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Sadly, cinema can never match the grandeur of music. This is because music stimulates the creative parts of the mind, aiding the listener in creating worlds vaster than any camera could ever encapsulate. Cinema will always be a limited medium, since the worlds it presents are by necessity streamlined, as opposed to the free-flowing worlds of music, and as such, no movie will ever be as evocative and beautiful as The Goldberg Variations

Deny it all you want, but you know in your bones that I'm correct. This is why your mom would chase you outside when you watched too much TV, but she would never throw you out for listening to too much Bach. Humans have an instinctive understanding of the healthiness of music. This is also why all cultures in history have music, while only decadent and decaying cultures have cinema.
Cinema is music + visuals, so by definition is greater than just music alone.
His Chaconne (bwv 1004) and ricercar a 6 (bwv 1079) are better examples of the beauty and elegance of music.

Rolling, and I'd recommend Barry Lyndon for some classical kino.
>more more more is gooder!!!!!
Nigger tier argument. Cinema needs music to be emotionally resonant, music does not need film.
>Cinema needs music to be emotionally resonant
No Country for Old Men
Then you should have based your argument around something other than the word greater if you weren't actually trying to decide which medium was greater, dipshit.
The Greeks already recognized 2300 years ago that music was an inferior medium to storytelling (whether bardic like Homer or dramatic like Aeschylus) as it's a merely intuitive experience rather than something that can be cultivated and developed
>the word greater
Or the word lesser as the case may be.
Pretty sure OP meant great in the figurative sense
Even figuratively the added dimension of visual space offers greater flexibility and increases one's ability to present metaphors, representations, abstractions, and forms.
Shit movie
Less is more, dumb nigger retard
So music is the lesser artform, OP was wrong?
>the society that promoted homosexual pedophilia said it, it must be true then!
Because Greek music was shit, make them listen to Bach or Wagner and they'd go back on all of that
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>Cinema is a lesser artform
Cinema is not art to begin with. It is entertainment for tired working class men, bored middle aged women and children.
>visual space offers greater flexibility and increases one's ability to present metaphors, representations, abstractions, and forms.

Yeah, same way the emojis, explosions and subscription callouts do the same for Twitch streams.
This is true. Film can barely even be called an artform, and is far inferior to any of the traditional arts. Although film has still produced great things and been of aesthetic importance in the modern world.

Putting different arts together doesn't create something superior, it either deadens the effectiveness of one or subordinates it in design to the other. As film regularly does to music. A film using a Bach recording does not put film as a medium on the level of a Bach, anymore than a filming of a Shakespeare performance puts film on the level of Shakespeare. The only times arts have worked perfectly in unison, each at their highest level, was in Wagner who was consciously aiming to create a 'Gesamtkunstwerk' in opposition to the primitive unification of the various arts in opera.
This is like saying the Greeks recognised that poetry was inferior to music, because all poetry was set to music. It goes both ways because the individual arts originated of equal importance together. Also the art of music only really reached a proper development in classical music, so it's not really fair to compare Greek art with Greek music.
No, emojis are just one tiny aspect of the use of visual space, visual space offers much greater flexibility than just a limited set of characters in a specific format.
Potentially they could degrade each other and you can just blare out an emergency siren to drown out all sound with obnoxious noise, but the added visual space still adds greater artistic presentation potential than removing it.
>the added visual space still adds greater artistic presentation potential
This is like saying cgi adds an infinite potential to cinema (or computers to art on the whole), in 'theory' it's true, it makes sense according to how most people understand art today, but of course it doesn't work out that way. Because art is not constructed according to such a primitive notion of increased quantitative potential. Good art has been made in response to the creative stimulus of the camera, it opens a whole new domain of art, but that is in its own sphere; it doesn't open anything new for music or theatre or painting, and so forth. You cannot go 'beyond' music, it is entirely self-sufficient, if it's as great as Bach.

People really need to look at art itself, investigate it seriously, before they begin to talk about it. Infinitely greater men then you or I have dedicated their lives to it, do you think it's then such a simple thing to grasp?
All art is entertainment in the end. 99% of it is "I'm an artist!" masturbation. 1% actually inquires into human condition but no piece of art has really reached the correct conclusion so far. "Creating worlds" bla bla bla, what does it even mean and why does it matter? Other than that you can have your melody or harmony or whatever, just don't pretend to understand real life because of it
>but of course it doesn't work out that way.
It obviously does since CGI is used so extensively and goes completely unnoticed most of the time especially when its just adjusting color and texture.

> it doesn't open anything new for music
Wrong, it adds synchronicity and relateability to music since you can now synchronize music to visuals and can actually show the guy singing in the rain dancing along to the song and pick up some dance moves yourself.
NPC post, depressing
Okay you are the only special main character in life sweetie, don't be upset
Fantasia did what you talked and it wasnt a groundbreaking musical moment, just a kinda cool animation
>A film using a Bach recording does not put film as a medium on the level of a Bach
Yet it would add immense value to the overall experience of Bach if we had video archives of Bach composing that music and could see how he meticulously arranged his instruments and how he masterfully played each of them.
You just lack any semblance of understanding art, its depressing to see.
Fantasia had a Singing In the Rain skit?
Yes yes, unlike a great artist like you I have no idea what art is, I'm sure you'll find a way to cope with this fact by listening to some guy playing piano, hope you'll feel better
>t. the overly analytical to the point of literal retardation dipshit who thinks you can put art in some order from lesser to greater.
I simply mean that Music is a more meaningful expierence than film
If music is so superior then why is /mu/ so shitty, huh? Shouldn't they be intellectually superior for listening to all that music? Instead they're the most stagnant board that makes even /tv/ look good.
To a blind person, sure, if your brain can't even process what visuals mean, you will get more meaning from sound only, otherwise, you get to see what the visuals mean and what the sounds mean with film instead of being limited to the meaningfulness of a single sense instead of multiple senses simultaneously.
I know this is a troll thread but my honest take is that the heights of cinema far exceed the heights of music but due to its far more complex nature it is harder to achieve AND to appreciate
That said the vast majority of what is created in both cinema and music is garbage because most human beings are themselves garbage incapable of appreciating either. Also most critics are at best morons who value the wrong attributes based not on art but social stabding, and at worst bought and paid for by the very industry that is itself financially dependent on the masses of human garbage that make up their consumer base
Rolling for something I already know. 577 pls
Got banned from /mu/ again, didn’t you?
Film uses visuals in predictable ways, it is bound to reality. Music can entertain abstract form and is not bound by any confines, therefore music is superior.
>it is bound to reality
Darn, if only they figured out how to make fictional films.

>Music can entertain abstract form and is not bound by any confines
And its pretty cool to learn from a retard that sound is not a physical phenomenon based on pressure waves, its just some abstraction that doesn't really exist.
cinema combines all relevant art forms
No, only cooking does that, cinema omits taste.
Sound is not bound by the same constraints as film you braindead monkey
>This is also why all cultures in history have music, while only decadent and decaying cultures have cinema.
This one is the most truthful statement
Sound is bound by physical constraints just like film (specifically the audio portions of film) because it is a physical phenomenon rather than some abstraction as was stupidly claimed.
>It obviously does since CGI is used so extensively
It adds nothing fundamental, and the best cgi cannot compare with the best use of reality. This is an accepted fact, just as the increase in the use of cgi has degraded film.

>since you can now synchronize music to visuals
Oh you couldn't do that on a stage? Lol. But that still doesn't change the fact that music like Bach's is only detracted from when put over visuals.

It wouldn't add any value to the music itself, what you're describing is just of a biographical-documentorial value.
>It adds nothing fundamental,
Then why are you using a visual medium to generate text on a computer to communicate your opinion instead of humming a little diddy in the style of bach about it instead?

>It wouldn't add any value to the music itself
It would elevate Bach's art and yes film is also better for biographical documentation than audio recording too because of the added dimensions.
Hey everyone, come look at the retard!
>Then why are you using a visual medium to generate text on a computer to communicate your opinion instead of humming a little diddy in the style of bach about it instead?
I wasn't aware that computer screens are cgi. RETARD.

>It would elevate Bach's art
The only art that is elevated by an intricate knowledge of how it was created is inferior art. Great art remains just as great under any circumstances. Get this into your dumb monkey brain head, having stupid visuals to make Bach more entertaining for you does not mean the art is elevated. Yes, it would be amazing to see and hear Bach, but that has nothing to do with his art.
>A film using a Bach recording does not put film as a medium on the level of a Bach
Wrong, adding a cool visualization like a synchronized Mandelbrot zoom that assists in the visualization of the math behind the sound immediately elevates the piece.
Music is the only truly abstract art. It's completely ethereal and ephemeral.
>the math behind the sound
Pleb spotted, opinion dismissed.
Illogical retard detected. I don't doubt you dismiss a whole lot of facts in your general retarded stupor through life.
what on earth do you mean digits numbers from posts those are not digits anyways i listened to his brandenberg concerto on my birthday a month ago
Apples and oranges, I don’t get the obsession with ranking everything under the sun
ok, but clearly oranges are clearly better than apples, citrus has so much more use beyond just eating the orange.
The actual reason people don't get mad at kids for listening to too much music is that kids don't because it isn't fun enough, same reason nobody gets mad at kids for building popsicle stick houses
Child mindset, you believe that any activity your adhd brain considers boring is inherently not fun.

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