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Fucking hell, Wesley is still kino

Don't even bother with Mahersala Ali. Just give us a full length old man Blade. This nig stole the whole show
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BLADE vs Lady Deathtrike and Azazel

Supremely based. Impressive just how much reverence Reynolds gave him in the movie
>Deathstrike goes down in one hit
SOVLless. This is even worse than when they brought back Antje Traue just to let unhinged tranny "Flash" clown on her and not give her a single line.
wow look at all those supermenz going pewpew it's just like No Way Home
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>motherfuckers still tryna ice skate uphill
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GAMBIT (Channing Tatum) fight showcase
Does Blade say retard in the movie? Heard he does but don't want to build up false expectations.
Great now I can avoid the movie
You know what happens to a motherfucker who tries to ice skate uphill?

The same thing that happens to everything else.
Yes, when they first meet him he gets confused by what Deadpool says & thinks he said retarded
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yes, deadpool says he thought he retired in an accent. Blade immediately confuses it with retard. deadpool corrects him, not wanting to get cancelled .

top left corner is him saying retard. snipes delivery is actually pretty funny
Weet ik
This looks dumb. They just stand around like a dizzy videogame character until they simultaneously explode.
I kind of love they just went ahead and did his comic book outfit
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the collab that saved /tv/
fucking kek
What are you lookin at? Wuss.
Hey look I'm spinnin! I'm spinnin!
Okay, joke's over, cut it out.
Why didn't they translate 'retard' as 'achterlijk'?
He gave a fuck about foxmen lol
>He bought?
>Weet ik.
nigga it’s a fucking movie, nigga it’s a super hero movie. It’s supposed to be fun and to look fun. I’m tired of all you bunch of dumbass complaining about dumb stuff like
>muh they don’t move they just stand there muh it’s unrealistic
They could get killed in a more entertaining way than lining up patiently like cows at the slaughterhouse.
Yeah, thats why theres a bunch of scenes with creative kills.
Fucking dutch really is nothing but a germanic dialect.
Yes, mediocrity should be encouraged. Enjoy your shit sandwich.
>Fucking dutch really is nothing but a germanic dialect
Yes? Thats essentially every fucking germanic language, retard.
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Still looks better than Nu Wars.
Why is this nigga throwing his deck of Magic the Gathering cards
How many times did ur phone autocorrect OFC to KFC, darkie
I clapped when the guy from that movie beat up the guy from that other movie
Gambit doesn't summon cards, he just loads them with kinetic energy.
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I feel bad for toad.
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He looks like the suicide tranny wojak.
fuck toad
If Blade is in this movie's universe, does this mean that Hannibal King, played by Reynolds, is also in this movie where there is Deadpool, played by Reynolds?
I know it's a shitty camrip, but still, there's something off about the last few frames where he stabs him in the head. It's like they didn't get the movement quite right during the actual shooting (the hand moved too slowly or awkwardly stopped before visible contact?) and they tried to fix it in post by removing a few frames.
There are more cuts in this webm than there are seconds. How do people enjoy this? It's nauseating.
By the look of it he's loading the whole deck at once, only realistic explanation bruh.
>Blade still the greatest
how embarassing for the rest of Marvel
Dutch subtitle guys are cancerfucked retarded, half of the fucking time they try to condense what is being said instead of making a word for word translation. Fuckers are pretending English sentence structure is radically different from Dutch, which it isn't.
>t. speak extensive dutch due to my job and know bilingual Dutchies whose first language is English telling me subtitles suck
This movie actually doesn't look bad desu, I'll watch it when it comes out online
>buy into Deadpool hype
>see Snipes kino
>go home
>watch Blade
>laugh at how shit modern MCU is
I do the same with my dick.
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>all the blade scenes has more blood than the entire mcu blade movie
What's absolutely mindblowing to me is that sometimes there are official ENGLISH subtitles for English-language films that rephrase and condense what is being said, simply retelling the gist of the character's phrases. It completely breaks my brain when the subtitles don't match the actual spoken words in the same language.
shut the fuck up bitch
I can process this easily. Sounds like a you problem.
Yeah, Blade still slays like 20 years ago.

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