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One of the best castings of all times
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Love how she basically opens by telling the audience how smart and hot she is
If you think about it, Elves got the short end of the stick in the long run.
not even the best looking elf
looks a bit like a man
so no it's not great casting
From the elf perspective, it's men who are immortal
>literally no way to escape the sinking ship that is the world, death is no escape
>can board the life boat and go... somewhere... could be bad, could be good, but at least it's away from the ship
>not even the best looking elf
Liv Tyler isn't the ethereal beauty too, and Weaving looks almost comical if taken out of context. It isn't entirely about looks.
Elves were mostly always described as "androgynous" so....yeah, fits.
The only better casting would be Debicki who was obviously too young at the time but would've been perfect for Amazon's Ringslop.
This. Elves were the beta test basically. Men are the actual beloved children of Illuvatar and will take part in the Second song of Ainur, whereas the Elves are left to cope and hope their creator won't just drop them entirely when the old Arda falls.
Yes they were extremely bitter. It's literally known as "The Gift of Iluvatar"
>While the race of Elves would know the most bliss and contentment and would conceive more beauty than any others of the Children of Ilúvatar, it was decreed by this gift that Men would be the prime instruments of Ilúvatar within Arda.
>As the years grow long and Time wears, even the Valar will come to envy the Gift of Ilúvatar to the race of Men, that of liberation from the physical world, and the inevitability of loss and sorrows that must come with this existence within Arda.
The whole lotr has excellent casting. Everyone fits right into their role. It's amazing how trilogy ended up being such a glorious kino. A thousand things could have gone wrong easily, but ultimately, every piece of the puzzle has fallen into its place.
I know Tolkien was an unapologetic Christcuck, but it never ceases to amaze me how some people have the audacity to claim living forever in constant state of bliss is a curse somehow.
And she is right
she looks like dave mustaine
young Mustaine was a babe
Elijah was alright, definitely not excellent.
Bloom was pretty but he's also the worst actor in the movie
Good thing he didn't have a lot of important scenes
>hey, we have elves too!
Her voice and diction were perfect
At least Gil-Galad doesn't look all too different from his LotR version, even though in the latter the actor only appears for a split second.
she wasn't pretty enough.
Didn't need to
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Hobbit movies were bad but they still nailed some of the casting and visuals. We will probably never see anything like this scene again.
>Hobbit movies were bad
The 1st one was ok, good even. They should've really compressed all of that shit into a duology.

Oh and remove Tauriel, of fucking course.
>Yep, that's the chin of an Elf, alright.
Elrond getting emasculated by Galadriel was one of the worst scenes in RoP
Isn't Galadriel the most powerful though? Elrond isn't even full elf.
>Isn't Galadriel the most powerful though?
Pretty sure that would be Ingwё or some other Vanyar elf who doesn't give a fuck about the Middle-Earth at all, at least post-Fёanor.
>Elrond isn't even full elf
He did chose the doom of Elves, that makes him just as much an elf as any other.
Isn't Galadriel the most powerful in ME*
I guess. Powerlevels generally mean fuck all in Tolkienverse though
yep that's elves for ya
liv tyler looks modern, blanchett fits the medieval setting much better
>Powerlevels generally mean fuck all in Tolkienverse
How so? Tolkienverse is overflowing with powerful heroes fucking up hordes of enemies.
>How so?
Power-levels are meaningless when the time comes. Turin's life was permanent failure, yet he is destined to finish off Morgoth.
>that old fart elf at the back

lol and you fags complained about old elves in ROP. Hypocrites.
Except this elf on the back is literally one of the first elves
Yeah with hindsight most of it doesn't matter in the end, but it matters in the moment. Like when Morgoth was pushed back into his keep and couldn't get out because all the powerful elves outside.
Cirdan is ~11k years old and described as having a beard and grey hair by Tolkien himself.
Why dont cast asian actresses as elfs?
They can speak in chinese to pretend speaking in elfish
It's amazing how an all white cast improves movies.
Cate is great in everything she's in.
Man, everything about the Fourth Age seems so freaking dark and depressing, no wonder Tolkien refused to create any further stories after LotR.
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Since Tolkienverse is basically an imaginary history of our real world, in my headcanon it goes like this
>the reign of Eldarion ends, the events of the New Shadow might or might not happen
>around 2000 years later Great Deluge happens and Arda takes its modern shape, and this marks the end of the Fourth Age
>according to Tolkien, Aragorn/Elendil's line has supposedly survived into historical time, so it would make sense to assume the "Noah" figure is Aragorn's direct descendant
>Men get scattered all around the world, some begin to rediscover civilization
>Eru descends to Earth in physical form as referenced in Akallabêth Finrod ah Andreth, Fifth Age ends and Sixth Age beging
>Sixth Age ends after WWII
>we currently live in Seventh Age
then why is hackson's trilogy so fucking mediocre
Nah what happens is
>Morgoth floats back in from space
>nukes reality
how is it a history of our real world? none of the middle earth maps look like our earth
I think Weaving looks fine for who he's supposed to be. Yeah, Elrond decided to take the gift of the elves unlike Elros, but he's got a fairly unique face that can make me buy him as half-elven, but only half.
There were some others that were pretty bad, though. Haldir, for example. Or Teleporno. Pretty sure they both had obvious beard stubble, and Haldir looked weirdly chunky.
not according to the Silmarillion, no
the final fate of Arda is open ended
>how is it a history of our real world?
Tolkien said so
>none of the middle earth maps look like our earth
you sure bud?
Imagine if they didn't recast Aragorn right before they started shooting
iirc Townsend apparently pissed off Jackson right before he decided to recast him
pretty sure I saw an asian elf in the ROP season 2 trailer
From the white man's perspective, it's niggers who are immortal
>white men
>literally no way to escape the sinking ship that is europe and north america, death is no escape
>can board the boat and go...somewhere...could be bad, could be good, but at least it's away from africa
Why did they make elrond look like a creepy melvin?
>death is no escape
How so? Offing yourself or getting shot by some black junkie is literally your only hope for release
I can't really find any information about it. Nothing from Townsends mouth anyways.
>Nothing from Townsends mouth anyways.
Definitely not something Townsend would tell you, assuming the "pissing off" part is actually true.
He was indeed too young for the role so the change was ultimately for the better.
your descendants will still get raped by niggers
You would think at some point he would have at least said something like "yeah I was young and stupid and didn't take it seriously, biggest mistake of my life".
Pretty sure they made Legolas Asian in MtG, but they also made Aragorn black so they obviously only did it to shit on everything Tolkien intended and piss people off.
what is MtG
Magic the gathering. They released a lotr themed expansion set.
oh I don't care about that.
It’s cope on a cosmic scale. It’s the Biblical scale version of “here’s why owning nothing is actually a good thing.”
It may be a cope, but Elves are bound to Arda and will go down with it when the time comes. They're basically the beta version of the race of Men.
Fuck you. The Jackson trilogy is a flawed set of movies from a racist and savage era in human history and you will come to accept it.
All the elves look comical out of context.
Anyway when I saw these at the theater as a kid, Galadriel was just so otherworldly beautiful to me especially in her early scenes where she has that glow around her.
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Sure thing pal
lol no, Tolkien fans complained about how utterly miscast she was at the time of release too. Infact they said Blanchett was the weakest part of the movies with her wallmark cashier aesthetics and 'cringe overacting'
There are entire threads still up from even the time when the Hobbit movies were releasing begging for Jackson to recast her with somebody better
>Tolkien fans
Opinion immediately discarded lmao
Honestly, for the most part, every cast was great and you could argue some are better than others they are all good at least.
desu I wasn't a fan of Jackson's Odo Proudfoot
rings of power had decent casting too
show your nose
where did he say that?
and no that map doesn't look convincing
>tfw no 30 year old 20 year old girlfriend
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>best castings of all times
>where did he say that?

>'I imagine the gap [between the Fall of Barad-dûr and modern times] to be about 6000 years...'
>The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, No. 211, dated 1958

>I am historically minded. Middle-earth is not an imaginary world. ... The theatre of my tale is this earth, the one in which we now live, but the historical period is imaginary. The essentials of that abiding place are all there (at any rate for inhabitants of N.W. Europe), so naturally it feels familiar, even if a little glorified by the enchantment of distance in time. …
>... I have not made any of the peoples on the “right” side, Hobbits, Rohirrim, Men of Dale or of Gondor, any better than men have been or are, or can be. Mine is not an “imaginary” world, but an imaginary historical moment on “Middle-earth” - which is our habitation.
>The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, Letter 183
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Elves do in fact age, their life is divided by "stages", once they reach the later stages, they start looking old like that. As far as we know Cirdan is the only one that looks like that, its the same reason Elrond doesn't have a youthful look.
I can't wait for the remake guys. Lisso is getting this role.
He's is fairly "young" by Elven standards, Galadriel and her husband Celeborn are a couple thousand years older than Elrond.
They saw the light of the trees so its a little different on their case.
Tolkien wrote in "History of Galadriel and Celeborn" that
>Galadriel was the greatest of the Noldor, except Fëanor maybe, though she was wiser than he, and her wisdom increased with the long years
So she in fact is stronk. For that matterr, I don't think patriarch kings like Ingwë and Finwë were ever insinuated to be more powerful/skilled than Fëanor, just wiser and less hotheaded. Thingol was taller than Fëanor and Galadriel (he was 9') though he got killed by manlets and Fëanor in a big battle with Balrogs.
Even the god of their own universe doesn't believe that shit and Galadriel was there when his angel equivalents fought for the fate of the universe.
>He's is fairly "young" by Elven standards
No he isn't, he's been around since the first age.
> Galadriel and her husband Celeborn are a couple thousand years older than Elrond.
Galadriel is about 1000 years older than Elrond (hard to make an exact conversion because she was born in the years of the trees which were 9 and change modern years), and that's 8000 years old as opposed to 7000.
Now Cirdan was one of the first elves to awaken at lake Cuivienen or one of the children of those first elves, he's damn near 20,000 years old.
her best work
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>he's been around since the first age.
Any elf born after the destruction of the trees is young
ok boomer
literally the most boring fuckers ever
>eager to leave Cuivienen
>come to Valinor
>never leave it again, save for when they went to fight in War of Wrath
>promptly fuck off from ME right after
>do nothing but dance, sing and recite poetry for the remainder of Arda's existense
I always thought she looked kind of plain or even slightly unattractive. I don't think Cate Blanchett is unattractive but the movies never really made this character appear radiant and beautiful to me.
Elves aren't really supposed to be conveniently beautiful to begin with, they're mentioned looking somewhat androgynous in several instances. I think the main point is that they should look otherwordly and slightly alien rather than beautiful
To be concise:
Who then is wiser?
Valar (Morgoth doesn't count)
When did Morgoth come back and start flooding the world with demons and orcs?

Only FOTR.
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Do you guys think Galadriel takes it up her elven shitter? Askin for a friend.
Elves have a notoriously low libido so doubtful
>living forever in constant state of bliss is a curse somehow.
Elves and Valar do not live in a constant state of bliss. As the world grows old, they all feel old and weary which is why at the end of the world when the simarils are returned to the trees and alighted again, the Valar feel rejuvenated.
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Galadriel has a ring to protect herself and Lorien from the burden of time so she may be more sexual than your regular sylvan elf.
Galadriel did, but Celeborn didn't. He's a Sinda of Doriath, one of Thingol's kin, so he never saw the light of the Trees.
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the greatest thespian
How much shorter would the trilogy be if they gave the ring to Seagal?
Why would you add this scene to any movie?
Imagine being so inferior to your own wife
Elves are Children of Illuvatar and will take part in the Second Song, lorelet.
They literally will not
>Elves are Children of Illuvatar
More like Rejects of Illuvatar amirite
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Galadriel is worried about her ultimate future since nothing is known of the fate of Elves after the world ends. How do you comfort her?
what a retard lol
Too ugly
I don't. I fuck off to chill with my bro Eru Illuvatar
talking to your mirror again, anon?
>never saw the light of the Trees
True but he has the born under the stars before the creation of the sun bonus + special silver hair. Power levels in lotr are rarely straightforward.
She can always choose to marry me and die as a human.
I can save her.
>die as a human
She can't though, she's a full blood Elf, not Half-elven
Touch grass and smoke pipe-weed
Her grandfather married two women against the rules.
Her inlaw was the first elf (elf-maia whatever) to die like a human.
I have faith she could find a way to do it if she wanted it badly enough.
It's a slow, depressing decline. Their body fades and they grow weary - eventually they won't do or create things, they'll just think about them or remember what they used to do.
It's >>201697183 who has it correct, the Elves didn't get any promise of taking part in the Second Music. But they hope they will be able to, according to Finrod.
Elrond was 1500 years old when the rings were created and Galadriel was 3400 years old, she is considerably older than him
Yes, but there's no firm definitions and you can be good at different things. Tulkas is amazing at combat, but he's considered much less mighty than Nienna or Mandos.
I feel like Tolkien, writing in a time before tabletop and video games, just took a lot more realistic approach to this. People can be powerful in one area but not in another, and there's so many factors in a fight - and no certain outcome.
nice way to oust yourself as a midwit
Sounds like something a true Christcuck would say
The casting in LotR was phenomenal pretty much across the board and is a significant part of why the trilogy was so iconic. Gandalf and Saruman in particular, I can't picture any other way. Perfect casting. The only kind of oddball casting choice was Hugo Weeving as Elrond. He's not bad, just weird, since he just doesn't look like an elf to me.
You don't even need to look to obscure materials, it's right there in Hobbit and LotR. The narrator talks about them as historical beings that might be around today still.

I suppose hobbits need some
description nowadays, since they have become
rare and shy of the Big People, as they call us.
They are (or were) a little people, about half our
height, and smaller than the bearded Dwarves.
Hobbits have no beards. There is little or no
magic about them, except the ordinary
everyday sort which helps them to disappear
quietly and quickly when large stupid folk like
you and me come blundering along, making a
noise like elephants which they can hear a mile off.
waow destroyed 100 amirite fellow brother in science *tips fedora*

EDIT: thank you for the gold kind stranger!
Why didn't we get a scene of her on the shitter in lotr?
>he just doesn't look like an elf to me
That was the point. Like anon said in one of the posts above, Elrond is half-elven and a mutt to boot. He should look differently from other elves.
>Elves aren't really supposed to be conveniently beautiful to begin with, they're mentioned looking somewhat androgynous in several instances. I think the main point is that they should look otherwordly and slightly alien rather than beautiful
Tolkien literally never shut the fuck up about how "beautiful" and "fair" they all were. Ever single fucking one of them was "the fairest elf to ever live."
elrond... had a hard life
I watched it in theaters, and I saw when I looked at him was Agent Smith.
Elrond is the son of the greatest hero of Tolkien's legendarium, he was the best looking of the lot, Arwen took after her father
Aragorn has been mistaken for an Elf many times. Hence, an elf looks like a large muscular king-like statuesque man (not to be confused with the unshaven bum from the movies)
>Thingol was taller than Fëanor and Galadriel (he was 9')
what the fuck?
Cirdan is the oldest of old fart elves. Dude's fucking ancient.
When he got the ring he was younger than Elrond from the movies, he was only 6000 years old (Elrond 6500)
Thingol specifically was tallest of all the Children of Iluvatar (Humans and Elves) which is taken to mean that he's not only taller than Elendil (almost 8') but he has to be taller than 8'11'' Robert Wadlow whom Tolkien was aware of since he died in 1940.
Cirdan had a hard life though. Elrond too. I'm sure there elves born in Aman a thousand years younger than former but much older than the latter who look younger than the both of them.
>he was only 6000 years old
That doesn't sound right at all. Cirdan was born before the imprisonment of Melkor, and he was imprisoned for "three ages." There's no fucking way that Cirdan is only 6000 years old in the 2nd age.
>he imprisonment of Melkor
And by that, I mean the first time.
There are no elves much older than Kirdan, the earliest elves woke up ~6400 years before the creation of the rings, Kirdan is about 6000 years old (at the time the rings were forged), he is about the same age as the earliest elves.
At the time of LotR the oldest elf will be around 11000 years old.

The oldest elf in existence will only be ~6400 years old at the time of the creation of the rings.
450 Valian Years (roughly 4312 solar years), plus ~600 year first age and 1500 years second age = ~6400 years
>There are no elves much older than Kirdan,
I know; read it again. That's why I used "a thousand years younger than former". Former references Cirdan.
Oh the blissful ignorance of 2012. She's getting recast black, gay, and heavily disabled
I wonder how Christopher Lee would've been as Gandalf. Since Tolkien told him himself he sees him as Gandalf. But I am absolutely glad we got Lee as Saruman and McKellen as Gandalf, don't get me wrong. Just been wondering.
Christopher Lee has been type cast as a villain almost his entire career
Would have been horrible casting him a Gandalf
Finrod's guesses are irrelevant since the character is not all-knowing. Tolkien is clear on the subject:

"Never since have the Ainur made any music like to this music, though it has been said that a greater still shall be made before Ilúvatar by the choirs of the Ainur and the Children of Ilúvatar after the end of days. Then the themes of Ilúvatar shall be played alright, and take Being in the moment of their utterance, for all shall then understand fully his intent in their part, and each shall know the comprehension of each, and Ilúvatar shall give their thought the secret fire, being well pleased."
That's what another elf wrote, though, no part of Tolkien's stories is told by an omniscient narrator.
But in the end the Legendarium is full of contradictory versions because Tolkien kept changing his mind, so there's no one true version that invalidates others (outside of what Tolkien himself published, maybe).
Don’t talk shit about mommy Cate.
Much that once was is lost, for none now live who remember it.
apart from me, and a bunch of other elves.
also im a 5 foot welsh woman with a cheese fixation
xoxo: Galadz
Most of you don’t even really understand Tolkien. Not really.

Did you know magic doesn’t actually exist in Middle-Earth?

This will never not piss off the “fans”.
It's a quote from the Ainulindalë, the very chapter of the Silmarillion that specifically deals with the Music of the Ainur. The lore is settled. Deal with it and cease your anti-elfite coping.
Fucking lol’d
no harry potter cross over then? bummer!
>"ching chong ding dong"
>This will never not piss off the “fans”.
That’s because they don’t know what magic is. Tolkien did. They don’t. They think it’s some specific thing rather than an angle. Magic system autists are legit brain dead morons.
And the Ainulindale is written by Rumil.
Galadriel was the wisest because she could see in peoples souls like Faramir

But she was also a giant arrogant cunt like her uncle and god banished her to middle earth for her wanting to conquer it and rule over it.

It took her meeting her husband and the valar Melain being essentially an adopted mother to get her to give up her need for glory and power. Even then her curse wasn’t lifted until she did what she did in the movies.
Of course there is, Gandalf casts spells and the Hobbits explicitly see elf magic in Lorien. The elves just don't understand the criteria for what is considered magic because what they do naturally and Sauron's evil works are fundamentally different from their POV.
But even Tolkien himself wrote about the "ordinary everyday magic" of Hobbits. See >>201712631
Her nickname amongst the elves was manwoman, not even a troll post.

Galadriel was a physically giant tomboy amongst the elves and before she poured her essence into having kids was physically as powerful as Feanors brothers.
>Did you know magic doesn’t actually exist in Middle-Earth?
If there's no magic then how the fuck does the Ring of Power work in Middle Earth then?
>Of course there is
The same way your cellphone is magic, sure. It is. Just not to you. It’s just Art to the elves, the same way everything to us is art-ificial.

>Gandalf uses spells
He describes them as spells, but he won’t define them as such.
The elves are literally fading, everything they do or create leaks a bit of their soul into middle earth. They will eventually fade into spirits if they don’t return west and live in the halls of Mandos.

The wrights and various spirits Sauron uses as the necromancer as these faded elves who didn’t want to leave Arda but were too weak to have bodies
>It’s just Art to the elves, the same way everything to us is art-ificial.
Correct, but I'm not an elf and neither are most people in LotR. To us, the Mirror of Galadriel is magic.
>He describes them as spells, but he won’t define them as such.
He says that he used a spell, and that the Balrog used a counter-spell. That means they spoke words with a power - a power to effect something which ordinary words could not effect.
Eru has nothing against magic as the world, and many of its beings are inherently "magical."

Though, to be fair, Eru and those beings would be rather confused by the term. You see, "magic" is merely a term used by some beings (primarily men/hobbits) to describe the fantastical abilities of other beings such as Dwarves, Elves, and Maiar. It is entirely a case of "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" except in this case it's not "technology" its "natural ability."

From their perspective, Dwarves, Elves, and Maiar aren't doing anything special. Gandalf's ability to summon a flame is no more abnormal to him than a bird's ability to fly, yet both might seem magical to someone who doesn't understand how either are capable of doing it.

So, why can't Men do these fantastical things? The nature of Men is fundamentally different than other beings. Elves and Maiar have a close, intrinsic connection with the world. As a consequence, they can do things that seem, to Men, to be magical. They can manipulate aspects of the world in a way that Men can't. But also they cannot leave the world. They are bound to it and must endure throughout the ages. And they suffer harms against the world more deeply and closely.

Men are not so tied. Men can die and their spirit can leave Arda departing for a fate unknown. As a result Men cannot interact with the world in the same way.

But another consequence is that Men are not bound to the fate of Arda as the Elves are. Men have been granted the power to forge their own destiny. Perhaps this is a power that, to the Elves, may seem like "magic" to them. As >>201696897 gets across.

Overall, magic IS “magic”. It’s a way of looking at things. It’s why the black machinery of Mordor is likened to black magic, or sorcery. Witchcraft. The folk of middle-earth just aren’t used to that sort of infrastructural horror. Tolkien’s time in war convinced him of that. The war machine is hell on earth.
Silmarillion also has this in Chapter 1
>Yet of old the Valar declared to the Elves in Valinor that Men shall join in the Second Music of the Ainur; whereas Ilúvatar has not revealed what he purposes for the Elves after the World’s end, and Melkor has not discovered it.
That’s not a definition. That’s a description. A scientific view wouldn’t call it “magic” or “spells”, as such words can only suffice as descriptions. Literally any idiot can describe anything wondrous as “magic”, or “witchcraft”, which is the point of the black machinery of Mordor.

It’s not literally magic, spells, etc. it’s just what he does. He wears the pointy hat. It is like if a sage like alien landed on past Earth and guised himself as a wizard. He may as well be.

God would not view Himself as a God, and religion is indistinguishable from magic. Do humans consider themselves gods to ants? It depends on the person. Just like it depends on the Maia folk.

That’s all magic is. Subjection. Perception. Etc. What is magic to one is not going to be magic to another. It was like this way in real life history as well.
If Mirror of Galadriel was magic, then the cats of Queen Berúthiel were magic too.
I can agree with that, especially with
>What is magic to one is not going to be magic to another.
So we're both correct, we just use the word differently.
Forgot to reply to >>201717463
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That's a lot of words to say The One Ring was magical and contained a part of Sauron himself
>ackchyually it was just advanced technology and it's a matter of perception over what magic is
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I make the young version do terrible things
Cats are literally magic. They see dead people and know when old people are about to die. The Egyptians knew that. Also, cats have taken over the memesphere. They control us silently, but still not so silently. Meow.
How is technology not magic? How is a wizard’s staff not a piece of technology?

Stop being retarded. The idea that magic has nothing to do with artifice is idiotic.
10/10 post
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>lmao all the jealous orcposting posting ITT in this thread
They weren't. Why quote a word that's never used?

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