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This team has potential, the chemistry felt pretty good.
>Dafne Keen has a perfect hourglass figure
>give her a "costume" that hides it completely
Thanks, I hate it.
kek so in addition to bringing Snipes back they actually fucking got Channing Tatum as Gambit?
I would rather just have a solo Blade movie in the style of the first two without superhero shit just vampires
I hate Tatum.
Also Reynolds.
And their/my generation, to be honest.
>they actually fucking got Channing Tatum as Gambit?
Knowing how badly Tatum fought to get that aborted Gambit movie to happen, Marvel could've offered him a sandwich to do it and he'd say yes.
I can't imagine what sort of pathetic adult would care about capeshit in 2024
same type of loser that posts here
>z-list capeshit team with le ebin redditpool
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many such cases
Oh shut up! why do you care what he wants. Ended up being a big headed fuck up that ruined it for the real fans of Gambit like me.
Hurts my soul because X-23 has been consistently hot in almost all her comics, even the really bad ones (aka nearly all of them).
So they make his costume look shit and dont add the black and red eyes, im out, one job to make Gambit look cool and why have him wihtout his Romantic partner to which he's married to in the comics, Rogue
Yeah I'm thinking the MCU is back baby, who let these /pol/tards on this board?
How come this group looks much better than whatever new Avengers Marvel is trying to push?
Because she is the X-23 of the Logan movie, she isn't a X-Men, she has no suit, she just wear regular clothes.
probably the most reddit thing i've seen in a long while
my name jeff
torrent when? don't tell me it actually released early in theatres like some kind of 1950's picture.
Kino Gambit.

Who’s the far right chick supposed to be?
Snipes still got it.
Is that Jennifer Garner's Elektra on the right?
Is that fucking Wesley Snipes?
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For one moment I thought Channing Tantum was young Bruce Willis (when he had hair).
black red eyes would look disgusting
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fuck yeah it is.
though it was this zesty cake from blood diamond and gladiator and first, but it really was snipes
This shit kills me. Same with her character in the Acolyte. It's beyond obvious wardrobe and makeup are going out of their way to deliberately frump her up. Such a waste.
why all have some comic counterpart costume but X23 just looks like a normal person?
everything to avoid male gaze, also nowadays women that haven't reached age 25 yet are considered underage by jewlywood
she wore those clothes in some comics
yeah and logan wore a tuxedo, and spider-man wore a viking attire, my point is that's not her recognizable costume
well incel not everyone wants to sexualize actresses
They could put her in low rise jeans and a croptop
Yeah that's only for the studio bigwigs.
I loved blade on the PS1.
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>>perfect hourglass figure
So when they were talking about surprised appearances it's Snipes & Tatum instead of Taylor and Blake
Hummina hummina.
Pretty much yeah, they even let Snipes take a shot at the current state of MCU blade too which is based.
Matthew Mconahey voices a Cowboy Deadpool. I don't think anybody leaked that.
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Better than Anya.
>Snipes getting to say some motherfuckers always trying to iceskate up hill
I basedpogged
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holy mother of god
Cameos are the best part of the movie.
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Ah yes the famous costume she wore as a member of the x-men in Logan. If anything she kept her costume with the goofy ass glasses she wore in that movie.

Seeing AoA logan was pretty based as was the comic accurate 5 ft 1 version of Hugh
as a heterosexual man I can say you are a fucking woman or gay
I prefer this, because I can tell she would be insecure and not be an egotistical hoe and cheat on me. Anya has tradwife potential. The point is the heart, not the pussy.
Does Tatum actually do a Cajun accent?
>not be an egotistical hoe and cheat on me
She's a rich Hollywood celeb. She's totally going to be an egotistical hoe and cheat on you.
Thats Big Jenniger Garner to you mister, AKA Dr. Aquafresh, AKA Ka with a K not a C, KaKaKaKaKaaaa.
Untrue. You sound more closed-minded than she likely has the potential to be.
He did yeah, and the gag was deadpool couldn't understand a word he said
The world Laura comes from is one where the X-Men are all long gone, there are no costumed super heroes.
It's real faggot
Jenifer Garner's Elektra
shame they all died
I like Snipes and Tatum. They'll work well alongside Reynolds if the script is any good. Trying to get my hopes up for this one. Capeshit is due for its once per decade watchable flick
where 2 watch camrip?
I've only been using fmovies for this shit I'm too lazy for anything else
Just realized anon thinks this picture is unflattering.
ahh yes the bogged face at age 24 is a huge sign of traditional wife material... holy shit you're a faggot. just fuck dudes and kys already fag
Wrong pic sorry bros. But yeah I can play guitar and I also have a cool mustache.
Is this shopped?
Who's on the far right?
i'll never understand posers showing off their pristine unused musical instruments
Where to watch? Where to watch?
There's no such thing as a cool mustache.
all I want to know is how woke it is
Deadpool 1 was ok except for the gay shit at the end
the sequel was pretty woke and I didn't finish it
Theyre all dead nigga
Jennifer Gardner felt really out of place. I'm guessing they felt like they HAD to have a woman but couldn't think of anyone else.
Deadpool does a BLACK LIVES MATTER CHANT and at one point Wolverine takes off his mask, looks directly into the camera, and says "protect trans kids"
She was just a tiny child in Logan when people saw her first so you are pedo if you find her attractive now
>ITT faggots unironically shilling for the latest capeshit
Why did the tva only save x-23 at the end of the movie and not Gambit and Blade and Electra?
>it's centrist
sign me up!
There are like 1000 logic inconsistencies in the movie. I still have no idea how wolverine and deadpool holding hands and getting incinerated saved the world.
Wesley was awesome. Stole the whole show.
They also mention Reed, Magneto, Punisher and Daredevil, but they all died off-screen. Kinda wish they had Affleck's Daredevil and Jane's The Punisher (The Russian from that movie is one of Cassandra Nova's minions tho).
>HAD to have a woman
Nah, this is all planned out. Elektra was here to test the waters to see if they should have a bigger Elektra focus on Disney+ shows, with Daredevil coming back. If everyone loves Elektra, there we go, new female character to get a cheap show with built in crossover potential with Daredevil. If no one cares about Elektra, they pretend she doesn't exist.

Same with Blade. This wasn't a send off to Wesley Snipes, this was a way to hype it up and bring the name back to attention before they release the new Blade movie.
It seemed like it had no pozzed bullshit, it was like a capeshit from 2016. It was not doing any woke signaling compared to dp2
They did. They returned them back to their universes. Johnny is dead tho.
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Blade - "I don't like you"
Deadpool - "You never did"
Give me a chuckle.
who the fuck is taylor and blake?
How the hell did he get Snipes back?
i'm really excited for next product bros
Nah, nobody cares about Elektra. Blade and Gambit on the other hand...
>there will only ever be one blade
based snipes
Money and he likes the character.
Secret Wars should go all out with this cameo shit. Bring Blade and Gambit back from this. Get a load of random people from old super hero movies.
What I understood from the end is that the TVA simply sent blade, elektra and gambit to their own universes offscreen but since wolverine and laura had nothing going on, they went with wade to his universe
X-23 is from the same universe as Deadpool. Shes the same one from Logan.
What about Toby?
who should the villains be
Not getting the original X-Men back for one final big scene makes zero sense. People keep saying because of budget but none of those guys are super busy and I'm sure it wouldn't have cost that much to get them back for a single scene.
It's sad that the only thing enjoyable about modern capeshit is seeing random cameos.
Cyclops, Storm and Rogue were extremly lame in movies. No need to bring them back.
How did this Wolverine fail the X-Men? I missed that part entirely. Why was he the worst Wolverine?
one anon said he got drunk and didnt show up when they needed him so they all got killed
The movie has too many faggot jokes.
they already did that in dofp and it was a great scene, pretty lame to try and top that for a joke
>i got drunk and the team got wiped
That's it? I thought it'd be the Wolverine (Old Man Logan) that kills the entire X-Men from Mysterio's bullshit.
Old Man Logan makes a cameo for a few seconds but the main Wolverine has nothing to do with him. They never really say what happened with the main Wolverine's X-Men team; just a bunch of vague bullshit. Just that he left them, they all died, and he went into a berserker rage and killed a bunch of people.
i'm watching it right now normal wolverine shit, he got shit faced came back to the mansion everyones dead he went beserker but doesn't really matter as the teams was already dead, the idea of course being if he had been their instead of off getting shitfaced he could've killed the bad guys and saved them, kinda dark though as it wasn't just the team it was the entire mansion all the kids too, he saved no-one
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how? don't they have superpowers?
you're surprised humans in x-men made devices and weapons to kill mutants? do you know the first thing about the x-men setting?
cyclops and charles couldn't do anything just because wolverine was drinking in a bar??
X23 should have had a costume like she wears in the videogames
you haven't seen x-men 2?
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She's way too hot for Disney
well in any attack on the x--men you take out professor x and cyclops first then storm, jean, beast, in that order
Looks gay and retarded.
>it's not an hourglass figure!
>posts profile shot
you must be 18+ to post here
I dont get how Deadpool is in same universe as Logan when all the Xmen are dead in Logan but the asian girl and he gf are still alive in deadpool and wolverine
Theres a lot of gay references and even an anal fisting scene but its all done in humour and with the understanding deadpool is actually straight, its just childish humour
My name is Jeff
they died many years after deadpool 1 and 2 are set how do you not get that?
if you watch D2 with your anus closed they explain this
in that case then there is 2 Logans alive in deadpools universe at the end of this movie
Some people take care of their instruments
huh good point lol
clearly you've never seen tombstone
I think Cassandra was very hot.
yes you are fake and gay, pol/tard/

That's because those movies focused mostly on Wolverine with the X-Men as side characters, with First class and Apocalypse being the exceptions.
It doesn't seem likely that an opponent capable of wiping out the entire X-Men without Wolverine would have been saved had Wolverine just been there.
Even vaguely described makes it sound retarded.
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thats because you've never read or even seen any x-men anything, thats a regular thing, bad guys storm in with a plan to disable prof-x and cyclops and the rest of the a-team, plan doesn't work on wolverine because he's wolverine and or the bad guys disregard him as the lesser threat then the others because he's jut a dumb brute, he then saves/rescues the others and they beat the bad guys, this specific plot has happened countless times
>/tv/ pretends to hate the MCU
>over 10 threads on the frontpage about this movie
and they are getting filled
lmfao everyone hates the mcu it sucks ass, that might be why everyone wants to talk about this film because its not mcu trash
Well it would have been nice to make a specific reference to any one of these scenarios.
Xmen movies dont count as mcu
you're ignorance is not the movies problem, its yours, you are aware of the x-men characters that aren't in the movie and their power set but have no idea of the setting or general stories in said stories, so stop pretending to get butthurt over something you don't have any clue about
>you see this is okay because its a different brand of capeshit
The New Avengers West Coast movie lookin sick
>a different brand of capeshit
yes it is, did you not realize the mcu shit is not all superhero movies you...you did realize that right?
did you really think all capeshit was made by disney?

Motherfucker it was normal clothes
xmen movies started when I was 10 years old so its ok
Elektra hit the wall hard. needs a recast ASAP. Laura looking good as hell though.
Wesley sought the Blade license from Marvel not the other way around, the trilogy was his production (less so in the 3rd movie)
doesnt matter its retarded
no it isn't you're retarded
Very typical for disney. Their costumes are so modest.
They're old, fat and/or bogged
Yeah, sure. Show the Guitar Center receipt.
This could have easily been explained as being an alternate Wolverine who chose to spare Jean Grey instead of killing her from X-men 3 Sparing Jean Grey's Dark Phoenix leads to the Bad Ending in his universe dooming them. But nah, let's go with "dude I got drunk and everyone died because they were useless without me lol". Retarded!
i was just hoping we'd get Sophie Turner and her fine ass in this as Jean. all those old actors are hideous keep them out the MCU please
she bogged
she did?
i thought it's just her ruining her body of work with alcohol and drugs despite having a kid at home
Dark Phoenix kills any timeline in real life too, she's a franchise killer, nah fuck that never ever use dark phoenix
>she just wear regular clothes.
When Keen wears regular clothes in real life she doesn't dress in formless sacks
then where is Dark Phoenix? you don't understand story telling at all, the no1 thing everyone would be waiting for is for the Phoenix to arrive, is that you brett ratner? you're a fucking idiot
Oblivion is trash. You have shit taste in film and you can't play guitar.
Hey retard, normal clothes that the director tells you to wear in a movie is a "costume".
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is my girl part of the MCU, bros? can she be on one of the teams?
jesus blade looks like he has aids
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Old Wesley looks like a goddamn popsicle
Time is a cruel mistress
The only people who would recognise cameos like Blade and Electra are all old boomers in their 30s and 40s. I thought mcu movies are for younger people?
That’s like saying all computer are shit because Apple is shit
They say the word "retarded" which I thought would never happen again
Yeah Blade said it. Was pretty funny because boomers like him do still say that irl with no fucks given.
He really hadnt mkssed a beat
they should just have snipes do a new blade movie.
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it is truly a waste
Literally perfect

Look at the subtle tummy kino
every big mcu movie is like this
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>Hurrr comic outfits are unrealistic and women wouldn't really wear anything like that durrrrr wearing the same janitor suit in different colors are better because I'm a fat ugly piece of shit that no sane man would ever touch durrrrrr

This is an actual quote from the repulsive sows who make the decisions in hollywoke.
Deadpool makes multiple jokes about how he's 'gonna be cancelled by the woke mob' such as when Blade mishears him and says 'he's retarded?' at one point
Deadpool also makes a joke early on about how he's listing all his liberal political positions when he's casually talking to someone at his family reunion (to make fun of the kind of people who actually do this) so I dunno if I would really call it woke
they also still never make Deadpool bisexual and his whole motive throughout the film is trying to win his gf back so make of that what you will
>I thought mcu movies are for younger people?
you kidding?
the whole shtick of capeshit is that it appeals to the adult demographic. they took something that was previously exclusively consumed by children and young teenagers decades prior and popularized it with young and old adults by making the costumes, plot, scenery and dialogue just serious enough for it to fly. nolan was the first or one of the first to start it with his batman flicks.
so no, while the mcu and capeshit flicks in general do their best to make their movies appealing for all ages, the core demographic are young boomers, people with money and a need for comic book nostalgia.
it's for people who used to consume superhero cartoons during their youth from the 80s up until the late 90s and are now well in their 30s to 50s or older even, but deep inside refuse to grow up but instead still want to relive that cozy saturday afternoon feeling they had when watching cartoons on tv. the plots usually consist of shallow escapism, there's tons of witty one-liners, dry humor, old timey music, and boomer references.
capeshit made a fortune by realizing there was this niche and pumping out tons of interconnected flicks, just like the comic authors used to do back in the day.
No, anon, that's a waist
That Wolverine hated the "tackyness" of the X-Men, especially the costume, so he spent most of his time out getting drunk. Like that other anon said he returned one day to find the mansion taken over by humans and all the X-Men dead. So in anger he killed them all, then went on a rampage and killed humans indiscriminately, causing people in his world to hate mutants more than ever because of him and essentially ruining Xavier's dream. Wolverine always wears his yellow suit after that as a constant reminder of the people he allowed to die and the ideal he ruined. It's actually pretty well done imo
I know she's old but how desexed was Elektra's costume?
That makes way more sense thank you for explaining it better.
Since it was a reference fuckfest he could as well said that
why the fuck does blade look like a retarded version of meteor man
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>not playing this for blades fight scene
is /pol/ in the room with us?
But people don't just want Blade back. They want Snipes as Blade back.
yeah, momentarily. not watching this faggot movie
where is the cam rip faggots
what is iptorrents doing
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Looks like there is already a cam rip available, not sure how good the quality is.
The biggest star was 54 when it ended
Dude, it's over. This was a goodbye for FOX's Marvel run.
huh? what ended?
>There's only one blade, there's only ever gunna be one blade

I think he's back bros
ill only accept that if we get an elektra 2
Fan service was great but mad at a few things, great movie though. Best one in years. Anyways,

>X-23 not in her outfit
>No Ben Affleck Daredevil
>Not showing the rest of the OG F4 team

It was great, just wish they had them..
I made an unironic onions face throughout the entire film.

Question to any comic book nerds how did they save X-23 at the end? They just yanked her out and put her in Deadpool Primeverse?
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My GOD! Look at those BUDGETS!
nice hips, shame she has face of 30yo crackwhore
>No Ben Affleck Daredevil
they couldnt afford him, and i dont think hed be a good sport about it
Brie Larson is kinda hot desu
i have no fucking idea, they managed to end the bad bitch so everything was reversed and saved i guess. i thought everyone who stayed behind in that limbo dimension was fried
I thought the same thing. Missed opportunity.
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If this doesn't activate your desire to breed, you are unironically gay or a woman
We never saw them getting swallow by Alioth so they could still be alive. Remember that when alioth showed up the first time, he was only going after Deadpool and wolverine, the rest of Cassandra minions who were also at the spot were just fine.
the perfect Magik, and they wasted the opportunity
Didn't Deadpool request that they all got home at the end when the TVA boss lady turns up?
It's kinda uncanny that despite being basically white with no indian genetics, she still has that American latina girl face.
Deadpool asked the TVA to save the squad from the void. TVA seemed to agree, I got the impression being in the void is like an unfair treatment that the real TVA wouldn't approve of and only a corrupt dude like Paradox would send people there
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good lord
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>no Negasonic Teenage Warhead
she looks like generic trailer trash, with the FAS face to boot
camrip when?
You are such a faggot it’s incomprehensible
where's henry cavill? Is he immediately killed off like brad pitt's cameo?
So who was the body double in the witch?
instant primal instinct to breed just kicked in
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>she looks like generic trailer trash
Call me a racoon then, cause I'm gonna dig that bin to the bottom.
yes and they make fun of his acting and casting in the movie
It's just a reaction image retard
Haven't watched it
I've played for 22 years and Istill consider myself shit at it
M ilker
C inematic
U niverse
it actually wasn't that pozzed outside of talking about homosexual sex constantly
There's something gross about her
weird they didn't just show a flashback with them
Humans went to kill and the mutants. Wolverine was drunk at a bar while it happened. When Wolverine found their bodies he began to massacre humans
the TVA guy says "this wolverine failed his whole world" which implies it that he failed to kill thanos or that he didn't act to destroy dark phoenix
that movie came out like 7 years ago. i doubt most people remember the people who showed up to deadpool's party
Enjoyed the Team. But I do think it needed one more member to balance out the X-Men characters. David Hasselhoff as Nick Fury anyone? Maybe Howard the Duck? Me personally I would've added a Marvel Super Sentai (Japanese Spider-Man for the win)character to really bring live action Marvel content full circle. Make a meta joke about Disney accidentally owning Power Rangers from Fox. With a quick history lesson of Stan Lee trying to bring Sentai to America before Saban.
Yikes Channing Tatum's Faggot face
Where's Psylocke?
I like Gambit and I also like Tatum, I just don't like Tatum being Gambit. Taylor was better, I wonder were is he now
Psylocke is briefly in the movie but i think they got some random actress to play her. it wasn't olivia munn
This Anon wins the thread!
She's on the villain side alongside Juggernaut (different actor) Toad and someone else (Azreal?)
>Robert returns to advertise me a blender I cannot purchase once more
>sitcom laugh track of Indians laughing at every unfunny Deadpool joke about media hollywood reference jargon
I keked

This is the right way to watch goyslop on 10 levels of startling irony.

I'm glad I didn't go to the theatre
holy shit mahershwarma ali just got turbo cucked
He even says something along the lines of
>There's only one Blade
That looks my like my unborn sister who was never conceived and should never be concievedat the same time as looking like my mom at her frumpiest and ugliest she has never been
Why didn't they give Blade his jacket? Blade always has a cool ass jacket.
who's on the right next to deadpool?
X23 GirlBossverine the Sonoran HotDog
I want another Blade movie with him now, he’s still got the look.
Ben Affleck's ex wife
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It reminds me of when I watched MoS in potato quality with a spanish dub and awful subtitles. Man that shit was 1000x more entertaining than the the real thing. Also The Raid with those weird subs is a experience every kinoisseur must watch at least once in life.
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Just like the simulations
It would've been nice, somebody else would have to play kitty because ellen page became a tranny
during a discussion over different versions of themselves, the line was something like

"There's only been ONE Blade... and there always ever will be."

best moment of the movie
yeah, I'm here. i still liked the movie though. i don't have to be contrarian about everything
>the Sonoran HotDog
Also checked
kek'd 'n check'd

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