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Plump Haley aka my future wife edition

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Previous Thread: >>201708035
weird edition but alright i guess
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>yfw the darkness comes
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jimmy personal growth arc
Chris should only be on the show if he’s being treated like this
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this man roams the streets
28 years old
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her feet are actually flawless
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clabi love
I want to fight Claire
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I really do like Jimmy, but dude. you got to fucking move on. Grow up. This is crazy
But then again, I'm saying this about a guy who still acts 13 on a regular basis. I just hope for better with him. He can be a decent guy. keyword: can
need to inflate haley back up. latinas aren't meant to be skinny
Footfags get the rope
what exactly did Jimmy do to his little sister’s friend with those scissors? how bad were the injuries? it’s crazy how things get covered up if you’re a minor and your parents are millionaires
The sooner he kills himself the better fucking weirdo.
where did the only hot one go? tf is this shit
he will kill hoarder man with a toy lawnmower and get the death sentence
jimmy go to bed take your meds
>she tried to break my baby toy phone 7 months ago, how can you expect me to get over it?
I unironically think mdma therapy would help him release some of his trauma and rage.
sending this again for anyone who missed Clabi being officially confirmed in real time

It’s unironically over for him. He’s 28 years old and completely incapable of self reflection. He’s only gonna get worse and more hateful
go look in the mirror anon.
on some real shit though I love that that woman killed that pedophile she showed up the the court room with a gun and shot him and, on some real shit though, that was some righteous shit my brotha
why does he think this justifies harming women physically?
She's got great legs right now.
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this dude just makes shit up for sympathy
28 years old btw
this retard is eventually going to end up killing someone over some minor slight
he is basically Lennie and mephisto is George
it's time to take him out behind the shed
>i'm chillin
>they recited that at my uncle's funeral, he died of heroin
>i'd rather be raped than bored
>what's your name? I forgot. No really who are you again?
>is oddbod actually gone?
>it's going down i'm yelling timberrrrrrrrrrrr!
>i want oddbod to fuck me in the hole
>have you ever heard of benzedrex?
>i’d fuck my uncle (CLAIRE STOP!)
>i swear I'll goon all day tomorrow
>I am CJ???
>i made eye contact with mauro in the living room and he was scared
>what’s /ftl/ ;)
>my bad
>gamer mentality
>that feel when
>that wasn’t good simlish
and most importantly
>i dont trust anyone who likes sam hyde
>in trouble from who? JET NEPTUNE?
(i need to download some cute claires to my phone for when im phone posting this from bed)
new fake trauma munchausens by proxy
what's your guys favorite rugrats episode and also there is this crazy episode with Morton Downy Jr it
women don't live inside mirrors dude.
please understand he almost died in zelda last night because of lag. when something pisses him off like that he blows up and its not his fault but hes sorry if it happens but its funny how the game just happened to lag during an important boss fight almost as if it was planned to humiliate him
To be fair to Jimmy, I've seen these types of parents in my life. But also, the children usually tried to fix themselves and better their future. Jimmy sadly just wants to bitch about all this shit that happened to him, and not do anything to better himself.

I wish I could fix him.
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>(i need to download some cute claires to my phone for when im phone posting this from bed)
I got you brotha
says you
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Tayleigh mogs.
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something innate to jimmy brought it out in his mother, not her fault
How can we heal Cleh and help her get over her self destructive depressive urges?
that was so fucking funny he legitimately was questioning the game as if it had wronged him
and he was so mad he called the game a nigger and his stream went down
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>jimmy up at 5 am seething in game show chat room
some anons here actually considered him "healed" or redeemed - he's eternally retarded and malding
Jimmy is based. That is all.
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I already posted one, but here have another.
Present an asshole for her to hawwwwwk-TUAH a glob of her phlegm onto and shove her nose deep into that thang! Got wood? Timberrrrrr
She got that fucked up because she knew she could have been in Taylor's position stupid cunt.
first they take away blacksmiths wife, now thotty dolly parton's gone, im friggin pissed
tender love and care
Unironically, she needs Abi. Not for a lesbian relationship (though that's good too), but she just needs a caring friend like Abi to help her.
she also needs to stop drinking.
Oddbod cock
Holy fuck these bitches just don't stop
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>top bunk harlots talking shit about claire when she's 50cm away
Abi munching her carpet
yeah those parents exist and Elan school exists but that shit didn't happen to Jimmy he just read about or saw a youtube video and pretends it was his life
hes just a fucked up weirdo who doesnt want to take his meds or improve his life in any way
doubtful it happens. small chance she’s playing it up and acting a lot. i still think she “blacks out” conveniently and shes a true student of the /bb/ game so she might be our own vanessa rousso.
>not claire
she's talking shit about Haley for talking shit about Claire, who was drunk, while Haley wasn't
false alarm, theyre talking shit about haley
Clairebears how we feelin? Awwwwwww yeah. Hawk-TUAH on that asshole lubricating it perfectly for an investigative nosedive! Beaked up like Claudia G
i suspect this poster may be her boyfriend
>watching bitchtank instead of Netherlands vs Angola Women's Handball at the 2024 Paris Olympics
>Jimmy sadly just wants to bitch about all this shit that happened to him, and not do anything to better himself.
Jimmy's sister said something similar about him during the stream she did with meg during Season 2.
link a stream and i'll jump ship
its the jimmycel from bloodgames ignore him
Tayleigh was not attracted to lubecooch
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Bitchtank has made my penis happy and sore ty Jet neptune
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i love you so much
Abi is a good bestie for Claire, but girls needs a variety of besties with different things to offer. Right now she's connecting with Leah who is a good 8 years older and also physically a lot bigger. Girls need a BIG and tall or older friend for comfort and wisdom to navigate the years they're currently going through.
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>she also needs to stop drinking.
I prefer stoned Claire over drunk Claire desu.
whos the old Guatemalan dude?
She made it abundantly clear she didn't want him. She could've very, VERY easily had him at the beginning of the show if she wanted him, but she didn't.
All he does is play the victim, what the fuck?
Claire would have saved S2
not sure but i'm leaning towards cole
did anyone clip tayleigh saying all that mean shit about how she's never actually liked jimmy and sent it to him yet???
lightskin sylvia
Where is the hot black girl wtf?

She is gonna win if she keeps her shit together
I don't like either, but would gladly take high Claire for sure.
couldn't stay the night for some reason but said she might be back
I was looking all over the place for a clip but wasn’t able to find anything
she was just a freeloader brought in by Jet personally, left long ago
at home in her comfy comfy bed
(she only came in for 1 day, possibly said she might come back in future not sure)
legit thought that was simmons crossdressing at first
If that goofy nigga Oddbod walked in there Claire would instantly turn back into a bpd weiner muncher in a heartbeat
I don't think she was blackout drunk, she would have been more fucked up the next day if she was. She definitely has this kind of hopeless self sabotaging needlessly confrontational kind of mindset when she's drunk though, I think k she's a masochist but there's also probably more to it
I think she harbors feelings of worthlessness from how she's explained her dropping out of college and post-covid experience.
that mulatto has actually lost some weight, i would now. due to the wiggers incompetence she is nearing a starved fuckable state
all bent out of shape and flat
i might have some good stuff on an external drive somewhere around. no nudes but i think she would slut it up on tumblr in like 2018 when her bf would steal her moms shit.
just tuned in
this is a yapping contest, right?
Everybody in the tank waited TJ and his massive retarded cock.

Nah she played herself now she is a meth slut.
I still don't know what people are referring to when they bring this up. Probably why there's no clips of it
She was talking shit about Jimmy that she's already talked about before. Usually just saying he comes on way too strong, and is a little annoying sometimes. But even he knows that. kinda

fantastic hopefully Tony gets inside her pink
Stoned Claire is epic because the mucus in her body has a higher concentration of cannabinoids which lends a thick yet silky character to the texture which aids in lubricating her nose as it investigates the surface and inner ring of an asshole for she HHHHHHHOOOIIIIIEEEEKKK’d up a fat glob to PPPPTTUUAAHHH expertly right up in that
I crawl into bed blackout drunk every night that I drink and I normally function fine the next day even being in my early 30s
Oh shit have the men's basketball games started? Any women's track and field yet?
black normie model who's semi-clued in to the show format would be an interesting s3 freeloader
shadi is obnoxious
There were none
>I wasn't talking about you, Claire. so why are you listening?

>its called eavesdropping, and it's fun

i love Claire
>he sends me these long snapchat videos every day and i just open them and don't watch them
i hate them both but that bummed me out. i just pictured jimmy passionately ranting about shit and seeing "opened" and getting sad
all good friends tell people that their friend makes up fake girlfriends to try and impress you
Jet make them go to sleep please
shut up nigger
Jet here, how?
he probably sends all those to 50 different people too. probably doesn't mean shit
She’s metagaming. She figured out fishtank. She knows exactly what to do to be the main character. Remove aperture roses from all the girls and I think she’s almost beating Abi. Spacecsdetjuul discord ones don’t count.
Jet make them drink each others piss please
it was away from the action so i guess nobody clipped it
she literally said she's never been his real friend and he's a burden to be around.
and she ignores all his texts as much as he can cause he's really annoying
she even said they're facebook friends and she thinks he made up a fake girlfriend on there to make her jealous
Nah fuck both of them
"Last one to fall asleep gets sent to the cell"
There I just ended the shitshow
>claire stays up all night
can't stand this pigger
weird gag status?
You fully don't remember the last hour or so of your night? That's the definition of blackout. Not just misplacing something while drunk, completely zero recollection of anything for at least 1 or 2 hours.
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Go to bed /ftl/
Jet please offer Kato immunity for 2 minutes of foot cardio: clear Bedroom Camera B sole flexing and toe splaying
The digits do not lie, real Jet do this
Can this nigga stop being Reddit for 5 fucking seconds
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damn jimmy that's so freakin random! XD
Reading his posts are pissing me off too much right now I’m going to bed goodnight everyone I love you
I want to cover her face in cum while she keeps that death stare
yes 20 minutes to an hour nowadays, more when I was actually going crazy with it

I'm very familiar with blackouts and intermittent blackouts they're a regular occurrence for me
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Why does Greg's Discord server have nearly 2,000 minors in it? Why does Greg have minors as his "staff"? Why does he talk to them about his erect penis? Why does he tell minors that he is going to have sex with their mothers?
If you're having a conversation beside someone they aren't eavesdropping you stupid cunt
She’s the greatest to do it since Nina for sure. She does all of these lies to disarm and distract others from her cunning nature, they either thing she’s ditzy or just attention-seeking, not realizing they’re ensnared in an elaborate web of her secret design. It’s a bit like how Letty would pretend to not know how to broom or act like she thought you had to season wood before cutting it, except far subtler and therefore more effective. Furthermore she knows how to swirl up a nice fat glob of phlegm for lubricating the surface of an asshole and inspecting it and the internal sphincter ring with her huge phallic beak nose
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I'm in bed
she uses this to deflect every god damn time
>i have a wide set vagina with a heavy flow
kill this fat Australian retard
Betty, we still don't care.
Shut up niggerlover
She just said he yaps too much. I have friends who yap too much. I tune out their bullshit and I love them dearly. It's invented drama by abifags who don't realise they've become more annoying than jimcels ever were.
The thing about being asexual is that no one actually checks to see if thats true
It runs like red tapioca pudding
Because he's a sick fuck like the rest of us but he larps as a hecking wholesome asexual. I used to draw hentai for commission for God sake
Shadi needs to go...
Death to the man-hating shitskin lover Abi
Yoooooo three stooges style? That'd be awesomesauce
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I've always liked the Australian accent. This fat bitch has changed that forever. Her voice is so incredibly annoying.
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Leah without make-up picrel
Jet make a snuff film fish toy
idk about the other ones but I think the have sex with their mothers one is because he is
this reminds me of one of my favorite season 2 TTS
>donald trump voice
>hey greg big fan! how big is your penis? and do you like the band Ween?
>I like the band Ween. and my ween is 6 inches!
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American Bukkake Abi please
they NEED to get this wacky nigga on S3 production! imagine all the cartoons he could pull ideas from
with my bare hands, or with a blunt object?
she has an abominable half-american fat city girl accent
if I'm remembering right it happened maybe around the time of Trish' birthday thing? I remember this because people were clowning her for being off by herself while everyone else was together. Tayleigh was sitting alone at Basecamp when she was supposedly saying these things. It was late at night. Trying to narrow it down for anyone wants to try tracking down clips.
does Jet hate us now?
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this is a beautiful ben moment

Leave Leah alone. She's becoming a helpful millenial bestie for Claire. Its canon.
when will the children stop gooning to this I'm regular btw :(
Molesto sends his regards >:)
Have we ever gotten a good diagnosis of Jimmy?
He was genuinely psychotic at times in Season 2, mostly around imagining Taylor molested his sister. He was saying this almost as soon as she entered.
He's generally schizo adjacent with his conspiracy theories.
But then there's his wild mood swings, complete inability to reflect on his own behaviour, pathological lying and self-centeredness.
He has this thing where he thinks he's a genius and smarter than everyone, but when things go wrong it's the entire world conspiring against him and not just he made a mistake.
Also I forgot his violence, to smaller women and animals. The women I could just ascribe to sexual frustration and embarrassment, but apparently animals too.
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Fact. She grew up watching too much American tv and it ruined her aussie accent. Common story.
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reminder: scott sadly wont be back in the tank tomorrow because
>i don't want to deal with letty being a bitch. i'm gonna take the high road
Letty won't let Claire win :(
fuck, you're probably right.
Kramer sends his regards.
>still no cletty head pat webm
look im fully in on clabi but letty and abi are cool, im sure there’s enough claire to share
that's exactly it
the end of the tower cell when everyone was partying with trish for her birthday
she was talking to airsoftfatty I think who somehow prodded this info out of her. she's so dumb
i guess theres no archives so it might be gone forever?
Bipolar/Manic Depression/Sociopath
go fuck them up ben
le sigh. i guess i'll take a day off watching.
What did I miss last night? QRD please
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when the bad bitch come then to bucky you should run
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Non-footfags exhibit pathological behaviour. Notice their perpetual anger, their idiotic incredulity. No other fetish seems to inspire such devoted hatred, it is not only that “they don’t get it”, but that for some reason they believe that no one should “get it”, they must crusade against it. It is bizarre. All kinds off odd and abject bedroom rituals get a free pass, and yet partialism for a part of the human body, something on literally almost every single person, inspires obsessive, unbridled antipathy. Perhaps the rage is because other people’s healthy desires reminds the anti-footfag of how they are alienated from their own bodies. It is probably a very Western prejudice, an affliction of modernity (even a century ago I notice in proper bourgeois literature references to “pretty” or “handsome” feet, not something that would appear in today’s literature without the connotation of fetishism). Feet are kept out of sight and out of mind. And keeping them bundled up tight in shoes all day is what is responsible for most of their unpleasant characteristics—infection, odour, misshaping; meaning that when the shoes finally do come off most people, presented with their neglected feet, associate them with disgust... the feet themselves are unfairly blamed rather than the conditions forced upon them. Notice the completely disproportionate commodity fetishism built around shoes. I’ve had some “people” remark to me that they prefer the gaudy design of designer label sneakers over the limb you wear them on. Is there a more rotten, insectoid, consumerist and anti-human attitude than that? Preferring literally cheaply made industrial fibre, cynically marketed, a fad, over flesh and skin of an anatomical marvel which has served us for tens of millennia.
Claire losing to Abi is fine. And if the head pat rumors are true, I’m of the jealous Letty theory.
Claire doesn't need to win to win. Her win will be making new friends to keep in touch with to stay on a path of not being a lonely loser.
letty is the most jealous bitch on earth
Girls attacking each other
abi and claire said i love you to each other
>i guess theres no archives so it might be gone forever?
I'm not sifting through it all, but I'm sure someone will.
>He was genuinely psychotic at times in Season 2, mostly around imagining Taylor molested his sister
It was a joke about how he was Mormon. Holy shit try harder autist
>But then there's his wild mood swings, complete inability to reflect on his own behaviour, pathological lying and self-centeredness
He has depression. This is well documented. Also you're British
>He has this thing where he thinks he's a genius and smarter than everyone, but when things go wrong it's the entire world conspiring against him and not just he made a mistake
This is literally half of all men
>genius and smarter than everyone,
Case in point, you sound like a redundant arse hat here
>Also I forgot his violence, to smaller women and animals. The women I could just ascribe to sexual frustration and embarrassment, but apparently animals too
You're so fucking annoying, someone should put you in a wood chipper lol
ben should come up to whisper tax claire and play some tunes
teeehee its ironic though !!!
She's a virtuoso genius but needs to be drunk for it to manifest effortlessly, many such cases.
HPD and emotionally and mentally underdeveloped
guys I think Claire just told Kato what the elimination (MW2 sniper match) is, it's impossible to hear shit but Kato said she's not very good at something and Claire said "I'll wake you up (if?) ..."

I think she noticed she plays games and is trying to get allied with her.
code yellow
Baby brained retard
>pretend to not know how to broom
anon...you don't know her very well at all
>niggas really think that abi + Claire friendship won't end in disaster
I was pretty certain I watched her through most of that time people refer to, and this is all I remember her saying. And she's always said that about him, like back when she was streaming and shit.

I'd like to be proven wrong, but miraculously no one has any clips for some reason.
Hi Jimmy
Someone should post Jimmy’s graduation photo and the picture of his mom’s tits
>claire yells “try and dox my boyfriend” and ben immediately tells her to stop talking
claires boyfriend is 100% fake and production came up with the idea.
you tell them jimmy
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>maybe i'm a fast train rolling down the mountain watching my life go by
CPTSD and paranoid schizophrenia. I know a guy who ticks all the same boxes. Acted exactly like him. It actually worked out for him in the end, but it took until he was in his 30s and had been institutionalised a couple of times. But this is not in the USA so he likely had more access to professional help.
I was watching her during that entire timeframe, but I don't remember her saying anything as evil and fucked up like people claim she did. She was bitching about him, but not saying anything crazier than I've heard her say about him. I might have missed the "fake girlfriend" thing though, but I don't remember hearing that either.
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I am not Jimmy, however I do consider this get one of my greatest achievements to date. Thank you for the compliment kind sir
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Hawk-TUAH on that asshole and shove my big beak of a nose up in that sphincter ring!
ok jimmycord. you usually just call us tranny and get mad
If you think Jimmy is a genius, you are either Jimmy or, worse yet, a fan who is dumber than Jimmy.
>t. jimmycel who views him as a lovable retard.
Kato was asking Claire and Abi to game with her tomorrow. Claire has been promising TTS encouraging her to practice with “I’m locking in tomorrow” so she probably just asked her to play nuketown with her.
>being submissive and calling another man Sir
Actually Jimmy lmao
let us pretend they'll be happy for the short time we have
Yeah but she whispered 90% of it which makes me think she emphasized it's importance.
Gentlemen... Begin the subliminal messages. The ones that go in my favor.
she doesnt give a fuck. you people are funny
I'd guess his IQ is between 110 and 140
I'm really sad that it got privated and apparently nobody clipped it
Abi and Claire
Letty needs to spend 1-2 years reshaping Jimmy as his girlfriend. Just calling out his shit directly to his face and fucking him calm when he gets mad.
guys I think Claire is trying to set up a situation in which a bare naked ass cheeks spread is before her and she can plant a piercingly accurate HHHHHHHAAAWK-TUAH onto the asshole before shoving her big beak of a nose up in that thang! Got wood? Timberrrrrr
Nigger? what are you talking about
Jimmy you're based.
jimmy smells bad
>thank you for the gold sir
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>I love you
Here she goes about Dave and the Maid bit again
he cant even build a fire
here they go with the turkey tom bullshit again
Lmfao on some real shit though back at Elan Utah Elevations if we didn’t talk right to our superiors the punishments would go on for longer. Oh but let’s see how you like it when fucking faggots laugh at you and make you the butt of every joke. Fucking cunts.
It was tested during season 2. From memory, it was somewhere between 120 and 130. Smarter than the average person but still a retard in my eyes.
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Correct. She's way too threatened on a subconscious level which is the most dangerous way for women to be threatened because there's no chance of her even recognizing it let alone slightly mitigating it with reason.
I would be pissed off too if I was her
>why didn't you just like, say no?
Are girls real life npcs with limited locked up dialog trees until a human unlocks a new tree?
Jerry sends his regards
The IQ tests were both real and accurate.

Also, Shinji has HIV. He really shouldn't be working in a brothel. That's dangerous.
But he knows how to take care of a cast iron skillet and can mostly hammer in nails without hitting his thumb
insider here, kato knows dallas, ethan pretty well. just remember this when you start seeing stuff that backs it up.
do you think jimmy will achieve his dreams?
Start using a trip bro. We need some real kino ITT.
I hate them
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>anon thinks he's smarter than 99% of the population
>anon also thinks the IQ tests on the show were legitimate
you're a retard, retard
Lol, no they weren't. Actual IQ tests take several days to administer.
if he was a homewrecker he would have three of those sons already. too bad
he's probably decently intelligent, but a self-inflicted retard. He really does actually have potential, but he's his own worst enemy.
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hell yeah jimmy
If he doesn't mind his kids being half-black, yeah.
kek what the fuck lmao
the frustrated looks on their retard faces
chud gang was so fun to hate season 2.5
well until they ruined the show by stopping RP and quests fully and getting Jon kicked cause they wouldn't stop crying about him and moping around all day
you mean she's a giant whore in vegas? or some sort of OF prostitute?

imagine my shock if this is real...

that was sarcasm
It's totally a bit!

Like sensei Scott flirting with the women!
The IQ test understanders has arrived
Jimmy has to work 12 hour boiler room shifts while paypig Jimmy fans spend tens of thousands of dollars on the women he approves of on a reality show LOL
imagine the menace of nigger jimmy
Wrong. I only took the Vishler one as a kid (which is more comprehensive), and that test only took about 2 hours.
kek'd, needs more niggers but pretty spot on.
Jet, force them to go to bed. Otherwise they'll be asleep until 5pm tomorrowm
i havent been to the toilet in hours because im hooked to this gripping conversation
jimmy figured out women
his only girlfriend was a heroin addict who was using him for dope money after going through everyone else in town so... no
what is she jealous of? how has she shown?
this, I remember mine being 2-3 hours
don’t reply to jimmycord
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>8.2 inch penis
>shaves his pubes every day
>fucked 27 women
>never came from sex
>doesn't jack off
>tattoo is nowhere near done
>12 years of MMA experience
>molested by Mormons
>caffeine really doesn't even affect him
>Down to trade nudes and whatever or just talk and flirt
>failed Walmart employment test (rigged)
>ex gf was a heroin addict behind his back
>had plans to do "fun shit" with mauro after the show, but shit
>pretends to hold a gun when he walks around irl
>his dad beating him for lying gave him an obsession with the truth
>got a DUI that prevents him from doordashing (the jews fault)
>not a homewrecker
>mauro is the only fish who messaged him back after season 1 no homo
>possibly blew a piece of his prefrontal cortex out of his nose (looked like wrinkly chicken)
>when his T levels get high he gets "all sentimental and gay"
>tried to kill himself via poison
>not suicidal (directed at the fbi)
>went to therapy but that shit didn't work on him
>outside the show he's a normal guy
>just like grabbed her by the sleeve you know
>snuggled with Tai last night lol but it wasn't like that *toes curl*
>the last person you want to be the enemy of seriously
>thought you had to push the button and strum at the same time in guitar hero
>absolutely no sense of smell (might try a neti pot)
>served in the meme wars
>eats own fingertips since he was a child
>cherishes friends more than he cherishes himself
>lucky number is actually 13
>shit out intestinal lining from being forced to eat Chili's season 2
>knows Vance ex gf's and Nifty's REAL name
>born with yellow skin and a cone head
>doesn't even have a hair fetish
>eyes change color from green to orange with mood
>doesn't feel comfortable seeing a taken woman's tits
>a realist
>Jerry sends his regards
Jimmy if it's really you you need to let Sam fight and kill you you will be remembered as a martyr and he will get his justice
claire for fucks sake have some consideration you stupid bitch you don't need to do your best tornado siren impression 3 feet from abi
new buzz word?
Why aren't u watching on ur phone as well aka the flow streams
Doesn't make it any less true.
>8.2 inch penis
so do I
you prove it
you forgot
>not *that* autistic
Aperture is Jimmys alt they gave him tokens for. Jimmy has no fans, just people that think he’s a lolcow and wanna egg him on his downfall.
i keep turning around and catching my reflection in the mirror and forgetting what i was about to do and admiring my reflection then turning back to my desk
Jimmys discord
Tay looks like a skinwalker that didn't put their skin on correctly
It helps Abi sleep. Its why she's passed the fuck out
realistically though, I doubt she's sleeping. She seems like the type to lay there for hours, gathering information while everyone gossips.
i hate that this season has made me like her so much
Trying to read through cluster A and B personality disorders and it does seem like he has some kind of schizophrenia, but doesn't seem to explain it to well
I think Jimmy would be thrilled hearing this because of all his persecution stories, but when even casually analysed there is nothing in his life to have traumatised him (at least until his adult life). He was, apparently, batshit as an older child; killing animals and attacking younger girls with scissors. It was this behaviour that got him sent to a special education school and this event is what he claims is the most traumatic thing in his life.
But a.) this happened after he was acting up
b.) it's not traumatic at all, he doesn't even really claim they did anything bad to him except restrict his freedom (to hurt people)
>Claire's parents might be dead by the time she gets out of the tank
>she's waiting on a trustfund/will but not actually (because she's disowned)
dont believe her lies
i like Tayleigh, but in this clip this is accurate. she looks scary in this
Holy shit that just gave me a pang of deep memory rage at how frustrating it was to watch them trying to make fires.
Abi told me to shut the fuck up and now I want to father her children
ever since me mogged jimmytroon jimmycord in season 2.5 they’ve been kwaboty lel l000000l
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>i really like lolcows
>Claire's grandma wants her to marry a catholic
okay I'll do it nonna
It's not actually Jimmy, the Anon is just copying the dumb shit he was saying during bloodgames.
why wont she "let her win"?
>these vapid retards talking down to claire
she's smarter and better off than all of them she's just drunk and having fun
are they that deluded?
People who need to be left behind before s3
>Jimmy and his discord
Who else?
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>claire is still drinking
Ben go up there and scream at them to go to fucking sleep. be the big dog here
Jimmy the type of nigga to try and find old spongebob commercials
This dude is almost 30 years old
I think this would be funny but in happy being in bed petting my cats belly listening to them and shitposting with u guys <3
they have been saying that for a couple weeks now
Bex go up there and scream at them to go to fucking sleep. be the big dog here. then face away from camera A and fart
Every former contestant except for Vance. Vance makes a good cameraman, and he's borderline non-verbal so he won't try and intervene in the show unless absolutely necessary (Jimmy throwing a mallet at Abi).
if they're still up in an hour Abi is going to get up and play Half Life 2 and Chop (good/evil Chip depending on your perspective) is gonna come in and pass around a blunt
>I love you
>you're so fucking fake
>hawk tuah
There’s a couple spurned josiecels I can tell still post and they need to fuck off. And one taylorcel I fucking hate (the rest are cool tbqh)
why are you coping, pathetic simp? claire is nothing to you, she'll never know you exist
They need to shut up and sleep so I can sleep.
literally all of them
full reset
Letty might be interesting on production because she's actually funny unlike vance and josie
>It's not actually Jimmy
I didn't say that it was you stupid fucking nigger
This dude is delusional. His mom was trying to get him help because he was a violent sperg. In the end they had to send him to the Mormon behavioral learning camp
Shadi stocks crashing
I have a cast iron griddle plate thing I use for steaks and veges and I leave water in it overnight and it's never rusted.
How was Trish’s stream? Did she talk about bitchtank at all?
frank hassle in drag talking about her wide vagina with heavy flow talking about "getting the tick" from seeing men use chapstick wrong
I miss my cat
You will never get a good diagnosis for two reasons:
1. All attempts to categorize mental disorders are bullshit. The current chairman of the DSM literally said that the definition for a mental disorder is bullshit and doesn't exist.
2. No one two clinicans will ever agree on what diagnoses a patient has because they're so broad and overlapping as to be meaningless. They're as insightful as a horoscope reading and only continue to exist to please insurance companies.
i dont think so, had it on mute. going by chat, she was talking about how much she loves jimmy now since the hoarderman trip and forgives him for what he did
Where’s Ella?
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Would be based if they were actually left behind, A real "full reset" but at this point they're to ingrained into Fishtank and Jet seems fine with it so expect to see Jimmy and his pay pigs (Aperture especially) from this point on.
>frank hassle in drag
she transitioned for the bit
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Sexy rat
unfortunate. She can be cool, but tonight was the worst. First night and tonight are easily the worst versions of her I've seen.
>how much she loves jimmy now since the hoarderman trip and forgives him for what he did
is this just jimmycord propaganda? did something like this really happen?
I used to like scott because he pissed people off but now he has been too overexposed.
Child iq and adult iq tests are not really the same at all.
Your cat loves you from heaven you will see them again I hope. When your ready consider adopting a new cat that you can show love
we got a cross between ella and betty that’s cooler
Piss bottle time homie
it really did
i am a jimmy hater and long time trishnigger but ive cooled off on her after seeing that
115iq here, where my midwits @
i don't care about claire i'm not attracted to her
but they're treating her like a retarded baby for some reason especially the fat hog australian
she keeps making jokes and they take them seriously and act all condescending
claire is the only one who might have a normal life but they keep talking down on her like she's lower than them cause she got drunk a few times
Thank you, anon
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SPD - Schizotypal Personality Disorder (+ the ones that potentially anyone could be diagnosed with like ADHD, GAD, MDD)
>paranoid schizophrenia
He's too lucid for this
His fan fiction about his relatively normal sounding life is not trauma
Hopefully not we don't need any more Jimmies running around
abi is asleep so they don't have to pretend that her advice to be gentle with claire because she's drunk was bad
Of course *hugs*
Im straight up retarded and you could not pay me yo watch bitchtank.
>even the nerdy girls are whores
three nights in a row. she's a mess. enjoy the show
jimmy realist here. yeah for some reason trish was hanging out with him and dunyay and oddbod. there was an ig live stream they were all smoking weed together

(Actually yeah, I agree 100%)
aussie hog had cancer lol
She's not a nerd she's more like an art hoe that spends too much time on kiwifarms
wow three nights in a row? drunk? that's unheard of
claire should stop talking to these dimwits
>its all for nothing if you leave
what the FUCK do you gain from "winning"
this isnt even a season
hope it comes back asap
but the heart disease is coming any day now if that don't work
if the thunder don't get ya then the lightning will
you mistyped beautiful chudwife
you are totally not a simp
he's autistic and as such takes women seriously
the irony is that expecting women to think like men leads to misogyny or what looks like woman-hating behavior to everyone else, who treats women as if they are impressionable children that are never responsible for their own actions
i don't think that's a pill feminists are ready to swallow
Kiwifarms and Reddit prove that the horseshoe theory is correct.
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>so I have cancer and I will probab-
>omg so did my cat!
it's so funny how they give her these grade school pep talks and she isn't listening at all
Ah ok.
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if the thunder comes and theres nowhere you can run
if the lightning strikes and you lose your only son
They're just straight up no fun. Say what you will about Cleh but she's kino at being messy and playing into things for the sake of funnies.
The chance to ruin your marriage by sucking some ginger failed mma guys penis
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>you will never go pumpkin picking with claire's sister and make fun of claire for dating a manlet and humiliating herself
so that's why she has thin hair bit sad
jesus christ if the hog takes one more of claires jokes seriously i will break in the bitchtank and put a knife in her eye
What's the horse shoe theory
the famed aussie banter
The nerdy girls are often the most desperate for attention.

It's juliana's whole behavioral output in the bitchtank so far.
Why does Fishtank attract so many mentally ill contestants (and fans)?

I'm a big fan of Sam and his philosophy on life but this is just weird
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remember when leah and juliana were in the cell
the whole premise is locking a bunch of freaks in a house
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Did you get a skill?
>cast fishtank fans
>go through like 8 of them
>only one is actually fun
Whats Sam’s philosophy?
this bitch can not be real
she stole that line directly from mean girls lol unremarkable hippo btw did you know she is from australia!
clair goon session
I love this lil retard like you wouldn't believe
Bongs are much funnier and better at banter than Australoids. Truly the asscrack of the Anglosphere. Still better than Canadians thoughbeit.
She's a fat autist, that's why she's into this shit.
Like a cringe Chris Chan autist who takes everything literally, not a based catatonic autist like Abi.
member when sharty wasn't talking
>I'm a big fan of Sam and his philosophy on life
Oh, so you're mentally ill?
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Who cares
She's melbournian, I'd bet good money on it.
Juliana sorta kinda redeemed herself a bit but this hog needs to be locked in their with Haley.
Real answer: people who are ok with associating with or being a fan of a person widely known to be a racist/far-right tend to have less to lose, so it's selective for young adults with mental problems
>can i get laid now?
what's her social media handle?
>they're reading the zipp can again
What is Sam Hydes "Philosphy on Life"
Haaaaaawwwk-TUAH! Let me spit on that asshole and shove my nose up in that thang! Got wood? Awww hell yeah! Forehead scrote awesomesauce. In Trouble by Who? Jet Neptune? Snorrrrt snort snort. Timbeerrrrrr
Get this drunk heaux to bed, jet. You're going to wake up at 5pm only to see that she's still sleeping if you don't.
Fishtank fans are Jet Neptune fans, not Sam Hyde fans. Not that Sam's modern fanbase is mentally healthy either, but it's an improvement over the wigger crew's fans.
Where do people like Oliver Gay and I fall in your rating of the Anglosphere?
yeah now they're spooning and setting a good example for claire and abi
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With that sense of style and personality, you don't even have to bet on it.
did she actually have sex with a meth head in kentucky, or is it a meme?
brisbane, pay up
nobody wanted tayleigh
claire is such a ditzy sillybilly
It's true.
if we get an aussie hog humiliation ritual i will buy a season pass
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What.. your a fan of me.. and find me attractive!? *points airsoft gun at you* time to die
claire is doing the anyway thing now
I can't believe this show created by multiple mentally ill individuals attracts the mentally ill.
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>I thought you were dating oddbod?

I love my sloppy Claire wife
Melbournite here: she's confirmed from Queensland you absolute faggot.
Hearing Queenslanders trash Melbourne as being this unique faggy experience and then visiting Brisbane... holy shit. Every fucking city is the same.
Anyway you can tell she's not from here because she's white
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>where do you live?
>what's your name again?
>did oddbod really leave?
It’s really funny Sam’s ironic DUDE ITS SUPPOSED TO BE BORIKG AND NONTENT THATS THE JOKE HAHA bit with Scott’s boxing training has just lead to his apparent actual irl friend getting a hate following online.
Hopefully Josie does this for real soon
How do you know?
I actually like Kiwis (the fruit and the people). I used to think NZ was just Australia: 2, but I've realized over time that that is not the case. Also Ollie ruled. I bet he and Oddbod would have been funny together.
It’s just another gaslight from her lol. She’s kind of like S1 Letty in that regard. She could’ve won a main season for sure. Basically every other action, every other thing she says, is some sort of lie or distortion. It can be perceived as either attention seeking behavior or simply an attempt at comedy but she’s actually metagaming it with her conveniently theatrical fake-drunkenness and her “blackouts.” She’s got Abigail wrapped right around her finger on some real shit and she can hawk-tuah on that thang! Rubber nose up in it!
Sam has irl friends?
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I'm her mum
kek SEETHE AND DILATE, TROON! rainbow optimistic
scott legitimately thinks he's an important part of the show
it's so funny
he has shirts for sale
wait ... you think you are the only one who figured that out?
Cute rat. I'd buy her a little tube maze and an exercise wheel
Where's the Sensei Potbelly shitt?
What a slappable facial expression.

Every pic I see of her is more cringe than the last.
Haha I was only pretending to ne retarded!
imagine the pussy you'd get with a Scott Sullivan MMA poster hung on your college dorm room wall
tits NOW
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Why would he do this to himself
No I know it’s apparent to all of the people watching the show, why else would she be so popular
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She would be perfect for facial abuse actually
This bitch sucks.
Clabi status?
Fuck you for squeezing her out then you stupid cunt
she looks like a character from that cartoon, you know the one. the one with the weird looking characters, people used to say that Leafy guy looked like one too. That's what she looks like.
my first thought as well. I bet those posters have never sold.
ahh ok i misread you.
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Cool cosplay
Haley is a Tayleigh simp
She looks like a fucking pinhead holy shit
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I think you underestimate the value of the fish having a scheduled thing to do everyday (talking about main seasons here). If there were no exercise on the show everyone would become exhausted even earlier than usual.
irascible idiot
>people seethe
kek i love how much this bitch is hated for no reason. i'm in on it too. fuck her
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We make fun of you Scott but ur pretty cool guy except the infidelity
lizzie mcguire cartoon ass looking bish
I hate her for being this lame and boring despite being an orbiter.
You’re drawing too many conclusions from sone fishtank freak
Do all zoomer and late millenial women use plushies as pillows now?
I haven't watched a single second of her, I have no idea what she's actually like but I just know she's irritating without even watching.
mostly not being a bitch, not wasting time, not alienating people
JuLeahna happened first -_-
She tries too hard. Unironically a pick me type
the idea of having a scheduled thing is good
watching sam spar with the blockhead ginger so the girls see how big and strong he is wouldn't be my first idea for that though
Wrong Dr. Seuss movie. Anon was clearly thinking of this guy.
>not alienating people
Claudia’s itching to get out the tank and hawk-TUAH on that thang
Do Rape Escape 2 Electric Noogaloo and used the Letty lines this time no balls
>despite being an orbiter
anon the phrasing is off
find me one orbiter that isn't lame lmao
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good progress today
i don't think alcohol is the answer. better chance tomorrow if claire actually sticks to not drinking
I have ejaculated many times because of fishtank I mean bitchtank ty abi Ben and jet
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> no reason

Fuck off back to her discord, faggot. And get off the methadone too you pathetic dipshit.
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Got some family photos of her
yeah and they cuddle them constantly. some of these girls pick them up and carry them around with them.
true. i think she's too much of a people pleaser.
sucked up to haley then sucked up to shadi she just brown noses whoever is talking to her
i hate people like that irl. i'm very mean to those people which comes off as autistic maybe since they always technically seem so nice
That's honestly some solid advice right there
le agricultural forum
Zero personality outside of posing for pictures and trying to be memeable.
I wouldn't be that cynical about it. It's not like they're actually sparring, it's mostly just Sam hitting pads.
Rape Escape was Letty's idea
someone is whimpering
he's not even an orbiter i'd say. he was just a cool dude in chat
i talked to oddbod before a little, he didn't even watch much.
he missed the entire season 1 finale cause he slept in lmao
woke up and was like "what happened who won"
basically telling his fans not to be based at thanksgiving
Methadone is a bitch. The withdrawals are worse than heroin.
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already claimed
she also has terminal diarrhea of the mouth and reddit and fat. don't have sympathy for this bitch just because she almost died. most people have almost died she's just a fucking narcissist
He was just really dedicated to shitposting
She'd be a clan eshin gutter runner, for sure.
Another night walk in my stupid shitty nigger life (I Benwalked to this location)
parasocial and rape
people who beat cancer have a weird arrogance to them
i remember in high school some bald ass little girl was such a cunt to everyone after she came back from having lymphoma
wish she died fuck you molly
Ben is so fucking funny i love him.
Kek I knew a girl who survived cancer in highschool she wanted to smoke weed with me and her friend I should have gone for it she was pretty cute
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love this type of art, reminds me of wc3 loading screens
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Claire status?
Went to sleep like 30 minutes ago
Did the wiggers fall asleep these threads are dead now I guess they forgot to pay for indians to cover the morning shift
Don't yell at your mom "BUT MOM THE JEWS YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAAAAND" don't alienate people with shit like that, don't break up with your girlfriend because she doesn't love Hitler enough, don't burn bridges, etc.

Most of what Sam tells people not to do and hates on the most is everything he's done and absolutely hates himself for, wants to murder his past self for doing, not even suicide, murder himself.
He should tell people not to groom 15 year old girls or blow trannies
She harvested a lot of delicious loosh from haley and shadi today, she will have a maxed mana bar when she wakes up and be ready to unleash all kinds of psychic blasts.
his reaction to Simmons up to and including making gun gestures at his head from behind him unironically probably has to do with that, beyond just being sanctimonious performative posturing for clout and ratings (and hatred for the fact he's a chink drag queen)
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>tsundere gf
I want to start a new kind of spiritual convent for intelligent girls like Claire.
its called goop
kaliacc nina jezza nicole connorcord
Taylor is so fucking cringe and ugly
I need Claire
I need to watch her and know what she's doing at all times
I need a mental connection to her brain so I can see out her eyes and now miss a thing
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let's go
which of these lovely ladies do you think is responsible for that snoring?

do you think it's the 300 pound linebacker from down under?
its called a basement cage.
So Shadi's meta bullshit arguing gets her thrown in the cell today right?
Shout out turkey tom
i don't think he had those particular problems, unless you count the break with adult swim, which seems like a bridge he really enjoyed burning (unlike sam and charls)
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someone is moaning on cam 2
A totalizing mental connection with Claudia, one through which you experience her Being, her senses becoming yours, the feeling of her fingers set beside themselves at the ends of her hands at the ends of her arms, yours and more, her inner working machinations spinning her web across this game with her clever Ninaesque gaslights and lies, imagine embodying that all and feeling the primal process of HHHHHUUUWWAAAAAAAAAKKK-ing phlegm into a collate projectile globule for TUAAAAH-ing into the surface of an asshole, which, being lubricated, is prepared for your protrusive beak nose to investigate the internal ring of
But jimmy liked shadi and haley who do the same thing
shoutout to having only 1 bullet left so you're forced to put moistcritikal and turkey tom head to head and shoot through their lined up necks
Heckian prose
Brian is a faggot
>there are people in here who don't realize season 2 got the bad, most cynical ending
>like omg out names like rhyme WOOOOO you go girlie!
Hey guys Scott here

What should I do today?
fishtank legend
It did, the good ending would've been giving the grand prize to Greg, the only non-fan in the house.
She said tonight is her last sober night
Trish is an ugly whore
Yes her only redeeming quality is that she's ashamed of being a whore, yet she can't stop fucking.
subvert expectations and be oddly charming and not rapey
Shinji was a nonfan. Especially after pelsonal item destroy
tayjeet lashing out
at last i can get some stuff done
You're wrong.
Probably rape by I guess
>pelsonal item
too much
damn, duanyay shaming trish in the cell was one of her roughest moments for real, she looked catatonic. even her bitchy sister donated tts with mental support
He talks in text like how he talks in real life. He will start rambling about something that nobody knows about or gives a shit about after saying something relatively intelligible.
That's why we like her
Buy your wife flowers and beg her not to divorce you.
who is this? claire?
Nah I dont think this is true. There were lots of theories about people that they were putting up an act or playing a character and fooling everyone. But it never turned out to be real, you cant put up an act for that long under the stress of 24/7 surveillance. It was always that people really were just stupid and petty. I think Claire is gonna crash out at some point and pull a Betty/Summer. Hopefully she decides to just stop putting herself on the internet though, that would be the best thing to do

The only case where it was true was Letty, and even then its not like it was a masterful deception, it was just her getting shit on constantly by everyone and production constantly reassuring her behind the scenes that they werent gonna just cut her loose with nothing at the end and would give her money.
yeah and that's me on the right. jealous?
I feel bad for his mom. She looks like a sweet old lady. Sexy for her age too. Mmm yea Jimmy's mom fapfapfap has got it going on fapfapfap
Post the image I know you have it saved.
Summers black boyfriend 2.0 incoming, I can feel it
The one and only, soaking up magnetic radiation from the TV while she regenerates and visits her spiritual guides on the astral plane.
has betty killed herself yet?
Maybe next season
whose sleeping in bed next to Juliana and is Cleh and Abi sleeping in bed together
Imagine buying his shirt
>whose sleeping in bed next to Juliana
>is Cleh and Abi sleeping in bed together
no, abi went to bed early and everyone else yapped for hours. claire is in the dog bed
fat retard australian lady

and not yet they havent realised their love for each other
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>whose sleeping in bed next to Juliana
Der ogre
>and is Cleh and Abi sleeping in bed together
not this time, but maybe tonight.
very reliable sources are telling me that claire and abi are both having romantic dreams about each other right now
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the seed has been sown
Claire is not a B*TCH and deserves to be a FISH in SEASON 3!
I want to eat Haley's lasagna.
claire and abi in the tj taylor role for 3.5 or i activate the device
I've never seen a girl that is as autistic as Abi that wasn't also a gross mouth breathing sperglord
somehow she has the good autism
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Cryokeen is not a pussy and deserves to be on Season 3
i get the feeling her looks carry her a lot. we dont know if she smells or not
It's not autism, it's just being raised by grandparents, old people are often sweet but very blunt.
If aperture can successfully sneak around in the bushes of the fishtank house so can I. I think I could probably sleep in the old camp tents jon was hiding from tts in during the day.
>It's not autism
nigga her friend was sobbing about wanting to kill herself and her solution was to blow bubbles
she's giga autistic
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I found an old pic of Kato and Cleh!!!
Turns out they have been lifelong homies :0
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>It's not autism
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Haley said the nigger word and has already had a few panty slips, how long until this dirty abuela takes her clothes off? It's not like she has any actual prospects to fall back on.
That faggot ass should never post on the internet ever again.
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I was raised by my grandparents and am probably a little bit autistic.

I would not know how to comfort her beyond going "uh... yeah... that sucks... sorry... yeah..."

I would not blow bubbles. Abi is autistic and age regressive as fuck.
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It's cute autism!
Why do the AbiTrannies do nothing but infantilize Abi? It's fucking weird.
She's not autistic or endearing, or even weird. You're the weird one.
It actually makes sense that these pathetic Abi x Claire posters are nothing but vile trannies
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So are ALL the episodes going live today or are they gonna be faggots and dripfeed it over like eight months.
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Kato is so powerful. 22 fucking percent. Our goth footqueen.
The way to tell if its genuine is how they act outside the tank. Outside the tank Abi ran a boring ass stream and didn't do any of the very easy things she could have done that would have gotten her more money. Potentially an actual lot of money.

Proving that her autism is genuine and shes not putting on an act. She is just like that
This post makes me feel like playing a nice relaxing game of smugglers run.
*smashes your toys*
have i missed something? what episodes
claire is mine. fuck off you losers.
so josie isn't autistic?
arent the full episodes going live today for S2?
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you may not like it but this is the core of the show now
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nontent transexual prying mantis that sometimes looks good depending on the angle
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Claire is carrying as per usual.
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>smuggler's run music kicks in
we're gonna need a bake right about now
Why would they?
Josie has cringe unaware autism, not the aloof kind like abi.
Why is production running damage control for Scott the rapist by swinging the vote in his favor?
the "did they fuck in the bathroom" poll was at 90% "yes" 15 seconds in when it mysteriously reversed completely to 90% "no", which must have been at least a 1000 token swing in under a second.
(police sirens blare)
Josie is autistic but shes also genuinely ambitious (in her own way). She is scared of putting herself out there and trying to stream and make a career of it, but she pushed through that and did it. She had her stream set up right, had bits prepared (lots of them and kept coming up with new ones), had donations/tts ready and encouraged the paypigs well. Organized orbiters to do shit for her. She is of course still self sabotaging a bit in that the best thing for her career would have been to stream every single fucking day all day. Thats the number one thing to make it as a streamer, you have to put in the hours. She was too nervous to do that and had to psyche herself up for relatively short streams.

The fact Abi couldnt even be bothered to do that proves how autistic and not ambitious she is. I honestly dont know what she is hoping to get out of this whole thing actually
you have no idea how much i wish that were true. if abigail had a cock there would be nothing on this earth that would stop me from going to her location, taking off her pants, sucking that thing raw and swallowing every drop
kys josiepedo
Migrate also I'm taking a nap you niggas have to bake for yourselves

How does being autistic prevent you from being ambitious, also Josie doesn't want to be a streamer she wants to be a "youtuber" (dead end)
josie left the show with legions of fans, "britney" left the show with virtually none, that's the main difference
S1, S2, S2.5 and now this were always about fleecing the paypigs for every cent and delivering the absolute bare minimum. Jet only cares about making money, followed by pissing off /ftl/ because he thinks it's funny. And yet he steals ideas from /ftl/ threads and production has been doing this since day 3 S1.
So long as Fishtank exists and is making money, WP2 is never getting released. WP2 is now a desperate contingency for more money.
Wtf are you talking about how is what I said in favor of Josie. Im saying she leveraged her fans well in lauching an internet career and debatedly took advantage of them a bit. But thats what all streamers have to do.

Thats part of what Im talking about, the money isnt in the making curated 10 minute youtube videos anymore its in streaming slop. Therefore any serious person who wants to make a career will stream for many hours every day. Josie really tried to do that, but her anxiety and autism prevent her from being able to make a proper career out of it. Therefore she is claiming to want to be a youtuber but really I think she realises she cant hack it

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