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>Skibidi toilet movie is being made
>Pic related will probably never be adapted to live action
What gives?
no one cared about this besides a few capeshit retards
Zoomers watch shit like skibidi toilet and mr beast they wouldn't know a good cartoon if it bit em in the cape
Because its a shitty premise. The real hero you want is now old and pushed to the side and they've got some pretender
It's too kino for casuals to understand, just look at all the faggots in this thread bitching about Batman Beyond.
>Neo Gotham
>New original villains
>Best batsuit design
>Shitty premise
Okay retard
they dont care about making fun movies
that is a total non-factor
it is an investment to them
insert X blacks, Y women, and Z moments where white men look bad
spend A dollars on marketing
spend B sending funko pops to reviewers and journalists to counter the angry nerds
spend C on hookers

if you make a profit, cannibalize what you can and call it a failure

if you make a profit over a billion, shove more bullshit in

at no point does anybody actually WANT to make the movie
the director doesn't fucking care, he's just a guy that shrugs and says "oh yeah, i kinda liked that show, sure I'll take 20 million to adapt it"
the screenwriters say "oh yeah, i remember the other kids enjoyed that show, sure I'll take $2 million to adapt it"
the actors says ".......uuuhhhhduuuhhhuhussssure gib moneys"
and everybody else gets a paycheck
this is a zoomer world and you're living in it boomer, stay mad.
They're making a movie about a toilet instead of this crap. Tells you how worthless Beyond crap really is
I can't wait til the zoomers are old and irrelevant they're going to be so mad.
BB and return of the joker and the zeta protect were kino
>millennials mad that zoomers have had more of a cultural impact then they could ever dream of
lol, stay seething.
Who wants to impact culture? Imagine being proud of this.
It's amazing, because you'd be completely right if you were describing anything that came out in the last ten years, but not this. Beyond did an excellent job of respecting what came before while telling a new story. Bruce is a flawed character, but none of his flaws are things that weren't present in his own stories, and he's still consistently shown to be a fundamentally heroic person. Terry also has to struggle to overcome his own limitations and inexperience, he's not just instantly better than Bruce at everything.
The only bad part is Bruce Timm's obsession with Bruce fucking Babs.
thats literally spiderverse you faggot
And you fags complain about it all the time.
>Batman but with edgy electric guitar

grow up faggot
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>who wants to impact culture
major major cope, the only impact millennials have ever had on history and culture is reigniting woke shit that was left dead and buried in the 60s, basedjaks, and being effeminate faggots. Sorry I don't make the rules.
But why do you care? This is how sad zoomers are they are so desperate to be relevant that they think they need to track "cultural impact." I don't give a shit about that. Thinking that I do is your mistake but it's expected because you're a stupid zoomer. Can't wait til you're old and irrelevant zoomers are going to have the worst cope of all.
>let's pretend seasons 2 and 3 were good, guys!
>Beyond did an excellent job of respecting what came before while telling a new story
Yes, anon. I also enjoyed tranny Ra's al Ghul!
your nihilistic approach to life is exactly the reason why your generation will be forgotten within the next decade or so, just old men yelling at clouds, go ahead and cope again by claiming you don't care.
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>Zoomers are based

You are literally the fattest, gayest, poorest, most addicted, least sex having generation
funny how you literally just described millennials, the other funny thing is you believing every single news headline you read on facebook like some dumb boomer.
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>Nuh uh you are!

Shut up zoom zoom. This is a BOOMER BOARD
That is a good thing to me. It was a great show that I don't want a live adaptation of. They'll ruin it, and even if it did come out good then I'd still rather watch the show. There is nothing important a live action could bring to the story. Let it sleeping dogs lie.
This. I hate 'modern' takes on shit and the replaceing of an OG char with some upstart but this was special and done very well. It's almost an "what if" series. "What if Bruce got old and couldn't be Batman anymore"? Something probably a lot of people ponder and this was an expression of that. Done very wel I might add, with the new kid learning the ropes with Bruce being his Alfred sort of. He makes mistakes, fucks up until he man's up and slowly begins to become what bruce wanted, a true heir to the suit. Very well done and very kino.
Capeshit is dead. Ironic memeshit is in.
>Skibidi toilet movie is being made
Lemme guess, it’s a Sony movie?
Biggest problem with Batman Beyond is that he is a Bruce Wayne clone which is fucking gay.
DC won't allow it. They busy with the Synderverse

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