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Daily reminder Lauren London refused to kiss Jonah Hill so they had to use CGI.
Holy fuck lmao. I'd kill myself.
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I hope you're memeing
Thats the saddest shit I've heard in a while
That's fake news actually. They originally did a few takes where she attempted to kiss him, but her lips kept slipping of the blubber and matzo grease coating his sloppy mouth. They almost got one decent tke but Jonah had a sudden flashback to the French interview and began screaming like a little fat baby.
Why does this guy attract this kind of female mockery and rejection? I don't get it, there's nothing about him that is "off" and many motherfuckers uglier than him are "respected". What's the issue?
ever heard the saying "know your role" ?
Explain it to me like I'm retarded.
humiliation ritual
He's fat and played the "obnoxius funny fat guy" too many times for women to ever take him seriously.
Also, women are evil and cruel beings.
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He isn't. They had to use CGI for their kiss in the movie. So much better than just casting actors with chemistry that can act.
When I was at my mother's house she had network tv on and a commercial for Wolf of Wall St being played later that night came on and she said "I don't like that actor" referring to Jonah.
When I asked her why she said, "I just don't like him."
She's grotesque.
His ex exposed him as an insane control freak
Same reason Orson Welles doesn't like Woody Allen.
>It wasn’t just me y’all. Jonah was uncomfortable too. Right, Jonah?
>Oh yeah, totally haha. Go to website.
At least she cares enough to try to avoid him looking bad.
She’s purely just trying to make herself not look bad.
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Plenty of women like funny fat guys. He comes off as a desperate tryhard and women can tell. He also looks like he doesn't shower.
>He comes off as a desperate tryhard and women can tell. He also looks like he doesn't shower.
100% this
Just why oh why did they do not do a screen test to check if compatibility/chemistry was going to be a problem for a film all about 2 races mixing? Kinda undermines the entire thing
>we had no chemistry at all
>better cast us in a romcom together
I can relate. I took some acting lessons and when we had a small kissing scene (peck not even proper kissing), all the girls refused to act that scene with me despite the professor pushing for it. It ended up being 2 girls kissing instead.
Imagine trying to keep your composure and acting like nothing happened and brush it off at this moment, this was real acting.
There is literally no point being born in this world nowadays if you're not a good looking individual.
In any romantic comedy, especially one where there's a barrier to characters coming together, you need to actually care about the couple, believe they love each other and want them to come together. Not casting a pair with chemistry is so mind bogglingly stupid. It should be the first requirement on the production list.
Yeah, but it gets even more mindbogglingly stupid because of the politics thrown into it.
soon this will be a standard for all the movies

no more pointless sex scenes

everything sexual will be cgi. return to modesty. return....to cinema.
Goddamn, I've never seen the movie but I assume it sucks shit if a couples on set chemistry was so bad it needed CGI to fix
Because he's a phony, he has no real personality, and he will forever be known as the fat kid from Superbad.
I try to forget this exists because it's honestly the humiliating thing any actor has experienced ever in the history of Hollywood. I'm including all the times Jonah is mocked or derided by presenters, talk show hosts.
>Dey no way I'm kissing dat jew boy, yew gown have to CGI that shit, mmmhmmmm
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would a phony have a list like this?
Based mom
Being humiliated by an evil negress is my fetish, lucky bastard
One of the reasons why jews are such fucked up horrible things that lie and torture and destroy all good and progress, is because that's literally what they are. They are ugly, turbo high iq autistic insecure tribalistic defective little animals that live in a world with animals that are superior to them

Humans are EXPERTS at picking out bullshit by whatever means. that's where the uncanny valley stuff comes from
the other animals can notice by gut reaction these weasels that are evil and just need to be wiped out
I'm being completely serious. it's the explanation for all the hitler stuff. everything happening now
We can see jews for what they are. Insecure evil things that are posing as human
Jonah is a total jew and all his disgustingness seeps out in ways that can't be explained easily beyond saying he has a big nose and he's whiney and entitled
It is a routine, banal fact of life that women involve themselves with the kind of men who are actual control freaks to the point of basically house arresting them, as well as beating them or even attempting to kill them. I think we can safely assume that women finding Jonah repulsive has almost nothing to do with that, not to mention his "insane control freaks" episode was just him telling his gf that he has boundaries and she can go be with someone else if she's not going to respect those boundaries.
Why didn't they credit Mike Nichols or Sidney Lumet for 5 and 6?
I like half this list though desu. Even if there's a bunch I don't like it's at least unique. I wonder how much time he spent concocting it?
i hope that fucked her career. Many actresses will do all sorts of shit with any male costar but this bitch drew a line over a fucking kiss? get another blacktress theres probably a line of 100 fat black bitches that would die to kiss jonah to star on a movie
Why would he put the Master on there but not there will be blood or no country for old men?
I like both those films more than the Master but why is someone not allowed to like the Master more than them?
did anyone else watch Jonah's therapists documentary it was simultaneously incredibly pretentious and full of itself but also an interesting look into how jonah perceives himself, gives you a lot of depth to all the silly shit about him

i guarantee he showers every day as part of his insecurity
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Jonah Hill got pedomolested 20 years ago and he still reeks from it. Women can smell that shit miles away
Their IQ is actually normal, the high iq thing is a myth that jews push. They do however have a high verbal iq.
>turbo high iq
>Humans are EXPERTS at picking out bullshit
They should have never hired her
Or Jonah
I like Jonah
How can you even continue working with that person
>Puts the birdcage over network
That opinion deserves death
only a pseud would say goodfellas isn't Scorseses best, Alice isnt even top 5
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>Moonlight (2016)

into the trash your opinions go
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Casino is the superior film. Anyone who disagrees is media illiterate.
>media illiterate

spotted the pseud
>Set healthy boundaries
>Control freak
Seriously good fucking luck to anyone trying to date these days
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Goodfaggots hoes mad
>don’t act like a fucking whore for once
>if you insist on acting like a fucking whore I can’t be your boyfriend, respectfully

Western women see this and call it “toxic behavior”. The 19th amendment was a horrible mistake.
but like, why?
They are actors. In theatre they kiss ugly ogres, male and female, constantly.
Seems extremely weird
>We need CGI for a romcom because we hired two leads who couldn't convincingly sell a kiss at the big finale
Was that not an issue up until then? They must have known that's where things were going
Why couldn't they just act like they are attracted to each other?
If you’re ugly but confident, that’s one thing
He has really, really low self-esteem. So low you can just see it on him from a mile away
he's timid but arrogant?
>Set healthy boundaries
>>Control freak
>Seriously good fucking luck to anyone trying to date these days

This is literally what every man who isn't a simp or a retard wants in a woman. I've gain a new respect for Jonah hill for wanting this in his life.

>>don’t act like a fucking whore for once
>>if you insist on acting like a fucking whore I can’t be your boyfriend, respectfully
>Western women see this and call it “toxic behavior”. The 19th amendment was a horrible mistake.

I do believe this is one of the key causes to the downfall of western civilization.
your mum is antisemitic
Shame since low self-esteem is a virtue.
I think Goodfellas is a better movie, but I like Casino more.

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