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Budget Charls edition

>Season 2 ""episodes"" are TRASH, watch them for free here:

>/ftl/ News
NEW NONTENT BITCHES Jasmine and Kato have arrived!!
Kalei got KICKED off the show by JIMMY!!
Twitter orbiters Juliana and Leah have been put in the cell permanently
Haley WINS the Get Real CHALLENGE! Shadi vs Haley ROUND 2 IS LIVE!!

>Convicted RAPIST and ADULTERER Scott "Sullivan" MMA is ON THE RUN!! if you have any information on his whereabouts: https://tips.fbi.gov/home

>Stream Links
Official: https://www.fishtank.live/
Restream: https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdwPL5qHDfk
Kick: https://kick.com/fishtanklive


>Show Archives

>/ftl/ Archive

>Thread Template

Previous Thread: >>201698734
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Trixie mogs
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when the darkness comes
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not television or film
Claire you WILL sleep with me in my bunk tonight or ELSE!
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I'm tired of ugly women saying nigger to appeal to retards, we already did this last season.
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Shadi would absolutely destroy Hayley in a fight. It wouldn't even be close
Ofcourse haley is bisexual
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yuribros how we feelin?
It's fucking pathetic
Tayfags found a new cringe queen
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Damn. I understand how Jet felt when it came to Josie..
just sent her husband the clip of her saying nigger
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>i'm chillin
>they recited that at my uncle's funeral, he died of heroin
>i'd rather be raped than bored
>what's your name? I forgot. No really who are you again?
>is oddbod actually gone?
>it's going down i'm yelling timberrrrrrrrrrrr!
>i want oddbod to fuck me in the hole
>have you ever heard of benzedrex?
>i’d fuck my uncle (CLAIRE STOP!)
>i swear I'll goon all day tomorrow
>I am CJ???
>i made eye contact with mauro in the living room and he was scared
>what’s /ftl/ ;)
and most importantly
>i dont trust anyone who likes sam hyde
>in trouble from who? JET NEPTUNE?
Literally how?
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Haley seething, lol why?
/ftl/ sweepstake:
will blood spill tonight?
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if Haley actually has a job as a paralegal I just got the same sinking feeling I did when I was banned from twitch for violent hate speech, just secondhand, for her
Budget Charls lobotomized Cleh and Abi. Really cooling down on him.
and the season before...
Claire is literally built for FacialAbuse. Her gutter self-esteem. Her doughy body. Her bouncy tits. Her plain but cute face. Her self-destructive behavior.
Erm I love Scott.
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Petition to gas the cell
>1488 Tayleigh 1488 zoom in on her face
girls love saying theyre bisexual and exclusively date men
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Production. Care to explain? I'm starting to believe the Peter Thiel schizos.
She's 200lbs heavier. Is that supposed to be an accomplishment?
When ben blows the smoke out when doing that walk he looks so damn cool
Hayley and scott > shadi and letty
true but its based when its people i dont like
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These hoes are vicious!
i don't even need to be romantically or sexually involved with abi. i just want her wandering around my house like a cat
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Haley underestimates the power and persistence of KiwiTroons, feel bad for her.
>post hog

codeine stare abi
Haley = The Situation
Shadi = Snooki
Claire = Sweetheart
Abi = Blast in a Glass
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It wasn't even aperture ask for the niggers. Haley's life is over lmao
Claire already looks like a Shivering Truth character before the filter
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Hailey said the nigger word and has already had panty slips, how long until this ugly broad takes her clothes off?
Saying “nigger” in America is like burning the quaran in Saudi Arabia. You WILL NOT disrespect our gods.
Abi's kittens status?
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I was literally about to say that if Tayleigh had never been a thing, Haley would have a ton of simps right now
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>haley, 1488! zoom in on haley. haley, 1488!
Mike Tyson was one of the smallest world heavyweight champions in the history of professional boxing. What's your point
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who's ronnie
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I still don't understand all the hate he gets in these threads. Even in season 1, but it seems like it gets worse every time he shows up.
I wanna see Bex try to break up a fight
>jasmine dancing to shadi's nigger chant
That as AI tho
I remember when Claire's big idea to start shit tonight was hide the new girl's vape
You guys have memorized Ben's dance, right anon?
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The only other website I've seen with as many trackers as this is YouTube.
Jas started dancing when Shadi was calling herself a dumb ghetto niggerrrrr
It's still a WIP feel free to contribute
Height ≠ weight
proof of jesus christ.
its almost as if they have the exact same strategy to win
>Jasmine I'm sorry you had to hear that
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Quick Abi the PS2 closet is empty
Sam said faggot, nigger, retard, chink in the span of 10 seconds just to not get mogged by Tai in season 1, bro.
jasmine doesn't deserve this bros....
immediate double leg takedown
BEX repairing the vibes
1488 LOL
HayTriots in control
Scott should have gotten hawk tuah from Haley then put Letty in a spladle.
Based Shadi bending this Mexican grandma over.
which one was "blast in a glass"?
facts on the other 3 though
I genuinely practice it in the mirror every time I go to the bathroom
that drug induced mild brain damage stare i know it all to well
Fuck that fucking pick me
I'm starting to get a headache from these bitches
Bex mogs, you can have your bitchtank bitch, but we all know when she walks in.
>I will NEVER be attracted to you
Shadi... come on now
ok scott
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he say all da word
dats peak comedy
Shadi is mogging this haggard bitch so bad
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I'm really warming up on her.

She's done literally nothing wrong or bad except cut her bangs too short.
Yeah and now she’s zonked out because gay greaser gave her weed.
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Haley needs to apologize for slavery and for saying the N word ASAP.
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Bill Ottman was raped
Join Creature's stream
She's much better
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The Zoltar era feels like it was decades ago, holy shit.
>i like the jews
how can this get worse LMAO
this needs to go on the meme screen
petition to gas the whole house (except where letty and ben and bex are)
I love her lol
I can hear that perfectly clear in my mind just by reading it
Whoever has been sending cleh shots during this whole time, you are a saint.
Shes mogging my monitor and ears with that huge bix nod attitude
claire and abi bffs i love them :) yayyyy <3 :)
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It's time to put Shadi and Haley in The Cell.
doesn't he like mexicans because he was basically taken in by some mexicans and lived with them for a while?
to be fair trish doing that to fatty in s2 led to tay's biggest meltdown
Who is a bigger mog: Shadi or Haley?
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Haley telling jasmine she's sorry she had to hear her say nigger was kino
>kalei leaves - vibes are ruined immediately after
i miss her bros
Shadi's fat fuckin ass is blocking my view
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love and life
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Abi and Claire are making out TONIGHT
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arts and crafts tank
>is it that funny, haley?
>do you think saying nigger is funny?
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Is paht of da pwan reawwy
wes it up
Nah, fuck that retard
I have a cat named kato and this ugly cunt is ruining her name
haley: angela
shadi: jwoww
claire: snookie
abi: sammi
>The Cell.
fucking kek. forgot about it. those 2 lame bitches are STILL in there alone
Deena Cortese was her name, don't really remember her just filling a gap because I can barely remember the show
when memes turn into reality
>/tv/ gets crazy horny for black women who arent ratchet
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what has my princesa been up to today?
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Okay but what if sam was sweating all over their bunks and eating cheese whilst they argue
I wish I could, anon.
I wish I could.
I wouldn't put it past Shadi to vote for herself tonight lol
Never like a contest too much. Never hate a contestant too much (unless they’re Mauro). You never know how they’ll change.
Considering Haley makes half the board seethe just by existing id say Haley mogs
I hate da gobwin the most
It WILL happen.
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edging closer and closer to yuritank
who the fuck is jasmine
beat squad
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Haley...Shadi....please stop talking
This guy actually watched Jersey Shore and Bitchtank.
can we stop pretending Jasmine is pretty?
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Its kind of funny that these 2 retards just being cute together is carrying the show for a lot of people
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>Leah was saying as an Aussie she doesn't have any experience with Jews or know why they're bad
>stoned Chip tells her "they're so bad, like really really bad, stay in America you'll find out why we hate them"
>stoned Abi chimes in the background while doing the see-saw puzzle in HL2, "they're bad, they're stinky, ugly, hairy..."
my girlypops :)
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>she was so excited to play smackdown here comes the pain....
Same energy
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big mistake
/tv/ is a WMBW board
Called her own mom a snowbunny earlier and giggled.
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you may not like it but this is the main draw of the show
meanwhile in Uglytank they're playing some kind of ball game
abi would NEVER take advantage of a drunk claire!
who's pretending?
It's all either people of low intelligence or sarcasm.
Ugh, a fucking scorpio
yeah and it was funny
whats your point?
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This is actually 100% accurate
More like loboto and mized
It would be cool for him to ask everyone what was going on then started wiping his ass
LMAO Claudia’s rectangular shaped deflated jack-o-lantern face with that protrusive nose for brushing spit polish into the haaaawwwk-TUAH’d surface of her cleaning
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see >>201700487
Honestly its hard to hate on the girls in the cell theyve been going all day
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Why is it evil shit always happens in the tank after the most pure of the contestants leave?
I'd suck her, so what?
trvth nvke
this has been a staple of every fishtank season
Is that a klingon?

Time to choke down some brown penis
>/ftl/ doesn't realize she just scorpio posted in the tank
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>tfw gonna have to tard wrangle drunk Claire all night instead of playing GTA
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He's an adulterer
everyone with eyes apparently.
sami sweet the sweetest bitch youll ever meet
why the FUCK did they kick her out i hate jet so much
I only hate them when I have to see them, so I'm warming up
I want to fight Claire
Has production interacted with twittertank at all today?
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Where did Kalei go? She's my favorite fish and I don't see her on any of the cameras
>check her stream
>she's rolling a giant blunt just like she was the last time I checked her stream and it was 30 minutes in
is the TTS still set to an outrageous price of 5 dollars?
RIP BitchTank Trish :(
Bex's camel toe could heal the world. I truly believe it will
You mad? yee you mad
What if sam came in and said first one that shaves their head gets to choose who gets eliminated
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He's an /r9k/ poster through and through.
What if Sam was there and he broke their beds or punched a hole in the wall?
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tehy should be next on the line out desu
after bitchtank they should do suck your own dick tank where its all guys and theres only one challenge that repeats daily and its the suck your own dick challenge. whoever successfully sucks their own dick each day gets paid. if you fail, you have to spend the rest of the day stretching
need bex to sit on my face and poop
Love and Life <3
I just wanted one more day with her...
I still don't know what Jasmines voice sounds like
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Jaw surgery can save Julianna, I feel bad that its the one feature that's keeping her in the cell with Maggie the Mammoth. She doesn't deserve it.
I am legit pissed that Roy fucking ruined a night of Abi and Claire. wtf dude.

How long do fucking weed highs last.
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she needs more GTA time
a homeless man said her poops were too smelly. sorry anon.
There's only 30 people here, your stuff is going to get read for free.
Don't let Jew Hyde warp your view of normalcy.
No, letty and Scott have been here arguing with each other since last night though
He has some pretty good takes about the show on his streams, but when it comes to his own involvement, he really oversells himself.
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but actually
>turkay tawmmmmmm
when the darkness comes...
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>they left the flash on for the photo
jews are about 1% of the Australian population which isn't low at all, but she never leaves her room
her personality is extremely annoying and she adds absolutely nothing to the tank
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Again I dont hate Shadi its just that shes Bitchtank Brian.

My fucking anus is all drained!
having zero thoughts in her head that didn't come from a tweet or kiwifarms post is why shes in the nontent chamber
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The fact they put the smallest and largest girl in the cell is funny on it's own, them both being absolutely nontent is the cherry on top.
I love how Haley's just ostracized herself slowly overtime, must be so fucking awkward just talking to the camera while EVERYONE else is actively just ignoring you
fucking bullshit. should have kicked shadi instead.
She is drinking now and when it wears off she’ll get hyper.
Kato kino is a solid addition.
she sounds like every white washed black girl
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can someone send jimmy this picture of his mom
so federal asian is another member of production right?
also that fucking screaming cope self-celebrating is awful, shave that cunts head
It's so fucking funny to just leave them in there
Wait what if sam blew a snot rocket
tjaylor getting mogged tbqh
>me on the right
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2 hours max
hope he doesnt ruin it with his bad attitude
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She's more of a Sylvia type.
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You know what to do
>jimmy came sliding out of that pussy
lucky little retard.
Are you crazy they'd get doxxed my mephsito, you don't want to be on Jimmycords bad side dude
Threads are moving fast as fuck tonight
straight into the spank bank, I don't care, she's hotter than every girl in that room which is fucked.
he has media share set up on his streams but i dont want a bunch of rabid freaks finding out my social security number
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heres a rare spinning abi for you guys
wanted to speed her up to go 99999999mph but ezgif wont do it
>She doesn't deserve it.
she acts worse than she looks.
did claire just ask the black girl if she can squirt?
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She needs her Shinji
Put them in the outdoor base camp from 2.5 and leave the camera off and forget about them.
s1 was trash
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>losing the divorce
If I get the uncensored version I will
Charls cousin came into the tank and let Abi and Claire take a hit of weed and now they are brain dead arts and crafts now
she flinches every time lol
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S2 was worse
Molesto sends his regards >:) Wrangler is off the rails! Wait until Jimmy finds out what Mephisto has planned for his sister!
dead show
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i miss voltorb
How tf do you launch nukes? I have 9 launch keys and can’t figure out how to use them.
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... and with that, the females settle down for the night to weave new bedding from fresh leaves and grass
Visions of Tayleigh...
Chat is this true
She's a Kiwifarmer so it ain't changing shit
that better be on the screen
They got Hunter on the show? Man, that's crazy
>haley laying their seething in silence
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>I feel like it's the best time to be antisemetic
Is there anyone that doubts creature at all?
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When does this gaming tournament start?
shut up tranny
when you weight 92 pounds you have no energy reserves, it's over.
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Abi is what women were like back in the day when families lived in generational homes with most of the extended family, raised by grandparents and parents alike.
We have to go back.
I can see this making the ad screen
miss bentank...
Nobody knows who this is
Things have settled down. Its nontent tank again. Fucking kato hogging the closet, put her in the cell already
those other 2 bitches are STILL in the cell i keep forgetting they exist
this would be a good final challenge
Jet didn’t kill his own show again with the elimination tonight. celebration is warranted.
She was petting too hard lol
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Be honest, it wouldn't matter if she were hot, and I see potential
s1 was DOA cause of the audio but thats just me
She has completely Tay'd herself. How can people say they watched the show and still end up making the dumb decisions.
they shouldn't exist
Even with the bangs, I can't with the septum. Instantly makes any woman unattractive to me. Weirdly tattoos and other piercings don't bug me but septums are trash.
>yfw you realize they brought in Kato to potentially eliminate Abi in the gaming tournament
She's gone Cole'd. Everyone on the cast liked Tayleigh.
No one on the cast liked Cole.
i've noticed that bitchtank has gotten a similar level of engagement to season 2.5 on here and through TTS/SFX/fishtoys despite having a way smaller cast, crew, production costs, and effort put into it. it was a good idea all around.
just like tj...
>share your current life downward spiral in an attempt to gain tank & fan favor
>somehow become even MORE hated

All for Scott cock, what a world
who and how??
Mr President we lost Dave
2.5 was complete dogshit in retrospect
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I thought kiwitroons were good people because they went after pedos, but I learned pedos get a free pass if they are someone they like. Their just like trannies in that they defend evil if it comes from them
She didnt you imbecile, the COON is a dictator. Fucking retard.
I wish every good girl to have a bestie like Abi
2.5 drama happened in spite of the format
Wait they got hl2 and abi's already at the seesaw? I gotta tune back in
You're retarded, in the edited version you can clearly see the productions reaction to tayleighs antics and they're always disgusted.
2.5 was RP kino
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She's like Cole, except the audience actually liked Cole.
I think they were pretty slow until Claire's first shitfaced night, they've been picking up since then.
Federal Asian for Hayleigh
Im pretty sure just 1 leg is wider than my whole waste
You're illiterate. I said the cast.
At the end they all said they liked her.
Pre Tayleigh freak out 2.5 was popping. Some good oc.
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claire needs more roses to surpass haley and be with abi on the leaderboard
2.5 was only good because of Xavier and the NPC's
Put her outside in the soda tent it's her natural habitat.
who has a link to this new plushie it's so cute
there was about 15 collective minutes of RP from all the fish combined and 10 were jon
i remember when they had a tranny running their doxxing operation against Isabella janke even though Isabella janke did nothing wrong but fuck with their cashcow
How hard is it to find non fat chicks that wanna hangout? Nobody wants to see bbws
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BitchTank > 2.5
KF is kind of like, “Operation FriendTank is a Resounding success!”
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based thank you
didnt she microwave a hamster
2.5 was only good when tay and jimmy got BTFO by xavier then creature cam in the last days. Everything else sucked
I was referring to end game Tayleigh, where everyone in the audience and house hated her, even the giga-simp Chris. Cole is too popular to compare this hag too.
wtf is this about?
2.5 was a "we're sorry for treating you like shit" party for the cast
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>ywn be in an autistic lesbian gamer relationship with claire or abi
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Anyone know how to spell Kayley? She said her youtube was KayleyDaily but I don't think I'm spelling it right
>only cast fans of the show
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easily. 2.5 audio was garbage.
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Production here, the girls in the cell are getting a new roommate! You'll never guess who it is!
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All of us were telling jet to just shove a bunch of ugly girls in a room and it's free money. took him too long.
she fully displayed her weakness by trying to fight the biggest prisoner on the first day in jail, she chose this direction
trish has never liked her and shinji has been avoiding her
Fuck you stop being meen


No, everyone still liked her at the end. You're memoryholing this and spent too much time on /bant/.
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Imagine spending money on this crap

shits insane!!
Bitchtank is unironically growing which i dont think happened for the other seasons
Abi is perfect
bitchtank has been the worst fishtank thing by far
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someone please tell me where I can buy this
I wish I was a cute girl
It's spelled: Turkey Tom
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jasmine is gonna quit
I want to keep them in my closet and feed them paper
fishtank legend
It was Kalei
That bitch was nasty tho she just had rich fed parents to protect her
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Would be pretty based if she beat Haley’s ass
the camera setup in bloodgames was also fucking terrible.
Not for claireGODS
Trish isn't cast.
The one day without tayleigh showed how good 2.5 could have been
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this but totally unironically
are you retarded
Found her channel
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I need Claire to rim my ass before she commits suicide
i think im gonna jack off now that my cat is out of the room and determine if snakewoman is worth a nut
they need to bring in jon. i want to see him flirt with jasmine and shadi,
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Won't be long. I can sense it
love and life clabi was on the screen just now
it's gotten more tts and fishtoys than 2 or 2.5 this is what fishtank is forever now.
You write like a faggot.
if she had brow length bangs she would literally be the resident 10/10
>they missed the love and life ad
oh hell yeah rat experiment starts now
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Are you?
She's got a fat ass, but she isn't cast.
such grace on display
Are those grandma pants?
LMAO that expression is like self-parody
lol letty threw the gift on the floor
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>Footage of Kalei from 6 years ago
come on, man
what does "cast" mean to you
they're tied rn for me. if tay wasn't there 2.5 easily mogs
You are completely memory holing the TJ dancing shit for an hour with everyone awkwardly watching and not having the heart to tell him to stop
Jimmy likes cole same as jc and summer
about 35 of haley's were from apeture who is production. the little twitter girl was from her boyfriends welfare money. she's in second.
no that was a troll
they had a tranny named commiedickgirl666 lead their dox operation against Isabella janke, the tranny has a video of them melting down in a popeyes
Pfff yeah everyone liked her. That's why Chris and Trish were pulling for TJ to win, Frank was getting her to commit social sedoku, and Shinji sabotaged his own game because he hated her too much. Who exactly liked her at the end? And saying 'Oh no hard feelings Tay, we totally like you' and then not talking to her for months because they don't like her does not count as liking her.
10 IQ take
You know she’d give that thang the hawk-TUAH and shove her huge beak nose up in that thang! Awwwww hell yeah! Timberrrrrr
>cell isn't even cracking over 300 views anymore
what are you niggas going to do?
Kino Kato is a draw. Claire needs to be concerned.
that was part of the goof stuff

Part of the cast.
Trish isn't.
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everybody likes Jimmy except /ftl/, look at this lovable scamp
yes. that's how she lets us know she's a free use freak
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Jimmy and Cole are best friends
>Sam hasn't been around today
>things are getting good
Origami princess
The audience loved her do me a favor and get the fuck out
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Ah hell nah these bitches still think they apart of the bitchtank
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now thats what i'm talkin bout
Tai tried to stop him a few times but TJ was a trooper. I think he's boring but how he committed to LA BOMBA always made me crack up.
Is cleh drinking her drinks or spilling them on the carpet?
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>Kiwitroon defending his internet daddies who housed and defended cp artist shadman
If you had a haley wife how would you theoretically keep her in line?
Sounds like she lost a bunch of fat in the last couple years and felt she was then owed sex from guys that wouldn't give her attention before and that's when things began to unravel.
Personally I would require her to lez out every two weeks or so to satiate her excess sexual energy.
cute desu

shouldn't have gone, should have been leah, only still there because of sylvia cronyism, could have had a nice kato kalei alliance
Jerry Status?
Never understood the hate for Jimbo.
plot twist: sam falls in love with jasmine because she reminds him of his gf in college
Many are saying this.
chance of a redemption arc?
that’s because they’re all abi fags
Abi's pretty funny
She deserved better
Did they drop the aptitude test bit? Who won? Was the payoff just Claire realizing everyone else was retarded
qrd on the ozone meme?
Cole was socially retarded, Shadi got the whole house against Haley because shes a nigger
She’s just flinging around fluids and playing in them like saliva and mucosa from her schnozz like hooooiiiieeekkkkkk-PTUHHH
>things are getting good
anon, are you on the right show?
I wouldn't marry a fat mexican to begin with.
Tayleigh was less popular than TJ on /ftl/ and barely beating Shinji who was completely backed by TJseethers. If you're a girl on this show and cant get more simps than lubecooch? kill yourself.
you study gay scribe
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Dave was the key to all of this and I'm fairly certain he's gone for good now.
Leah is there for the experiment
honestly keep forgetting they exist until someone mentions them once an hour or so
its so much comfier without them
was that a huge rose delivery or just all of them
Even kiwifarms adore Jimmy.
>should have been leah
Leah isn't a competitor but she doesn't know it yet
The worst bits of Fishtank have always been the "Jet Neptune's School of Improv" ones, like the camping era and gang war from S01. It's not surprising that building a whole season around half-assed roleplaying was a mistake.
it's not cp it's drawings, this whole thing is literally just a psyop to deflect from the fact the heckin wholesome chungus mr. beast tranny who abandoned his family to troon out ACTUALLY molested children
they are apart of the bitchtank
well duh, we're talking hypotheticals here. now answer the fucking question
The only time he's entertaining is when he's sperging out, or when he's seething, but is afraid of the person making him seethe.
Summer is terrified of Cole lol
He fucks dogs and deflects with Loobcooch! Fuckin your daughter huh fuckin horses huh. Abagantanos
Compared to the last 3 days this is amazing, compared to anything else it's unwatchable.
cleaning jojo
I don't follow porn artist drama but that doesn't make my image wrong
shadi is current matriarch of the longhouse. it depends upon her leniency.
any body language experts that can tell me what this means?
Kiwitroons try to act better than us too. Absolutely pathetic. Obsessive retarded shitheads.
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>goth bitch has been hogging the gaming room from abi and claire
fucking hell
what are the bitches doing with the paper?
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Jet put an Ozone machine to clean the room after the cell but everyone started getting symptoms of Ozone Posoining afterwards because jet didn't open a window
that is an almost 30 year old man
>Scott... you won't get away with this
what experiment the island of dr. moreau manatee experiment??? they finna have bex paint her gray and give her propellor scar makeup?
Here you go anon
The placed it on the ground and left it on to try and get rid of the smell. It nearly killed everyone until ftl saved them.
Abi puked, and multiple people were talking about being light headed
claire getting wasted was better
This, they're trying to spread the guilt to get eyes off the pedo tranny.
Claire is a perfect 5. The epitome of mid. With a personality that elevates her to a 7.5 I love her.
>Kato singing blink-182
ok based
haley is a stoic badass casting a big shadow. the other bitches fear her.
You just gotta love the jimster, you just gotta! :)
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that's pretty often
multiple deliveries
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>its not cp its drawings
kill yourself, even your dad Null will call you pedophile
Shadi didn't have to work hard because everyone already disliked her
her cock
I hate Haley's retarded ass dance moves so much
Props to the "Get Real" segment for completely destroying only Haley's tenure
Since when? If anything cole is freaked out by summer, he had to ghost her after she blew up his phone after the fallout of s2. You're talking out of your ass
Love me some Yimmy good lad
why does it make us human so angry
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woah... shes fast!
Ahahahhahahaha oh god lmao its Kill Tank
>With a personality that elevates her to a 7.5
when she gets bratty it elevates to 9
>it's not cp it's drawings
You should probably kill yourself
mindbroken. no one ever fails to find a way to sneak Tayleigh into every conversation.

tayleigh won, as always
guys stop talking about gay internet loli drama please
fuck this shit, creature is playing old school runescape
i don't see any season surpassing hell house
Hilarious knowing the fat one is thinking she's being watches by thousanda hanging onto her every word of riveting discussion
called that nigga a scamp kek
It was Cowboy and Abi threw up. It was only after ftl pointed out that everyone would die that Jet pulled the plug. Good bit.
Don't worry, nobody does. It's a handful of idiots and a lot of staff TTS/Fishtoys
truly goranian
Jet it up!
nah no way
Everyone knows that last part is true, but none of the commentary channels can actually prove it, so they are stuck trying to cancel Kris for being a Shadman fan after his deviant side had already been revealed to the world.
I really need to get my 5'7 ass together so I can find me a Claire gf who tells people I'm a loser.
I'm not a kiwitranny retard I'm an oldfag from the days when 4chan had a fucking /l/ - loli board you fucking faggot zoomer

drawings aren't CP and the supreme court agrees you fucking delusional pearl clutching trannies
Love life (lofe) ///// hate death
it's a twisted mockery of how the body ought to move
you dont know what the fuck youre talking about
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why wasn't I abipilled before bitchtank
>get that spaghetti Jimmy good boy
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She's trying to start a "e-girl streamer" career from this so of course the cunt is gonna hog the room from the two who just wanna play games. Retarded clout chaser.
The "science experiment" is seeing how long they'll stay in there without asking to come out because they're superfan orbiters and are just excited to feel like they're part of the team
heil abi
Sir if you mention shad man or loli we must cancel you now

God i hate zoom zooms so much
is that the fucking spiderman tshirt from the small boys section of the store that she was talking about this morning
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sam was blacklisted from hollywood for screaming at an adult swim exec but he conveniently never mentions this. he could've ridden out the nazi accusations if he wasn't retarded.
The cell is honestly impossible to watch
She is absolutely repulsive holy shit
She is repulsed by his physique and social incompetence, I dont doubt she wants to make him an online orbiter

But its mostly that he choose her as the most attractive i dont really think she hates him or anything


everyone else
would be sweet to be the guy who helps her blossom and live your 20's and beyond together. oddbod looking/acting motherfuckers with 6 fig income or trajectory to get there soon get on this. may the best bod win
the forbidden technique
blockhead joe lost
the other girls are against her because of shandi and even new bitches will quickly turn against her to stay in the group (especially because theyre women) = ITS OVER
its unfortunate that they didn't just sue Mauro. That would've been the most enjoyable outcome by far
Bc you were a jimcel.
i didn't even bother with the ben fashion bit
Kill yourselves pedophiles
he is mostly annoying but he has his moments
the most iconic s2 moments are related to him
>kalei kicked
>engaging entertainment nowhere to be found
hmm, very odd
it was relevant though, because tayleigh was the last female fishtank contestant to say the N word to win over the audience.
lofe... haath...
i'm beginning to understand
He's the part of Tom Sawyer that you didn't see, where no one wants to play with him anymore so he just gets bald and fat and depressed.
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what's the endgame?
what is she then?
dude don't post that a child predator shadman flight log member made that show
that bitch has a Chris Chan sweater
take out juli and put in kalei
I hate dat nigga hailey
huge fuck up. should have kicked haley
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Sue him for what? Everything he said about Sam and Jet is easily verified.
You just know Claudia can hawk-TUAH on that thang and shove her nose up in that!
weird flex but ok
she's a KFtroon
this is correct i officially change >>201701271
>this whole thing is literally just a psyop to deflect
you're retarded, the troon was kicked from mr beast and his name is forever tarnished, how is it deflecting when his life is already over?
haley is slow burn kino. she's gotta stay.
If you're Sam you do NOT want to be subject to Discovery or be deposed. Any legal threats from him are empty bluffs.

Clair will ruin your life and cheat on you because she’s bored or you did something weird that gave her the ick. She’s a good friend but will ruin your life for a laugh
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Haha zoom zoom thinks a drawing is cp
Enjoy licking boot you nigger lover
Ozone machine inbound
blue axolotl plushie
I just can't like the fangirls. I've tried but I can't.
Summer... is that you? I'm just wondering because this isn't the first time you've said this

Also.... evidence?
All I knew about her was the Jimmy drama and the fact she's fucking a big mexican ogre which to me is largely unforgivable.

But honestly she is really cute so instead of letting me get demoralized by the fact this is like the Mona Lisa being smeared with human shit, I'm just gonna deal with it.
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>Tayleigh was less popular than TJ on /ftl/ and barely beating Shinji who was completely backed by TJseethers. If you're a girl on this show and cant get more simps than lubecooch? kill yourself.
Back to bant with your retarded headcanon you're positively delusional. It took Jet arranging the house against Tay for it to even happen, nobody wanted to do it at all but TJ and Shinji were complete fucking production sockpuppets the whole season.
probably the least psychotic fish in fishtank history
Can we pull up an image of Bill from fishtank please
I didn't even try so you're a much better person than I am
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Since we don't hate Jimmy for a sec. How come you guys aren't sympathetic towards Jimmy for being taken advantage of by his literal nigger handlers? They want to keep him a lolcow so they keep exploring him, regardless of his mental state.
Sam pulling the
>its only funny and okay when i do it
at all times
You act like I want to be in a relationship with Claire. This bitch will be dead by the end of the year, I just wanna fuck.
you might not think she is the prettiest but she wont ruin your life like the others
Actually, he won. Viewtiful Joe got a job at the New York Times meanwhile Sam ruins Fishtank.
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dead show
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where can i get this ?
because he deserves it, he loves niggers
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Tony is kino and I'm tired of pretending he's not
Because he deserves to be exploited, he isn't good for much else
bitchtank is aids
Good for the wiggers for figuring out how to milk simps.
Anyone paying should be castrated
shut up
yea i'm sympathetic for jimmy. don't like him but he has some spark in him that makes me root for him. hope he gets his shit sorted out at some point. (he won't)
i think you can get one on ebay. little tikes swivel chair
if he could see it for what it is and tell mephisto to fuck off i might like him a little despite him being such a dishonest victim
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where can i get this?
Little Tikes Chunky Red Blue Swivel Chair now post the tiny one
what the hell was that noise at the end. she's damn cute
One of my gimmicks is hating on Cole for being a quitter faggot so yeah haha
pep talk.. or rizz
you decide
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It's weird. I feel like people take advantage of him but I'm certain Jimmy himself loves the attention he's getting.
>I don't think anybody watching this show is rooting for your ex-husband




it's so retarded that he actually talks like that it makes it kino
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where can I get this?
it's a gay show
>Viewtiful Joe got a job at the New York Times
>haley thinks this is real
Wannabe egirl streamers are a fucking plague on fishtank, just soulless users.
wtf is sharty doing lmao
Viewers dropped by over 50% when Dave and oddbod left
>deleted post
bro do u wanna be seen or not
the artist who drew children, materially hurting no one through those actions and committing no crime, was disowned and disavowed by all of those people years ago and has been irrelevant since he became a fucking heroin addict violent assault felon and his life is already over

so why are we talking about him and who he associated with in 2015 instead of YET ANOTHER TRANNY UP TO TYPICAL TRICKS molesting real children? HMMM I WONDER WHY YOU FUCKING MYOPIC BRAINLET?

oh and not to mentionn they already wanted to fucking cancel the smiling friends guy for being vaguely associated with crime-think subjects like immigration and genetically heritable intelligence, but failed! this is round 2 of their attempts you fucking dipshit
Sam's call in to tim heidecker was pretty funny all he could do was cope and seethe because he can never admit anything he does is ever wrong and tim was just fucking with him the whole time.
I keep claire around because it's easy, not because I love her.
>they're singing the big bang theory theme song
sew them together into Siamese twins
>Mona Lisa smeared with shitposter is back
please kill me
shes tryin to steal the creature fans but shes like such bootleg
yeah these two need to go
i want to kiss kato and im tired of pretending i dont
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>decide to make online reality show
>it bombs
>fake stats and numbers
>launder own money through TTS
>season 2 bombs
>season 2.5 is a disaster
>abandon any pretense and just get the absolute most mid girls to come on the show
>the brainbroken simps that make up the bulk of nu-mde fans are throwing money at the screen

what did he mean by this?
sam would never make it in the current state of kikewood
is there more to this
lol letty low key disgusted by the hippo rolling on the floor for "cardio"
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no we need to do nazi experiments on them as performance art
Shad's a pedophile and defending him because another person is a pedophile doesn't make him acceptable.
>fka twigger
L get that nigger out
yes yesss yyyeeessssss
definition of grim and fucked up
this is a non-sequitur and has literally nothing to do with anything
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>How come you guys aren't sympathetic towards Jimmy
I'm sympathetic towards everyone. I love that little retarded nigga like you wouldn't believe.
Missing the point entirely
yeah no shit dummy there's a million of those that are all different
werent hailey and julianna the tag team? whyd julianna switch to the ogre all of a sudden
She was making fun of the TTS going 'and...and.."
He just told bill to STFU that was it I think kek
Didn't know we had a couple of Kiwitroons in here
ah ok
Reminder that abi is into Skinny hispanics
s1 definitely didnt bomb those niggers made over a million in profit
>Abi has actually been waiting to play playstation all night
why is she dating a fat one then?
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nah on some real shit
I like the show smiling friends, fuck the faggots who are trying to cancel them for being pro-america and anti-porn. However, there is podcast with Shadman where Zach defends his drawings by saying, "We know he's not a bad guy irl". There's also twitter interactions between them uptill 2017. I don't need him cancelled, I just find it sad that kiwitroons can't criticze their e-daddies even when they did bad shit in their 20's. They also haven't publicly disavowed shit.
He deserves is for taking orders from someone calling themselves "mephisto." Its a faustian bargain in front of our eyes
Claire keeps her attention on everything at all times
>multiple instances of violence breaking out between women in the tanks
>can't think of one between two men
Warming up to Tony ngl
Chris Lynch called it pretty quickly in that Twitter space
who the fuck sent her those plushies?
She deserved it
i hate women
Lmao sure cole thinks that and isn't humoring the sperg freak

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