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looksmaxxing went full mainstream and now normies have learned about her and brooke shields
I don’t know I always found 90s Winona a cuter jewfu
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Nigger there's literally a ton of edits with her all over YouTube, even that Mr Kitty video had over 100 million views with everyone thirsting over her beauty. She's also starting to go viral with zoomers thanks to TikTok alongside Brooke Shields
>buck teeth
>lady mustache

so true

like it's fucking weird every thread about female actresses people just acclaim she's the most beautiful woman in the world as if some settled concept

zoomers and gen alpha really have no concept of what true beauty is
She's the most popular beautiful woman
For me, it's JenCon, Winona, Hershlag, Kirshner and Sofer
>She's the most popular beautiful woman
with whom?
It is settled thoughever
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Jencon has been /tv/ waifu since the board inception
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because she makes me hard here
[ points to penis ]
it isn't she's ugly bro, she isn't a beauty at all when it comes to 80's and 90's actresses yeah i get she's more beautiful than zedenya and sweeney but that isn't hard
I love that movie
I hope you move to Uganda so that they can arrest you for being gay
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shes hot but lynda smokes her
Have you not seen her fat tits?
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JCon an cute. I will now see your movie.
She was the best in her prime and she didn't age like she hit the wall.
Is their some kind of discord that tries to sell her as the most beautiful actress to have ever lived like we haven't seen james bond movies or some shit or we don't have access to the internet?
I miss those titties like you wouldn't believe
What a clunky sentence. I hated reading it.
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All four of these actresses are more attractive
Cate is a great actress but I never found her attractive. Wino is autistic.
>and now normies have learned about her and brooke shields
Are you retarded or have you been in prison for the pat 50yrs?
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>the myriad of diseases
How are they kicking Hamas' ass with so many genetic deficiencies?
The spirit of Hitler (the proto zionist) flows through them.
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She's an ersatz shiksa.
when I say normies i say very young people on tiktok

and yes they do not know these people because they don't watch movies, and if they do it's all capeshit, and these women haven't been relevant since the 90s
Jennifer seems nice and not grossed out by men. That's pretty good for someone out of Hollywood.
Because that's how people on my screen should look like, not Zendaya
Cate Blanchett's bimbo mode in Don't Look Up made my pp into big pp
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Do you think her daughter will become an actress?
I should convert to Judaism
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i love bush so much, I hate shaved snatch
she is mid and a kike
By Allah I will have a jewess gf. Hitler pbuh wills it so. Ameen.
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Why wouldn’t she be?
Fuck off monkey lover
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Now in color!
12 yead old Jen>16 yo Lynda>Adult Lynda>Adult Jen>Granny Lynda>MILF Jen

because she was hot and you being op are fag
Young Jennifer Connolly is quite literally one of the most beautiful actresses ever. In the top 10. Plus, she's not on social media and doesn't care too much to let others know what her opinion is. Plus, she's Jewish.
From Ex-Con to Icon.

>16-year old Anastasia and her adopted brother Damir live on a Greek island with their pervy grandfather. She dreams about having a large antique bathtub and he dreams about running a sea-side resort. They begin to fall for each other.
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She was really cute from the 80s to the early 00s, you have lots of actress that were also cute in the 80s, Phoebe Cates, Elisabeth Shue, Ally Sheedy, Christina Applegate, Lea Thompson, Mia Sara etc....
imagine the ass-to-ass threesome
>>buck teeth
>>lady mustache
buck teeth; natural teeth
mono-brow; ancient greeks considered this very attractive on an already beautiful person
fat; no, she has normal healthy fat levels in her youth
lady m; we can see her as she was (and still pretty), she can remove it later

not jewish in blood, just a convert. A gene-stealing result.
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>ITC is to this day the only quality pussy worship website
>1920 scenes to day
>Not once a full bush, maybe 12 scenes with a super thin landing strip
Facewise Nat is the prettiest, then Winona then Jen
But Jen had the better body in her prime
Cate and Rosamund are uggos
>MILF Lynda > Adult Lynda > MILF Jen > Barely Legal Jen
Rosamund is hot
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Jen looks like a Patrick Nagel woman
Natalie is beautiful but can't hold a candle to Jen especially when you compare her striking green eyes
well connelly can peepee
but lynda carter is smarter
merkin or real?
when you look past the nordic halo effect of blue eyes and blonde hair you'll see her flat peasant face
Anon, Winona isn't even the most spergy of all the women in that pic
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>beautiful tempting vulva

I can pinpoint the exact moment in which my puberty got kickstarted, it was looking at this exact movie-still as a promotional picture at the local cinema
Because she's just outrageously attractive and has been in a lot of good movies
>and has been in a lot of good movies
I love Jen but let's not get ahead of our ourselves
I prefer older, slimmer J Con.
I wish that when I am middle aged, I have a wife as attractive as she is in Dark Matter
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Based Jennifer Mommelly appreciator
her eyes are so striking
i can't imagine how miserable people with brown eyes must be when they see people like jcon
Hardly. Her tits are white, natty, proportionally big, resist gravity due young age and beautiful delicate nipples without cold nipple frauding.
Brown-eyed nigga here I couldn't care less.
I prefer Eva Green in The Dreamers
i feel like i should know what movie this is from but i dont
please forgive me jen
aren't you worried about not having a soul?
It's from Little Children
She plays the wife of Patrick Wilson's character who cheats on her with fat Kate Winslet
She was great and hot in Labyrinth
Same gorgeous eyes but not so godly facial features as her young mommy
nigga she topped it herself a couple of years later in Inventing the Abbotts
Her tits were almost double in size there, I believe it was around the time she had her first child
I feel bad for her son
>mom is one of the most beautiful women to have ever lived
>dad isn't that bad looking either
>come out looking like a mexican tranny
genetics is cruel
no hold on man. you cannot start posting shit like this and not provide any images
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not going to risk tranny jannies banning me
Her face is almost a platonic ideal
one more example of parthenogenesis. many such cases.
>doesn't mention salMOMMY
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Thanks for slight pressure in my pee pee but she wont mog her teenage figure. Size isn't everything. With that amount of mass without silicone there is bound to be some sagging.
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Who do you think?
not a heeb, try to keep up
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Nice. I swear I’ve read this same post before
they are not even that much bigger bro. it's the lighting mainly
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Imagine meeting her and she looks at you like this and asks about your life. I don't consider myself a sperg but I'm pretty sure I would turn into jelly and make a fool of myself
she seems like the kind of lady who if you asked her very politely if you could smell her feet she'd go, "sure, why not?"
portwoman the best outta bunch
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>like it's fucking weird every thread about female actresses people just acclaim she's the most beautiful woman in the world as if some settled concept
I claim most of the credit for this
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For me it's early 2000s Hulk/A Beautiful Mind/House of Sand and Fog era Jennifer. Not as buxom as she once was but her face was more defined and beautiful imo
there is nothing topped in that image tho
i prefer a certain mediterranean type
her tits looked their biggest in Mulholland Falls
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white women? more like shite women
>>>buck teeth
>>>lady mustache
All of that is very hot though?
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>hfw you inevitably spill spaghetti out your pockets
based english major.
Cuz she's really hot
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for me it's Phenomena
Nice tits, but she has an old lady butterface.
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>Requiem for a dream
bros i don't feel so good after watching it
I dont know. I know at one point here at least one shill was posting her here a lot because they were told they looked almost exactly like her. So I assume they were looking for validation that if she was the most beautiful person in the world then they are close to being that too. or maybe it was some other reason. who knows
Look at that literally perfect profile.
Nose has the perfect slight upturn and straight ridge while still ending in a rounded tip.
Great jawbone and jawline and medium cheekbones.
Perfect symmetry.
Forehead in perfect proportion and not receding meaning that she's more genetically white rather than Jewish.

She's perfect.
watch trainspotting right after, it will cheer you up
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I really like her freckles and how she didn’t shave her forearms back then. Neither get mentioned for some reason
Sounds like some AGP shit honestly
lol I posted that pic just because of her hairy arms
it's an heterosexual thing. you wouldn't get it.
possibly. for some time I also wondered if the Tiffani Thiessen and lynda carter threads were also related since you could say the three actresses share similar looks. maybe it was AGP. Or maybe they were hoping to advertise this look of brunettes with blue eyes for some other reason
Women need to be normal again, I fucking hate the waxed look.
She had big boobs when she was underage in movies.
someone make a jen thread on /hr/ or /s/
All that 80s material of her is so aesthetic. The fuzzy dreamlike warm organic look of film, with her beautiful soft face and graphic design that wasn't afraid of colors it's such a cozy combination.

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>asks about your life
I would say things are looking up and unzip my dick in front of her
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Reminder that Hitler was a huge supporter of Palestinians and their struggle, and Hamas see the Nazis as the model they want to follow.
Based as fuck.
Investment Tax Credit?
International Trade Commission?
What should I be searching for?
God fucking DAMN
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*merges into self*
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Lol I just posted in a Tiffani Thiessen thread earlier, never knew that was a regular thing. Lynda’s a /tv/ mainstay like JCon though
He looks fine? Just has to get some coaching on getting rid of his autist vibes. Idk what it is, maybe the stare and the little smile.
Idk what kinda name Stellan is but he looks like he posts here. Imagine if he actually did kek
I will now buy your product.

Cause she is super hot without looking fake in anyway and has a mass appeal. Many other hot woman like say Angelina Jolie (in her prime) was hot but might have something about that certain guys may find a little less attractive. All of JCons features are super feminine, passive and plain so she is very hot in a way no one can find distasteful which is rare for hot girls. Others exist of course, but she is the one who caught on big and has been push ever since.
>The Haavara Agreement was an agreement between Nazi Germany and Zionist German Jews signed on 25 August 1933. The agreement was finalized after three months of talks by the Zionist Federation of Germany, the Anglo-Palestine Bank (under the directive of the Jewish Agency) and the economic authorities of Nazi Germany. It was a major factor in making possible the migration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine between 1933 and 1939.
>a way no one can find distasteful

some get filtered by her beautiful thicc eyebrows although luckily these came back in style after that horrible thin eyebrow period
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I can identify all components except the 2nd from the top
Fuck her mouth and cum into her forearm hair yes.
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So? Hitler murdered millions of Jews, while opening his arms to the Mufti of Jerusalem (the forefather of modern Palestinian resistance) and fielded armies of bold Muslim SS troopers.
When shit went down and the war started, he knew who his true allies were.
It's a radio retard.
where is the dial?
It's the future tardo it's digital.
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Tiffani can be semi regular although not as popular as the other two. another actress that I'm keeping an eye on in terms of image pick up is rachel weisz.
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We need to go back
Look up what shill means you stupid nigger
Go back to the womb zoomer you've never seen this in person.
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Waifu ads like this need to come back. I've only seen actresses do make-up and fragrance ads.
Are zoom zooms dumbfounded that Hollywood used to cast hotties instead of uggos?
she was so cute that it hurts. fuck i'm lonely.
GenX losers love simping for mid actresses. Gio Scotti mogs all the hags itt. In fact even my gf is better looking.
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The funny thing about the Brooke Shields phenomenon is that all the photos they show of her as being "the pinnacle of beauty" are from when she was 13-15 and I don't think most of them even realize that.
>Jen, Nat and Noni
The holy trinity of 90s Jewfus
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I'm a boomer and watching stuff from the 80s/90s is orgasmic. I am depressed and barely feel any joy but when I watch stuff from that era it's like a drug: main actors are out of this world beautiful and charismatic, care is put into casting interesting side characters that bring personality to their role. Pleasant dialogue without constant swearing and referencing current memes and politics. Beautiful lighting that creates a mood instead of trying to make it look ~realistic~. Stuff from today is literally unwatchable to me even if it's acclaimed by critics and audience. I will watch a 90s made for TV movie over anything made today.
Saw it on the big screen again recently. So much better than at home on a TV. The action sequences are fantastic, and it's always surprising how gorgeous JConn was at the start of her career. And how big her boobs were. Lol.
I haven't ever seen that flick. Bimbo Cate will motivate me to change that.
kinda remind me that paris hiilton baby lmfao, i guess if u fuck a kid on high dopamine he/she gets the big head curse lmfao
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I love bushy eyebrows
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she lost her boob size and is skinny as shit now... did she do something to her tits? or just the normal motherly tit age/deflating?
give me that cavewoman look
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for me its...
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For me it's prime Claudia Cardinale.
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Honestly for me, she is still the top.
Damn, are we sure she didn’t clone herself at some point?
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>I feel bad for her son
I'm sure his life is amazing compared to yours
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I never liked her face because it looks too jewish. not an antisemite it's just that semites are not my type.
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Great taste
Because unlike you OP most of us aren't flaming faggots
Honestly I don't like her much when she gets her tits and pussy out.
She's much more attractive as a tease.
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you mean like stellan skarsgard, and youre posting on /tv/ of all places
I actually thought of Skarsgard when posting that. Good actor but I stand by what I said
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God Abby is fucking perfect looking. Queen of the Jews. Yes, including her side profile.
makes my pp hard
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Scarlett mogs them all
There's a cunnyposter who loves her and some guy from one of the pretentious generals that loves JConn, Grace Kelly & Brooke Shields.
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Scarlett mogs them all
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The great debate
Hitler wanted to deport the jews to Madagasgar, which would have been funny
That's Daniel Day Lewis
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No pedo but young Scarlett mogs
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>choose your fighter
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After watching this webm, I’m perfectly fine with her lying to me as she claps her hands
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for me it's young courteney cox
Because Zoomers have no sex symbols of their own. Socheez Gomez? Emma Myers? Zendaya? All sexless robots.
>gorgeous face
>great tits
>has been in some actual good movies unlike every other good looking woman
We used to get tits and bush from the best looking actress ever, now zoomers can't even stand to see kissing in movies.
Yes anon. Real life isn't /pol/'s one drop rule.
self immolate
>We got this naturally beautiful girl from America to star in our ad; what should we do?
>Lets put her in so much makeup she looks like a fucking clown.
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Haha, retard. She's still hot and you're a phoneposting faggot.
Now I wish she was in the Tim Curry IT series
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Why are jewish girls so alluring, bros?
What is it about phoneposting that makes halfwits seethe? I’d post the same exact reply from my laptop.
Also you’re fucking retarded, I literally admitted Abby’s hot.
No one cares. Posting anti-Abby images makes you a fag, and posting from your phone makes you even more of a fag. The fact you don't know why it's bad shows your newfaggotry. Summation: kys.
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Abby should get a role in Jurassic Park, chasing Scarlett
Ah, yes, the deformed mischling with plastic surgery is oh so attractive, right? Get some taste your imbecile.
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She has a perfect body and has most likely never had any serious plastic surgery. Here she is well before the age she wouldve gotten it
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I love Scarjo, but she definitely had plastic surgery.
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>200 replies
>no one posted this
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That's a bad pic during puberty. She has a button nose and she's not really all that photogenic.
it wasn't posted because nobody gives a shit
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I can think of two big reasons.

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>mfw reading your post
You’re obviously a fag projecting but I see where you’re coming from cuz I’m the same way with my favorite actress. Let’s just agree Abby’s hot and leave it at that.
Is he blind?
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no one posted this because we aren’t niggers that approach strangers on a boardwalk to discuss jennifer connelly
Except she waxes everything. Disgusting shit whore.
Why the fuck would anyone post some random retarded tiktok?
Her original nose was really nice.
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Companion piece?
dude is one of the few males on the planet to have sucked on those tiddies i'll give him that
some jews are white
the sexy ones
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She still has it
Yeah, it's in a jar under her bed.
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Love Jencon.
This movie is even Kino just because she is there
Connely's top tier (I actually like her MILF phase a bit more), but I honestly think early Kidman doesn't get enough appreciation. She was legitimately stunning. Her in Moulin Rouge, with that pale skin and red hair and angles and everything makes her feel like a sort of ethereal angel.
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What a sad little faggot you are
Billy Campbell was the luckiest bastard ever. He dated prime Jen for 5 years ever since she was age 20. Too bad they didn't marry and have kids. Can you imagine how good-looking they'd be?
>it's always surprising how gorgeous JConn was at the start of her career.
It was the 1st movie I saw in theaters as a kid and I was blown away how beautiful she was too. She really fills in that 1930's aesthetic really well.
If you haven't watched Some Girls, you're not a really Connellyhead. I watch it every Winter. Dempsey is literally me.
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She gave birth to her daughter at 41
How autistic do you think she is?
slow burn bone chilling a2a kino?
why is her daughter julianne moore?
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My mom had me at 41 and I’m not autistic
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My wife unironically looks exactly like this, except she's Asian.
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Oh shit, no wonder I immediately found her hotter than Brooke
my wife looks exactly like jennifer too, except she's aboriginal
>husband is brunette
>Moore's ginger genes are so strong both kids come out as redheads
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Based, checked and saved. Have this webm the jannies hashbanned for whatever reason so I threw it in Handbrake
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Nope (though I do love Connelly)
Godspeed anon
Based anon. See you in three days.
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More like 60 seconds :)
>posting itt, on this board
Sorry chief, that doesn't track.
she cute
have you never heard of this website called google you fucking retard. itc pussy worship it's like right there at the top man
fucking hell
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based Neon Felix enjoyer
Anne Frank if she real
Yeah but what does ITC stand for?
She aged so fucking badly. Already in her early 20s she was walled.
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It's just a cringy (failed) pickup technique.
GODDAMN I love titties
I really don't know what it is. Maybe we're all brainwashed because of how many jewish actresses we've grown up watching in film and tv? All I know is I eventually came to realize all the celebs I always thought were the most attractive happened to be jewish.
kill me
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this guy
I blame bruxism
Thanks Anon
yeah jack it in health. i just remembered elsa jean did it with a full bush but she has vageen loose like sleeve of wizard
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David Hogg lookin ass to ass
She's sexy you fat fucking braindead retard
The rest of us are straight.
Jen wins cause of eye color contrasting her hair color, all else equal.
I like em well trimmed but totally shaved is a boner killer
ava dalush is prime example of good maintained bush

but it's genetics some chicks just have nasty hair. i've been with chicks that had body hair they didn't even have to shave their legs because it was all white peach fuzz. pussy hair all curly and soft
Why is she naked in so many movies?
It’s because she used to grind her teeth in her sleep and developed a masculine jawline
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>Ass2Ass isnt Queen
I blame /tv/
Anne Frank was basically an unactualized OF cumslut
>Real life isn't /pol/'s one drop rule
That's one of the few things they are right about
If the one drop rule is correct, then 99% of /pol/ aren't white.
>ava dalush
Oh my. Thanks for the recommendation.
That photo is shopped
That's not a secret either.
Can you mommy JenCon a bit more of ass, anons? Thanks for she.
Only straight dudes understand.
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based ESL jeet
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Her face just looks great on everything.
Zero resemblance. You are mentally ill.
Dammit I want that shirt.
They can't help it. They are mentally deficient sexual deviants.
>This is Jennifer
Gets me every time
>looksmaxxing went mainstream
>women only recently decided they want to look pretty
>but it's genetics some chicks just have nasty hair.
Retarded zoomer moron.
There were Jconn threads in the 00's.
I think her threads have endured because even by like 2009 the threads were nostalgia for how Jconn used to look like. Other threads about old /tv/'s pedobait from the same time period were about what they looked like right then and there. When they aged out the threads stopped but nostalgia for "prime" Jconn didn't change.
Guys I shat myself, fuck. It was the last little bit of poop that I thought I shat out already, but no, it stayed and now it came out into my underpants. Now fucking what?
Eat it my man.
>bowels so loose that shit just falls out
One mustn't over-indulge in certain pleasures
it was the vegan meme
Based old!poster with the JConn thread history.
>POV: you are Paul Bettany years ago
Life is suffering
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Lord, where is mines?
I hate that guy Paul that raided that tail then
Fucking bitch had such a hairy asshole and I didn't get to lick.
If this is true, then you both should be impregnating your wives right now instead of hanging out here.
Heather does have the same kind of good girl aura than Jen has.

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