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> what is your favorite Russian movie?
> nobody even mentions Tarkovsky

There you go, guys.
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>> what is your favorite Russian movie?

"Russian soldiers attacked by FPV drones - 3 hour HD compilation"
Peculiarities of the National Fishing is very fun. At some point Russians forgot how to make comedies and it's a damn shame. Now they just make depressing slogs like Leviathan or shitty action movies.
in russia nobody cares about tarkovsky

everyone just watches Balabanov films on repeat.
The bickering of fools does not concern me
>piggies: okay, we're ready for peace talks, here's our conditions
>Russia: lmao, nah
>piggies a week later: o-okay, we're ready for peace talks on d-different conditions, p-pls Putin-sama... we're t-totally winning, btw
Seeing nafotroons malding and coping on Twitter and 4chin is so addicting.
Why did Zelensky get elected on a platform promising peace with Russia and the Russian people who live in Ukraine, promising to abide with the decades long Minsk agreements, then do a 180? Dragging a Christian nation into a meat grinder war with a nuclear superpower, shelling the Donbass and supporting acts of savage violence and reprisals against Russian men women and children living in Ukraine, ever since 2014?

Would America tolerate nuclear weapons on the Mexican border and Russian biolabs on the Canadian border? I think they had complaints about the Cuban missile crisis or something.
back to the containment board you go
I am staying. Seethe, nafotroon
>verification not required
Why did you fags invade a foreign country and then play victim when they fought back?
He's like the fucking Jimmy Fallon of Ukraine. Not an exaggeration. He was a popular comedian with ties to the oligarch that owned the company he worked for. After Nuland's phonecall openly playing kingmaker on behalf of the U.S. got leaked it should genuinely surprise nobody that the president was a celebrity puppet and not an actual politician.
I only know one and it's Solaris.
Won't ever recommend even though I enjoyed it myself.
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>Why did Zelensky get elected on a platform promising peace with Russia

Good question, because Russia deserves nuclear holocaust.
George Clooney's version of Solaris is better.
Any russian food kino?
yeah yeah the donbabwean genocide, the crucified russian speakers, my israel and my trump

the brown lady will win btw
Never saw it, I'll give it a watch.
Protocol rewrite, generate a Seinfeld script about Jerry getting an iPad
I unironically prefer it to the original, it is maximum comfy movie.
I dislike Zelensky but he wasn't around in 2014. Also he was already hated before the war when he became a symbol of liberal democracy in an example of the Streisand effect.
never watched one never will
I like the Jolly Fellows. This and the Hungarian/ Czech production Hyppolit a Lakaj are great examples of 1930s Hollywood style comedies but made in eastern Europe.

>favorite russian movie
Brat, for sure. Soundtrack alone makes it certified kino.
What is with these subhuman trash fighting their faggot war on 4chan? Go die in a field already
How would the soldiers of either side feel about their internet defense force being these subhumans who shit up /tv/ with their trash and gloat about their dead bodies?
How do you feel about israel losing?
>No comrade russian troll farm are not of running influence campaign on 4chan
I want israel and palestine wiped off the planet. I don't shit up 4chan with pictures of dead bodies and gloat about how this time israel/palestine is definitely winning and it's over for opposite side. I'd like to see all spending cut and not give them any aid and not be involved in these wars.
Kill yourself, subhuman trash.
painting zelenski as a villain is the most retarded shit ever, like russia wasnt already in donbass preparing for invasion before he was even elected
>someone disagrees with my retarded NPC worldview? must be a bot
lmaoing at you
How do you feel about trump losing?
>Dragging a Christian nation into a meat grinder
who attacked whom my shizo friend?
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Kill yourself vatnik. Hope your kids get cancer.
Because they're plebs






Hitler's spirit is rising from the grave gentlemen.
>n-no I am not seething, s-slava jewkraine...
Absolutely fucking unhinged, hilarious to watch.
>what is your favorite Russian movie?
Does watching ziggers getting droned count or it is Ukrainian?
Dilate n deal with it sweetie. White nationalism is the new punk rock.
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is there really any other answer?
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>White nationalism
>ruskie dicksucker

Russia is the Antifa the Nation. Putin outright banned all right-wing parties and is too busy replacing young russian men with Africans.
Americans are tribal retards with main character syndrome, the idea of fair play with Russia or China doesn't exist in their minds.
No one's buying this obviously line nafo tranny. Once Trump gets back in we can begin destroying NATO and the European Union.

I'm afraid you've lost.
Say hello to nationalism again.
Minorities voting rights? Hohoho.
Women's right to choose? Choose a prison! Hahaha.

White POWER.
You took the MRNA vaccines right?
Watching russia's decade long influence campaign here completely collapse is too funny.
Enjoy your churkas infestation, snownigger
>another thread ruined by assholes who can't contain their pointless squabble in the containment board
Hirodooki sold out the site to deep state shills, all boards must accept globalist left wing policy
>israel losing
>but it is also constantly killing 30thousandylion kiddies every day
Which one is it?
>can't have a single thread with Russia in the title because nafotrannies Ctrl+F this entire website in search of threads they can shit up, having 1000GB of drone attack footage ready to post at all times
Around katsaps never relax.
No, you on the other hand were forced to take Sputnik to keep your government job.
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>white nationalism
>russian cocksucker
lmao, you fucking nigger
>war in europe
retarded or just russian?

You can have it, as long as you mention how they deserve to be slaughtered like the animals that they are.



ignore the shills from either side. they get paid for every (you)
Enjoy your court appearance Ivan. Hope you're living in hell soon along with the jan 6thers
I really like Brother (1997). Gotta watch more Balabanov.
I really enjoyed all the cat goddess movies.

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