake" documentary with immediate changes to their menus?
why are you avoiding my questions? what's wrong with the burgers and the autistic big mac guy?
you're deflecting now, as if you too aren't involved in a wasteful internet argument
It's really funny that people were starting to rag on this movie on X then he fuckin' died lol. What a thin skinned fella.
Look. He ate fast food for a month and now he's dead. I rest my case.
people have shit on it for years at this point, and it's weird that it didn't happen before
yeah i know mcdonalds and corporations bad, that doesn't make spurlock less of a disingenuous alcoholic
Because they're dishonest non-sequiturs attempting to shift the discussion away from seed oils and mcdonalds being the only reason they're considered food grade.
A big mac has just under 550 calories, you stupid motherfucker. You'd end up looking like a holohoax survivor eating 1 every day.
they're genuine questions believe it or not. we all know that mcdonalds and fastfood in general is shit (and expensive now as well), but that doesn't make spurlock less of a fraud. the guy was a raging alcoholic who made stuff up for fame, that's his legacy
good that he made mcdonalds better, but don't pretend like the docu wad legit
>the guy was a raging alcoholic
if it wasn't legit, and the seed oils that mcdonalds lobbied to be considered food grade don't have extreme adverse effects if consumed regularly, and there wasn't any proof mcdonalds knew that before they lobbied to have seed oils considered food grade, why did they immediately change their menu's after the "fraudulent" documentary?
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spurlock himself. a swedish university replicated his experiment and didn't get any results that correlated with his
okay, so no actual source, just an off-hand tweet. got it.
>don't have extreme adverse effects if consumed regularly
who said that? if that was the only thing he said in the docu then id be behind it, deep fried stuff is awful and especially that previous shit they used
but that isn't the case lol
spurlock surely made it up, yeah
I love how disingenuous you always get when you have to deal with absolute fact.
Clout chaser. Riding on the coattails of super size me.
disingenuous how? you're always so vague with your accusations
take the scene where he lies about the cause of the liver damage, how can you take him seriously? or when the throws up?
exactly what is vague about the assertion that mcdonald's response to supersize me was to drastically reduce the amount of seed oils they use, thus proving mcdonalds knew seed oils have no business being called "food grade."
when did i dispute this? in fact, i gave him credit for it
it still doesn't change the fact that he's a fraud. is everything in the docu a lie? no, absolutely not and i never claimed so
you're making a strawman, again
>yes i acknowledge what you're saying but you're strawmanning somehow

correct, we dont disagree on everything despite you making up some evil corpo shill in your head. mcdonalds is bad, and spurlock is a fraud
very simple
rest in piss
and if he was a fraud, why the immediate changes in response? checkmate.
>Be massive alcoholic
>Make propaganda doc on fast food
>Leave out the fact that your declining health is the result of you being a massive alcoholic
Nothing wrong with it. Just don't overeat.
except he had a clean bill of heath before he started his month of mcdonalds
because not everything he said was wrong and it was a massive pr backlash no matter what?
he himself admitted to being an alcoholic, and a university didn't even come close to replicating his result
It's fine to eat every so often but obviously bad to eat every day.
Also unironically the drive-thru might be one of the biggest problems with fast food. Instead of having to do any walking at all and burn calories you just stay in your car the entire time. Cars are the main culprit of the obesity epidemic.
>and a university didn't even come close to replicating his result

its funny how you acknowledge the immediate changes to mcdonalds food after supersize me, then bring up an effectively completely different study, due to the food being completely different.

only someone intentionally spewing misinformation would do this. or an absolute moron.
hmm no im going with the alcohol causing the liver damage, i think that's a safer bet
unless you're a shill for big booze, like im a shill for mcdonalds
feel free to explain the clean bill of health before he starts eating mcdonalds. you can't.
And then destroyed that health with alcohol.
>It's fine to eat every so often but obviously bad to eat every day.
You can literally eat it every day for every meal and not only NOT become unhealthier but actually LOSE weight if you're smart about it. The guy in Fat Head proved this.
Reminder: Spurlock never showed his food log. Even after the doc came out and people requested it. That alone is fishy as fuck.
*drinks an entire bottle of vodka*
He lost weight but even he claimed that eating McDonalds every day wasn't healthy and instead got into a low carb/high fat diet afterwards, calories in calories out means you'll always lose weight if you eat a certain ammount of whatever, but that doesn't make it healthy nor recommendable
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He was literally eating 5000 calories a day
That was literally the whole problem
This whole documentary could have been a minute long just telling people not to do that
> there's a scene where he vomits after eating a burger. what happened there?

Likely all the alcohol he was drinking since he was drunk the entire documentary.
I watched this a few years ago and I didn't think it was a dumb documentary, really. I mean his point (about eating fast food almost all the time) as he explained is something a large amount of actual Americans do, or at least did idk. I mean being a raging alcoholic probably didn't help his fitness, though.
You might lose weight, yes. But it's not a good source of nutrition.
leftist nonsense
>low carb/high fat

So a burger from McDonalds without the bun then
>american education
>He was literally eating 5000 calories a day
Except no one has been able to recreate the 5000 calories a day claim with what we see him eating, or what he claims he ate, in the doc. He never released his food log. Also the guy in Fat Head TRIED to recreate Morgan's 5000 calories a day claim by calculating all the calories together with what we see Morgan eat or what he claims to have eaten and he wasn't able to get anywhere near 5000 calories. So either Spurlock was lying OR those extra calories were coming from something else *cough* booze *cough*.
Why do right wingers simp for mcdonalds when their shit is full of seed oil, fillers, literal sòy, mutant meat, sodium and low quality shit?
Please show me right-wingers simping for McDonalds.
Watch the documentary in youtube and skip to 1:37:40 where he literally says word for word that eating McDonalds isn't a healthy diet and explain the reasoning why you slow, single digit iq motherfucker
The guy lied and told no one that he was a raging alcoholic during this time.
what a fucking idiot, you sound so retarded you must be from the USA

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