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So we all agree this is the mount rushmore of actors right?
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the absolute passion that brando acts with in one eyed jacks one me over
the hurt drunk that cruise plays in the last samurai
deniro playing the professional thief in heat with his flawed philosophies
jack in china town

the only guy i can think who comes close is leo in blood diamond inb4 i'm acting and his accent was bad
Yeah looks about right
>De Niro when Pacino thoroughly out acted him in the same movie
Pacino is nowhere near de niro
Replace Jack with Al Pacino. I'm certain that if you replaced him with Pacino in Chinatown it would have been a far better movie.
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kek yeah pacion yelling pretending to be coked out is acting...
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pacino in fucking china town a better option over jack are you retarded?
dicaprio instead of tom
Jack Nicholson might genuinely be the most overrated actor of all time.
He's. Ot bad, he's even pretty good. But man. He does not deserve the worship he gets.
Al Pacino is hard carried by The Godfather trilogy, which is a masterpiece but you can easily argue that the guy playing Vito Corleone was the best actor in both films.
Except he was really coked out though. Talks about it during an interview.
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He has to be in the top 4, with Vertigo, It's a Wonderful Life and Rear Window
Marlon is the best out of these but he was also a proto-SJW so w/e. In terms of charisma, Nicholson clears. although Tom is up there due to a constant flow of tethans into his bloodstream.
>brando feels warm on set
>puts ice bucket on his head
>refuses to take ice bucket off head for entire movie
>has to be written into the script
brando fucked up Island Of Dr. Moreau and Apocalypse Now through his bizarre diva behavior.

Yeah, naw
He's supremely based, Brando is obviously the GOAT and it's not close
It's amazing how unestablished actors would just be fucking abused to hell and back, but Brando got away with his bullshit.
Honestly I feel like directors should just get to slap the shit out of at least one actor per movie.
No, no one compares to Brando.
He's from different generation, just the fact that he's still considered modern and relevant 50 years later, unlike Joseph Cotten or Cary Grant, just shows you that he's the best.

DeNiro will be forgotten in 20 years (he hasn't been good since the mid 90s).
Nicholson is just niche, and Cruise doesn't have enough serious roles.
Cruise would be better than Brando, but the fact he ruined his career by not taking enough serious roles makes me sad. His performance in Magnolia is a top 10 all timer
I dislike Brando's SJW antics too. Can't enjoy him too much because of that
It comes with the territory when we're talking about people in the arts. The vast majority of Hollywood has always been woke. But he was a pioneer in that regard. Still, a good talent.
There's also a chance he browsed 4chan right in its beginning which is hilarious.
Yeah, he's great in Magnolia, Rain Man, Interview with the Vampire and Eyes Wide Shut.
But his career choices make him the James Bond/Sean Connery of our time.
mount rushmore of actors
>Tommy Wiseau
>Neil Breen
>Chris Stuckmann
>Doug Walker
I find actors who have less privileged background or had to work "lowly" jobs before getting famous tend to be less pompous. Life experience also makes good actors.
There is a difference between being woke just not to be excluded and being a radical activist.
That said, I'm not denying his talent or anything. Just personal grudge
Roles turned down
>Cruise - Shawshank Redemption / A Beautiful Mind / I Am Legend / Enemy of the State / Goodfellas
>Nicholson - Blade Runner / The Godfather / Apocalypse Now / The Silence of the Lambs / The Exorcist / Close Encounters Of The Third Kind / Raiders Of The Lost Ark
>Pacino - Apocalypse Now / The Usual Suspects / Goodfellas / Star Wars / Taxi Driver
>Brando - One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest / Lawrence of Arabia / The Conversation /JFK
>James Stewart
>Charlton Heston
>Marlon Brando
>Nicolas Cage
The fifth face
Brando in Lawrence of Arabia seems crazy to think about, could he have pulled it off?
>Look mom, I'm acting!
His accent was bad.
Nepotism done right
The reason majority of artists are liberals and hollywood even more so is because it's baked into their profession. Normies chuds hate the "liberal arts" as a profession and consider artists to be on par with charlatans and prostitutes. This was even worse in Brando's time. Even now, just look at how many people think of acting and filmmaking as below their 9-5 wage slave jobs. And no one cares either about whether they flourish in their profession or not. Very little govt. help and extremely competitive private market. You have to go through hell to make it in Hollywood if you're not well off. James Cameron called it "trial by fire" in an interview with Charlie Rose promoting Titanic. Normie zombies wouldn't even be fit to lick Brando's or Nicholson's diapers. And on top of that all the public smear and disrespect they have to face. Anybody nutless monkey can be software engineer or a lawyer given decent education, but being successful on in Hollywood used to be beyond comprehension. That's why artists like Brando are sjws because there's an underdog in every artist who knows he'd be living life as a failed artist if things didn't go a certain or if he didn't burn the midnight oil or if he wasn't born extremely gifted and precocious as Brando or Cameron were. A part of them feels camaraderie with people who have odds stacked against them. I'm not talking about the new Hollywood post 80s because it's mostly been nepotism.
>deniro playing the professional thief in heat with his flawed philosophies
He keeps repeating the same fucking thing over and over. It's a major fault in the movie, imo. He's suppose to be this elite criminal but he keeps repeating the same fucking line over and over like a simple-minded cabbage.
Also, they should be judged on their work as a whole and Deniro has done a lot of shitty performances.
No way. Not feminine enough. Brando has some femininity but Peter O Toole balanced the masculinity and femininity of Lawrence perfectly while delivering a masterpiece of acting. He managed to capture Lawrence's sadism as well but subtly..
DeNiro is a retard and would have been shit in most of the other actors roles.

There's a story about DeNiro trying to get cast in The Name of the Rose. He read the script and told the director that he wanted more sword fights... in the Name of the Rose... the guy is a total retard and has only ever been good in mafia movies.
Masochism I mean not sadism.
>Deniro has done a lot of shitty performances.
that's true
>Al Pacino is hard carried by The Godfather trilogy,
false. Dog Day Afternoon, Donnie Brasco, Serpico, Carlito's Way, Panic in Needle Park, Scarecrow, Angels in America, Serpico literally exist
>pretending to be coked out is acting...
almost as if that's part of the character or something
where in the movie was their any hint towards his character having a coke habit besides him yelling?
None of these are major film.
Any good B-list actor has a better filmography (Willem Dafoe, Bill Murray..).
Most of those movies are wrong for those actors listed. It's for the better because Nicholson would be wrong for all of those roles. Imagining him in BR is like a bad fever dream. Good thing he chose last detail over godfather because he's Irish stock.
Pacino would be hilariously miscast in taxi driver and star wars not to speak of the other 2 movies.
Brando would be too old for cuckoo's, riotously miscast in Lawrence. He's too attention drawing for the conversation.
Cruise would look like an alien in Shawshank, too pretty for beautiful mind, maybe decent enough for legend but like incomprehensibly disastrous in Goodfellas. So we didn't lose much. The directors and casting guys knew what they were doing.
I'll let you concede since you clearly suffer from fetal alcohol syndrome and brain cell deterioration. Thank you.
Pacino takes more chances and is less predictable. But his blind guy is worse than Vittorio Gasman's nonstereotype
>Willem Dafoe, Bill Murray..
holy reddit.
Dog day alone is only outdone by Midnight Cowboy as emblematic of desperate 70s
All the best actors are British
>only ameriblubbers
US actors are bottom of the barrel trash
hack cuckolson isn't a good actor
>no female
>no Anthony Hopkins
kek you have to be trolling
Good morning sirs
>Charlton Heston
Retard alert
I agree with your assessment
John Wayne
Jack Nicholson
Steve McQueen
Tom Cruise

Brando, DeNiro, and Pacino are all wop fags. Sorry but it’s true.
No one gives a fuck about geriatric Hopkins bitch. There are atleast 5 English actors who can outact his Hannibal ass any day
but enough about you, anon
Sit down bitch before you embarrass your boomer ass any further
Gary Oldman needs to fit on any iteration of mount rushmore of actors
Fuck England and its smelly swarthy inhabitants
Steve McQueen is comically bad in wanted dead or alive. The overacting is worth the time wasted watching it.
Sirs please don't be so jelly of the anglos
Lon Chaney
Jimmy Stewart
Laurence Olivier
James Earl Jones

This is more reasonable. If we're doing one for actresses then it's Barbara Stanwyck, Judith Anderson, (debatably) Meryl Streep, and... I can't think of a fourth.
Diniro has no range.
Best comedic actors are all American.
Jack Nicholson isn't a good actor.
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>casually mogs all four
Non-US actors of my Rushmore list would be like this

>Alain Delon
>Toshiro Mifune
>Marcello Mastroianni
>Klaus Kinski
>if we’re doing one for actresses
There’s no Mount Rushmore for First Ladies or presidential secretaries.
Go back
When I was a kid I thought Gary Oldman was the greatest actor alive until I saw him phone in his later roles and settle on his laurels.

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