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This movie probably unironically saved my life.
>I'm 5'11 and in 2022 I weighed close to 320lbs
>Go see this movie
>People are looking at me after it's over as I leave
>Don't even have words to express how this moment felt
>Got a gym membership after 4 days of wallowing in my room thinking about it
>Flashforward 2 years and I'm around 220 now still going strong
>I'm not fit yet but I'm drastically healthier than I was
Has there ever been a movie that shaped your life in some way?
congrats fatty fatty boom boom,
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>Has there ever been a movie that shaped your life in some way?

Fury turned me into a tank autist
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im still a raging alcoholic but only 4 days a week now instead of 7
I only ate plain pizza or pepperoni pizza until I saw this movie's trailer. Then I started to try other toppings. It's crazy how adding spicy stuff makes pizza so much better.
John Druk was very good in this film
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I dated a trailer park girl who thought thought Druk was French for Dunkirk and really wanted to see "Dunkirk" because she thought Mads Mikkelsen is in it and she thought Mads Mikkelsen was David Bowie.
This was the last movie I watched with my mom and she died the next day
Congrats, OP.. Not an easy thing to do.
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Master and Commander sparked my interest in the Napoleonic Era
My mom is fucking obsessed with that movie and Gladiator.
going to the gym wont make you not fat unless you fix your diet btw
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>Congrats, OP.. Not an easy thing to do.
Your mom has good taste, my mom likes this too. I already know your mom is cool anon and that she respects men.
So you dated a retard
idk why losing weight is such a big thing for midwits like what are you gonna achieve? masturbate inside woman who bores you to death with her mindless drivel? walk around feeling confident while no one even notices you? fck off
It's not too late for you to do it too.
"Sour grapes" said the soggy waist
Based as fuck
u know im right
>ohh i just jacked off inside a woman (51000th time im jacking off btw except this time inside woman) !
>oh everyone is noticing how im not fat (normal) everyone is so interested in a normal looking person !
No one cares.
I hate that you're being informed this way on a message board... but your mom is dad.
This is the mentality of someone who couldn't run for 3 minutes to escape a mugger
Now this is cope
You don't want love? longevity? a (physically) pain free life? buy clothes off the rack? Do it for yourself not anyone else
4 copes
Hey if she has downs, I'm down
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Yeah but she was hot and nice and was fun to be around. Does one really need more? I thought I did but it turns out I didn't.
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sorry for your loss
health? not looking deformed for yourself? fit better in clothing? saving your liver and heart
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>doctor tells me I have a fatty liver
>stop drinking for 24 hours
>there, now my liver has had its annual vacation and adequate recovery time
>resume drinking
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Bet her body was banging though
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Bros… that ending
Are you me
>tfw fat as fuck
>tried dieting but i'm a horrifically picky eater and I literally cannot stomach most vegetables and salads
>Trying to eat salad I will wretch it up after like 4-5 bites
>Get horrible sugar cravings worse than alcohol cravings if I go even one day without
>Water is basically undrinkable to me, mineral water is OK but I still get awful cravings for sugary drinks

It was over before it began.
Have you tried not being a faggot?
My co worker looks like this guy, he breathes heavy from climbing the stairs
just eat less of what you're currently eating, retard
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you’re literally addicted to sugar and sodium, so your body rejects healthy things that aren’t absurdly high in it
This movie made me do the opposite. I was 80lbs now I weigh 400lb and always at whale status
Bagger Vance, not in golf, but in the game of self, having to be the one. It's all there for you too anons!
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>double doubles

doppelganger confirmed
>walk around feeling confident while no one even notices you?
This is the dream
>walk around feeling confident while no one even notices you

Unironically the key to a happy life.

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